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Study shows Bio-Mos® plus milk equals daily weight gain in calves and more milk in first lactation

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 06/14/2017 - 00:00

[DUNBOYNE, Ireland] – Dairy producers strive for long-term production and productivity with their herd, right from the start, and the pre-weaning growth of a dairy calf is a good indicator. While diarrhoea is one of the most common antagonists in issues with poor digestion and weight gain in calves, supplementing with Bio-Mos® has been shown to enhance performance and improve gut health.

A recent meta-analysis conducted by Dr. Anna Catharina Berge of Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA concluded that Bio-Mos® supplementation in milk or milk replacer increased daily weight gain in dairy calves. These trials revealed, on average, 0.14 pounds improved weight gain per head per day in pre-weaned dairy calves, which corresponded to 8.37 pounds increased weight for calves weaned at two months of age. The long-term improved performance in heifers with improved pre-weaning growth would be equivalent to 220 pounds more milk in the first lactation, generating additional farm income, and improving gut health and digestive function.

“The results are a significant improvement in average daily weight gain,” said Aidan Connolly, chief innovation officer and vice president of corporate accounts at Alltech. “This improvement leads to greater returns for the producer through enhanced milk production, health and development, and long-term productivity.”

The meta-analysis included 23 cohort studies performed in the U.S.A., the United Kingdom, Brazil, Chile, the Czech Republic, India, Japan, Peru, Poland, Spain, and Turkey between 1993 and 2012. Bio-Mos was supplemented at 2–10 grams per day, with an average inclusion of 3.8 grams per day. Twenty-one of the studies reported an increase in daily weight gain for calves fed Bio-Mos in milk or milk replacer compared to control calves.

For more information on Bio-Mos, visit

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Study shows Bio-Mos® plus milk equals daily weight gain in calves and more milk in first lactation
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Dairy producers strive for long-term production and productivity with their herd, right from the start.
<>Featured Image License
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A meta-analysis conducted by Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA concluded that Bio-Mos® supplementation in milk or milk replacer increased daily weight gain in dairy calves and led to more milk in first lactation.
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<>Animal Nutrition Focus Areas
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<p>A meta-analysis conducted by Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA concluded that Bio-Mos® supplementation in milk or milk replacer increased daily weight gain in dairy calves and led to more milk in first lactation.</p>

KEENAN offers congratulations to Professor Gerald Byrne presented with Fraunhofer Thaler award

Submitted by aeadmin on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 00:00

[DUBLIN, Ireland.] – Global animal health and nutrition company Alltech is proud to announce that Professor Gerald Byrne, chairman of KEENAN innovation and R&D board, received the Fraunhofer Thaler Award. The award is in recognition of Byrne’s outstanding leadership and significant achievements in the field of applied research.

Established in 1949, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading research and technology organisation for applied research in Europe. Its research activities are conducted by 69 institutes and research units at locations across Germany. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft conducts research in collaboration with research partners and innovative companies around the world and KEENAN is proud to congratulate Byrne on his recent award.

“We are absolutely delighted to congratulate Professor Byrne for his outstanding contributions to research,” said Robert Walker, KEENAN CEO. “We recognised Professor Byrne’s unique leadership and innovative thinking when asking him to chair the KEENAN Innovation and R&D board. The KEENAN team is dedicated to bringing the latest innovations and technologies to farmers around the world and it gives us great pride that the first Irish person to receive this award from Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is on our team.”

Byrne was appointed as chairman of the KEENAN innovation and R&D board in February of this year to ensure KEENAN continues to be an innovator in the farm machinery sector. Byrne spent five years as dean of engineering at University College Dublin (UCD) and now focuses on streamlining production, fast-tracking efficiency and optimising plant configuration at KEENAN’s headquarters and main manufacturing facility at Borris, County Carlow, Ireland. Among Byrne’s many other credentials are his honorary professorship at Tianjin University in China, being the first and only Irish member of the International Academy for Production Engineering and a membership in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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KEENAN offers congratulations to Professor Gerald Byrne presented with Fraunhofer Thaler award
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Alltech is proud to announce that Professor Gerald Byrne, chairman of KEENAN innovation and R&D board, received the Fraunhofer Thaler Award.
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Chairman of the KEENAN Innovation and R&D Board Professor Gerry Byrne receiving the Fraunhofer Thaler Award from Professor Reimund Neugebauer in recognition of his leadership and achievements in the field of applied research.
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<p>Chairman of the KEENAN Innovation and R&D Board Professor Gerry Byrne receiving the Fraunhofer Thaler Award from Professor Reimund Neugebauer in recognition of his leadership and achievements in the field of applied research. </p>

Alltech Ireland named “Agricultural Laboratory of the Year”

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 00:00

[DUBLIN, Ireland] – Alltech Ireland has long been a leader in both the Irish and European agriculture industry. Located in Dunboyne, Co. Meath, it became the first Alltech office to be established in mainland Europe in 1981 and serves today as Alltech’s European headquarters and Bioscience Centre. Last week its research team celebrated being awarded the Agricultural Laboratory of the Year by the Irish Laboratory Awards, the benchmark for those demonstrating excellence, best practice and innovation within Ireland’s lab industry.

Richard Murphy, director of research at Alltech, praised his dedicated team members on achieving such recognition.

“At Alltech, we strive for success,” said Murphy. “Our innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies deliver for our customers and farmers and so this award is a tremendous achievement for us as a research team.

“We are very thankful to the Irish Laboratory Awards as they celebrate not only science but also innovation and leadership, all of which are very highly regarded by our team here at Alltech. We would like to dedicate this award to not only the Irish Alltech team but also to our customers who are the inspiration for our work.”

Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre serves as Alltech’s pivotal research centre in Europe. The research work carried out at the centre specialises in cellular biotechnology, and the team of 20 scientists based in Dunboyne have developed unique insights into specific focus areas such as yeast cell wall architecture, trace element chelation, bio-marker detection and microbial population dynamics. This work has resulted in the development of new solutions, services and analytical tools that improve producers' profitability and efficiency

“We have approximately 20 full-time scientists on-site in Dunboyne,” said Murphy. “We are very proud of our highly educated team and close links with Irish universities. The majority of the team have earned their Ph.D. or master’s degree with Alltech. Since redevelopment work in 2013, the team at Alltech are very lucky to work in labs of exceptional quality and standard thanks to Mrs. Deirdre Lyons, Alltech’s director of corporate image and design, who is responsible for designing our labs to provide a state-of-the-art platform that enables young scientists to work with Alltech's expert team of biochemists, microbiologists and nutritionists.”

Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre is one of three major bioscience centres around the world and each centre has its own focus. The centres are complemented by more than 20 research alliances with leading universities globally. Alltech’s research team are responsible for over 500 patents awarded to Alltech globally.

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Alltech Ireland named “Agricultural Laboratory of the Year”
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Alltech Ireland has long been a leader in both the European and Irish agriculture industry.
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Conor O’Flaherty, Alltech crop science specialist, accepts the award for Agricultural Laboratory of the year at the Irish Laboratory Awards 2017 on Alltech’s behalf alongside Matt Moran, Director, BioPharmaChem Ireland. Alltech Ireland was also nominated for ‘Academic or Research Laboratory of the Year’.
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<p>Conor O’Flaherty, Alltech crop science specialist, accepts the award for Agricultural Laboratory of the year at the Irish Laboratory Awards 2017 on Alltech’s behalf alongside Matt Moran, Director, BioPharmaChem Ireland. Alltech Ireland was also nominated for ‘Academic or Research Laboratory of the Year’.</p>

Don’t let your profits dry up this summer!

Submitted by aeadmin on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 00:00

Beat heat stress

With the European summer only weeks away, it is time to start preparing management strategies for heat stress. This issue has traditionally been associated with the hotter regions in Europe, such as the Mediterranean. However, as climate change continues to impact temperature, European countries deemed to have a more temperate climate must also be aware of and prepare to take action against heat stress.

When cows are suffering from heat stress, there are several indicators that can be observed. Often, the first indicator is a reduction in dry matter intake. This can be followed by a change in behaviour, combined with quickened breathing and excessive panting. This leads to difficulties in maintaining efficient rumen function, which results in decreased milk production and longer periods between conception. The cow’s maintenance needs will also increase, as the animal can be at greater risk of contracting diseases, such as subacute ruminal acidosis and laminitis. All of these negative heat stress effects will lower a farm’s ability to maintain efficiency and profitability.

Don’t let your profits dry up this summer!

Follow these top tips to combat the effects of heat stress on your farm.

1. Water management

As temperatures increases, so does the cow’s water intake. However, a large volume of water is lost through increased urinary excretion, sweating and respiration. Therefore, water requirements for lactating cows can increase by 10 percent as temperatures move from 15 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius. The need for more water will increase as milk production rises and as temperatures rise above 26 degrees Celsius.

A cow’s water intake can be improved by:

  • Locating water troughs in shaded areas.
  • Ensuring there is an adequate supply of fresh water at the trough.
  • Cleaning water troughs regularly.
  • Providing sufficient space for the cow at the water trough; there should be a minimum of two linear feet (0.61 metres) per 15–20 cows.
  • Cooling the water trough by adding shade.

2. Forage management

It is very important to identify forages that are highly digestible to use during heat stress. This will help maintain intake and energy levels. Ensure a forage’s quality is not compromised by managing the silage face to minimise secondary fermentation.

When packing the silage, make certain that it is tightly compressed and covered sufficiently to avoid spoilage. Remove 6–12 inches of silage from the exposed face of the silo on a daily basis. This will help to keep the silage fresh and will prevent heating.

3. Feeding management

As the temperature and humidity increase, cows will change the time they feed to a cooler period of the day. A greater proportion of the feed should be provided later in the day, when the temperature has dropped. This will help to avoid secondary fermentation and drive consumption.

Three to four hours after cows feed, they will experience excess heat production due to the digestion process. By moving the feeding time to later in the day, the cow will have the opportunity to digest the food when the temperature is cooler. This allows the increased internal heat production to be more tolerable for the cow.

At the end of each day, it is important to clean out feed bunks. This will help to keep the feed fresh and will reduce the possible effects of heating or spoilage as well as lower the risk of secondary fermentation.

For more information please contact

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Don’t let your profits dry up this summer!
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With the European summer only weeks away, it is time to start preparing management strategies for heat stress.
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<>Animal Nutrition Focus Areas
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Alltech launches first biogas solution DIGEST P3

Submitted by aeadmin on Thu, 03/30/2017 - 00:00

[DUBLIN, Ireland] – As fossil fuels deplete at astounding rates, biogas production is fast becoming an alternative source of economic and renewable energy. Alltech’s new product, DIGEST P3, improves the profitability of anaerobic digestion by optimising biogas productivity. DIGEST P3 is an enzyme complex produced by the breakdown of organic matter through a process called solid state fermentation, with production similar to that of yeast fermentation. Since Alltech has nearly 40 years’ experience in the fermentation of yeast for both the animal health and brewing industries, biogas fermentation is a logical next chapter for the company. Through mastery of solid state fermentation techniques, Alltech can produce enzymes economically and pass this cost savings along to customers.

“This is exciting. This is why I love what I do,” said Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech. “We have taken our expertise and decades of knowledge in fermentation and applied them to the development of DIGEST P3. Remember, efficiency on the farm is what we are experts in. Alltech is all about adding value and efficiency and bringing sustainable solutions to market. Dealing with waste, while at the same time producing renewable energy, is simply another way we are using innovative and ground-breaking technologies to solve our customers’ issues.”

DIGEST P3 works with methane-generating microflora to help break down feedstock components previously inaccessible through digestion. This enhanced feed breakdown allows for more readily available energy and protein for the microflora, resulting in additional biogas volumes from the same amount of feed input. DIGEST P3 allows for flexibility in feedstock formulation through the inclusion of byproducts and alternative raw materials.

“We are working with customers to optimise the flexibility offered by this technology,” said Niall Brennan, biogas project manager at Alltech. “We are seeing some customers reduce their feedstock inputs and maintain their gas outputs. It is very encouraging to see the range of benefits DIGEST P3 offers Alltech customers.”

Alltech has just completed a research trial with Harper Adams University in England to identify optimum performance-enhancing additives. The trial was run utilising DIGEST P3 in commercial plants across Europe. In the trial, DIGEST P3’s additional feed breakdown led to increased biogas production, reduced feed costs, reduced power consumption and uplifts in operating profit.

“Since implementing DIGEST P3, many of our customers have witnessed significant improvement in substrate efficiency,” said Brennan. “This allows our customers to decrease the amount of substrates they input each day, yet maintain a consistent energy output.”

For more information on DIGEST P3, please visit and stay connected through Twitter and Facebook.

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Alltech launches first biogas solution DIGEST P3
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DIGEST P3 allows farmers to capture savings and efficiency while protecting the environment
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Alltech is now working with customers to optimise the flexibility offered by biogas production as an alternative source of economic and renewable energy. Alltech has developed DIGEST P3, an enzyme complex which improves the profitability of anaerobic digestion by optimising biogas productivity.
<>Industry Segment
<>Animal Nutrition Focus Areas
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<p>Alltech is now working with customers to optimise the flexibility offered by biogas production as an alternative source of economic and renewable energy. Alltech has developed DIGEST P3, an enzyme complex which improves the profitability of anaerobic digestion by optimising biogas productivity. </p>

ISO accreditation awarded to Alltech’s European mycotoxin laboratory

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 03/22/2017 - 00:00

[DUNBOYNE, Ireland] – The Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analytical services laboratory in Dunboyne, County Meath, Ireland, was accredited in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 from Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. This objective, third-party assessment distinguishes the managerial and technical requirements of the lab and ensures the accuracy and impartiality of analytical results.

The European Alltech 37+ mycotoxin laboratory, which opened in April 2016, is the third of its kind for Alltech, which has two similar laboratories in the U.S. and China. The proprietary 37+ LC/MS/MS analytical method, developed by Alltech, is included in the scope of accreditation. This analytical method is state-of-the-art in its detection and quantisation of more than 37 mycotoxins at parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt) levels.

“This accreditation sets the bar in global mycotoxin investigation and reaffirms our customers’ confidence in the precise, accurate and thorough testing of the Alltech 37+ mycotoxin analysis programme,” said Steve Mobley, manager of the European Alltech 37+ mycotoxin laboratory.

“Our diagnostic approach allows us to further investigate livestock and poultry health issues, study global mycotoxin trends and develop comprehensive, customised mycotoxin management programmes for our customers,” continued Mobley.

Led by Dr. Emma Daniels, senior analytical chemist and laboratory coordinator, the Alltech European 37+ laboratory provides much-needed, high-throughput mycotoxin profiling services to accelerate the detection process while saving time and money for European farmers and food producers.

Run in conjunction with the Alltech® Mycotoxin Management programme, Alltech continues to collate a powerful database, which recognises mycotoxin issues throughout the world. To date, Alltech’s mycotoxin laboratories have analysed more than 14,000 samples since opening its first dedicated facility in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, in 2012.

Research carried out on mycotoxin samples analysed in January and February in North American silages showed evidence of type B trichothecenes and fusaric acid. Although type B trichothecenes are still a prevalent mycotoxin group found in silages that can damage the health and productivity of animals, recently, there has been increase in the number of cases of type A trichothecenes and other Penicillium mycotoxins. In Europe, type B trichothecenes are still common among silages, but there is also a high risk from the other Penicillium mycotoxins, which occurred in 45 percent of samples at an average of 1,533 ppb.

For further information on the Alltech Mycotoxin Management programme, please visit

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ISO accreditation awarded to Alltech’s European mycotoxin laboratory
<>Meta Description
The Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analytical services laboratory was accredited in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005
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The Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analytical services laboratory in Dunboyne, County Meath, Ireland, has been accredited in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 from Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. The European laboratory provides much-needed, high-throughput mycotoxin profiling services to accelerate the detection process while saving time and money for European farmers and food producers.
<>Article Type
<>Programs and Services
<>Image Caption

<p>The Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analytical services laboratory in Dunboyne, County Meath, Ireland, has been accredited in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 from Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. The European laboratory provides much-needed, high-throughput mycotoxin profiling services to accelerate the detection process while saving time and money for European farmers and food producers.</p>

Ireland's Prime Minister awards Dr. Pearse Lyons of Alltech with St. Patrick's Day Science Medal

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 00:00

[WASHINGTON D.C.] – An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, has today presented Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) prestigious ‘St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal’ to Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech, and Prof. Adrian E. Raftery, professor of statistics and sociology at the University of Washington, for their significant contribution to academia and industry.

Now in its fourth year, the SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal recognises the outstanding contributions of Dr. Pearse Lyons and Prof. Adrian Raftery in their respective fields, as well as their role in developing the research ecosystem in Ireland. The Medal is awarded annually to a distinguished Irish scientist, engineer or technology leader living and working in the USA.

Congratulating the recipients at an award event held in the United States Institute of Peace in Washington D.C., An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, said: “I am delighted to present the SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal on behalf of Science Foundation Ireland, to these two exceptional leaders. Dr. Lyons and Prof. Raftery have both had a huge impact in their own areas of expertise and played pivotal roles in the development of researchers in Ireland.”

“They have demonstrated how academic and industry-based scientific research can create jobs, tackle global problems and impact positively on people and society. These distinguished Medal recipients are driving globally significant innovation in the areas of agriculture, food production, health, and population and weather forecasting, to name just a few.”

Dundalk-born biochemist and entrepreneur, Dr. Pearse Lyons, is the first Irish scientist to have created a global business based on scientific research. With the aim of creating the next ‘green revolution’ to improve the health and performance of people, animals and plants, Dr. Lyons founded Alltech, in 1980 with just $10,000 in capital.

He has subsequently led the company to now trade in over 120 countries worldwide with more than 5,000 team members. Dr. Lyons and his team at Alltech remain committed to innovation and development, with three Alltech biosciences centres dedicated to research and education - two located in the U.S. and one in Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland.

Dublin-born Prof. Adrian E. Raftery has been described by his peers as one of the most eminent statisticians in the world. His work has resulted in the development of new statistical methods, focusing particularly on the social, environmental and health sciences. Prof. Raftery’s work to quantify statistical uncertainty in demographic projections has fundamentally changed approaches to population forecasting. This was demonstrated by the United Nations recently publishing a recalculation of world population projections, which directly incorporated Prof. Raftery’s work.

Prof. Raftery has been a leader in developing new Bayesian statistical methods for model selection and model averaging, as well as model-based clustering. He has also worked on studies that have fundamentally changed the understanding of whaling populations, the prevalence of HIV/Aids and weather forecasting.

At the event in Washington, D.C., Dr. Lyons said:

“I am so proud to accept the SFI St. Patrick’s Day Medal from Science Foundation Ireland. While my business is global, my passion for biochemistry and entrepreneurship started at home in Ireland. As a company, we still have very close links to Ireland with one of our three biosciences research centres based in Dunboyne, Co. Meath. Science and technology play a very important part in my company’s success and all of the Alltech team work to innovate every day. We strive to put scientific research at the core of our business and to use that research to drive our success at home and abroad.”

“Almost 100 students have graduated with their Masters and Ph.D.s from our Alltech facilities in Ireland, in cooperation with virtually every Irish university, providing a platform that was once described by the European Commissioner of Food and Safety as a ‘Primacy in Science’.”

On accepting his SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal, Professor Raftery said:

“I developed my passion for statistics during my time at St. Conleth’s College in Dublin and at Trinity College Dublin. Statistics is vital to science, including the social sciences, and it is progressing rapidly with the current growth in big data and data science. I'm proud to have contributed to the development of statistics at University College Dublin in recent years. Statistics in Ireland has been developing fast and this will provide a competitive advantage for Irish science and industry. I'm grateful to SFI for supporting my visit to Ireland in 2013-14 as a SFI Walton Fellow, which galvanised several successful collaborations with UCD, TCD and the Central Bank of Ireland. The continued support for this and other research programmes, even during the economic crisis, shows that there is a broad consensus in Ireland for supporting scientific research, which bodes well for the future of the country. I am very honoured to receive the SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal.”

Congratulating the recipients, Prof. Mark Ferguson, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, said:

“The Irish scientific and technology diaspora are outstanding representatives for Irish science abroad and play a huge role in promoting Ireland internationally. The research undertaken by these two Irish leaders has had a profound and diverse impact across the globe. As a nation, we should be immensely proud of the influence that Dr. Lyons and Prof. Raftery have had in their respective fields and indeed, across the globe. In presenting them both with the SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal, Science Foundation Ireland recognises the significant value and impact of their work.”

About Science Foundation Ireland:

Science Foundation Ireland funds oriented basic and applied research in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) which promotes and assists the development and competitiveness of industry, enterprise and employment in Ireland. The Foundation also promotes and supports the study of, and engagement with STEM and promotes an awareness and understanding of the value of STEM to society and in particular to the growth of the economy.  See

Science Foundation Ireland has launched the #BelieveInScience campaign to promote the potential that science and discovery offer Ireland, today and in tomorrow’s world. The #BelieveInScience campaign will see Science Foundation Ireland work in partnership with the Irish research community to share a mutual passion for science with the public; to promote an understanding of the ability of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to create positive change in the world and to drive a sustainable economy in Ireland.

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Ireland's Prime Minister awards Dr. Pearse Lyons of Alltech with St. Patrick's Day Science Medal
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Ireland's Prime Minister awards Dr. Pearse Lyons of Alltech with St. Patrick's Day Science Medal
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Taoiseach Enda Kenny (right) presents The Science Foundation Ireland St. Patrick's Day Science Medal 2017 to Dr. Pearse Lyons, president of Alltech, at the United States Institute of Peace. Photographed by Nick Crettier.
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<p>Taoiseach Enda Kenny (right) presents The Science Foundation Ireland St. Patrick's Day Science Medal 2017 to Dr. Pearse Lyons, president of Alltech, at the United States Institute of Peace. Photographed by Nick Crettier.</p>

KEENAN debuts its first self-propelled MechFiber machine at SIMA in France

Submitted by aeadmin on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 00:00

[PARIS] – At the SIMA trade show in France’s capital, KEENAN proudly showcased the latest in a string of innovations since its acquisition by Alltech in April 2016. The introduction of the KEENAN MechFiber345SP, the first self-propelled machine in the KEENAN range, marks a new path for the company and one that has been long-awaited.

KEENAN customers have been requesting a self-propelled MechFiber machine, and KEENAN has spent time perfecting its design, committed to delivering the very best machine possible. Long synonymous with excellence in nutrition and driving animal performance through optimising rumen health, KEENAN focused on researching the loading and chopping mechanisms available on the market to ensure the best fit. Of highest importance was identifying a solution consistent with the core KEENAN ethos of retaining forage structure. In Italian firm Storti, they identified a partner that can deliver this much sought-after, self-loading technology.

“When we announced our collaboration with Storti, some thought it was all about introducing a KEENAN vertical auger to our range — that couldn’t be further from the reality,” said KEENAN CEO Robbie Walker. “KEENAN and Storti had been in talks for quite some time about this exciting development: a self-propelled machine with a loading mechanism that does not destruct fibre and delivers the quality MechFiber mix that is so important to KEENAN.”

With class-leading cutter head technology, the KEENAN MechFiberSP range has been engineered to deliver rapid loading of a vast array of products, leaving a clean, uniform face for optimum pit face management. The tungsten-coated blades feature a unique crossed arrangement, performing clean cuts without damaging the structure of the fibre, even with very compact silages. Engineered with a focus on speed, precision and versatility, the special placement of the blades and configuration of the loading channel allows the cutter to load in both directions and easily run in reverse if needed, while a high-speed loading belt drastically reduces mix preparation time.

Producing the noted KEENAN MechFiber mix in 16 and 20 cubic meter outputs for the 2017 and 2018 seasons, the KEENAN MechFiberSP range offers left or right front discharge via an adjustable conveyor for homogeneous distribution of total mixed rations.

Available in both 25 kilometres per hour or high-speed “Plus” 40 kilometres per hour models, the operating system of the KEENAN MechFiberSP range has been cleverly designed for ease of maintenance and features a mechanical drive to the six-paddle reel. This exclusive engineering system, by means of a specially designed gearbox and PTO shaft, transfers all the power from the engine to the mixing system, thus reducing fuel consumption by up to 25 percent as well as reducing maintenance costs.

Fitted with the KEENAN InTouch controller as standard, the KEENAN MechFiberSP range is connected to the KEENAN InTouch service, which provides real-time feed advice and ration formulation through a dedicated team of skilled nutritionists. KEENAN InTouch is proven to deliver consistency in both feed and mixing to ensure improved milk yields and milk solids and better herd health in conjunction with monitoring and control of feed costs.

“KEENAN now offers the complete range of feeding solutions: Farmers can choose from the MechFiber-producing horizontal paddle machine in both trailed and self-propelled options as well as twin and triple auger vertical trailed units,” said Walker. “Testament to the level of excitement about this launch of the KEENAN self-propelled range is that a number of self-propelled machines have been pre-sold in continental Europe despite only being unveiled at SIMA. That demonstrates the trust our customers have in our attention to detail and commitment to delivering the very best quality machine and mix.”

For further information, visit

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KEENAN debuts its first self-propelled MechFiber machine at SIMA in France
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The KEENAN MechFiber345SP is the first in the long-awaited range of KEENAN self-propelled diet feeders.
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The KEENAN MechFiber345SP is the first in the long-awaited range of KEENAN self-propelled diet feeders.
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<p>The KEENAN MechFiber345SP is the first in the long-awaited range of KEENAN self-propelled diet feeders.</p>

Hungary and New Zealand take home top awards at the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair

Submitted by aeadmin on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 00:00

[DUBLIN, Ireland] – Out of the 370 craft beers competing in The Dublin Craft Beer Cup, it was Saison Witbier from Horizont of Hungary that took home the top prize at the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair. The saison wheat beer, with its refreshing citrus aroma, was an overwhelming favourite with the 28 independent judges. The Classic Pear Cider from McCashin’s Brewery of New Zealand also struck a chord with judges, particularly its perfect balance of sweetness and acidity and its impressive pear top notes, to win The Dublin Craft Cider Cup. The Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair, Ireland’s largest craft brews fair, opened its doors for the three-day festival at The Convention Centre Dublin this evening.

“In the past, stout beers have reigned supreme in The Dublin Craft Beer Cup; we are now seeing the highest quality challenges from other beer types,” said Dr. Gearóid Cahill, head judge of The Dublin Craft Beer Cup and director of brewing science at Alltech. “It was nice to see a new, refreshing wheat beer take top prize this year.”

There was an impressive range of ciders as well, spanning sweet, dry and even barrel-aged varieties.

“We also had some complex ciders with a range of fruit ingredients,” said Cahill. “The Irish cider producers impressed the independent judges with their overall quality; however, New Zealand swept the board with the only two gold medals, both awarded to McCashin’s Brewery.”

Gold medals were awarded to outstanding brews from Ireland, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Spain and Hungary. A full list of gold, silver and bronze medal winners for The Dublin Craft Beer Cup and The Dublin Craft Cider Cup can be found here.

“Our three-day festival is about celebrating the craft brews industry, and it gives us an opportunity to showcase what Ireland has to offer,” said Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech. “It is more than just a craft beer festival; with craft cider, craft spirits and craft wine, there’s something here to tempt all taste buds.”

This year’s live entertainment is set to delight, with Hermitage Green headlining Friday and The Camembert Quartet closing out the festival on Saturday night.

Tickets are available to purchase from EventBrite. For more information, visit, follow @alltechbrews and join the conversation by using #alltechbrews.

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Hungary and New Zealand take home top awards at the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair
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Saison Witbier from Horizont of Hungary that took home the top prize at the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair.
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Ádám Dudok and Máté Ábrahám of Horizont celebrate winning The Dublin Craft Beer Cup for their Saison Witbier. The award was presented by Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech, and Dr. Gearoid Cahill, director of brewing science at Alltech, at the opening night of the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair in Dublin, Ireland.
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<p>Ádám Dudok and Máté Ábrahám of Horizont celebrate winning The Dublin Craft Beer Cup for their Saison Witbier. The award was presented by Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech, and Dr. Gearoid Cahill, director of brewing science at Alltech, at the opening night of the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair in Dublin, Ireland. </p>

KEENAN underlines R&D strength as Michael Carbery appointed head of innovation

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 00:00

[BORRIS, Ireland] – Hot on the heels of revealing its manufacturing collaboration with Storti, KEENAN is proud to announce the appointment of Michael Carbery as head of innovation. Carbery has worked for KEENAN for more than six years as group service development manager, and he brings to the role a wealth of experience as well as unique market and customer insights, having held the position of general manager in a number of engineering companies prior to joining KEENAN. Since joining the Alltech family of companies, KEENAN has introduced a number of engineering and product developments that underpin its superb design, focus on quality and innovative offerings.

KEENAN is also proud to welcome professor Gerald Byrne to the team. Byrne and Carbery will work alongside each other to ensure KEENAN continues to be an innovator in the farm machinery sector. Byrne will join KEENAN after spending five years as dean of engineering at University College Dublin (UCD). Byrne brings with him a considerable breadth of knowledge, creativity and experience to spearhead KEENAN’s latest innovation initiatives and will focus on streamlining production, fast-tracking efficiency and optimising plant configuration. Among Bryne’s many credentials are his honorary professorship at Tianjin University in China, being the first and only Irish member of the International Academy for Production Engineering and a membership in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

“Bringing innovation into the heart of everything we do will be my focus during my time as chairman of the KEENAN Innovation and R&D Board,” said Byrne. “There are a lot of exciting new technologies out there, and we want to ensure that KEENAN stays at the forefront of such developments.

“On a global scale, manufacturing is becoming increasingly digital and connected,” he continued. “More than merely keeping up with this rapid pace of change, KEENAN needs to lead the way. The KEENAN team has a wealth of experience and ideas, and our R&D and innovation platform will tap into these to keep KEENAN on top.”

The KEENAN name has long been associated with quality and reliability. Moving forward in an ever-changing marketplace, the innovation team, led by Byrne and Carbery, will ensure the KEENAN machine remains synonymous with technology, optimisation, efficiency and innovation.

“Byrne and Carbery’s appointments represent KEENAN’s continued commitment to bring the very latest in innovation and technology to the agriculture industry,” said Robert Walker, CEO of KEENAN. “We have looked both internally and externally to bolster our innovation culture here at KEENAN, and we are delighted to retain the very best Irish talent. I am confident this pairing will prove to be an unparalleled resource as KEENAN moves forward.”

The new appointments uphold the integrity of KEENAN engineering and the company’s commitment to efficiency and profitability for the farmer.

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KEENAN underlines R&D strength as Michael Carbery appointed head of innovation
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Innovation commitment highlighted with appointment of professor Gerald Byrne as chairman of KEENAN Innovation and R&D Board
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KEENAN is proud to announce the appointment of Michael Carbery as head of innovation.
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<p>KEENAN is proud to announce the appointment of Michael Carbery as head of innovation.</p>

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