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Grain storage tips: Monitor for mold and mycotoxins in stored grain

Submitted by lkeyser on Wed, 05/08/2019 - 15:08

The devastating flooding in the Midwest has led not only to human loss but has also destroyed infrastructure, homes and farm buildings — not to mention the additional financial loss due to flooded grain facilities. The images of ruptured grain bins and flooded grain show only a portion of the destruction caused by this disastrous event.

Grain that has been subjected to flood damage is considered contaminated for food and feed use. Grain that was stored in the same facility but did not come in contact with floodwaters can be utilized as normal, but precautions should be taken. Grain from the upper portion of the bin must be removed from the side or the top; due to potential contamination, it cannot be removed through the bottom of the bin. Make sure the electricity is disconnected, as there will be a greater risk of potential shorts and damaged electric motors. Once removed, grain can be handled in various ways, including flat storing and bins.

Flat-stored corn should be closely monitored for temperature and moisture, as moist grain can sometimes flare up in “hot spots” and warm temperatures. When the temperature inside the grain pile reaches 150° F, the grain begins to compost, so it should be mixed or stirred. If the temperature reaches 170° F, the grain may begin to smolder and has the potential to catch fire. Monitor pile temperatures with deep probes or by driving pointed pipes into the pile, followed by lowering in a thermometer. Since this grain could be subjected to rainfall, it is important to continue monitoring it until the grain can be moved or covered.

Grain that is moved to bins will also need to be monitored. Aim for the recommended grain moisture level of 14 percent moisture for storage. Some producers utilize standard natural air bin drying systems with perforated floors and high-capacity fans. Supplemental heat can also help speed up drying time, but take caution not to raise the air temperature more than 10°–15°F.

Along with moisture, grain must also be monitored for mold and mycotoxins. Molds may or may not be visible and, as such, the grain should be analyzed. Mold can produce mycotoxins that impair animal performance and health while also reducing the grain’s nutritional value by lowering its energy level. Propionic acid can help control and maintain mold levels in stored grains, but application rates will vary based on the grain’s moisture level and the percent of propionic acid used in the product.

If it has not been contaminated by floodwaters, grain from flood-damaged facilities can be salvaged and properly removed, monitored for health and moisture in a new storage facility, and analyzed for mold and mycotoxins.

The recent flooding speaks to a larger concern for grain producers in the Midwest, where some areas experienced the wettest 12 months (April 2018 to April 2019) in 127 years. Overall, corn planting in the United States is 6 percent behind the five-year average — but some Midwestern states are even further behind than that. Of the top 18 corn-producing states, five had not begun planting by April 21. Topsoil moisture is at a 29 percent surplus for the entire U.S., with subsoil at a 26 percent surplus. A wet, delayed spring planting can put crops in jeopardy of pollinating and maturing in a more challenging environment. These trials could also subject the plant to mold and mycotoxin infestation.

Visit for more information on mycotoxin risks and solutions, such as the Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analysis test.


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Following flooding, it's important to monitor for mold and mycotoxins in stored grain. Know which precautions need to be taken in order to protect grain storage from contamination. 

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Biosecurity: Keeping the threat of swine disease down and out of the farm

Submitted by clbrown on Mon, 04/15/2019 - 13:08

A recent foreign animal disease (FAD) publication by the National Pork Board reported that African swine fever (ASF) continues to spread through parts of Asia and Europe, increasingly disrupting the world’s pork production. China has garnered much attention due to its position as the top global producer of pork. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) stated that nearly all of China’s provincial-level administrative units have reported at least one ASF break, which means that all but the far west of China — including Hong Kong and Macau — has now been exposed to ASF on some level. The presence of the ASF virus has also been confirmed in Vietnam. Adding to those concerns is the fact that Japan is battling classical swine fever (CSF), another reportable FAD.

The threat of a FAD in the United States has heightened the need for increased protection for the swine industry at U.S. borders. It has also provoked further discussions on biosecurity and the on-farm steps that must be taken to reduce the risk of disease.

On-farm biosecurity

At a recent swine production meeting, I discussed on-farm biosecurity and advised taking a strategic approach to prevent both the introduction of new biological agents onto your farm and the uncontrolled movement of pathogens around your farm.

Below are critical control points to include in the evaluation of a biosecurity program:

  • Animal entry
    • When are replacement animals brought in?
    • Are transport trailers being washed and disinfected?
    • Are feral swine a concern?
  • Personnel entry
    • Shower-in/shower-out facilities
    • Obeying the lines of separation between clean and dirty zones
  • Product and equipment entry
    • How are deliveries to the farm handled?
    • Are special precautions taken when outside services (e.g., electricians) are used?
  • Pest control
    • Keep premises clean and picked up
    • Regularly check and refill bait stations
  • Mortality management
    • Ensure that mortalities are regularly picked up
  • Feed biosecurity
    • Stage deliveries to clean sites first
    • Disinfect truck wheels and undercarriages, as well as driver equipment
    • Utilize feed intervention technologies to support feed integrity and feed hygiene. Products such as Guardian have been shown to be effective in optimizing feed safety.
  • Outside traffic
    • Limit traffic on your farm
    • Plan an offsite delivery area, if possible
  • Aerosol transmission
    • Isolate infected animals
    • Wear personal protective equipment

Secure Pork Supply (SPS) plan

A Secure Pork Supply (SPS) plan is being developed through the National Pork Board and the USDA to enhance communication and coordination, accelerate a successful FAD response and support continuity of operations for pork producers. Having an SPS plan in place before the potential outbreak of a FAD in the U.S. is critical for food security, as well as animal health and well-being.

The SPS plan addresses the following FADs:

  • Foot and mouth disease (FMD)
  • Classical swine fever (CSF)
  • African swine fever (ASF)

You can find more information about the SPS plan at or through the National Pork Board.

The Swine Health Information Center coordinates a global disease-monitoring program and conducts targeted research about reducing the impact of future disease threats. Biosecurity, whether at our borders or on-farm, continues to remain a critical factor in reducing the transport and transmission of disease.


I want to learn more about swine health and management recommendations.

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Is it time to re-evaluate your on-farm biosecurity protocol?

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Yea-Sacc® from Alltech is certified by the Carbon Trust to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from dairy and beef animals

Submitted by cewert on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 08:00

Alltech continues its commitment to improving the health and performance of animals and protecting the environment through scientific innovation

[DUNBOYNE, Ireland] – Alltech’s flagship brand, Yea-Sacc®, has been validated by the Carbon Trust to reduce cattle methane emissions and nitrogen excretion rates. Yea-Sacc is the only yeast culture designed for use in ruminant diets that has been awarded this certificate. The Carbon Trust, a global organization that provides independent advice to businesses, governments and institutions on reducing carbon emissions, formed an opinion based on evidence from public research and on-farm trials demonstrating the efficacy of Yea-Sacc in ruminant diets.

The Carbon Trust’s findings on Yea-Sacc highlighted that reduced emissions do not need to come at the expense of improved animal performance; Yea-Sacc was shown to increase milk yield, milk fat and protein content, and nitrogen uptake via improved ruminal bacteria.

“This recognition from the Carbon Trust is another hugely exciting milestone for Yea-Sacc, the product that put Alltech on the map in the early 1980s,” said Matthew Smith, Alltech vice president.

In dairy and beef animals, methane is an indicator of waste not only for the animal, but also in terms of farm profitability. Increasing animal efficiency helps the animal retain more of that potential energy. This allows for both more environmentally sustainable production as well as increased profitability for the farm.

“For many years, Alltech has been working with farmers to help them determine exactly where their operations fit into the emissions picture and to reduce their carbon footprint,” continued Smith. “The Carbon Trust certification is a significant development for Alltech and for our customers, who are equally as committed to reducing farming’s impact on the environment.”

Alltech continues to enhance its portfolio of solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on farms as it contributes toward sustaining and nourishing the world’s plants, animals and people. Additional announcements will be shared at the Alltech European Technical Summit held in Dublin, Ireland, from March 13–15, 2019, and at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference from May 19–21, 2019, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.




Contact: Maria Daly


About Alltech:

Founded in 1980 by Irish entrepreneur and scientist Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech discovers and delivers solutions for the sustainable nutrition of plants, animals and people. With expertise in yeast fermentation, solid state fermentation and the science of nutrigenomics, Alltech is a leading producer and processor of yeast additives, organic trace minerals, feed ingredients, premix and feed.

Our guiding ACE principle seeks to develop solutions that are safe for the Animal, Consumer and the Environment. Our more than 6,000 talented team members worldwide put this purpose to work every day for our customers.

Alltech is a family-owned company, which allows us to adapt quickly to emerging customer needs and to stay focused on advanced innovation. Headquartered just outside of Lexington, Kentucky, USA, Alltech has a strong presence in all regions of the world. For further information, visit Join us in conversation on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.



About the Carbon Trust:

Established in 2001, the Carbon Trust works with businesses, governments and institutions around the world, helping them contribute to, and benefit from, a more sustainable future through carbon reduction, resource efficiency strategies and commercializing low-carbon businesses, systems and technologies.


The Carbon Trust:

* Works with corporates and governments, helping them to align their strategies with climate science and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

* Provides expert advice and assurance, giving investors and financial institutions the confidence that green finance will have genuinely green outcomes.

* Supports the development of low-carbon technologies and solutions, building the foundations for the energy system of the future.


Headquartered in London, England, the Carbon Trust has a global team of over 30 nationalities based across five continents. For more information, visit;

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Managing PRRS in swine herds

Submitted by clbrown on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 15:29

This article originally appeared on

For those closely associated with the swine industry, it comes as no surprise that a recent monitoring project done by the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) has shown an increased incidence of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), signaling the start of the annually dreaded season when the disease is most prevalent. 

PRRS costs the industry an average of US$664 million per year. On a farrow-to-finish operation, financial losses can amount to approximately $75 to $150 per sow in inventory, depending on severity, previous exposure and how long the virus persists in the herd. This cost is an accumulation of reproductive losses, diagnostic costs and increased mortality across pre-wean, nursery and finisher pigs, as well as increased treatment costs. 

The virus is a small enveloped RNA virus whose make-up gives it the ability to rapidly mutate and bypass any previous immunity to it a pig may once have had. The virus specifically infects pulmonary alveolar macrophages, also known as PAM cells, which are the white blood cells found in the lungs. A PRRS infection results in a compromised respiratory immune system, which can lead to the increased severity of any secondary infections. Coupled with other infections, such as Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (a species of bacteria known to cause porcine enzootic pneumonia, a highly contagious and chronic disease), severe respiratory infections that are very difficult to treat can flourish. 

Abortions can also occur, either from the fever induced by infection of the dam or by the actual infection of the PAM cells within the fetus itself. Piglets begin developing PAM cells in approximately the third trimester of gestation and depend on colostrum intake to give their immune system a head start — but when infected in utero, the piglet has little to no defense of their own against infection. 

Many diagnostic options exist, since the PRRS virus can be found in blood, saliva, semen, milk, urine and feces. The key is to focus on the goal of the investigation. One common test is the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which is used to evaluate the presence of the virus but will not determine if the virus is alive or viable. Another test, called Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), looks for antibodies, which show that the animal has been exposed to the virus for more than two weeks. Virus Isolation (VI) tests can be used to determine if there is any viable virus present in the sample. Histopathology tests look at the tissues on a cellular level in order to understand any damage that may exist relative to the diagnosed pathogens. 

A number of control strategies have developed over the nearly 30 years that the PRRS virus has been present in the industry. Among those strategies are a number of tools that veterinarians and producers can utilize to control infection and accomplish their goals, whether they are looking either to control the disease or they intend to fully eradicate the virus from the herd. The following is a list of the tools available to accomplish the goal of controlling a PRRS break, which is exposure to the PRRS virus to build herd immunity. These various options can be mixed and matched to develop a program suited to each individual farm. Be sure to discuss any changes with your primary veterinarian before implementation.

Live Virus Inoculation (LVI), also known as “serum therapy” or “mass exposure”

  • Involves exposing the entire sow herd to a serum prepared from samples from infected animals. Farms will typically quantify the amount of virus per milliliter of serum to gain some exposure control. The serum can be given intranasally or injected. The advantage to this process is that it can be rapidly applied to the whole herd simultaneously, meaning the resident virus cannot continue to move and mutate within the sows. If done well, it can give a rapid clearance time. However, following exposure to the serum, farms sometimes experience high reproductive losses and even increased sow mortality. This essentially compresses the exposure window within the herd. Piglet quality seems to start to improve as the animals exposed in their second trimester of pregnancy begin farrowing, but this will vary depending on the previous exposure of the virus to the herd and by controlling the virus’ movement throughout the farm.

Modified Live Virus (MLV) vaccination with a commercial product

  • Advantages to using commercially produced MLV vaccines are that they are usually readily available; they have been prepared in a safe manner, so as not to contain other contaminants; and they can be safely implemented in multiple farms simultaneously.
  • One thing to remember with MLV vaccines is that they are stimulating the body’s innate immunity. There are non-specific components of the body that can recognize a problem and give some early response, but they will not be able to clear the infection nearly as effectively as acquired immunity, which includes antibody production. Think of MLV vaccines as a first responder, triaging the problem until the body has had time to identify and produce specific antibodies against the virus, which typically takes around two weeks.
  • These products work best when used in conjunction with a larger control strategy; reversion to virulence has been experienced on farms leaving portions of their herds unvaccinated (i.e., vaccinating piglets but not sows, or vice-versa). A planned step-down process is required to take a farm negative from the modified live vaccines, since they are still live viruses, albeit in a weakened state.
  • Successful strategies for use of MLV include periodic (e.g., quarterly) whole-herd vaccination with ongoing piglet vaccination, or vaccination of piglets post-weaning.
  • Five products presently exist in the U.S. market. Before implementing or switching between any of these vaccines, take careful consideration and do some planning with your herd’s veterinarian, as these are all uniquely different live viruses that have been modified to be safely used within your herd. Each has its own unique advantage, such as the ability to mix with other vaccinations to ease labor needs or a reportedly lower reversion to virulence. You may even be interested in utilizing the same program within a “neighborhood” of farms to build a stronger regional immunity profile. Talk with your veterinarian if you’d like to learn more about these products.

Killed virus vaccination with an autogenous product

  • These vaccines generally take 2-3 months to produce after identification of the virus, but this waiting period is justified, as the antibodies stimulated by this vaccine are exactly what is needed to fight off the existing infection in the herd. They are good for maintaining immunity within a herd against chronic infections, especially if there is reason to keep the live virus out of the control program. Ongoing surveillance is necessary to evaluate the herd’s PRRS status, however, since this vaccine type will give poor protection against a new strain of PRRS entering the farm.
  • Within the industry, there exist a number of different technologies to develop these vaccines. These include a traditional killed vaccine, which utilizes the specific virus to the herd; a “grouped” vaccine, which looks at strain similarities to allow for a faster turnaround time; and, most recently, vector-type vaccines, which utilize DNA sequences to artificially replicate the surface antigens of the targeted PRRS virus.

It is not uncommon to use a killed product in conjunction with LVI or MLV herd stability strategies. However, herd-level control strategies must be implemented along with these options to truly gain some control over the virus.

Antibiotics and ancillary therapy

Since PRRS is a virus, antibiotics are generally considered unsuccessful in treating the primary infection. However, using antibiotics correctly can reduce the presence of other pathogens in the herd. Recent research utilizing oral or injectable antibiotics from the Macrolide class has shown a reduction in the severity of a PRRS break, during either primary or serum exposure. There are theories as to why this may occur, but what is already known is that macrolide-class antibiotics concentrate in PAM cells in the lungs. The common practice of running anti-inflammatories like aspirin or ibuprofen in the drinking water does carry some merit, given the high fevers that typically result from a PRRS break, but these should be used judiciously.


I would like to learn more about swine health management strategies.

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PRRS is a tremendously costly and detrimental health concern for pig producers around the world.

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2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates world feed production increased by 3 percent to 1.103 billion metric tons

Submitted by vrobin on Tue, 01/29/2019 - 13:15

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – The 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey, released today, estimates that international feed tonnage has increased by a strong 3 percent to 1.103 billion metric tons of feed produced in 2018, exceeding 1 billion metric tons for the third consecutive year. The eighth edition of the annual survey includes data from 144 countries and nearly 30,000 feed mills. The feed industry has seen 14.6 percent growth over the past five years, equating to an average of 2.76 percent per annum. As the population grows, so does the middle class, which is well reflected in an increase in overall protein consumption.  

The top eight countries are China, the U.S., Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico, Spain and Turkey. Together, they produce 55 percent of the world’s feed production and contain 59 percent of the world’s feed mills, and they can be viewed as an indicator of the trends in agriculture. Predominant growth came from the layer, broiler and dairy feed sectors.  

“Alltech works together with feed mills, industry and government entities around the world to compile data and insights to provide an assessment of feed production each year,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “We are proud to present the eighth annual Alltech Global Feed Survey and share the results publicly to demonstrate the importance of the animal feed industry as we strive to provide for a planet of plenty.”  

The Alltech Global Feed Survey assesses compound feed production and prices through information collected by Alltech’s global sales team and in partnership with local feed associations in the last quarter of 2018. It is an estimate and is intended to serve as an information resource for policymakers, decision-makers and industry stakeholders. 

Regional results from the 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey 

  • North America: North America saw steady growth of 2 percent over last year due to an increase in the major species, with beef and broilers leading the growth at 3 percent each. The U.S. remained the second-largest feed-producing country globally, behind China. Feed prices in North America are the lowest globally across all species, and with the availability of land, water and other resources, the region is expected to remain a primary contributor to feed production.  

  • Latin America: As a region, Latin America was relatively stagnant this year. Brazil remained the leader in feed production for the region and third overall globally. Brazil, Mexico and Argentina continue to produce the majority of feed in Latin America, with 76 percent of regional feed production. Brazil stayed flat, while Mexico and Argentina saw growth of 1 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Colombia’s feed production grew by approximately 8 percent, primarily due to an increase in pork and egg production. Several countries saw a decline in feed production, such as Venezuela (-27 percent), El Salvador (-16 percent) and Chile (-8 percent).  

  • Europe: Europe saw an overall growth of about 4 percent over last year, making it the second-fastest-growing region in the survey, resulting from feed production increases in layer (7 percent), broiler (5 percent), aquaculture (5 percent), dairy (4 percent) and pig (3 percent). Beef was the only primary protein species to decline, though it was less than 1 percent.  

Much of the region’s growth can be attributed to smaller countries, such as Turkmenistan, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, which all saw increases in overall production estimates of 20 percent or more. Additionally, larger-producing countries like Russia, Spain and Turkey saw strong increases in feed production estimates, which added to the overall production growth.  

  • Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is home to several of the top 10 feed-producing countries, including China, India and Japan, and accounted for more than 36 percent of the world’s feed tonnage. China maintained status as the top feed-producing country in the world with 187.89 million metric tons, with 10 million metric tons more than the U.S. Increased production for Asia-Pacific came from India with 13 percent due to growth in dairy, layer and broiler feeds. Other countries that demonstrated higher growth variance included Pakistan, Myanmar and Laos. Southeast Asia’s feed production represented over 20 percent of the Asia-Pacific region’s feed production, with Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand contributing to 93 percent of Southeast Asia’s feed production.  

  • Africa: Africa continued strong growth with a 5 percent increase in overall feed production, and no country in the region saw a decline. Morocco demonstrated strong growth across dairy, beef, layers, broilers and turkeys. The areas that declined for feed production were equine (-4 percent) and pets (-14 percent). These two areas represent a very small proportion of Africa’s overall production, so the impact is very minimal. Most of the major animal production species in ruminant and poultry contributed to the overall growth of the region. 

Notable species results from the 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey  

  • In the poultry industry, major growth areas for layer feed included Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific. In Europe, Poland and Uzbekistan each saw growth of around 200,000 metric tons. Latin America had increases in Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Mexico. In the Asia-Pacific region, South Korea, India and Indonesia all saw growth of several hundred metric tons. North America experienced overall growth of 2 percent, in which both the U.S. and Canada saw increased production. Africa saw a small decrease in layer production due to declines in both Egypt and Seychelles. 

Globally, broiler production increased by approximately 3 percent in 2018. There was growth in all regions, except for Latin America, in which a very small decline was observed. Africa showed 9 percent growth, demonstrating an overall trend that as populations grow and become wealthier, interest in protein — particularly in palatable chicken — does as well.  

  • Pig feed production saw an increase of nearly 1 percent in 2018. The primary producing region for pig feed is Asia-Pacific, but this was also the only region that saw a decline in pig feed production as Mongolia, Vietnam, China, New Zealand and Japan experienced decreases. From a tonnage standpoint, Europe saw the largest growth at approximately 2.2 million metric tons. Russia and Spain accounted for the majority, while Finland, Denmark, France and Poland also contributed. Latin America saw the greatest growth in pig feed as a percentage at 5 percent, with the largest growth seen in Mexico and Argentina. 

  • Global dairy feed production saw growth in North American, Europe and Africa, while Latin America remained flat. Europe, a global leader in dairy production, grew on average by approximately 4 percent. The largest increase was in Turkey with 10 percent, while Ireland, Russia and the U.K. also contributed to the region’s growth. Africa’s growth was primarily due to a significant increase in both Morocco and Nigeria.    

  • North America has always led beef feed production and continues to do so with an increase of 3 percent in 2018. Europe saw a small decline at barely 1 percent and remained in second place. Latin America saw strong growth of approximately 8 percent, with Mexico and Argentina as the primary contributors. As a result, the Latin American region has taken third place in beef feed production, moving ahead of the Asia-Pacific region.  China and Australia both saw growth in the Asia-Pacific region but could not offset the overall decline in countries such as Bangladesh, Mongolia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam and Pakistan. 

  • Overall, aquaculture feeds showed growth of 4 percent over last year. This was primarily attributed to strong increases in the Asia-Pacific and European regions. The traditional Asia-Pacific leaders in aquaculture, Vietnam, India and Indonesia, combined for an additional 1.58 million metric tons of feed in the region. China, the region’s leader, also saw an increase of 1 percent over last year. The primary European leaders either experienced strong growth or remained relatively flat. Those that did grow included Norway and Turkey, both at 7 percent, and Spain at a substantial 31 percent. The other regions remained relatively flat or saw only a 1 percent increase or decrease in feed production, demonstrating the continuity of the industry as a whole.  

  • The pet food sector saw growth of approximately 1 percent, primarily attributed to an increase in the Asia-Pacific region, which was offset by a decrease in the Latin American and African regions. North America and the Middle East both remained relatively flat. In previous surveys, Europe had been the top-producing region for pet food production, but after a reassessment of 2017 numbers and despite growth of 2 percent, it ranks just behind North America. Europe is estimated in 2018 to have produced 8.6 million metric tons in total, approximately 200,000 behind North America. Africa saw a small decrease in production, but the actual tonnage is quite small compared to many of the other regions. The Latin American region experienced a decrease of about 5 percent, which was spread across several countries, including Chile, Venezuela, El Salvador, Colombia, Argentina and Ecuador. 

To access more data and insights from the 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey, including the results booklet, an interactive global map and a pre-recorded video presentation of the results by Dr. Mark Lyons, visit

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The 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates world feed production increased by 3 percent to 1.103 billion metric tons, with the top eight countries producing 55 percent of the world’s feed production.

19 insights from the 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey

Submitted by lkeyser on Mon, 01/28/2019 - 12:27

Alltech now collects data from 144 countries and nearly 30,000 feed mills to compile its annual Alltech Global Feed Survey. This data collection is a major undertaking, made possible only through Alltech’s global reach.

However, the real work (and fun!) begins when all the data is received, and we have the opportunity to dig deep for insights and trends. We seek to answer the following questions:

Which countries are growing the fastest? Which species saw declines in production? Are any major players slowing down? What are the surprises?

The data presents seemingly endless opportunities for comparison, and we’ve decided to share 18 of the facts we’ve found most interesting from our 2018 data. Perhaps this will serve as “food” for your next dinner conversation!

  1. The top eight countries produce 55% of the world’s feed production.
  2. Vietnam saw an increase of nearly 1 million metric tons of aquaculture feed, contributing to the estimated 6% growth of the Asia-Pacific region’s aquaculture feed production in 2018.
  3. Morocco saw the largest growth of any country in Africa thanks to the addition of two new feed mills as well as an extension to an existing feed mill late last year.
  4. Although not typically known for its pig production, India took a big leap in pig feed production in 2018. Why? The industry is trending toward more organized farming in areas like Kerala and Punjab, with new feed millers contributing to this growth.
  5. Where’s the beef? Feed production for beef was stagnant this year. Not only that, but the third-largest producing region, Asia-Pacific, dropped enough to let Latin America step up and take the bronze.
  6. Southeast Asia’s feed production represents over 20% of the Asia-Pacific region’s feed production. Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand carry most of the weight and contribute to 93% of Southeast Asia’s feed production.
  7. Showing 7% growth last year and 13% this year, India is clearly growing its feed production at a rapid clip, not just in one, but in all species! From aquafeed to goat grains, India’s feed production increased across all 13 categories we assess.
  8. The European Union (EU) countries contribute to more than 50% of all major species feed production in Europe (with the exception of aquafeed).
  9. Norway is Europe’s largest producer of aquafeed, contributing 45% of the region’s total aquafeed production.
  10. Layer feed grew by 4% globally, indicating a growing need and continued interest in this efficient protein source.
  11. After years battling African swine fever, Estonia is back in the game, showing a more than three-fold increase in pig feed production over last year.
  12. Eighty percent of European turkey feed production occurs in the EU.
  13. Higher costs of corn and soy reduced Brazil’s broiler feed production by 2%, eating away at the entire region’s total and making Latin America the only region to see a decrease in broiler feed production in 2018.
  14. Dairy showed growth in all regions, indicating the ongoing affinity for this protein source.
  15. Africa’s feed production grew the most of any region at 5%. Expected to have one of the fastest-growing populations, how will this region farm in the future? Will it embrace conventional farming or leapfrog other methods and embrace Agriculture 4.0?
  16. Turkey feed saw a big leap in Spain with an additional 300,000 tons of feed estimated in 2018.
  17. Pet feed reassessed: It turns out Europe is not the primary producer as originally thought! North America leads by about 200,000 tons of feed, making it a close race. With a renewed focus on value rather than volume in the pet food sector, who will lead in 2019 and beyond?
  18. Insect protein is working its way into aquaculture feed production. It’s possible Alltech will include this new alternative feed source in future surveys!
  19. The North American regions continues its steady course of 2% growth; the biggest contributors to this increase were beef and broiler each at 3%.

These quick facts are just a few of the insights we can derive from the Alltech Global Feed Survey. To discover more from the 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey, including the results booklet, an interactive global map with information from each country and a presentation of the results, visit

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U.S. farmers win trips to the ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference with #iamAG photo contest

Submitted by cewert on Tue, 12/18/2018 - 12:09

Winners Tammy Wiedenbeck from Lancaster, Wis.; Rachel Ezzell from Waxhaw, N.C.; Jacob Pierce from Waxhaw, N.C.; and Katie Edmondson from Cortez, Col. were selected by public voting on Facebook

[LEXINGTON, Kentucky] – The Alltech #iamAG online agvocacy photo contest showcased the beauty of American agriculture through the eyes of producers, who submitted and shared photos of their farms for the opportunity to win a trip to ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE19), to be held in Lexington, Kentucky, on May 19–21, 2019. 

The winners of the Alltech #iamAG photo contest are:

  • Tammy Wiedenbeck from Lancaster, Wis. (photo)
  • Rachel Ezzell from Waxhaw, N.C. (photo)
  • Jacob Pierce from Waxhaw, N.C. (photo)  
  • Katie Edmondson from Cortez, Col. (photo)

The submitted photos were posted on Alltech’s Facebook page ( for public voting. Winners and a guest each received free registration to ONE19 and $2,000 for travel expenses.

General registration is now open for ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference, held in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, from May 19–21, 2019. The annual international conference draws 4,000 attendees from nearly 80 countries to network and discuss world-changing ideas. For more information or to register, visit Join the conversation online with #ONE19.





Jenn Norrie

Photo Caption:

Tammy Wiedenbeck.jpg

Tammy Wiedenbeck from Lancaster, Wis. has won a trip to ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, for their #iamAG photo.

Photo Caption:

Rachel Ezzell - Waxhaw NC.jpeg

Photo Caption:

Jacob Pierce - Waxhaw NC.png

Jacob Pierce from Waxhaw, N.C has won a trip to ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, for their #iamAG photo.

Photo Caption:

Katie Edmondson - Copy (1).png

About Alltech:

Founded in 1980 by Irish entrepreneur and scientist Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech discovers and delivers solutions for the sustainable nutrition of plants, animals and people. With expertise in yeast fermentation, solid state fermentation and the science of nutrigenomics, Alltech is a leading producer and processor of yeast additives, organic trace minerals, feed ingredients, premix and feed.

Our guiding ACE principle seeks to develop solutions that are safe for the Animal, Consumer and the Environment. Our more than 6,000 talented team members worldwide put this purpose to work every day for our customers.

Alltech is a family-owned company, which allows us to adapt quickly to emerging customer needs and to stay focused on advanced innovation. Headquartered just outside of Lexington, Kentucky, USA, Alltech has a strong presence in all regions of the world. For further information, visit Join us in conversation on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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The winners of the Alltech #iamAG photo contest each won a trip to ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference, to be held May 19-21, 2019, in Lexington, Kentucky. ​
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The winners of the Alltech #iamAG photo contest each won a trip to ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference, to be held May 19-21, 2019, in Lexington, Kentucky. ​

Dr. Cat Berge shares tips on how to protect your herd from African Swine Fever

Submitted by lkeyser on Fri, 11/02/2018 - 16:06

Dr. Anna Catharina Berge, owner of Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA, is a veterinarian with extensive knowledge and skills combining real-life animal husbandry with epidemiological perspectives on animal and public health challenges. She shares with us her insights into the epidemic of African Swine Fever, which has rapidly spread from China to Western Europe, and offers tips on how producers or farms can implement stronger biosecurity measures to mitigate the spread of this disease.

What biosecurity measures should be implemented at the farm level to prevent the transmission of African Swine Fever (ASF)?

The key to protecting a farm from ASF is to have a very high level of external biosecurity. External biosecurity includes herd protection measures that are implemented to reduce the risk of introduction of disease-causing organisms into a farm. The highest risk of introduction of ASF in the farm is through the introduction of live pigs onto a farm; this always presents a risk, and it is very important to source the animals from trusted suppliers and use the highest level of cleaning and disinfection of transports. ASF can also spread on vehicles, equipment and people. Ensure that workers and visitors to the farms have not been in contact with any other pigs prior to entering the farm for 48 hours and that dedicated clothing is used on the farm. Carcass-hauling trucks are high-risk for spreading diseases and should never enter into the farm. ASF in large commercial farms in Russia and Lithuania has been explained by those farms lacking compliance with the biosecurity rules, such as improper disinfection of clothing and boots, or contaminated food brought onto the premises. Contaminated pig meat products have caused several outbreaks on farms, and therefore, no food made from pig meat that has not been properly heat-treated (salami, cured sausages, cold-smoked meats) should be brought onto a farm, and human food waste should not be given to the pigs.

How long does ASF survive, in hot or cold conditions?

ASF is relatively tough and can survive in the environment and in pig carcasses for a long time. ASF virus survival has been estimated in feces and urine up to eight and 15 days, respectively, and five days at 21° Celsius (Davies et al., 2015). Survival times in the environment [of] up to 18 months have been reported. Meat must be heated to at least 70° Celsius for 30 minutes to inactivate ASF virus, and 30 minutes at 60° Celsius for serum and body fluids. Curing and smoking pork products does not destroy the virus.

Is ASF airborne?

The virus is not considered a major airborne virus. The half-life of ASF in the air was, on average, 14 to 19 minutes, as analyzed by PCR, and virus titration respectively (De Carvalho et al., Vet Microbiol 2013, 165:243-51). It can be found in the rooms where infected pigs are present, but airborne transmission is unlikely between farms.

Can we do more to control transmission via wild boar populations?

 If the wild boar population becomes infected with ASF, then it is very difficult to control and eradicate the disease. It is very important to not throw any food waste into nature because there are real risks that wild boar can become infected through food waste. It is possible that the current outbreak of ASF in wild boar in the Belgian Ardennes has been due to food waste originating from Eastern Europe. It is very important that there is a good compensation for farmers in the case of ASF outbreaks, so that farmers do not hide outbreaks and discard carcasses in nature, where wild boars can be infected. A large wild boar population increases the risk that infection will spread in the population, and therefore, it is important to keep the wild boar population in control through hunting. The hunting community should have good information and rules to collect wild boar carcasses and notify authorities about any dead pigs seen in nature. A very high external biosecurity — with good, complete fences around the pig farm to prevent wild boars from entering — is very important. Domestic pig farms may want to reduce the risk of wild boar transmission by using extra electric fencing around the farm. (Guinat et al., Veterinary Record (2016) 178, 262-267)

What ingredients are at highest risk for ASF transmission?

We still know relatively little about factors that are important for ASF transmission through contaminated feed. The highest-risk feed ingredients are those pig meat-derived products, or offal. ASF can persist for months in pork meat, fat and skin, and in different types of pork products, such as sausages and salami. Epidemiological studies in the Baltic countries have suggested that fresh grass and seeds potentially contaminated by secretions from infectious wild boars are possible sources of infection for backyard farms.

There are currently studies evaluating the potential for ASF to be transmitted via other feed ingredients (Dee et al. 2018, PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194509.) One study simulated a 30-day feed transport condition for various pig pathogens. ASF virus can survive well without a feed matrix and, therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility that various feed ingredients or combinations thereof can be potentially infectious. The feedstuffs studied that showed risk for virus survival included porcine-based ingredients, soybean meal, soy oil cake, DDGS, lysine hydrochloride, choline chloride, vitamin D, pork sausage casings and dog and cat food.

What dose of ASF is needed in feed to cause infectivity in an animal?

Studies indicate that the infectious route via ingestion is higher than via inhalation. The infectious dose of ASF via the oro-nasal route was estimated to be 10 HAD50 (Gallardo et al., 2013). Since pigs can excrete high levels of ASF in feces, urine and saliva, even a small amount of infective material could lead to transmission. Up to 109 HAD50/ml could be detected in blood and up to 105 HAD50/ml in saliva, urine or feces. Fecal samples may remain infective for five days at room temperature and have been found positive even after 11 days when kept at room temperature in the dark. (Davies et al., 2017, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 64:425-431)

Compared to porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), why is ASF such a concern for pig health and welfare?

ASF is a haemorrhagic fever of domestic pigs that usually causes very high mortality within a short time after infection. There are no treatments or vaccines available for ASF, and all pigs that are not clinically affected on a farm will be culled immediately when it has been diagnosed. ASF is list A disease of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and, as such, is governed by trade regulations and restrictions. ASF in a country or region leads to serious restrictions on pig movement, and trade restrictions. In farms that have been diagnosed with ASF, it leads to slaughter and destruction of all pigs. PEDV is a production disease that mainly affects younger pigs, and there are vaccines available to reduce the impact of that disease. PEDV in a country or region does not result in the same huge financial impact on the pig industry. PEDV is not an OIE-listed disease, and there are currently no trade restrictions pertaining to PEDV in Europe and USA.

Can I analyze feed or ingredients for ASF?

There are ASF real-time PCR kits for testing animals for ASF. However, there are no good methodologies for testing feed on a commercial basis.

Should we stop importing or using all ingredients from China and other regions affected?

The OIE and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have set up rules regarding the trade of animal products in relation to these type-A epizootic diseases. The OIE and WTO rules should be respected and are deemed enough to protect countries from spread of disease. There is legislation governing trade and regionalization of countries regarding these diseases. Safe trade in meat and meat products around the world is built on the understanding that government veterinary authorities in the country of origin inspect and certify products in accordance with the requirements of the country of destination. It is recommended to take precautions according to what is recommended by the national veterinary authorities. Contact your national veterinary authority for information regarding trade and precautions.

Should we stop porcine-to-porcine feeding?

Feeding unheated swill can present a risk for ASF if the swill contains pig meat from countries or regions where ASF is present. Swill feeding is regulated by national legislation. If the national legislation allows swill feeding, then it is very important to assure that the swill is thoroughly heated to avoid any risks of transmission of the virus through swill. Countries have, for decades, controlled international garbage, including food waste from ships, airlines and international conveyances. These controls require all international garbage to be disposed of appropriately and not to be used as animal feed. Remember that a small thing — such as bringing back salami from an infected region and throwing the kitchen waste to the pigs — may be enough to trigger an outbreak. Contact your local veterinary authorities to obtain further information regarding the current legislation and recommendations for swill feeding.  

How long should I quarantine high-risk ingredients from ASF- positive countries?

At this time, a specific timeframe cannot be recommended, as there are numerous factors that impact the survival of the virus in various environments. There is currently research on risk-mitigation solutions, including potential feed additive risk-reduction products; a reliable test for bulk feed shipments; potential holding time, to allow any viruses present to degrade before processing; minimum infectious doses of ASF from feed materials; HACCP-like approaches; and blockchain, to verify feed safety from the point of origin through delivery. Models indicate that ASF can survive conditions equivalent to trans-ocean shipping and distribution. The best guarantees for ASF risk reduction can be obtained by ensuring that the supplier of the product has implemented high biosecurity measures, traceability and/or SOP to protect ingredients against ASF.

With all the uncertainty surrounding them, what can swine producers and feed mills do to prevent ASF?

The highest level of biosecurity is critical to prevent the introduction of ASF into pig farms and to introduce potentially contaminated feed into feed mills. Feed mills and farms should ensure that the supplier of the products/pigs has implemented a high degree of biosecurity, traceability, documentation and third-party certification, to ensure that the risk of ASF contamination is as small as possible. All traffic onto the premises needs to be strictly controlled. Truck disinfection, live animal transport cleaning and disinfection, [and] dedicated roads for feed introduction and all other traffic should be strictly controlled. Reduce contacts with other pig producers, and always have farm-specific clothing and boots that never go outside of the farm. Ensure that workers understand the importance of all biosecurity measures and the importance of segregating the inside of the unit from the outside.

I want to learn more about how to protect my herd.

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Scaletti and Murphy: Less is more with organic trace minerals

Submitted by ldozier on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 16:58

The following is an edited transcript of Tom Martin's interview with Dr. Richard Murphy and Dr. Roger Scaletti. Click below to hear the complete audio:


Tom:            Why are we still using inorganic minerals? Why do nutritionists continue to overfeed nutrients and waste money? How can a mineral management program improve the health of the herd? Here to discuss these questions, among others, about the role of minerals in animal nutrition are Dr. Richard Murphy, research director at the Alltech European Bioscience Center in Dunboyne, Ireland, and Dr. Roger Scaletti, who focuses on the technical sales and support of the Alltech® Mineral Management program. Thank you both for being with us.


                    There may be some confusion and contention around the issue of organic versus inorganic minerals and the effectiveness of one over the other. First, Dr. Murphy, a brief primer, if you would, on the difference between organic versus inorganic?


Richard:        That's a great way to start this conversation. I guess it's going to be a fun conversation over the next while! Effectively, when we talk about organic minerals, all we've done is taken the mineral source, we've reacted it with an amino acid or a peptide or some other organic bonding group, and we basically make that mineral protected. Rather than thinking about an inorganic mineral as just being straight mineral, with the organic mineral, we've protected the mineral, and that protection offers us a lot of benefits. Particularly in the intestinal tract, it offers us stability — changing the pH that we would see in the gastrointestinal tract.


                    For instance, at the start of the intestinal tract, the pH is neutral. When it gets into the gastric environment — or the stomach — it becomes very acidic. Those changes in pH can impact amino acid. With the organic mineral, what we're doing is we're bonding it to either an amino acid or a peptide or some other organic molecule, and that protects us as it moves through the GI tract and makes it much more stable.


Tom:            Dr. Scaletti, just to be clear, is the use of organic versus inorganic specific to the production method? In other words, are organic minerals only for organic farms?


Roger:          Another great question. No, organic minerals would be beneficial for any farm. In a typical presentation, I would start off by saying when I mention organic minerals — I'm not talking about not using pesticides or herbicides — I'm talking about the chemistry of carbon, just like Dr. Murphy mentioned. Remember, there is no real requirement for inorganic trace minerals.  Animals need zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, etc. every day, but the source of that trace mineral is not dictated, so organic minerals are suitable for all different production systems.


Tom:            Okay, for either of you, has research proven that an organic mineral is more bioavailable and usable by the animal?


Richard:        Absolutely. I think Roger would agree. We've got an absolute wealth of information that we've built up over the last 20 years or so showing that the organic minerals are a far superior source of mineral to use in all diets.


Roger:          Yes, like Dr. Murphy mentioned, the bioavailability part, I think, is what gets people's attention initially. But then, at the end of the day, the farmer, no matter what species, is looking for a production response. So, we also have research covering production responses that you would see as you change your mineral supplementation from inorganic to organic.


Tom:            What is it about organic minerals that makes them more beneficial?


Richard:        For me — my background is in biochemistry — it's trying to understand how minerals interact, not just in terms of how the animal responds to it, but how those minerals would interact with feed and materials, for instance. Certainly, with the organic minerals, you have benefits beyond just health and just performance in that we change the way in which we can impact or influence the nutrients in the diet.


                    With the organic minerals, we know it will have less of an impact on vitamin stability, less of an impact on antioxidant function. Even with some of the enzymes that are part of the gastrointestinal and digestion process — they won't be as impacted by organic minerals as they would by inorganics.


Roger:          Then, to follow a little bit with Dr. Murphy's comment, some of the, for example, enzyme interaction work that we've done in vitro has been done in dairy cows as well, showing that, when you're only supplementing with organic minerals — in our case, Bioplex® and Sel-Plex® — you have a more effective rumen fermentation. So, you're producing more total volatile fatty acids and more butyrate, which is kind of the business of the rumen: to produce those volatile fatty acids. Whether it's a case of the organic minerals enhancing that or leading to accelerated rumen organism replication, it's one possible pathway, but I think another possible pathway would be that you're removing rumen microorganism inhabitation when you take out the inorganic minerals.


Tom:            Which trace minerals are key to improving livestock performance? Is there a shortlist?


Roger:          The shortlist would be zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt and selenium. Depending on where you are in the world, or even within a given country, one of those may be more important than another one. In North America, our most important mineral for supplementation and consideration would be selenium, just based on the background selenium in soil, which is going to dictate the selenium in forages and grains. Those five would be the main ones. On the monogastric animal, we would add iron to that. We have six minerals we'd be talking about.


Tom:            We may have touched on this a little bit before, but what is known about the utilization of the minerals by the animal — or animals, I should say?


Richard:        Well, minerals themselves are used in many different ways. Predominantly, when you look at their role in cellular systems, they're essential co-factors for many different enzymes, for instance. You won't get cellular processes working optimally or working efficiently if you don't have the necessary mineral required for the enzyme to carry out its function, or for the enzyme that's necessary for those biological functions.


                    They're wide-ranging. If you look at copper, for instance, it's involved in many different enzymes that are involved in the antioxidant response. Selenium is a particularly important one in terms of its ability to modulate, not just in antioxidant response, but in many other enzymes that are involved in many other processes as well. So, really, they're essential and critical for the most basic of cellular functions.


Tom:            Are there differences in animal chemistry species to species, or even within species, that cause mineral forms to perform differently?


Roger:          My answer — and this would be more in Richard’s wheelhouse — but just in a ruminant, we have to deal with the rumen, the rumen environment, the rumen microorganisms. In other species, you wouldn't have the rumen part. In equine or in horses, they would have a hindgut fermentation. There’s a difference in terms of how each animal is set up, but for the most part, you're seeing the similar benefits from organic minerals across the species.


Richard:        There is one common factor across all species — we touched on this at the start — which is that change in pH along the length of the GI tract. That's one of the most critical parameters that is involved in defining how good or how poor a mineral source is. If that mineral source is enabled to withstand those constant changes in pH, you won't get it to the sites of absorption in the intestine. You really need to look at having a stable mineral molecule. Obviously, organic minerals are the most stable of those. But even within the different types of organic mineral products that are out there, you'll see distinct differences in terms of the stabilities of individual products, and that will have an impact on how individual products will function in the animal.


Tom:            Why do organic trace minerals mean less inclusion, less waste and better meat quality?


Roger:          Well, to me the starting point would be that you don't need as much mineral to get the job done. Corollary to that, you're getting a more effective job done with organic minerals. I think, over the years, in the industry side of things, it's kind of been a race to the top. One company was using however many PPM [parts per million] — or milligrams — of a mineral, and the next company would add a little more to it, operating under the old adage of more is better.


                    Well, that's really not the case. We found, and have the research to show, that you're getting a more effective response with less mineral use, probably through a lot of the pathways Dr. Murphy mentioned, but it's not always an apples-to- apples comparison. Zinc oxide, at a given parts-per-million, is not going to perform the same as a zinc proteinate, or Bioplex zinc, at a much lower concentration inclusion in the diet.


Richard:        It's actually of interest on the regulatory side — and I think Dr. Scaletti would probably agree with this as well — when you look at changes in legislation over the last number of years, in particular in the EU, there have been changes in the maximum permissible limits that are allowed in feed. I think the zinc — this is just back to Roger's mention of zinc oxide there — I think the zinc area is one in which we can demonstrate that quite nicely. There's a lot of talk in the EU about how they're going to ban zinc oxide use as a prophylactic and prevent scouring in piglets and calves, for instance.


                    One of the reasons for that that they've quoted is that the regulators are concerned about the impact that zinc oxide can have on co-selection for antimicrobial resistance. But when you look at the permissible limits that they have of zinc in feed, they make reference to the use of phytase, for instance, as being a way to perhaps enhance the effectiveness of the zinc source that's added to the diet or enhance the background level of zinc that's in the feed.


                    All in all, I think there's a move by the regulators. Now, the regulators, if they want to change those limits again, will have to come back and revisit the delineation between inorganic and organic minerals and the differences in terms of the bioavailabilities of those. I think, in the future, we may even see regulators like the EU body — which would be the EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) — would say, “Okay, we'll need to examine this in more detail.”


                    Certainly, the Brazilian authorities have already done that. They've made a clear delineation between the availability of inorganic and organic mineral sources. The more recent documents that have been published by authorities in Brazil basically delineate clearly between what levels of inorganic you should feed in a diet and what levels of organic you should feed in the diet, and they're distinctly different.


Tom:            As you have observed improvements in performance, are there any lessons? Any takeaways from that experience that have informed what you do going forward?


Roger:          I would say: more isn't better. I think a lot of people are accustomed to looking at a tag or a ration report, and they're looking for a certain number or level of mineral supplementation. That's only so useful if you, then, don't read the ingredient list and see, is it coming from oxide, sulfate, organic proteinate — whatever the case may be. I think the source of mineral is more important than the amount. So again, it's about making sure it's an apples-to-apples comparison, and less doesn't mean less performance. I think a lot of times, at least in the United States, our industry would be looking for high levels of supplementation, and they equate high level with being good or what is essential, and that's not really the case.


Richard:        Just to add to that as well, Dr. Scaletti, I think it's important that the industry really looks at organic minerals and says they're not all the same. There is a misconception, I think, within the industry. You have all these different brand names and different types of organic mineral products. I guess the natural inclination is to say, “Well, it's an organic mineral. One product must be the same as the other.” There are very distinct differences between them.


                    Again, this is back to that concept of how that mineral source interacts or how stable it is as it moves through the GI tract. Certainly, in some of the work that we've seen from the team at our European Biocenter in Ireland, we've basically shown there are very distinct differences in terms of the stabilities of different organic trace mineral products, and that can have distinct impacts, not just on the bioavailability, but also in which [of] those different products would interact with different premix and different feed components.


Tom:            There are some misperceptions out there about minerals. What beliefs are most prominent and how do you address them?


Richard:        I think the biggest misconception is with regard to size. That's probably the biggest industry misconception that's there, and that's a historical one. Originally, when organic minerals first became available, they were simply complexes between amino acids, like methionine or lysine, with copper and with zinc. Certainly, people thought, “Well, if you have a small bonding group, then absorption of it is much better or delivery of it is much easier.” That's not the case. What we've seen is that it's the type of bonding group that's used — so, the type of amino acid. But, particularly when you get into peptide-based technologies like we see in Bioplex, it's the actual amino acid sequence in those peptides. So, it's even more fundamental than we would have thought in the past. The configuration and the type of amino acids present in the peptide would very significantly influence the stability.


                    I think the biggest misconception in the industry about organic trace minerals is that size is important. I can absolutely say with certainty size is not an issue. It's the type of bonding group that's used. And more importantly, when you look at peptides, it's the configuration and the sequence of amino acids that are in the peptide that are of more importance.


Roger:          I would just maybe follow up with that in regard to organic selenium. The battle is typically, “What is the content of selenomethionine in a selenium yeast product?” Dr. Murphy would have research showing it's not only an effect of how much selenomethionine you have present; it's how much of that can be digested and released. So, again, just coming back to that concept of “more isn't always better,” especially if what you're supplementing isn't released — or isn't available — to the animal.


Richard:        Yeah, that's actually a great point, Dr. Scaletti, just on the organic selenium side. Certainly, in the EU, we've seen newer forms of, again, so-called organic selenium sources being produced and available for sale, and these are actually chemically synthesized selenomethionine and selenomethionine derivatives that are distinctly different and have a distinctly different offering than you would see with selenium yeast products, such as Sel-Plex, for instance.


                    Again, it's back to the concept of stability. Free selenomethionine molecule is not necessarily the most stable one when you look at again the influences of those processes in the GI tract. So, certainly, even within organic selenium sources, [it’s a] much, much different proposition now with the availability of these newer chemically synthesized molecules.


Tom:            Livestock in many parts of the world have been overfed inorganic forms of trace minerals, such as copper, manganese and zinc, to offset their inefficient digestibility. The excess ends up in manure, and levels of these trace minerals have gotten so high that it's actually illegal to spread that manure out in the fields to support growth forages or grain. So, what happens to all of that excess manure? We're stuck with it?


Richard:        Well, I guess if we can't spread it, we've got to do something with it, and it looks like we could be. I know from some of the newer technologies that are coming out — some great startup companies that are basically looking at detoxifying heavy metal in soils using microbial-based solutions. So, perhaps, this is one way in which we can look at remediating those heavily contaminated lagoons, if you like.


                    Other options may be stripping-based technologies. These are basically looking at removing minerals, and this will be costly, Tom, I would have to say, removing mineral with EDTA-based chelation. But, certainly, something has to be done, and I think organic minerals are, without a doubt, one of the solutions to the problem. You can look at adding less mineral, having less runoff and then, obviously, less contamination in those lagoons. Certainly, the drive toward reducing environmental contamination will definitely be driven and solved, without a doubt, by the increased use of organic minerals over the next couple of years.


Tom:            In some places, regulation is beginning to force the issue. A number of countries around the world have already passed legislation restricting the use of trace minerals because this overfortification has led to pollution. Do you see this type of legal action as a continuing trend?


Richard:        I guess it goes back to the comment I made earlier about the regulations around zinc and zinc usage in feed, but also, then, the impending ban in the EU on zinc oxide as a prophylactic. I think the regulators will take a greater look at the issue, and I think they will certainly have to start making decisions on whether they promote organic minerals as a way in which we can reduce this or not. It's not the job of a regulator to promote a brand of products, but certainly, I think, when you look at the proposition that organic minerals give in terms of being a solution to the problem, they'll have to start promoting the use of organic minerals as a way in which you can add less, not impacting performance, and have much less of an environmental impact.


Roger:          I would just say that I think the path forward is just going to depend [on] where you are in the world. I don't know that the United States is looking at any of these zinc, manganese or copper regulations any time soon. Our only regulations in terms of trace minerals would be selenium and the mineral we haven't talked about today: iodine. If you're using iodine in the EDDI (ethylenediamine dihydroiodide) form, there are limits on how much you're allowed to feed. Other than that, selenium would be our only regulated mineral, and today, we could go out and supplement as much zinc as we want in any animal in the United States without a problem.


Tom:            Are you seeing growth in the organic minerals market?


Roger:          We're seeing tremendous growth, both globally and regionally. In North America, I think, as people realize, again, that it's not an apples-to-apples comparison or you're not just looking at a level of mineral — that you need to pay attention to the form — that people are realizing that organic minerals have an important role. I also think we're getting a little bit closer on the cost difference; inorganic minerals are still cheaper, but their price keeps going up. I don't know that cost is as prohibitive as it used to be, from a practical farm level.


                    That's probably the only reason people aren't using organic minerals as their only source. It's a cost thing. Now, when you start looking at the response and, then, the return over investment opportunity, well, it's not a cost: it's a profit-maker. So, I think it's just a slow change.


                    When you look at trace minerals, for 60-70 years, we used inorganic minerals; for the past 20, we've used organic. So, it's still pretty new in terms of what's going on in the general supplementation industry. When you look at some of the different documents out there — for example, National Research Council or NRC Guidelines — they really don't get into a discussion on form. As Dr. Murphy mentioned, the Brazilian government recognizes that there are form differences, and some other countries around the world are starting to do so as well. I still think it’s left to feed companies, nutritionists and, ultimately, the farmer or end user to make a decision of, “Do I want to make an investment? If so, how much?” That's kind of where the decision is today.


Tom:            As you continue working toward better performance in animals, are you exploring new ideas for delivering nutrition more efficiently? Is that just an ongoing process?


Richard:        Yeah, it's an ongoing evolution. I think we've moved, over the last number of years, more toward, rather than thinking about nutrition as just being an individual component, we've really focused on the benefits of multicomponent packs. Certainly, there are a lot of different synergies you can get from different products present in a pack and the many ways you can get, I guess, good synergism between those components. Certainly, with some of the Blueprint® products that we have in Alltech, we've seen tremendous increases in health or performance and, again, these are multicomponent impacts. Rather than thinking about nutrition as being individual components added together, we tend to think about the synergism that we can get from multiple components out of them. That's something that we'll focus on more and more over the next couple of years.


Tom:            This has been really enjoyable. I have one final question: what new developments in minerals or mineral feeding strategies do you think we might see within the next five years or so?


Roger:          I don't know if I see a new development as much as just people embracing organic minerals more than they currently do. I'd say, currently, most of the industry would be at some sort of a partial supplementation, where the bulk of the mineral that's being supplemented is inorganic sulfate or oxide, and then they try to come up with how much organic to put in. They want to get all the benefits of organic, but they don't want all the price.


                    I see more of the bigger advancement being, as people just progress through that decision in their head, from partial replacement to more of the full replacement or total replacement, and realizing that organic minerals are what's doing the heavy lifting – that there really isn't a big need for those inorganic minerals that, for maybe just historical purposes, they just can't seem to kick out of the ration.


Tom:            Do you see something in the near future, Dr. Murphy?


Richard:        I'd agree with Dr. Scaletti in that. We’re going to see increased awareness in the benefits of organic minerals and how you can use less of those organic minerals and not have a negative impact on health and performance. That, obviously, is going to feed into an environmental benefit. I think we'll also see changes, perhaps, in the way in which we apply these minerals. I think people are looking more and more toward technology as a driver of agriculture.


                    I think we'll see differences in the next few years in the way in which feed delivery is made, in the way in which you can actually begin to look at delivering feed on farms. I do think we'll see more and more digital-based technologies that will influence feeding strategies, and then, it will obviously influence how we formally feed.


Tom:            Dr. Richard Murphy, research director at the Alltech European Bioscience Center in Dunboyne, Ireland, and Dr. Roger Scaletti, who focuses on the technical sales and support of the Alltech Mineral Management program. Thank you both for joining us.


Richard:        Thank you very much.


Roger:          Thank you.  



Drs. Scaletti and Murphy presented their insights during ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18). Don't miss the chance to hear the latest in animal health and nutrition at ONE19. Click here to learn more. 


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Incorrect mineral supplementation can have major consequences on animal health and productivity. Organic trace minerals are proven to support better absorption, less waste and optimum health.

Better sow performance with the right minerals

Submitted by lkeyser on Wed, 08/22/2018 - 10:41

The following is an excerpt from an article by Solutions Deployment Team Manager Dr. Jules Taylor-Pickard on Pig Progress.

Times are long gone when supplying minerals to pigs was one-size-fits-all. Sows have different demands depending on their parity, size and litter size. Supplying the correct amounts will enhance sow performance — and will provide benefits for her piglets, too.

Minerals are important for maintaining the body and ensuring animal performance. In breeding sows, certain minerals are needed for successful conception and parturition. Chromium influences follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones and is also needed to produce insulin, which affects progesterone production. Both hormones are required for regulating ovulation and have a direct impact on fertility and litter numbers. Manganese is required for progesterone production, while iron and chromium are required for further hormone activity, which influences embryo survival during pregnancy. Uterine capacity, which dictates the number of piglets born, requires appropriate feeding levels of selenium, iron and chromium.

Breeding animals have higher mineral requirements, since they must produce ova that are robust enough to achieve conception, supply developing fetuses with minerals for correct development and, in the case of mammals, produce milk to suckle their young. As such, breeding sows can often be deficient in mineral intake, especially when tissue reserves are depleted.

Dr. Pickard further delves into the different roles minerals play in supporting optimum sow performance and the difference the right mineral can make to your sows and her piglets. To find out more, read the rest of Dr. Pickard’s article.


I want to learn more about nutrition for my pig herd.

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The levels and types of minerals used in sow diets are also important to securing satisfactory reproductive performance.

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