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First KEENAN machine in Northern India

Submitted by lkeyser on Fri, 08/03/2018 - 10:12

The KEENAN “Green Machine” has made its way from Ireland to Northern India, with Gurpreet Singh Grewal being the first KEENAN machine owner in the area. Gurpreet has worked in the dairy business for the past eight years and is currently milking 105 Holstein dairy cows on his farm.

Gurpreet is the owner of HG Grewal Dairy farm in Chimna village, Jagroan Tehsil, in the state of Punjab — an area with a continuously growing dairy sector.

Jagroan Tehsil is one of the leading milk belts of Punjab and is home to most of the Progressive Dairy Farmers Association’s active farmers in the state. Milk is the main product from livestock in Punjab, accounting for nearly 80 percent of the total value of livestock output.

Punjab is considered one of the most progressive states for the dairy industry in India. Dairy farmers in this area are adopting the latest techniques and technology rapidly, and Gurpreet is among those early adopters. He bought a KEENAN ECO50 in December 2017 after attending an Alltech event, completing research and receiving recommendations from his brother. This is the first time Gurpreet has used a Total Mixed Ration (TMR) wagon.

keenan india 2.jpg

The KEENAN machine in action at HG Grewal Dairy farm.

“I am very much satisfied with the KEENAN machine performance and its contribution to the overall profitability of the farm, as well as with Alltech solutions and technical support,” said Gurpreet. “I highly appreciate Alltech’s technical help in TMR formulations and Alltech In Vitro Fermentation Model (IFM) lab facilities for testing silage samples.”

Gurpreet is particularly pleased with:

  • Gentle mixing of TMR — the cows do not separate the feed, so there is less feed waste
  • Uniform mixing of TMR, which leads to no sign of Acidosis
  • Uniform Body Conditioning Score
  • Good processing and mixing of rye grass, which maintains the structure of the fodder
  • Increase in milk production

Soon after Gurpreet started using the KEENAN machine, his farm attained peak milk production of 1,660 litres from 56 dairy cows, from December 2017 to January 2018. This was even without changing the TMR formulation.

HG Grewal Dairy farm currently uses the following Alltech products: Yea-Sacc®, Optigen® and Mycosorb A+®.

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Gurpreet Singh Grewal stands proudly as the first KEENAN machine owner in Northern India.

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Bridging the data gap in dairy farming: The promise of digital technologies

Submitted by lkeyser on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 10:25

By 2067, the per capita consumption of dairy is expected to increase from 87 kilograms (kg)/person to 119 kg (projections). Compounded by a growing population, the dairy industry will need to produce 600 billion kilograms more milk. This means today’s dairy cow will either need to double her production, or we will need to dramatically increase cow numbers! Over the last 25 years, we have increased milk production by 61 percent (about 2 percent per annum) — but can we continue to grow sustainably?

The difference between a high and low performing cow can be considerable. Milk production —  judged by weight — is influenced by genetics and nutrition, but also by inconsistency in mixing of feed, eating behaviors (such as sifting), other cows’ bullying, water quality (or lack thereof!) and environmental factors, such as heat. In ever larger and more intensive production environments, with fewer people wanting to work on farms, management is emerging as an even more significant challenge. In such a setting, dairy farming has focused on managing the average cow, not the individual.

A glaring gap for dairy farmers is data. Farms, especially large ones, don’t know how much an individual cow eats, how much she drinks, how much she moves, her body temperature, stress levels, sickness, etc. Even individual milk production isn’t always recorded in a consistent manner.

How can farmers manage cow comfort, select the best animals for breeding and retaining, judge true profitability, meet prosumer demands for animal welfare and sustainability and raise the bar in terms of milk production? Without precise, real-time, smart data, the task of managing individual cows is nearly impossible. But emerging digital technologies could fill that data gap.


More than any other technological advancement, sensors can fill the data gap in dairy farming, particularly when animals are outside in a field. Before the use of technology, monitoring an individual cow’s health was difficult, time consuming and cost-intensive. However, the use of sensors and wearable technologies allows farmers to monitor individual cows. No longer do producers have to work from herd averages; they are now able to determine individual illness or lameness more effectively and react accordingly, quite possibly before milk production or the rest of the herd is affected.

Wearable sensors have proven valuable in managing a cow’s health, and there is no shortage of companies producing this type of technology. Leaders — such as SCR Dairy, which is assessed to have about 80 percent of the market share — produce all manner of wearables worn on a cow’s ears, neck, legs or tail. They can even be implanted subcutaneously or inside the rumen.

Sensors help monitor cow comfort and welfare. Cows need to rest for an average of 11 hours per day; any less than that affects blood flow to the udder and can negatively impact milk yield. Sensors can detect a lack of locomotion and alert producers when to circumvent these negative effects.

Sensors can be used to detect disease signals that are otherwise hard for farmers to notice, such as mastitis. AfiMilk, Agricam, Fullwood, DeLaval, Lely, LIC Automation, MastiLine and Wakaito all claim to detect mastitis in cows and provide producers with early opportunities to combat the issue.

Rumination is also vital to a cow’s production, and sensors designed to be located inside the rumen can monitor acidity levels through a digitally connected bolus. Companies that offer acid monitors — like Smartbow, which was a participant in the Pearse Lyons Accelerator — allow farmers to detect digestive problems, such as ruminal acidosis. 

Livestock Labs has created a tracking technology called EmbediVet, which is implanted underneath the cow’s skin using a local anesthetic. This tracker claims to be less bothersome than wearable sensors and more accurate in gathering data and monitoring behavior.Ingenera offers a line of various sensor products designed to measure cow conformation, weight, udder health and other body metrics.

Moocall, also a participant in the Pearse Lyons Accelerator, produces sensors that detect the heat cycle of the cow by evaluating her responsiveness to a teaser bull. His proximity and behavior can determine her receptivity and alert the farmer's smart device if she is in heat. Afimilk makes a pedometer for cows, alerting farmers of the best time for insemination on the basis that cows walk and move more as they come into estrus.


Image courtesy of MooCall

Moocall also makes the Moocall Calving sensor, a wearable that attaches to the cow’s tail and monitors her contractions. Connected to the producer’s mobile phone, it sends an alert one hour before active calving, allowing farmers to minimize time spent checking pregnant cows and increase efficiency in time management.

Outside of wearables on cows, there are other examples of sensors in the dairy industry. The startup SomaDetect has developed a sensor that enables farmers to know what is in the milk they produce. Specifically, there is an in-line sensor that measures milk fat, protein, somatic cell counts, progesterone and antibiotic residues (not allowed for human consumption) at every milking. Danish company Foss Analytics has a similar business model, using sensors and NIR.

ENGS systems is implementing their free-flow technology through the Advanced Milk Meter. It collects data on the cow’s individual milk flow rate, quantity, temperature and electrical conductivity and transfers the data to a milk management program for farmers to use.

Artificial intelligence

Big data promises precision agriculture; however, if farmers can’t interpret the data and use it to take action, the data is useless. Artificial intelligence allows producers to analyze the data collected by sensors and other hardware technologies and can provide interpretations and solutions by mimicking human decision-making — potentially transforming how a dairy farm operates.

SCR Dairy is implementing cow, milk and herd intelligence through their sensors and artificial intelligence technologies. They offer sensors ranging from heat detection and calving to health monitoring sensors — including the SenseTime Solution sensor, which detects and charts a cow’s daily activities, such as ruminating, eating and walking patterns. When paired with artificial intelligence software, this sensor provides users with early, proactive solutions to problems. Along with the capability to record information about reproduction, health and nutrition, the sensor also provides farmers with solutions for each individual cow. 


Image courtesy of Cainthus

Cainthus has developed algorithms for facial recognition software that can monitor a cow’s activity. There is no need for the cows to wear any sort of tracking device, and this software may eliminate the need for wearables all together, particularly for animals raised indoors. Using cameras stationed throughout the barn, the software alerts farmers when their cows show early signs of lameness. Cargill has a significant minority investment in Cainthus, capitalizing on the notion that this “machine vision” approach will allow AI to supplant many of the sensor systems. 

Developed by Connecterra, Ida, “The Intelligent Dairy Farmer’s Assistant,” is a cow neck tag that gathers activity data on cows, such as time spent eating, ruminating, idling, walking and lying down. Connecterra says it uses AI to interpret individual deviations in the cow’s behavior and provide alerts or recommendations to the farmer.


There are opportunities for drones in the dairy industry, but they often require additional technologies. Drones can be used to generally inspect the herd or fences or to aid in herding cows from fields to barns.

The inclusion of other technologies presents greater opportunities. Visual sensors have proven to be instrumental in surveying land and measuring pasture growth. PrecisionHawk is using drones to map, inspect and photograph pastures in order to detect growth. 

Algorithms enable drones to identify cows specifically and avoid confusing them with deer or similar animals. When combined with thermal imaging, the opportunities to locate and track cows increases dramatically, particularly in fields spotted with trees or dense foliage. Temperature detection would allow farmers to identify abnormal behavior in the cow, such as lameness, illness or calving. Drones may become more useful in these areas, particularly if battery life is prolonged and autonomous flying ability is improved.


Robotic milking machines are probably the most well-known application for robots in the dairy industry, increasing efficiencies and replacing expensive or unavailable labor. Lely’s Astronaut A5 and DeLaval’s Voluntary Milking System not only cut labor costs, they also allow cows to decide when they want to be milked. Robotic milkers (milkbots) clean the udders, identify the cow’s teats and milk automatically.

DeLaval offers other robotic milking technologies, such as the rotary platform, which allows farmers to maximize a herd’s milking performance while providing a comfortable and safe environment for both cows and operators. miRobot provides a milking system also designed for larger operations. Both companies offer multi-stall, automated milking operations to milk cows simultaneously, completing full parlors with only one operator. This new technology has allowed farmers to cut back on labor costs and achieve more milkings per day.


Image courtesy of Lely

The Lely Grazeway system acts as a gateway to the pasture that only allows cows to graze after they have been milked. The cows step into the selection box, and the Lely Qwes cow-recognition system determines whether or not the cow can be let out to graze.

Before robots, cows were typically milked twice a day because of labor and time constraints. Now, cows can be milked three times a day or more, greatly increasing production and profits. In addition, while the cows are stationary for several minutes during milking, there is also an opportunity for medical and health assessments using transponders or sensors — which can not only analyze the speed, amount and quality of milk produced but also how much the cow has eaten, its heat cycle and more.

Another possible use for robots includes cleaning and sanitizing the barn, allowing for better biosecurity measures that will lead to healthier conditions for the cows. There might also be a place for robots in the calving process. While this might not be as useful for an outdoor herd, there is the potential for robotic assistance for cows kept indoors.

3D printing

There are multitudinous applications for 3D printing in the dairy industry. A primary application of 3D printing is for machine parts, which may be of particular interest to rural farmers, saving valuable time and even possibly money, depending on the part needed.


Image courtesy of Perfect Day

In some ways, 3D printing is already challenging the dairy industry, through 3D-printed foods. Cheese is one of the easier foods to duplicate through 3D printing, due to its easily changeable state from solid to liquid. Studies suggest that printed cheese is less sticky, softer and has better meltability than non-printed cheese. The concept of printed food may not appeal to all consumers, though, so the challenge is to produce food that offers an advantage, such as lower cost, improved taste or better nutritional content.

Such is the case with “Perfect Day,” a startup company from San Francisco using 3D printing combined with gene sequencing to create a yeast fermentation product that looks and tastes like milk. The product is portrayed as a non-dairy alternative for vegans or dairy-intolerant individuals. 

Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) can be defined as the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. A recent report stated that sales for augmented reality are expected to rise from $2.4 billion in 2018 to $48.2 billion in 2025.

Studies have found that AR can be used to make food more visually appealing or to effectively estimate proper serving sizes. Apple’s ARKit can also be used to provide consumers with nutritional knowledge, as this video demonstrates. Should this technology become more common, these applications could affect the dairy industry, as certain aspects of food products — both good and bad — would be more readily available to the consumer. 

Outside of the consumer focus, augmented reality can be used to allow producers an alternative way to monitor and evaluate cows. This video (skip to the 2:22 mark) demonstrates how AR can allow a farmer to immediately see stats relating to the farm through the use of goggles. Information relating to each individual cow is overlaid through the glasses into the farmer’s field of vision. He can see information on everything in the facility and even evaluate the quality of the milk.

Could this technology not also be used in the veterinary field for inspection and observation? Perhaps if combined with reliable sensor data, the vet could be able to deliver appropriate recommendations for disease management and reduce the need for direct farm call visits, thus lowering costs.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is defined as a digital environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real way through electronic equipment. Applications in the dairy industry vary from farm tours to veterinary training, with positive impacts on safety and efficiency. 

New Zealand dairy cooperative Fonterra and solutions company Beca have partnered to develop a virtual reality health and safety training technology that allows employees to navigate the manufacturing and distribution sites without actually setting foot on the physical site, thus reducing onboarding times. Fonterra employees learn to identify potential hazards and experience hazardous situations in a realistic simulated environment, enhancing learning experiences without the risk of being in harm’s way. This technology also reduces labor costs by replacing a number of hands-on health and safety training positions.

Virtual reality is being used to teach veterinary students about the reproductive and rectal tracts of the cow. Created by former vet Sarah Baillie, the Haptic Cow is a fiberglass model of the rear of a cow that combines virtual reality with robotics. The VR aspect is provided by a computer that allows students to visualize an object within the cow — virtually enabling them to practice fertility examinations, such as pregnancy detection, or determine reproductive concerns without putting them in a situation that could be dangerous for both the cow and the student.

DeLaval is creating virtual reality films of farms available in 360 degrees, allowing viewers to scroll from side to side to view the entirety of the dairy barn. The Hamra Farm in Sweden, for instance, showcases the innovative techniques they implement on their farm, such as robotic milking machines, robotic brushes, robotic cleaners and more, in their VR film. These "farm tours" will allow consumers to better understand where their dairy comes from. There is much discussion about animal welfare, and giving consumers an opportunity to experience firsthand how a dairy farm operates is an important component of influencing perception the industry.


It is well known that consumers are increasingly becoming interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced. Blockchain can connect all aspects of the supply chain from producer to consumer and allow for food traceability and safety. From an agriculture and food perspective, offering this type of information to consumers will become a competitive advantage and may not prove as challenging in dairy as in other areas of agriculture, such as beef, which exchanges ownership more frequently.

Internet of Things

Together these eight technologies are creating opportunities within the dairy industry for increased efficiencies, profitability and production. The connectivity of these technologies is made possible through the Internet of Things (IoT).

Agriwebb is a company using IoT for full farm recordkeeping, including field management, inventory, operations, grazing and even biosecurity. Stellapps in India leverages IoT to offer all manner of products, from general herd management to milk evaluation, payment processing and cold chain monitoring. Dell Technologies is also heavily involved in IoT applications and is working with dairy producer Chitale.

Cargill is working with SCiO (Consumer Physics) to create Reveal, an app designed to deliver content of feed within minutes. Previously, this type of technology was either time-intensive (waiting on lab results) or expensive (specialized equipment cost thousands of dollars). Using a micro spectrometer with NIR calibrations, Cargill and SCiO offer this simple service using producers' own devices, and results are available in a minute's time.


IoT technology is how the KEENAN InTouch system is able to provide farmers with the nutritional information they need to ensure the best formulation possible. KEENAN’s feed mixers are designed to give uniformity to feed, allowing for improved digestion in the ruminant and creating rations that are both chemically and physically balanced. The cloud-based system enables producers to monitor feed waste and make necessary changes to improve efficiencies and decrease costs.

Using the data

In the past, farm management applications have allowed farmers to make strategic management decisions based on the collection of farm data. Inevitably once nutritional decisions are being made, sciences such as nutrigenomics and decisions about smart nutrition are critical to taking advantage of this enhanced data and management information systems. Nutrigenomics research has shown that specific nutrients and inclusion of enzymes can greatly impact milk yield.

Previously, collected data was generalized for an entire dairy farm. Through the use of sensors, AI and other technologies, farm management apps like FarmWizard can provide individual data for each cow, allowing farmers to improve precision and accuracy when making managerial decisions. 


Dairying in 2067 won’t look anything like the dairy farming of the recent past, let alone the era when the first cow was domesticated. Changes are happening so fast that the connected farm is likely to be the norm within the next 10 years. By implementing the eight technologies described here, along with the interconnectivity of IoT, farmers will be able to capture and have direct access to individual cow data, both current and historical. This will enable farmers to bridge the data gap and improve dairy production through digitization. The winners will be those who embrace this disrupted digital dairy landscape.


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Emerging digital technologies hold promise for revolutionizing dairy, from management of the herd to management of the individual cow.

Dr. Karl Dawson: Fish 'n' chips: Nutrigenomics in aquaculture

Submitted by ldozier on Fri, 06/22/2018 - 16:46

The following is an edited transcript of Tom Martin's interview with Dr. Karl Dawson, co-director of Alltech’s Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition. Click below to hear the full interview:



Tom:            Over the last 10 years, scientists at Alltech have been using nutrigenomics to develop new feeding strategies and, ultimately, redefine animal nutrition. What are the practical applications of this science, and what does it mean for the future of aquaculture specifically? Joining us to explore these questions and more is Dr. Karl Dawson, vice president and chief scientific officer at Alltech. Thanks for being with us, Dr. Dawson.


Karl:             It's a pleasure, Tom.


Tom:            Let's begin with a fundamental question: What is nutrigenomics, and why is it such a valuable tool?


Karl:             Well, nutrigenomics is really one of the new tools or sciences that we can use to evaluate what specific nutrients or the nutrition of an animal, or a human, is doing to the process of gene expression. Today, we're looking at many different tools that are from this molecular-based science. We can use nutrigenomics, which looks at the transcription or expression of genes, and there are other things, for example, like metabolomics, which looks at the ability of a nutrient to influence the metabolites that are developed in the bloodstream. These are different tools that we're using today that give us a much deeper view of what nutrition does in an animal's body.


Tom:            In a recent panel discussion, Farming the Future, you said that nutrigenomics is really going to redefine things, if it hasn't already. Can you elaborate on that?


Karl:             Yes. We are using nutrigenomics to find new concepts and challenge the nutritional concepts that are out there today. We are just answering such questions as “What does an antioxidant do, what does it do in the animal's body and to improve animal health?” We can find substitutes for the traditional antioxidants that are out there.


                    We've done other things, for example, like defining trace mineral requirements in animals. We've used nutrigenomics to redefine what we thought was the expected or needed levels of minerals in an animal's diet. Many of these things are changing what we think about in terms of the way a nutrient will interact with the animal, providing for their health and well-being.


Tom:            The name of the field, “nutrigenomics,” might lead someone to believe that it's limited to exploring how nutrition influences the expression of individual genes. But it's more than that, isn't it?


Karl:             Yes. Well, nutrigenomics is really built around the nutrition concept — that's the nutrient or nutrigenomics part of it. The term that's probably more appropriate is the term “transcriptomics,” which is measuring gene expression overall. We can look at such things as the effects of a disease process on gene expression, or how a change in environmental temperature affects gene expression. All of these factors influence gene expression; nutrigenomics is just focusing on what the nutrients in the animals’ diets are doing.


Tom:            Okay. Let's turn our nutrigenomics focus over to aquaculture. How is this tool being used to define new feeding strategies for fish?


Karl:             Well, we have lots of examples of things that we're doing today. Nutrigenomics — or this gene expression measurement — is something that is fairly new in fish, but it is becoming a very popular tool. In the last seven or eight years, there's been a surge of scientific interest in looking at gene expression and what influences gene expression. We've been particularly interested in looking at such things as “How does nutrition influence fillet quality from a fish?” We can identify the specific gene markers that are correlated with such things as the firmness of a fish fillet. Those things are highly correlated. Now, that's very interesting because that's not something we've been able to do in the past — to go in and find specific markers. That doesn't mean the fish does not have those genes. It means it does not have the ability necessarily to express those genes. So, it's not just genetics here. We're talking about the way genes are turned on and turned off.


                    We've used this very specifically in recent months, or in the last two years, to look at some very specific feed additives that we might use in salmon diets. One of the big problems for the salmon industry today is the problem with sea lice. We've come up with ways to influence the infestation of fish with these sea lice by changing what those fish are receiving. We did that by taking specific feed materials that we had identified and had some history with, and we looked at how they influence gene expression. We tried to find feed materials that would enhance things such as mucin production on the surface of the fish and the innate immunity of the fish. That gave us a lot of clues before we had to do any real animal experimentation to find materials that were very effective.


Tom:            Are these salmon now better able to resist sea lice?


Karl:             That's the point we've made in the last six months or so. We do have some fish that, while they will still be infested, the infestation rate tends to be much lower. So, if we look at the number of fish that have fewer than 20 lice, for example, we'll see that we can change that distribution and find a lot more fish that have fewer lice. It's not a total resistance to infestation, but it changes the ability of the fish to support this parasite.


Tom:            How long does it take for a sample from the herd, the flock or the school, in this case, to yield useful data?


Karl:             This is usually a fairly quick thing. Typically, we look for gene expression changes within a matter of days. It can be within a matter of hours. One of the most interesting studies we reviewed just recently was one where we looked at how the sea lice themselves influence the gene expression in the fish. It's very interesting to see, but within three days, those sea lice would change the immunity of those fish, and it’s not by increasing it — they tend to depress it.


                    They also depress such things as the ability of the fish to respond to wounds and wound-healing mechanisms. This is a very unique observation because we're actually saying that this lice — or this louse — is changing the ability of that fish to recover and is influencing the fish gene expression just by attaching to the fish.  


Tom:            What are some specific ways aquaculture producers can use the information that you're gleaning from this nutrigenomics research?


Karl:             Well, we know quite a bit about specific nutrients today. For example, mineral supplementation is one that we have worked with quite a bit. We do know that if you provide selenium in a very rich organic form such as selenium yeast, you can change the genes, or the expression of genes, that result in immunity and such things as mucin production on the surface of fish.


                    Those are things that are real, that are being used today, but probably not attributed directly to nutrigenomics. We don't go out and measure the gene response. But, as a result of what we know from gene expression, we can predict what's going to happen in the animal. We can do that quickly, too, because our turnaround time on understanding gene responses is a matter of days instead of waiting for a full production cycle.


Tom:            So, it's fair to say that this science is really bringing a new level of precision.


Karl:             Right, absolutely.


Tom:            What are some new commercially useful feeding concepts that have come directly from the use of this molecular tool?


Karl:             Well, as I indicated, minerals are one that is very much being used today — sources and types of minerals that are being used and actual levels of minerals. Mineral supplementation is a common one. We're doing quite a bit of research right now using yeast cell wall components to address what's happening within the fish in terms of disease resistance and, most recently, in terms of nutrient absorption. It appears these materials are also influencing the tight junction proteins that make up the intestinal tract and change the way the fish absorbs its nutrients.


                    Those are real things that are happening today that will change how we think about providing nutrition to fish.


Tom:            Can this tool be used to quickly determine the value of newly developed feed supplements, and how?


Karl:             Yes. That's really the approach we use right now. One of the interesting models that we're using today is nutrient injection. If we want to test out a new product or nutrient, we can inject the fish with small amounts of that material and evaluate what's happening with gene expression.


                    As we do this more and more, we're building a pattern, or an encyclopedia, of responses that we would like to see. We've already done that to some extent with some of our yeast products and some of our minerals. So, we're starting to understand what those responses have to be to speed up the time it takes to evaluate new nutrient concepts.


Tom:            How will the tool be used to demonstrate the effects of maternal nutrition on the growth, development and disease resistance of offspring?


Karl:             That's getting into another term, “epigenetics,” the concept of being able to pass on traits that aren't really related to the actual genetic material. We don't have a lot of experience in fish. Although we know that a healthier mother tends to have healthier offspring in fish, we've never been able to measure that directly. However, in some of the other livestock species we're working with, it is a very important tool.


                    One of the observations we've made in pigs, for example, is that by feeding a mother a very specific prebiotic late in pregnancy, we can completely change the gene expression in a young piglet, even at weaning. This is after the pig is quite developed. You're working with a new piglet that has a completely different nutritional set of requirements — it is something totally different.

                    It is something that we're using a lot more in livestock species than aquaculture species, although we have some ideas in the next couple of years that we're going to try out and see how we can make that work in fish.


Tom:            Dr. Karl Dawson directs activities at Alltech’s bioscience centers around the world, including the Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition, where he is the co-director. Thank you for being with us.


Karl:             Thank you.



Dr. Karl Dawson spoke at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference. Click below to view presentations from ONE18:

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Can the science of nutrigenomics be used to support disease resistance and improve nutrient absorption in fish? What could it mean for combating sea lice?
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Aidan Connolly: Tech that transforms farming, from seed to fork

Submitted by ldozier on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 16:01

Below is an edited transcript of Tom Martin’s interview with Aidan Connolly, chief innovation officer and vice president of corporate accounts at Alltech. Click below to hear the full audio:


Tom:                            You've written that technological innovations have the ability to transform every link in the food chain, “from seed to fork.” Give us your shortlist of emerging, potentially transformative agricultural technologies.


Aidan:                          I think anybody who lives on the planet is very aware of the transformation that is taking place in all aspects of every business. Agriculture is no different. I tried to summarize this once, because I think we’re flailing around trying to figure out what we can do with gene editing, with digital technologies, autonomous vehicles, and which ones are going to truly transform agriculture. I saw a paper written by PricewaterhouseCoopers in which they talked about eight digital technologies that will transform the world, and I applied that to agriculture.


                                      Effectively, the technologies split into two different types: hardware and software. From a hardware perspective, we are thinking about things like sensors, robots and 3D printing — things that collect data that we can analyze — the internet of things.


                                    From a software perspective, we're thinking of artificial intelligence: virtual reality, enhanced or augmented reality, the ability to analyze data and machine vision. In essence, we're talking about the collection of information and putting that information in a form that people can see, act on and make management decisions.


Tom:                            These technologies are quite revolutionary. How has the pace of the development of these technologies — digital, in particular — changed farming from what it used to be?


Aidan:                          I have to say it hasn't changed farming too much, so far. I would say robotics is probably the technology that has been most embraced so far. When you go to a dairy farm, you will see robots being commonly used. Robots are not yet used in swine farming or in poultry, though that’s going to be coming quite soon.


                                    I think that we've already seen the use of blockchain, which is an electronic ledger that allows you to trace food as it goes through the system. That has been embraced to some degree, in food, for example, with turkeys, grains and soybeans. I would say, frankly, agriculture is a little late to the game. Nonetheless, the opportunities, in terms of how this can transform the business, are probably greater in agriculture than they are in other industries.


Tom:                            What aspects of farming could undergo the greatest transformation from these technologies that you're talking about?


Aidan:                          If we think about what we do today on the farm, be it in the field or with animals, we see a huge gap between the genetic capacity of the animal and what we actually achieve. This is most easily seen if somebody decides to set up a research center. In that research center, they will see yields in corn or in soybeans — or, in terms of animal performance, in milk, meat or eggs — that perform 10 percent better than on the farm or in the field. So, that tells you there’s a lot of potential.


                                       We normally estimate that the genetic potential of an animal or of a plant is about 30 percent above what we actually get. Of course, a lot of this relates to weather, management, the use of pesticides, fertilizers — what we do in general to get the most out of those plants or animals. So, there is a very large gap that data could plug, particularly if we knew what was happening in real time.


                                    I think that, from that perspective, agriculture has lots of areas that could improve. Milk would be a classic example of that, but I think I could take any aspect of agriculture and expect it to be improved through the use of technologies.


Tom:                            If you were asked to compose a short list of the most important tech advances in agriculture of late, what would that look like?


Aidan:                          I think robotics is the one that has been embraced the fastest and where we’ve seen the greatest improvements in the shortest space of time.


                                    Sensors would be number two — in particular for dairy cows, but other species are starting to use sensors to detect, in real time, how much an animal is eating or drinking, how much weight gain is occurring and if it’s sick.


                                    We are seeing the use of drones to collect that same information with plants growing in the field. And, of course, we're seeing it in terms of what's being done with higher-value crops, where the sensors are directly in the soil or on the plant.

                                    The ones that excite me — blockchain has tremendous potential to be used in the near future. I think augmented reality — where you could walk into a field or into a barn wearing goggles that would provide you with information that would allow you to manage those animals or those crops — is very important. And although I don't think virtual reality is going to be something we see being used in agriculture in the near future, we already see it being used in the food industry. McDonald's is already using it to allow consumers to see where food is being produced on farms and to, in effect, “visit” those farms virtually to see what's happening.


Tom:                            To what extent are artificial intelligence and robotics playing roles in farming?


Aidan:                          Robotics is something that I believe has immediate relevance. We are finding it more and more difficult to get people to work on farms. That's especially relevant in the Western world — Western Europe and the United States, obviously, with lots of discussion about labor. But, surprisingly, robotics is increasingly an issue in places like Brazilian processing plants. People don’t necessarily want to work on pig farms anywhere in the world. I think even in China we will see the increasing use of robotics on the farm. Artificial intelligence can transform every aspect of the business of farming. So, even things like veterinarian interventions, nutritional advice or nutritional changes, anything where human intelligence is involved and where decisions are being made, I can see that artificial intelligence can allow us to replace some loss of that role by allowing real-time decisions to be made based on real-time information.


Tom:                            Disruptive innovation creates new markets and reshapes existing markets. What new markets are on the horizon, and how are existing markets being reshaped by these developments?


Aidan:                          A lot of the time, it seems with these digital technologies, what we’re doing is collecting information that allows us to do the current job better. I think that plays a very large part in what we're seeing at the moment: greater traceability, greater information to the consumer and greater information for management decisions.


                                    I wouldn't discard the ability of technology to open markets that haven't been there before. The most obvious one will be the ability to produce food at a lower cost on existing farms, which obviously would allow that food to be given to more of the 7 billion mouths that we have to feed. There is opportunity to create food in new ways. For example, hydroponics requires the use of sensors. The ability of cameras to make decisions in real time about how to irrigate could be very important. Also, because consumer transparency is very important, consumers can see the food being grown, what interventions are taking place and maybe a little bit more information on what's actually happening on either the farm in the countryside or the farm in the city.


Tom:                            With the emergence and the arrival of all these new technologies, each demanding a lot of investment of time and money to acquire and to implement, do you have some advice for producers about how to manage all that?


Aidan:                          I think in the general history of agriculture, there’s been a conflict between the sales and marketing function and the purchaser that is the farmer. I'm sure that 8,000 years ago, when the first sales person arrived on the farm trying to convince a farmer to use his seeds, which he had harvested and held, the farmer was probably wondering what the price was going to be, what were the conditions, what do they need to barter in return. The reality is, with this new level of technology, we're typically talking about startups, and startups, by their nature, are small companies. Many of the startups don't have a history or background in agriculture. So, they don't often fully understand the benefits of the technology that they're promoting. Sometimes they promote too many benefits instead of focusing on the ones that are really relevant to farmers. I'd say to farmers and to companies — anybody engaging with startups in the agricultural space — try to be as friendly as you can and try to be understanding of the person on the other side of the desk or the other side of the tractor who's trying to explain to you why this technology might help you.


                                    Try to see if you can help that person actually be successful. Transformers of digital technologies are essential to the future of producing food efficiently, effectively and safely, and therefore to the future of the planet. Startups will be a part of bringing those technologies to us. If they are successful, we will be successful. So, our goal has to be to make it possible for them to succeed.


Tom:                            You mentioned blockchain technology, and I'm wondering about what seems to be a conflict: how a supply chain ledger system can be at once transparent and secure.


Aidan:                          Many listeners may not be familiar with the term “blockchain.” If they aren’t, I would suggest they read up on it. There are a lot of great videos on the internet. The way I've explained it to myself is that it’s similar to bitcoin. It's something that’s virtual — in this case, a virtual invoice — that passes from person to person, and yet that person cannot see who held that invoice at various stages of the process.


                                    Maybe there is a farmer producing eggs, and those eggs are cracked and we produce a liquid egg from it, and that liquid egg might be further fractionated and used in a variety of food products, with many people involved in the process. Sometimes, not everybody wants everyone in the chain to know where they purchased their raw material, and maybe even where their supplier bought their raw material. So, in that system, a virtual invoice is really exciting because it allows you to gain that traceability without giving up the secrecy. Like bitcoin, it can move from person to person and still retain its value; that's what blockchain allows us to do. That’s the excitement in agriculture and in the food chain in general – a technology that allows us to do this.


                                      Walmart has made a big noise about the fact that they've embraced this originally in China. They're now starting to use it here in the United States. We see discussions amongst many of the other major food companies about the same thing, about what they can do.


                                      I see blockchain as being capable of transforming every aspect of where food moves from one supplier to another.


Tom:                            Do you see blockchain technology combating fraud in food labeling?


Aidan:                          It certainly has the potential to do so. It is not possible for somebody to manipulate. So, yes, it checks that box. It allows us to gain transparency without losing secrecy. Secrecy, right or wrong, has been a big part of the way food has been produced in the past. People have not wanted everybody to know what they have done in their manufacturing process. I think it will be mandated, if not by governments, then I could see it being mandated by food companies. The constant concern is, “If I have a food recall, where did that problem come from, and how easily and quickly can I trace it back?”


Tom:                            Among the technologies that we've talked about, and maybe some that we have not touched on, do you see any that have the potential of mitigating world population growth?


Aidan:                          Well, if by mitigating world population growth you mean providing enough food for all the people who are going to be on the planet…


Tom:                            That’s what I mean.


Aidan:                          I definitely think that, if we look at that 30 percent gap, you could transform that into a 30 percent increase in food production. However, we know that there are areas where we could make even greater gains. Food waste is an obvious one. We say that we lose 30 percent of our food between the plate and our mouth in the West. They say that 30 percent of the food is wasted between the farm and the plate in the developing world. Clearly, there are tremendous gains that could be made to reduce the loss of food in the food chain as it exists at the moment, and I've already mentioned genetic potential. The ability to apply resources — in particular, scarce resources like water and land — more efficiently will also become a very large part of what we see in the future with digital technologies.


Tom:                            You’re watching these technologies emerge. What would you say is the most amazing thing that you've seen lately?


Aidan:                          Maybe I'm a little bit like a kid in a candy shop — I'm amazed by everything that's coming. I have seen many technologies that I truly believe are transformational. One that really excites me is that they've created an egg that you can put under lights and, from that light, you can tell whether the egg is male or female. In the layer industry, we hatch 18 billion eggs because we need 9 million females to grow up to be laying hens and to produce the eggs. That means that 9 million eggs are laid and hatched to become males that do not get used as laying hens. In the past, those were euthanized. However, that's increasingly unacceptable to consumers. In the case of the broiler industry, we know males grow differently than females. If we could shine a light to know which eggs are males and which were females, we could hatch them in different trays. We could put them into different houses. We could feed them differently, grow them for different periods of time, etcetera. So, that’s transformational in terms of what we could see from a world perspective.


Tom:                            Aidan Connolly is chief innovation officer and vice president of corporate accounts at Alltech. Thank you very much, Aidan.


Aidan:                          Thank you, Tom.


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It is estimated that the genetic potential of an animal or plant is about 30 percent above what we actually achieve. Can technology bridge the gap and completely transform agriculture?

Alltech Ireland Nominated for US-Ireland Research Innovation Award

Submitted by eivantsova on Thu, 03/22/2018 - 08:59

[DUNBOYNE, Ireland] – Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre, located in Dunboyne, County Meath, has been nominated for a US-Ireland Research Innovation Award. The centre has been nominated in the Multinational Corporation Category for research on how reduced diversity among intestinal gut microbes can affect animal health and can lead to the overgrowth of pathogens and the development of resistance. It also examines how increasing gut microbial diversity through nutrition and diet can aid in the control of these issues with the aim of reducing reliance on antibiotics.

Now in its fourth year, the awards are a joint initiative between the Royal Irish Academy and the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland and are aimed at recognising excellence in research innovation, creation and invention by an organisation as a result of U.S. foreign direct investment in Ireland. The winners will be announced on 18 May at the Chamber’s annual dinner, which will also welcome Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys.

Dr. Richard Murphy, research director at the Alltech European Bioscience Centre, said the nomination was a fantastic achievement for the research team.

“At Alltech, we strive for success,” said Murphy. “Our innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies deliver real results for our customers and farmers, and so this award is a tremendous achievement for us as a research team. We are delighted to be nominated for a US-Ireland Research Innovation Award. This is a true testament to the hard work our team in Dunboyne put into researching innovative farming solutions.”

Alltech Ireland has long been a leader in both the Irish and European agriculture industry. Located in Dunboyne, County Meath, it became the first Alltech office to be established in mainland Europe in 1981 and today serves as Alltech’s European headquarters and bioscience centre.

Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre is Alltech’s pivotal research centre in Europe. The research work carried out at the centre specialises in cellular biotechnology, and the team of 20 scientists based in Dunboyne have developed unique insights into specific focus areas such as yeast cell wall architecture, trace element chelation, biomarker detection and microbial population dynamics. This work has resulted in the development of new solutions, services and analytical tools that improve producer profitability and efficiency.

“We have approximately 20 full-time scientists on-site in Dunboyne,” said Murphy. “We are very proud of our highly educated team and close links with Irish universities. The majority of the team have earned their Ph.D. or master’s degree with Alltech.

“Since redevelopment work on the facility was completed in 2013, the team at Alltech are very lucky to work in labs of exceptional quality and standard, thanks to Mrs. Deirdre Lyons, Alltech’s director of corporate image and design, who is responsible for designing our labs,” he continued. “This enables us to provide a state-of-the-art platform that enables young scientists to work with Alltech's expert team of biochemists, microbiologists and nutritionists.” 

Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre is one of the company’s three major bioscience centres around the world, with each centre having its own innovative focus. The centres are complemented by more than 20 research alliances with leading universities around the world. Alltech’s research team are also responsible for over 500 patents awarded to Alltech globally.

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Alltech Ireland nominated for US-Ireland Research Innovation Award
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Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre, located in Dunboyne, County Meath, has been nominated for a US-Ireland Research Innovation Award. Now in its fourth year, the awards are a joint initiative between the Royal Irish Academy and the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland. The winners will be announced on 18 May at the Chamber’s annual dinner.
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<p>Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre, located in Dunboyne, County Meath, has been nominated for a US-Ireland Research Innovation Award. Now in its fourth year, the awards are a joint initiative between the Royal Irish Academy and the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland. The winners will be announced on 18 May at the Chamber’s annual dinner.</p>

Dr. Kristen Brennan: Piecing together the genomic puzzle through nutrigenomics

Submitted by ldozier on Fri, 03/02/2018 - 14:35

The following is an edited transcript of Tom Martin’s interview with Dr. Kristen Brennan, a research project manager at the Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition in Nicholasville, Kentucky.

Click below to listen to the podcast:


                                    Dr. Kristen Brennan is a research project manager at the Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition in Nicholasville, Kentucky. In this interview with Tom Martin, Brennan helps us gain a better understanding of her field, nutrigenomics, and its role in sustainable agriculture.



Tom:                            What is the science of nutrigenomics?



Kristen:                        The easiest way to think about nutrigenomics is to break the word down into what it is: “nutri" and “genomics.” What we're aiming to study with nutrigenomics is how nutrition — whether that’s nutrients, forms of nutrients, diets, timing of diets — influences the animal's genome. So, we’re not changing the genome, but influencing the activity of all the genes of that animal’s genome.



Tom:                            Is this an outgrowth of the human genome project, or has it been around a lot longer than that?



Kristen:                        Nutrigenomics is something that's been around forever. From the time the first living organism evolved, it needed nutrients, and those nutrients had influence on the activity of the genes within that animal or cell. The thing that we've done within the last several years is to figure out how to capture that information. It's always been there, we just never had a way of measuring it before. Technologies like genome sequencing are the core foundation for measuring what we're seeing.



Tom:                            Is there a point in time when we realized that nutrients were having an impact on genetic expression?



Kristen:                        I think we’ve known for a long time the importance of nutrition. Centuries and centuries ago, they had an idea that nutrition had a vital role. I don't know if we knew at that point, really, what DNA was and what genes did, but we knew that nutrition could influence the outcome, or a phenotype of an animal — what we're seeing on the outside — and how important it was for good health.



Tom:                            What are the advantages of nutrigenomics in animal studies?



Kristen:                        What I think makes this field so exciting is that, first of all, when we’re dealing with actual sampling, we need a very small sample amount. We can do this with, for instance, a small draw of blood from an animal, or we can take a small biopsy. So, you're not having to euthanize an animal to get tissue.


                                       Even more of an advantage is the amount of information we get. If you think about most genomes, you're talking about thousands of genes. We can measure in a single snapshot how every one of those genes is behaving in response to a diet or nutrition. That is an amazing amount of information.


                                       The other advantage is that it can be really rapid. From the time we get a sample to the time we have an output of data, it can be as short as just a few days in the lab. So, a lot of information, small input and a ton (of data) in a very rapid way.



Tom:                            And are you able to understand why some animals respond differently than others to the very same nutrients?



Kristen:                        Yes. We can use this information to understand that. An example would be healthy versus diseased animals and why nutrition may play a role in how they respond to that illness. More and more, we're starting to understand how differences on a genetic level — different breeds of animals, different production states, things like that — can influence how that animal responds.



Tom:                            Are you able to dig down into it and figure out how nutrients and bioactive components in the food turn on or turn off certain genes?



Kristen:                        Yes. The biggest amount of information we get is just a simple “Do they or do they not turn genes on or off?” So, how does each individual gene activity respond to what you're feeding? As we’re understanding that more and more, we can take a step back and start to understand how they're doing it. They are what we call signaling pathways, which are like, if you set up a row of dominoes and you hit the first one, it sets everything off. It’s the same thing with gene activity. There is a series of molecules that are responsible for regulating or activating other ones. And we can start to decipher how we get from the nutrient that we’re feeding or the diet we're feeding to that endpoint, that last domino in the line.



Tom:                            You can actually target issues that call for some kind of nutritional intervention?



Kristen:                        Yes. And that's obviously one of the most exciting applications of this research. We can use this to define precision nutrition.


                                    One of the challenges with feeding animals, or people in general, is that there are so many environmental factors that influence how an animal responds to diet — things like illness and disease, but also production state, where they're living, what their basal diets are. And so, we can use this technology to get precise information on how we can use nutrition to get the best performance or best health out of that animal.



Tom:                            How do you carry out your research? What goes on in Kristen Brennan’s laboratory?



Kristen:                        It’s magic! This research is done in several steps. It’s really a team effort. The simplest study we have is between two groups of animals, and because so many things could influence gene expression, we want to make sure that those two groups of animals are as identical as possible — same breed, sex, age, production state, and they’re housed in similar environments. The only thing we want different between those two groups is the nutrient we’re interested in.


                                    For instance, if we’re looking at a form of a mineral like selenium, we might have one diet that contains selenium in the form of sodium selenite, and we might have the exact same diet for the other group that has selenium in the form of organic selenium like our Sel-Plex® product. Once we have fed these diets for a given amount of time — it just depends on what we're interested in looking at, what tissues and what nutrients we’re evaluating — then we obtain a sample. It can be as simple as just a very tiny muscle biopsy or a few milliliters of blood. We bring that to the lab, and our laboratory technicians will essentially take that tissue, rupture the cellular membranes and then the nuclear membranes and purify what we call the mRNA, or the transcripts, that are located within the nucleus. We make sure that transcript, or a total RNA, is of super high quality and purity because these assays are so precise. We have high standards for what we can use.


                                       And then we use a commercially available DNA microarray. And what that allows us to do is profile. It has probes for each gene on the animal's genome — for example in the case of a chicken, it has something like 18,000 probes — and that allows us to measure whether the mRNA, or the transcript, for each of those genes has been increased or decreased in response to the nutrient that we fed.


                                       At the end, we get a long spreadsheet that says gene A is increased, gene B unchanged, gene C is decreased.


                                       Then the tough part comes, and that is the data analysis. So, we have all of these data points — you’re talking about thousands — and it is sort of like taking one of those huge puzzles. If you took that box of puzzle pieces and threw it on the ground, you would just have a giant mess, right? When I get that Excel spreadsheet of thousands of rows and columns, that’s what it’s like, essentially. So, we need help to try to piece those puzzle pieces together. If we took one piece out, we might find a corner and that's really important. Just like if I look at that spreadsheet, I might find a gene that's very important, that's very highly increased or decreased. That's a starting point.


                                    What we really need to do to see the big picture is piece those puzzle pieces together. We use what we call bioinformatics — essentially biological statistics — and we use software programs that say, okay, these 100 genes are related, they all have a common biological function, and based on their activity, we predict that biological function to increase or decrease. And that helps us make sense of this information.


                                    So, just like piecing those puzzle pieces together, we get that big picture of what's going on inside an animal that results in what we're seeing on the outside like improved growth, or improved feed efficiency, or improved markers of health.



Tom:                            I'm under the impression that the “Holy Grail” for you would be to find and establish a link between nutritional genomics approaches and applied nutritional research. Can you explain?



Kristen:                        Sure. The ultimate goal, at least in my view, for nutrigenomics is when we do traditional nutrition studies, we take an experimental diet, we feed it to an animal and we look at a phenotypic output. So, what do we see in the whole animal? That might be body weight change, growth rates, feed efficiency — things we can measure in the whole cow or by just looking at the animal. We might look at blood markers, stuff like that. What often is lacking and what we can use nutrigenomics for is, how do we get from point A to point B? How do we get from feeding this diet to the response in the whole animal?


                                       What nutrigenomics gives us is a tool to look at a molecular reason for those changes. We can use nutrigenomics to figure out, are we affecting energy expenditure in the cell? Are we affecting protein translation in the muscle? Things like this can help us explain what we're seeing in that animal instead of just guessing on how something works.



Tom:                            Does this technology, nutrigenomics, reduce our reliance on large-scale animal studies, and is it less invasive than the traditional approach?



Kristen:                        I think so. When we do these studies, we can work with a much smaller number (of animals) per treatment. So, where you might need hundreds of animals to get, say, carcass quality measurements that are significant, we can use six or 10 animals per treatment and still get some of the same information that would explain why we see changes in a large animal. Obviously, they're complementary, but we use this technology to minimize the number of animals we need per treatment.


                                      The other advantage is the obtaining of samples. We don't need a whole kilo of skeletal muscle to do our analysis. We need a tiny amount. So, that really is noninvasive. We can use a simple blood draw that is noninvasive and get this information out of that.



Tom:                            The 21st century farm is a changed place compared with that of the previous century. A big reason for that is the arrival of a lot of science, technology and big data. If we were to take your science, nutrigenomics, out of the laboratory and into the farm, how would producers use what you've learned?



Kristen:                        I think one of the major ways they can use it is precision nutrition — really formulating diets to meet the actual needs of an animal. And also to understand the form versus function of different nutrients. So, how do we get the best that we can get out of an animal through nutrition? Nutrigenomics gives us that tool to understand how.



Tom:                            To carry that further, beyond helping to determine what will work for an animal's genetic type, is nutrigenomics helping explain why we need to find what works for a given animal?



Kristen:                        Absolutely. And I think it really helps push the idea of precision behind nutrition. For so long, we've overfed nutrients. We haven't really paid attention to form versus function. Nutrigenomics is giving us reasons why form is so important in nutrients, and why precise levels are important. We're taking the guessing game out of animal nutrition.


                                       I think as our population grows and the need for food continues to increase, that really optimizing nutrition based on an animal’s genetic potential is going to be really, really important.



Tom:                            How can this genomic information help us better understand nutrition and nutrient science?



Kristen:                        That’s a great question. This gives us a good understanding of the hidden effects of nutrition — the things that we don't really understand; why we see the changes. Why are we seeing increased energy efficiency with different forms of selenium, for instance? If we just look at our traditional nutrition research, we have no idea. But we use nutrigenomics to say, “Okay, well, the genes that control, say, mitochondrial growth in the skeletal muscle in the animals are turned on by Sel-Plex, and that explains why we see changes in energy expenditure.”


                                       That’s the type of stuff that we can get through traditional animal nutrition research, and nutrigenomics really helps push that information ahead and gives us a better understanding of how nutrients function — things that we can't see by just looking at an animal.



Tom:                            One final question: Among the things that you're working on right now, what really interests you and excites you?



Kristen:                        Everything, as a true scientist! One of the areas that I'm completely fascinated by, and have been for years — and we've done quite a bit of work on it, but it's just something that I start to think about and almost gives me a headache — is the idea of nutritional programming. This is the concept of how early life nutrition — whether that's in a neonatal animal or even in the gestating diet, looking at offspring — how nutrition early in life influences an animal throughout its lifespan.


                                    We've done a lot of work to look at some of the things that happen, like gene expression changes that occur. When we change the diet of an animal in the first 96 hours of life, those patterns and the changes stay with that animal throughout its lifespan, and that completely fascinates me.


                                       I think that's an application that is something that can be applied through all different species of animals, whether that’s livestock or even humans. We think about how you are what you eat, but you're also what your mother ate and what her mother ate and then maybe what her dad ate. It starts to really fascinate you. So, that’s probably one the most exciting areas that we work on.



Tom:                            Dr. Kristen Brennan is a research project manager at the Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition in Nicholasville, Kentucky. Thank you for joining us.



Kristen:                        Thank you.


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Advancing science: The top 10 breakthroughs from 10 years of nutrigenomics

Submitted by ldozier on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 14:59

“You are what you eat” might strike you with a bit of fear or guilt depending on what it is that you are munching at the moment. While the origins of this phrase are probably as old as mankind, fundamental research now supports the importance of eating the right things, at the right time, both in humans and animals. 

Our genes are the blueprint that defines who we are. How genes express themselves in the presence of nutrition, to produce proteins, is called “gene expression.” The science that defines how we understand this interplay between what we eat and how our genes function is called “nutrigenomics.”

A small chip, representing all the genes in the tissue of the individual being examined, allows scientists to predict precisely what effects to expect from dietary changes by showing which genes are activated and deactivated (in other words, turned “on” or “off”).

Just over ten years ago, Alltech opened a first-of-its-kind facility dedicated to the study of animal nutrition’s impact on gene expression. This study of nutrigenomics has allowed scientists to determine what outcomes to expect from feeding specific foods, feeds and dietary supplements to animals without waiting the months or even years that are typical in traditional farm trials. Additionally, nutrigenomics is minimally invasive research, requiring little from animals, such as minor bloodwork tests.

Over the 10 years since the Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition opened, nutrigenomics has been used to:

  • Understand how specific foods and diet structures change gene expression.
  • Quickly screen and identify new nutrients with similar benefits to existing elements of the modern livestock diet.
  • Predict responses to novel nutrients or foods.


10 Nutrigenomics Breakthroughs

1. Truly Amaize-ing

Although considered “amazing” by some farmers who use it, Amaize® from Alltech was a product with an elusive mode of action.

Cattle and other ruminants rely upon their first stomach (the rumen) to break down fiber. Enzymes such as Amaize should help with this digestion process. Using traditional techniques, researchers demonstrated that adding Amaize resulted in carcass weight gain for beef and greater milk production in dairy.

Examining tissue samples using gene expression, however, added much more to the story. The enzyme’s impact on the animal’s metabolic system showed that Amaize optimizes animal growth.

Several key changes were noted in particular. Genes relating to the expression of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), insulin receptors and the growth hormone were affected positively. These genes all have a direct correlation to increasing metabolic activity and therefore body growth.

Nutrigenomics allowed scientists to precisely understand the true function of Amaize, making it possible to issue specific recommendations to farmers of how and how much to incorporate into their cattle’s diets to maximize production and profitability (primary scientist: Dr. Ronan Power, Alltech). 

2. EconomasE: An economical alternative to vitamin E

In essence, EconomasE is an antioxidant supplement, demonstrating similar biological functions to vitamin E, but more economically.

Vitamin E is known throughout the world for its powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants inhibit the oxidation of other molecules, which can produce free radicals. Free radicals, unpaired loose electrons, cause damage to cells in the body. Generally, therefore, a person who consumes antioxidants will be healthier and in better shape to fight off illness, which is why doctors advise eating antioxidant-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts and certain berries.

Humans aren’t the only ones to benefit from antioxidants; all animals do, and this is why vitamin E is routinely included in the diets of all production animals. Vitamin E, however, is very expensive, and producers often seek ways to minimize its inclusion in their feed. The caveat is that reduction of vitamin E can increase the likelihood of requirement for antibiotics.

Using nutrigenomics, researchers were able to identify vitamin E’s mode of action and then set about identifying other compounds or combinations with similar effects. EconomasE proved capable of replicating the gene expression changes seen with vitamin E, and this was confirmed in 46 subsequent trials with poultry, swine and cattle. EconomasE maintained meat quality and the beneficial, protective antioxidative effects of vitamin E without the high price tag (primary scientist: Dr. Karl Dawson, Alltech).

3. Using zinc to facilitate development

Zinc is a trace mineral required by all animals to grow and develop properly. It supports immune function, allowing the animal to overcome immune challenges. In animals, through optimizing the immune response, it reduces risks associated with a severe infection known as necrotic enteritis (NE), which costs the poultry industry alone an estimated $5 to $6 billion globally and has mortality rates of up to 1 percent per day.

Necrotic enteritis is caused by the pathogenic bacteria family of Clostridium perfringens, resulting in lesions of the intestine that inhibit the absorption of nutrients, further weakening the sick animal and sometimes leading to death. In the last few years, scientists have been searching for ways to reduce the effects of necrotic enteritis in production animals such as poultry, pigs and cattle.

Nutrigenomics also confirmed that the form of zinc used is important. Forms such as zinc oxide and zinc sulphate that are typically used in animal diets, and in human supplements, are less effective than those connected to mixed peptides, which impact how the zinc is absorbed. Treating the animal in a holistic manner, supplying it with nutrients in the optimal form, enables that animal to be far better prepared to fight off potential infection, resulting in less antibiotic use and better efficiency of food digestion, both of which will save poultry producers (and consumers) billions of dollars annually (primary scientist: Dr. Daniel Graugnard, Alltech).

4. Mitigating myopathies in meat

As recently as five years ago, a condition known as “woody breast” wasn’t even on chicken producers’ list of concerns. Now, it is credited with losses conservatively estimated at $200 million dollars in the U.S. and affects chicken producers in Brazil, Spain and Italy, amongst others. An affliction of the chicken breast, it results in tough, chewy and otherwise inedible meat.

While genetics certainly play a factor, woody breast is generally considered to be directly correlated to how fast producers grow their chickens. Consider that in 1930, the average chicken was slaughtered at 2.5 pounds (1.1 kilograms) and took 50 days to gain each pound of weight. Less than 100 years later, we grow chicken to 6 to 8 pounds live weight, and they can put on a pound every eight days!

At a scientific level, fast-growing chickens are being affected by hypoxia (low blood), increased oxidative stress, inflammation and an increase in fibrofatty tissue.  From a consumer perspective, this results in chewy chicken and a generally unpleasant eating experience. However, understanding gene expression changes through nutrigenomics has enabled the development of a feed program that decreases the oxidative effects within the bird, resulting in normal tasting breast fillets for consumers (primary scientist: Dr. Rebecca Delles, Alltech).

5. Actigen: A stronger next generation of a proven success

For many years, Bio-Mos® has been a star ingredient in animal feed. It supported animal performance naturally by reinforcing the function of the digestion system and enhancing feed efficiency.   

The challenge was that the nature of natural is variation: color, odor and particle size relating to the natural process of production. Producers wanted the benefits of Bio-Mos, but they wanted it to be more concentrated, make it more economical and make it traceable.  

Nutrigenomic research quickly confirmed Actigen®’s similarities to Bio-Mos but also showed it to be 2.5 to five times more powerful.

Subsequent animal feeding trials later proved Actigen’s ability to help animals achieve their genetic potential. However, nutrigenomics confirmed its biological value much earlier, in a matter of weeks rather than months or years (primary scientist: Dr. Colm Moran, Alltech).

6. You are what your mother ate: The science of epigenetics

Epigenetics, or how an environment impacts the expression of inherited genes, is the next science that we expect will revolutionize the way we think of nutrition. In this case, what the parents ate, and what the parents of their parents ate, affects gene expression. And, it goes beyond nutrition. Studies have shown that overeating, undereating, exercise and smoking all have potential benefits or deleterious effects on future generations.

Pregnant sows at the world’s largest pig farm were fed Actigen during the last trimester and demonstrated epigenetic benefits. Tissue samples from their offspring exhibited gene expression changes suggesting stronger immune systems and enhanced nutrient uptake. So, as epigenetics suggests, feeding the mothers Actigen resulted in pigs that were much better off than those whose mothers did not receive it.

Healthier piglets will grow better, be more efficient, have stronger immune systems and less likelihood of disease infections/need for antibiotics (primary scientist: Dr. Kristen Brennan, Alltech).

7. Programmed nutrition: Conditioning gene expression

Within the lifetime of a person or animal, genes can be conditioned. In other words, we can design specific feeding regimes that prime the genes so that when a second diet is introduced, those genes express in ways that are more beneficial for the animal. This can be especially of benefit in the cattle industry, where cattle are bred and born in one location and often exchange hands three or four times.

Programmed nutrition shows that when newborn animals are fed supplements at specific levels and specific times, their bodies can better learn to utilize and retain these nutrients. As the animal grows, they become more efficient and require fewer nutrients than animals receiving excess supplements.

One example is EPNIX®. Part of a feeding program designed for genetic conditioning, the timing of feeding EPNIX to cattle is critical. It is a two-part process: the first part conditions the animal’s body to utilize nutrients better and the second part involves feeding the optimal nutrients.

EPNIX is a natural feed program that can positively improve cattle performance, meat quality and even reduce the environmental impact of beef farming (primary scientist: Dr. Vaughn Holder, Alltech).

Check out this podcast by Alltech research scientist Dr. Vaughn Holder to learn more about EPNIX.

8. In ovo feeding: Feed the egg before the chicken

Typically, the time from when an egg is laid to when it hatches is 21 days, almost the same amount of time it takes the chicken to grow. So it’s not surprising that poultry producers are increasingly wondering what nutrition a chick receives inside the egg.

Using nutrigenomics, scientists can look at what happens when different nutrients are introduced into the eggs. When used correctly, in ovo (Latin for “inside the egg”) feeding methods can be a powerful way to improve the development and health of the animal.

Careful egg injections of tiny doses of water-soluble sugar called MR8, from a probiotic yeast, resulted in baby chicks with stronger immune systems at birth and more efficient digestive systems. Not only that, but their hatchability increased, with more chicks born and improved survivability in the first week. Additionally, nutrigenomics showed a more developed digestive system physiologically and structurally, giving the bird a strong head start when compared to chicks that didn’t get the sugar from the probiotic yeast.

Today, implementing in ovo feeding requires special machines for use in hatcheries incubating thousands of eggs. However, the technology is quickly emerging to make in ovo feeding a strong part of poultry nutrition’s future (primary scientist: Dr. Rijin Xiao, Alltech).

 9. Serving salmon sans sea lice

Fish have never been more popular with consumers. As such, fish farming, or aquaculture, has become very important. In fact, more fish now come from farms than are caught in the sea. Yet, aquaculture presents its own challenges, including managing diseases and parasites. Sea lice alone cost the aquaculture industry an estimated $1 billion dollars a year. The threat of sea lice to salmon is not new, and salmon have developed their own protection by the secretion of a mucous layer encompassing its scales. This works, but when the sea lice are big enough, they can harm the fish and sometimes even kill it.

Until now, no annotated gene chip for salmon existed. The only fish species available was zebrafish, which is more likely to be found in your child’s aquarium! Now, a new salmon gene chip allows researchers to test all kinds of nutritional changes from a nutrigenomics perspective, and already evidence has been generated showing how to reduce the threat of sea lice to salmon.

Scientists have learned how to harness the natural immune system of the fish. Dr. Keith Filer and the research team at Alltech have discovered how to help fish produce more of the mucous-producing cells, making them slimier and thus more difficult for the sea lice to attach. For more on sea lice and the salmon industry, check out “For salmon’s sake: Seeking solutions to sea lice” (primary scientist: Dr. Keith Filer, Alltech).

10. Retooling our approach to Alzheimer’s

From humankind’s perspective, the most important work at Alltech’s nutrigenomics facility is with a selenium compound called AT-001. Nutrigenomic studies have indicated this specific selenium has the ability to change biochemical pathways associated with many serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s or other neurodegenerative diseases.

In collaboration with the late Dr. William Markesbery, the former director at the University of Kentucky’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Alltech began testing AT-001, using a well-established mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to evaluate its effects on neurodegeneration.

AT-001 reduced the incidence of clumps of misfolded proteins, known as amyloid plaques, often associated with Alzheimer’s, by 45–50 percent in the brains of these AD mice. Furthermore, the overall destruction caused by oxidative damage in the brain tissue of these same animals was reduced. For example, oxidative damage to both DNA and RNA was reduced by 35 percent and 60 percent, respectively.

Now tested in other animal species and other tissues, AT-001 has been found to significantly increase mitochondrial activity. Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for producing energy in cells and are thus essential for life. It is well documented in scientific literature that even small decreases in mitochondrial activity are linked to the occurrence of at least 50 different illnesses.

These initial results have opened an entirely new field of research, evaluating the physiological impact of more than 100 individual sub-components of AT-001. Three small selenium compounds have displayed remarkable activity in cell culture and animal models with type 2 diabetes. In addition, the compound in AT-001 that is responsible for the reduction in amyloid plaques has been identified and characterized. AT-001 is currently in Phase II human clinical trials in a population of elderly subjects who are at risk of developing AD (primary scientist: Dr. ZJ Lan, Alltech).


The past 10 years have seen incredible scientific and technological advancements in our understanding of nutrigenomics. We believe these breakthroughs are only the beginning as technology and data analytics continue to advance. For humans, animals, and livestock and food producers, the future looks optimistic.

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The Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition opened at Alltech headquarters, located  in Nicholasville, Kentucky, in 2008.
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Using ag-tech to drive feed efficiency and profitable farming solutions

Submitted by clbrown on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 00:00

Big data is ready for the farm. But is the farm ready for big data?

84 percent of U.S. farmers who responded to a recent Stratus Ag Research survey said they have high-tech equipment that captures reams of data from livestock, planting, harvesting or crop protection operations. Yet, only 42 percent of them are transferring this information to a field data management software program for further analysis. 

The question is: How can producers harness all of this information to drive efficiency and profitability once it has been collected?

KEENAN, a technological entrepreneur of diet feeders, stepped up to this challenge by expanding into farm data analysis with InTouch technology, which delivers solutions on-farm in real time.

“We've been involved with the internet of things (IoT) since about 2011,” said Conan Condon, director of KEENAN’s InTouch system. “At that stage, there wasn't much connectivity. There were about 12 million connected devices. Today, there are about 6.4 billion connected devices.” 

At present, more than 2,000 livestock operations, ranging in size from tens to thousands of cows, use the InTouch system, a live review and support service that helps producers apply actionable intelligence to their operations, giving them the benefit of KEENAN’s access to data on more than 1.3 million monitored cows.


InTouch technology: Acting on data today

KEENAN InTouch is a simple, cloud-based communications platform that offers real-time performance monitoring. The system allows for all feed ingredients to be added to the diet feeder in consistent orders and ratios, thereby promoting feeding consistency and improving livestock performance and profitability.  


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Producers are looking for easy alternatives to interpreting and actioning data. InTouch supports that process, as data is automatically transferred and received after completion of every load. Not only are paperwork and time delays eliminated, but the InTouch platform also allows for instant feedback. This means that producers can make informed decisions on maintaining and/or improving ration accuracy, consistency and presentation, thereby maximizing livestock performance. InTouch can also incorporate data from other herd management software programs and services such as the Dairy Herd Improvement Association, resulting in better quality analysis. 

Convenience is also a key feature of InTouch. Ration changes can be made from a computer or smartphone, through the InTouch customer service center or programmed directly to the KEENAN diet feeder. Nutritionists can also send ration changes directly to the weigh scale on the diet feeder.

The pre-self-loading order and mixing time takes the guesswork out of loading accuracy, suggesting a mixing order based on type, length of cut and moisture levels of the ingredients. It also calculates the required number of mixing revolutions needed to maximize effective fiber and delivers a consistent, uniform mix, based on 17 years of data gathered from farms all around the world.

To maximize profits for producers, InTouch’s support services help them monitor everything from feed costs and diet feeder performance to proper inclusion rate accuracy in order to maximize profits. Daily, monthly and annual performance reports for feed efficiency, the cost to produce 100 pounds of milk, profit margin per cow and production trends are automatically produced. This means no more combing through data or handwritten notes to find patterns that might unlock efficiency — using InTouch, farm consultants can generate benchmark summary reports that can reveal management practices to improve livestock performance and profitability.


The MechFiber difference

Based on years of data from more than 1 million cows, KEENAN has developed a range of products tailored to the needs of farmers, including reel, self-propelled, vertical and static machines for small- to medium-sized farms and pro-mixers for high-volume feed manufacturing and larger farms. These machines are designed to improve rumen health, resulting in improved feed efficiency and livestock production.

They are durable and easy to maintain, with a low daily operating cost and stationary blades for controlled chopping. They have a simple drive system, with no gearbox required and they empty completely, so no ration ingredients intended for one group of animals are fed to another.

Each diet feeder has two chambers (mixing and dispensing) and, together with a six-paddle reel and patented fixed-knives system, is engineered to produce a consistent, uniform, fluffy mix called MechFiber, which is unique to KEENAN machines.

Independent trials have consistently shown that MechFiber retains the fiber structure needed to stimulate rumination, allowing greater absorption of energy and maximizing feed conversion efficiency.

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KEENAN diet feeders produce consistent rations from as little as five percent capacity up to 22,000 pounds. They easily handle and deliver a consistent, uniform mix for smaller dry cows, post-fresh cows and heifer groups. KEENAN customers can purchase separate ingredients to prepare their own premixes.  

Additionally, the low-power requirement design saves up to 50 percent in fuel consumption and reduces tractor and KEENAN diet feeder maintenance costs. Larger, more expensive tractors are not required compared to equivalent capacity vertical mixers, as a 120-horsepower tractor will operate a 1,000-cubic-foot diet feeder at recommended speeds of 1,200–1,500 revolutions per minute.

KEENAN started manufacturing quality diet feeders with cutting-edge designs and technology in 1978. In 2016, Alltech acquired KEENAN and is re-establishing the diet feeder in the U.S. market with a fresh approach to innovation that builds on KEENAN’s strong reputation for quality and performance.

Manufactured in Borris, County Carlow in Ireland, KEENAN products are available for purchase in the U.S. For more information about KEENAN, visit


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Over 2,000 livestock operations are harnessing the power of technology via KEENAN's InTouch system, accessing data on 1.3 million+ cows.
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Over 2,000 livestock operations are harnessing the power of technology via KEENAN's InTouch system, accessing data on 1.3 million+ cows.

The missing link in shrimp symbiosis

Submitted by clbrown on Tue, 02/06/2018 - 00:00

By Walter Moncayo

In aquaculture, pathological challenges become a learning opportunity for production technicians, helping us to better understand our role and realize that we are mere mediators between science and nature. An aquaculture pond is a diverse habitat populated by countless species that interact with each other to achieve a unique balance, known as symbiosis.


A holistic approach to maintaining aquatic symbiosis


The existing variables in aquaculture are diverse and interrelated. Pathological events are an imbalance of the aquaculture universe; therefore, any techniques and methodologies that incorporate key elements (e.g., water quality, soil, nutrition, biosecurity) must be positive and sustainable over time. Treating these variables separately will not generate permanent results. The aim should be to seek alternative options, such as integrating them into a more holistic concept.

A great example is technology that combines prebiotic concepts with probiotics, which work together to create a symbiotic environment. Eventually, this alternative approach stimulates beneficial microorganisms (e.g., phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, yeast), which stabilize aquaculture ponds and lower the risk of disease.


Becoming part of the symbiosis


Through management programs focused on health, biosecurity, nutrition and immune support, we have integrated ourselves into this symbiosis, effectively becoming the missing link in aquaculture.

For example, in Ecuador, we have been working with industry partners to develop a symbiotic environment for shrimp through the production of bokashi. Bokashi consists of soy cake, a source of soluble and insoluble fibers. Its protein is also considered a functional food source. Soy nutrients are released when combined with enzymes such as Allzyme® SSF and Allzyme® Vegpro, in addition to Lacto-Sacc®, which provides high-performance probiotics.

An interesting fact is that the probiotics in Lacto-Sacc, such as Latobacillus acidophilus and Enterococcus faecium, contribute metabolites (natural organic acids), which acidify the digestive tract. Additionally, enriching bokashi with Bio-Mos® and organic trace minerals like Sel-Plex® and Bioplex® may result in optimal farming conditions and significant cost savings.


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Researchers are working to improve shrimp health through the production of bokashi and incorporation of key enzymes.

Immersive gaming goes on-farm

Submitted by eivantsova on Thu, 12/21/2017 - 14:43

Those of us who don’t farm for a living but have always wanted to catch an on-farm glimpse, rejoice! Did you know that there is an immersive game, developed by Giants Software of Switzerland, called Farming Simulator? The game allows players to armchair farm in the comfort of their living room.

My curiosity was piqued when I heard about it, so I called Brian Bolger, an Irish engineer working in New York who contributes modifications to the game in his spare time, to learn more about it.

I admitted to Brian that I knew very little about the game and was interested in its origins and what it was all about. Brian first discovered the game himself on YouTube and by the end of 2015 was actively involved in creating his own model. Farming Simulator gives players a complete farming experience. The game enables players to get a sense of what it’s like to toil the land, work with heavy machinery, harvest crops and care for livestock, all on their very own digital farm.

Originally from County Kildare, a mere 25-minute drive from KEENAN headquarters in Borris, County Carlow, Brian develops game assets for Giants Software as a hobby. With a background in farming and a huge interest in farm machinery, Brian started out drawing basic shapes, making cubes and working his way up to building a small trailer. He progressed to developing more complex machines and discovered that Giants Software hosted an annual contest for the development of games assets — something that inspired Brian.

“I enjoy the complexity of developing 3D models in 1:1, or full size, scale,” he said. “Developing a KEENAN model with the same functionality as the real machine is challenging, and I love it.”

Brian gets into the weeds with the actual detail of the models he creates. From creating textures and colors for the 3D model through to digital controls, a model such as the KEENAN diet feeder can take Brian a couple of days to build from the ground up. Brian refers to himself as a “modder” (for those of us non-gamers, that refers to people who create modifications for games).

Farming Simulator did not have a KEENAN machine a few years ago, and so Brian set about to rectify this.

“I took pictures originally and built the model, adding functionality such as the feed mixing inside the wagon and the finished mix being poured out to feed the animals,” he explained. “I then created specifications for each of the effects and developed software to make it all work and come to life. It’s fairly complex, and there is no book on how to do it, but I really enjoy it.”

Today, thanks to Brian’s ingenuity, the KEENAN “Green Machine” has more than 1 million downloads. The download numbers also spiked due to the game being available for console play on Xbox and PlayStation.

“A lot of gamers are sons and daughters of farmers,” he said. “Interestingly enough, I get a lot of emails from people in the U.S. asking,  ‘Where is this machine made?’”

Farming Simulator has been on the market since 2008. However, it has experienced significant growth in the past two to three years. So popular is the simulator that Giants Software is now developing a South American version of the game.

Brian estimates that the game player demographics are made up of approximately 70 percent of players aged 18 years old and under, with the remaining 30 percent being over age 18. It’s interesting to consider that many of our future farmers could be cutting their teeth and developing machine preferences through a digital platform.

Why is Farming Simulator so popular? Brian is convinced it is all about the magic of creating your own machine for the games, the fact that it has no limits and the seemingly real immersion the user gets from farming in this manner.

Farming Simulator is available to buy online. Go forth, gamers, and farm!

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Immersive gaming goes on-farm
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The game Farming Simulator has been on the market since 2008. However, it has experienced significant growth in the past two to three years. Today, the KEENAN “Green Machine” has more than 1 million downloads.
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<p>The game Farming Simulator has been on the market since 2008. However, it has experienced significant growth in the past two to three years. Today, the KEENAN “Green Machine” has more than 1 million downloads.</p>

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