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Bağırsak sağlığının iyi olması, buzağının yemdeki besinleri verimli bir şekilde kullanmasını sağlayarak, onlara güçlü, istikrarlı ve sağlıklı bir başlangıç sağlar. Ancak, buzağının bağırsağında mikroskobik seviyede bir mücadele devam ederken, buzağının gerçek genetik potansiyeline ulaşmasına yardımcı olmak, genellikle söylendiği kadar kolay değildir. İneklerde ve buzağılarda bağırsak sağlığını anlamak ve sürünüzün sağlığı konusunda daha proaktif bir üretici olmak, işletmenizin genel verimliliğini ve başarısını etkileyecektir.
Bir hayvanın gastrointestinal sistemi milyarlarca bakteriden oluşur. Bu bakteri popülasyonu hem bazı patojenik bakterilerden hem de hayvan için faydalı olan diğer bakterilerden oluşur. Sağlıklı bir bağırsakta, bu bakteriler birbirlerini dengede tutar. Bağırsak sağlığı sorunları, bu denge bozulduğunda ve zararlı bakteriler, faydalı bakterilerden sayıca fazla olduğunda başlar.
Zararlı bakterilerin sorun yaratması için önce bağırsağa tutunmaları ve orada çoğalmaya başlamaları gerekir. Antibiyotikler zararlı bakterileri öldürür, ancak faydalı bakterileri de öldürebilirler, bu nedenle buzağılarda bağırsak sağlığını ele alırken farklı, daha proaktif bir yaklaşım benimsemek faydalı olabilir.
Bağırsak sağlığını desteklemek için zararlı bakterilerden kurtulurken faydalı bağırsak bakterilerini korumak çok önemlidir.
İyi bağırsak sağlığının sığırlar için birkaç yönden faydaları vardır, bunlardan bazıları şunlardır:
Büyüyen buzağıların sağlığı için faydalı bağırsak bakterilerinin korunması çok önemlidir.
Geleneksel görüşe göre, bağırsak sindirim sisteminin sadece bir parçasıdır. Ancak, aynı zamanda bağışıklık sisteminin aktif bir bileşeni olduğunu da biliyoruz.
Bağırsağın ikili işlevi göz önüne alındığında, buzağılarda optimum bağırsak sağlığına ulaşmanın bir yolu, faydalı bakterileri teşvik etmek ve doğal savunmaları desteklemek için oluşturulmuş bir yem katkısı kullanmaktır. Hayvan sağlığına yönelik bu önleyici yaklaşım, hasta buzağı sayısını azaltmaya ve dolayısıyla antibiyotik tedavilerinin miktarını da azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir. Bu, üreticilerin yoğun buzağılama sezonunda değerli zaman ve paradan tasarruf etmesini sağlayabilir.
Son 20 yıldır Alltech, beslenme teknolojilerini kullanan yönetim uygulamalarını ve bu teknolojilerin buzağı sağlığı ve performansı üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendiren bilimsel denemeler yürütmüştür. Örneğin, belirli yüksek kaliteli prebiyotiklerin buzağı bağırsak sağlığını olumlu yönde etkilediği kanıtlanmıştır. Prebiyotikler, bağırsaktaki bir veya sınırlı sayıda mikroorganizmanın büyümesini ve/veya aktivitesini seçici olarak uyaran, sindirilemeyen gıda bileşenleridir.
Güçlü buzağı bağışıklığının oluşturulması anne ile başlar
Üreticiler, sürülerinin genetiğini geliştirmeye çalışmak için çok fazla zaman ve para harcıyorlar. Hem güçlü bağışıklık sistemi gelişimi hem de sağlıklı bir gastrointestinal sisteme sahip olan buzağılar besinleri daha verimli bir şekilde kullanabilir ve genetik potansiyellerine daha iyi ulaşabilir.
Buzağıları daha sağlıklı hale getirebilir ve zararlı bakterileri dengede tutarak harcadıkları enerjiyi azaltabilirsek, daha iyi bir performans elde edebiliriz.
İyileştirilmiş bağırsak sağlığı ve gelişmiş performans ilkesinin en iyi uygulama zamanı, sütten kesme ve besi çiftliğine giriş gibi stres dönemleridir. Bu stresli zamanlar, yeni patojenlere maruz kalma ve yem alımının azaldığı dönemler nedeniyle hayvan sağlığını ve büyümesini olumsuz etkiler. Artan verimlilikten kaynaklanan gelişmiş performans, üreticinin cebine daha fazla para girmesi anlamına gelebilir.
Bu, şu şekilde elde edilebilir:
Denemeler, şüphesiz, gelişmiş buzağı sağlığı ve bağışıklığının daha iyi büyüme ve kazanımlara dönüştüğünü göstermiştir.
Beslenme teknolojilerinin kullanımında proaktif olmak ve sağlıklı bir bağırsak oluşturmak, üreticilerin buzağılarına genetik potansiyellerine ulaşmaları için ihtiyaç duydukları avantajı sağlayabilir.
Bio-Mos, bağırsak mikroflorasını normalleştirerek gastrointestinal sistemi koruyan ve bağırsak sağlığını destekleyen, faydalı mikro organizmaların çoğalmasını teşvik ederek ve vücuttaki savunma sistemini uyararak bağışıklık sisteminin gelişimine katkıda bulunan bir Alltech çözümüdür. Sağlıklı bir bağırsak sistemine sahip buzağılar, kolostrumdaki besinleri daha iyi emebilir ve katı yeme geçiş yaptıklarında yemden daha fazla faydalanabilirler ve yüksek performansı sürdürme potansiyellerini en üst düzeye çıkarabilirler.
Üreticiler, sürülerinin genetiğini geliştirmeye çalışarak çok fazla zaman ve para harcıyorlar. Hem güçlü bağışıklık sistemi gelişimi hem de sağlıklı bir gastrointestinal sisteme sahip buzağılar, besinleri daha verimli bir şekilde kullanabilir ve genetik potansiyellerine ulaşabilir. Buzağıları daha sağlıklı hale getirebilir ve zararlı bakterileri dengede tutarak harcadıkları enerjiyi azaltabilirsek, daha iyi bir performans elde edebiliriz.
Les récentes analyses de mycotoxines dans les ensilages et les grains canadiens, réalisées dans le cadre de l'analyse de la récolte canadienne Alltech 2024, révèlent une variabilité régionale importante des niveaux de contamination, l'ensilage de maïs présentant des risques particulièrement élevés.
Les mycotoxines, qui sont des substances naturelles produites par des moisissures et des champignons, sont un sujet de préoccupation pour les éleveurs de bétail, car elles peuvent influencer la qualité des aliments et, par conséquent, la santé et les performances des animaux. Malheureusement, elles sont plus répandues - et constituent un problème plus important dans l'agriculture - que jamais auparavant. Aujourd'hui, plus de 95 % des cultures sont contaminées par au moins une mycotoxine, et généralement par deux ou plus.
Comme ces toxines sont difficiles à détecter, elles peuvent causer des dommages importants à la santé des animaux avant même que les producteurs ne se rendent compte de leur présence. Un programme proactif de gestion des mycotoxines est essentiel, et la première étape consiste à savoir quelles sont les mycotoxines qui posent le plus de risques dans des régions, des cultures et des espèces spécifiques.
« Le Canada a connu un changement des conditions météorologiques par rapport à l'année dernière, en particulier des précipitations plus importantes dans les prairies », a déclaré le Dr Alexandra Weaver, responsable du soutien technique mondial pour Alltech. « En conséquence, il semble que le risque de mycotoxines dans la récolte 2024 de l'Ouest canadien soit plus élevé que l'année dernière. Nous avons également constaté un risque continu de déoxynivalénol et de zéaralénone dans l'est du Canada, ce qui peut avoir un impact sur la santé et les performances des animaux. »
Les autres résultats préliminaires de l'analyse de la récolte canadienne 2024 d'Alltech sont les suivants :
90 % des échantillons d'ensilage de maïs ont été testés positifs à la zéaralénone (ZEA), avec des niveaux maximums atteignant 1 369 ppb. Le déoxynivalénol (DON) a été détecté dans 68 % des échantillons, avec des concentrations maximales de 6 782 ppb. Les toxines T2-HT2 sont moins fréquentes (25 %), mais présentent néanmoins un risque.
Les échantillons de blé présentent une prévalence de 63 % pour le DON et de 45 % pour le ZEA, avec des niveaux de risque modérés en moyenne. Les échantillons de maïs ont été testés positifs pour le DON avec un maximum de plus de 4 ppm, avec des niveaux plus problématiques pour les porcs, les jeunes animaux et les animaux reproducteurs.
59 % des échantillons d'orge contiennent du DON, avec des niveaux maximums de 3 700 ppb. L'ensilage de maïs présente une prévalence de 100 % de ZEA, avec un pic à 1 118 ppb, et une prévalence de 64 % de DON, avec un maximum de 3 200 ppb.
88 % des échantillons d'ensilage d'orge contiennent du ZEA et 30 % du DON. Les toxines T2-HT2 sont également présentes, à hauteur d'environ 43 %. Les trois mycotoxines présentent en moyenne un risque faible, mais avec un potentiel de niveaux de risque plus élevés dans certains échantillons.
L'ensilage d'orge présente des risques moindres, le ZEA étant détecté dans environ 22 % des échantillons. L'ensilage de maïs présente un risque plus élevé de ZEA, dans 100 % des échantillons testés, avec une détection maximale de plus de 700 ppb. L'ensilage de maïs présente également une présence de DON et de toxines T2-HT2.
Colombie-Britannique :
Les échantillons d'ensilage de maïs révèlent la présence de plusieurs mycotoxines de Fusarium , dont le DON, les toxines T2-HT2, le ZEA et des mycotoxines émergentes. En moyenne, le DON, les toxines T2-HT2 et le ZEA ont été détectés à un risque faible à modéré pour les vaches laitières. Toutefois, certains échantillons d'ensilage ont révélé des niveaux de risque élevés de DON et de toxines T2-HT2.
Dans l'ensemble, les tests effectués au début de la récolte suggèrent que l'ensilage de maïs pourrait être un produit à risque plus élevé dans l'ensemble du Canada. En outre, l'orge pourrait présenter une plus grande prévalence de mycotoxines, et à des concentrations plus élevées, que le blé. Bien qu'il soit trop tôt pour fournir des détails sur le maïs grain. il faut rappelé aux producteurs que le maïs est généralement exposé au risque de contamination par les mycotoxines. Les producteurs d'animaux et d'aliments pour animaux doivent donc faire preuve d'une vigilance constante à l'égard des sources d'alimentation en grains et en ensilage.
Alltech organisera une émission en direct intitulée « From Field to Feed : 2024 Crop and Mycotoxin Analysis », le 21 novembre à 10h00 EST, en direct siège social d'Alltech à Lexington, Kentucky, États-Unis :
Inscrivez-vous en ligne sur pour assister à la diffusion en direct et pour accéder au programme complet d'analyse des récoltes, ainsi qu'au rapport canadien complet lorsqu'il sera publié. Pour plus d'informations sur les solutions de gestion des mycotoxines d'Alltech, visitez le site
Recent mycotoxin testing in Canadian silages and grains, conducted as part of the Alltech 2024 Canadian Harvest Analysis, is revealing significant regional variability in contamination levels, with corn silage showing particularly high risks.
Mycotoxins, which are natural substances produced by moulds and fungi, are a concern for livestock producers as they can influence feed quality and subsequent animal health and performance. Unfortunately, they are more prevalent — and more of a problem in agriculture — than ever before. More than 95% of crops today are contaminated with at least one mycotoxin, and usually two or more.
Because these toxins are difficult to detect, they can cause significant damage to animal health before producers even realize they are present. A proactive mycotoxin management program is essential, and the first step is learning which mycotoxins pose the highest risk in specific regions, crops and species.
“Canada has experienced a change in weather patterns from last year, particularly of note the greater rainfall across the prairies,” said Dr. Alexandra Weaver, global technical support for Alltech. “As a result, there appears to be greater mycotoxin risk in the Western Canada 2024 harvest than last year. We’ve also noticed continued risk from deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in Eastern Canada, which can impact animal health and performance.”
Other early results from the Alltech 2024 Canadian Harvest Analysis include:
90% of corn silage samples have tested positive for zearalenone (ZEA), with maximum levels reaching 1,369 ppb. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is found in 68% of samples, peaking at 6,782 ppb. T2-HT2 toxins are less common (25%) but still pose a risk.
Wheat samples show a 63% prevalence of DON and 45% for ZEA, with moderate risk levels on average. Corn samples have tested positive for DON with a maximum of over 4 ppm, with levels most problematic for swine, young and breeding animals.
59% of barley samples contain DON, with maximum levels up to 3,700 ppb. Corn silage shows a 100% prevalence of ZEA, peaking at 1,118 ppb, and a 64% prevalence of DON, with a max of 3,200 ppb.
88% of barley silage samples contain ZEA, and 30% have DON. T2-HT2 toxins also have a presence, at about 43% occurrence. All three mycotoxins average lower risk, but with potential for higher risk levels in some samples.
Barley silage shows lower risks, with ZEA detected in about 22% of samples. Corn silage shows a greater risk from ZEA, in 100% of tested samples and a maximum detection of over 700 ppb. Corn silage also shows a presence for DON and T2-HT2 toxins.
British Columbia:
Corn silage samples show a presence of multiple Fusarium mycotoxins, including DON, T2-HT2 toxins, ZEA, and emerging mycotoxins. On average, DON, T2-HT2 toxins and ZEA have been detected at lower-to-moderate risk for dairy cows. However, some silage samples have shown high risk levels of DON and T2-HT2 toxins.
Overall, early harvest testing suggests that corn silage may be a higher-risk commodity across Canada. Additionally, barley may have a greater prevalence of mycotoxins, and in higher concentrations, compared to wheat. Although it is too early to provide details on corn grain, producers are reminded that corn is commonly at risk of mycotoxin contamination. As such, animal and feed producers have a need for continued vigilance across grain and silage feed sources.
Alltech will host a live broadcast, “From Field to Feed: 2024 Crop and Mycotoxin Analysis,” on Nov. 21 at 10:00 a.m. EST, streamed live from Alltech headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, U.S. The broadcast will cover:
Register online at to attend the live broadcast and to access the full Harvest Analysis program, as well as the full Canadian report when it is released. For more information about Alltech’s mycotoxin management solutions, visit
[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – Preliminary analysis of corn silage samples in the U.S. reveals a high increase in mycotoxin contamination compared to 2023, with all samples containing two or more mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are produced by certain species of molds and are a concern for livestock producers as they can influence feed quality and subsequent animal health and performance. The Alltech 2024 U.S. Harvest Analysis uncovers the true threat mycotoxins pose to animals and producers.
Mycotoxins, which are natural substances produced by molds and fungi, are more prevalent — and more of a problem in agriculture — than ever before. More than 95% of crops today are contaminated with at least one mycotoxin and usually two or more. Because these toxins are difficult to detect, they can cause significant damage to animal health before producers even realize they are present. A proactive mycotoxin management program is essential, and the first step is learning which mycotoxins pose the highest risk in specific regions, crops and species.
The preliminary results of the 2024 analysis deliver an early insight into the mycotoxin landscape. The Alltech U.S. Harvest Analysis, a decade-long initiative, is a comprehensive step in understanding the complexities of new-crop quality, mycotoxin prevalence, and the threat that mycotoxins pose to animals and producers. To determine the most accurate representation of mycotoxin risk across the U.S., samples are collected by Alltech representatives and sent to the company’s headquarters in Kentucky, where the Alltech 37+® laboratory can detect up to 54 individual mycotoxins.
“The weather pattern for 2024 is a prime driver for the change in corn silage mycotoxin risk. The precipitation over the upper Midwest started early and, in many areas, delayed planting or caused replanting,” said Dr. Max Hawkins, technical support manager with Alltech’s mycotoxin management team. “This excess moisture is a stimulant for Fusarium mold growth, which can produce mycotoxins such as type B trichothecenes, emerging mycotoxins and zearalenone. Overall, the numbers of mycotoxins per sample are 8.3 for 2024 versus 5.3 for 2023. The risk equivalent quantity (REQ), or risk estimate, from all the mycotoxin present is 201.6, or higher risk, vs. 122.7 for 2023.”
Alltech’s REQ is a system that measures the cumulative risk of multiple mycotoxins in feed, making it easier to evaluate contamination. It combines mycotoxin levels into a single value, helping producers manage feed safety and quality.
Weather and mycotoxin risk
The spike in contamination is largely attributed to significant rainfall across the upper Midwest, which created favorable conditions for the growth of Fusarium molds. These molds are responsible for producing various harmful mycotoxins, particularly type B trichothecenes, which pose the highest risk.
Key mycotoxins in 2024 corn silage
With corn harvest progressing well, the number of samples arriving at the lab are increasing week on week. Early indications are similar to last year, with risk increasing as you move to the East, following the rainfall patterns. This risk is due primarily to Fusarium mycotoxins, type B trichothecenes, fumonisin and zearalenone. These toxins can have a significant impact on monogastric performance, reproduction and overall health. More details on the corn grain samples will follow in the main report in the coming weeks.
Alltech will host a live broadcast, “From Field to Feed: 2024 Crop and Mycotoxin Analysis,” on Nov. 21 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern, streamed live from Alltech’s headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, U.S. The broadcast will cover:
Register online at to attend the live broadcast and to access the full Harvest Analysis program, as well as the full U.S. report when it is released. For more information about Alltech’s mycotoxin management solutions, visit
Preliminary results from the Alltech 2024 U.S. Harvest Analysis reveal a rise in mycotoxin contamination compared to 2023.
[DUNBOYNE, Ireland] – Alltech, a global leader in biotechnology, has just released an interim report with the preliminary findings of its mycotoxin testing programme, the Alltech 2024 European Harvest Analysis. This report offers early, detailed and actionable insights about this year’s mycotoxin risks.
Mycotoxins, which are natural substances produced by moulds and fungi, are more prevalent — and more of a problem in agriculture — than ever before. More than 95% of crops today are contaminated with at least one mycotoxin, and usually with two or more. Because these toxins are difficult to detect, they can cause significant damage to animal health before producers even realize they are present. A proactive mycotoxin management programme is essential, and the first step is learning which mycotoxins pose the highest risk in specific regions, crops and species.
The Alltech 2024 European Harvest Analysis programme tests samples of new-crop grains and forages collected from farms or animal feed production sites in 20 countries, ensuring an accurate picture of mycotoxin contamination across the continent. All samples are tested at the leading-edge Alltech 37+ lab, which can detect the presence of 54 mycotoxins. Corn samples from central and southern Europe are also tested in collaboration with SGS, a global leader in mycotoxin testing and certification.
The newly released interim report shows moderate to high mycotoxin risk so far in 2024, with significant regional variations. This is similar to the results seen at this time last year. Type B trichothecenes and emerging mycotoxins are most prevalent, but type B trichothecenes like deoxynivalenol are bringing the most risk in grains.
Increasing weather fluctuations are a major contributor to today’s rising mycotoxin risks, which vary widely by region. For example, early-season rains and floods followed by late-season droughts have created distinct challenges for crop producers this year across central and southeastern Europe. Some countries, including Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria, are showing high levels of aflatoxin B1 in corn grain samples, with concentrations of up to 506 ppb.
“This year's weather in Europe has been extreme and unpredictable, which has been reflected in the behaviour of moulds and the production of mycotoxins. The mycotoxin risk for all animal species is medium to high, and for some mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin B1, even extremely high,” said Dr. Radka Borutova, global technical support for the Technology Group at Alltech. “The application of effective mycotoxin management is the only way to break this deadlock.”
Other key results from the Alltech 2024 European Harvest Analysis so far include:
Wheat and barley
Wheat samples analysed to date are averaging 7.7 mycotoxins per sample, with 99% containing multiple mycotoxins. Barley samples show an average of 6.3 mycotoxins, with 98% of samples containing multiple mycotoxins. The most prevalent mycotoxins in both wheat and barley are emerging mycotoxins and type B trichothecenes. The overall risk for both barley and wheat is moderate.
For straw, samples tested so far show an average of 5.9 mycotoxins per sample, with 91% of samples containing multiple mycotoxins. The most prevalent are emerging mycotoxins and deoxynivalenol, with the overall risk being high.
For grass and corn silage, the preliminary findings show 2.9 mycotoxins per sample on average, with 68% of samples containing multiple mycotoxins. The most prevalent are type B trichothecenes and Penicillium mycotoxins such as penicillic acid, mycophenolic acid and patulin, with the overall risk being high.
Once testing and analysis have been completed, the full Alltech 2024 European Harvest Analysis report will be released, giving a more complete and detailed breakdown of key results by region, crop and species.
Alltech will host a live broadcast, “From Field to Feed: 2024 Crop and Mycotoxin Analysis,” on Nov. 21 at 10:00 a.m. EST, streamed live from Alltech’s headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, U.S. The broadcast will cover:
Register online at to attend the live broadcast and to access the full Harvest Analysis programme, including the interim report available now and the full report when it is released.
For more information about Alltech Mycotoxin Management solutions, visit
Results from the Alltech 2024 European Harvest Analysis indicate that overall risk is moderate to high.
[GUELPH, Canada] – Recent mycotoxin testing in Canadian silages and grains, conducted as part of the Alltech 2024 Canadian Harvest Analysis, is revealing significant regional variability in contamination levels, with corn silage showing particularly high risks.
Mycotoxins, which are natural substances produced by moulds and fungi, are a concern for livestock producers as they can influence feed quality and subsequent animal health and performance. Unfortunately, they are more prevalent — and more of a problem in agriculture — than ever before. More than 95% of crops today are contaminated with at least one mycotoxin, and usually two or more.
Because these toxins are difficult to detect, they can cause significant damage to animal health before producers even realize they are present. A proactive mycotoxin management program is essential, and the first step is learning which mycotoxins pose the highest risk in specific regions, crops and species.
“Canada has experienced a change in weather patterns from last year, particularly of note the greater rainfall across the prairies,” said Dr. Alexandra Weaver, global technical support for Alltech. “As a result, there appears to be greater mycotoxin risk in the Western Canada 2024 harvest than last year. We’ve also noticed continued risk from deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in Eastern Canada, which can impact animal health and performance.”
Other early results from the Alltech 2024 Canadian Harvest Analysis include:
90% of corn silage samples have tested positive for zearalenone (ZEA), with maximum levels reaching 1,369 ppb. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is found in 68% of samples, peaking at 6,782 ppb. T2-HT2 toxins are less common (25%) but still pose a risk.
Wheat samples show a 63% prevalence of DON and 45% for ZEA, with moderate risk levels on average. Corn samples have tested positive for DON with a maximum of over 4 ppm, with levels most problematic for swine, young and breeding animals.
59% of barley samples contain DON, with maximum levels up to 3,700 ppb. Corn silage shows a 100% prevalence of ZEA, peaking at 1,118 ppb, and a 64% prevalence of DON, with a max of 3,200 ppb.
88% of barley silage samples contain ZEA, and 30% have DON. T2-HT2 toxins also have a presence, at about 43% occurrence. All three mycotoxins average lower risk, but with potential for higher risk levels in some samples.
Barley silage shows lower risks, with ZEA detected in about 22% of samples. Corn silage shows a greater risk from ZEA, in 100% of tested samples and a maximum detection of over 700 ppb. Corn silage also shows a presence for DON and T2-HT2 toxins.
British Columbia:
Corn silage samples show a presence of multiple Fusarium mycotoxins, including DON, T2-HT2 toxins, ZEA, and emerging mycotoxins. On average, DON, T2-HT2 toxins and ZEA have been detected at lower-to-moderate risk for dairy cows. However, some silage samples have shown high risk levels of DON and T2-HT2 toxins.
Overall, early harvest testing suggests that corn silage may be a higher-risk commodity across Canada. Additionally, barley may have a greater prevalence of mycotoxins, and in higher concentrations, compared to wheat. Although it is too early to provide details on corn grain, producers are reminded that corn is commonly at risk of mycotoxin contamination. As such, animal and feed producers have a need for continued vigilance across grain and silage feed sources.
Alltech will host a live broadcast, “From Field to Feed: 2024 Crop and Mycotoxin Analysis,” on Nov. 21 at 10:00 a.m. EST, streamed live from Alltech headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, U.S. The broadcast will cover:
Register online at to attend the live broadcast and to access the full Harvest Analysis program, as well as the full Canadian report when it is released. For more information about Alltech’s mycotoxin management solutions, visit
Results from the Alltech 2024 Canadian Harvest Analysis reveal significant regional variability in contamination levels.
Protocolo idealizado por pesquisador pioneiro da bovinocultura brasileira, com pacote de aditivos nutricionais tecnológicos, transformou fazenda de cria em Mato Grosso
De tradicional família pecuarista, Antonio Borges Afonso Filho, o “Toninho”, já sofreu muitos prejuízos na fazenda de cria em Poconé, no Pantanal de Mato Grosso (MT). “A cheia dos rios entre janeiro e março alaga 80% da área e os resultados eram muito ruins: taxa de desmame de bezerros de 40 a 45%, alta mortalidade de vacas (4%) e bezerros (10%) e índice de prenhez de vacas entre 25 e 30%”, recorda. Mas o cenário se reverteu quando adotou o protocolo de desmame precoce idealizado pelo professor e pesquisador Antonio Carlos Silveira, também conhecido por Nenê, fundador da Silveira Consultoria e Gestão Pecuária. Este manejo, aliado a um pacote de aditivos nutricionais da Alltech, transformou a realidade da propriedade: a taxa de desmame chegou a 75%, a de prenhez saltou para 78% e a mortalidade caiu para quase zero.
“O grande gargalo da pecuária pantaneira é a enchente que acontece na região na época das chuvas”, aponta o mestre em Produção e Nutrição Animal Guilherme Silveira, filho do professor Antonio e diretor da Silveira Consultoria. “Forma-se uma camada de água no pasto inteiro. Como é uma criação extensiva, os animais adultos conseguem andar e comer a ponta do capim ou ir até as partes secas, mas os bezerros que ficam nos pés das vacas não conseguem andar atrás delas em busca de alimento”, explica o zootecnista e médico veterinário João Vitor Miralhe Pinto, gerente de vendas da Alltech na região.
A conta, muitas vezes, não fechava. “As fazendas mais rentáveis do alto têm que colher pelo menos de 70 a 75 a cada cem bezerros para sobreviver e ali não sobravam 30”, recorda Toninho. Com operações deficitárias, muitos extensionistas passaram a vender suas terras na região. “Em 2008, recém-chegado em Mato Grosso, meu pai viu a dor dos pecuaristas e pensou em algo para transformar o Pantanal, que é um celeiro, pois, respeitando a natureza, é possível uma alta produção de bezerros com baixo custo porque as matrizes se adaptam ao local”, conta o consultor.
Ganhos com protocolo
O protocolo do desmame precoce mudou a realidade da fazenda de Toninho. Ao adotar essa estratégia, as maiores beneficiadas foram as matrizes: “Ao tirar os bezerros do pé, a exigência da vaca automaticamente diminui porque não precisa mais direcionar energia para o leite, o que melhora o seu escore corporal e, consequentemente, faz com que ela tenha maior facilidade para emprenhar novamente”, destaca o gerente da Alltech.
Para isso, os bezerros são retirados das matrizes antes das cheias, com 90 a 120 dias de idade - o normal é 240 dias - e levados para o norte do estado, onde recebem ração com tecnologias da Alltech. O pack Advantage® Pasto permite a formulação de uma dieta com 100% de microminerais orgânicos, além de contar com aditivos pré e probióticos à base de leveduras e solução de amplo espectro de adsorção de micotoxinas. “Para o produtor, a principal vantagem é ter um pacote completo de tecnologias que cercam os animais por todos os lados:
“O desmame precoce é uma evolução tecnológica que vem tomando grande proporção e rompendo barreiras. Já está sendo usado como estratégia para fazendas de primíparas, vacas de descarte e também para o alto pantanal, na época da entressafra”, resume Silveira. Atualmente com um rebanho de 7 mil animais, dos quais 2 mil bezerros, Toninho corrobora a avaliação do consultor: “Se a gente não tivesse feito o desmame precoce e a nutrição dos bezerros, o resultado seria o de uma fazenda do século passado. Antigamente, eu tinha prejuízo; hoje tenho uma fazenda que dá lucro”, conclui.