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InTouch Controlleren er synkroniseret med InTouch, hvilket gør, at landmænd let kan måle foderpræcision, effektivitet, besætningens ydelse, foderomkostninger og tørstofindtag.
InTouch Controlleren gør det endnu nemmere at fodre præcist, da den guider dig igennem rækkefølge og mængde af råvarer, så du får en optimal og ensartet TMR hver gang.
Op til 99 individuelle foderplaner kan programmeres ind i controlleren. InTouch Controlleren kommer med Wi-Fi, hvilket gør, at du kan dublere skærmen over på din smartphone eller tablet, så du let kan følge med, uden at skulle forlade førerhuset.
For at få mest ud af din ration, kan du let synkronisere din InTouch Controller med InTouch.
InTouch er en kombination af vores feed management software, InTouch Controlleren og erfarne foderspecialister, der arbejder proaktivt med mange besætninger for at sikre den mest optimale og præcise fodring.
Hver dag holder vores InTouch specialister øje med over 300.000 malkekøer på 2.000 gårde over hele kloden, hvilket gør det til én af verdens største databaser indenfor fodereffektivitet.
Fordele ved InTouch systemet:
Vil du høre mere om InTouch klik her
KEENAN giver præcisionsfoderteknologi til optimal blande- og foderoptimering for maksimal udnyttelse for dyrene.
KEENAN er lavet i Irland og har et omfattende produktportefølje, af haspeblandere og selvkørende blandevogne.
Med banebrydende design er KEENAN maskinerne konstrueret til at hjælpe det moderne landbrug med at optimere besætningen og den daglige arbejdsgang.
Keenan er en progressiv og ambitiøs global virksomhed med planer for kontinuerlig produktinnovation, ny markedsvækst og forbedring af ydeevne for alle vores kunder. Globalt har vi 250 medarbejdere i en række forskellige roller inklusive produktion, kundeservice, salg og foderrådgivning, for bare at nævne nogle få.
Hos KEENAN stræber vi efter at skabe et attraktivt arbejdsmiljø, som også er udfordrende, stimulerende og givende. Vi lytter til hinandens synspunkter og samarbejder for at møde vores kunders behov, og for at gøre Keenan til et godt sted at arbejde.
Keenan har løbende muligheder for salgskonsulenter, fodringsrådgivere og kundeservicemedarbejdere på alle vores markeder.
1. All-Technology (Ireland) Limited is the sponsor of this competition (the “Sponsor”). The Sponsor’s Privacy Policy is available at https://www.alltech.com/privacy-policy.
2. All-Technology (Ireland) Limited is a company registered in the Republic of Ireland with company number 82823 and whose registered office is at the Alltech European Bioscience Centre, Sarney, Summerhill Road, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Republic of Ireland.
3. The prize draw is open to anyone over the age of 18 who is resident in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland, except employees of the Sponsor or the Sponsor’s group companies (“Employees”), the immediate families of all Employees, the Sponsor’s agents or anyone who is otherwise directly connected with the organisation or judging of this prize draw.
4. Entries which do not comply in full with these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified. An entrant who does not give correct details, or who makes an entry on someone else’s behalf will be disqualified, at the Sponsor’s discretion. No entries from agents, third parties or organised groups will be accepted. No bulk or multiple entries will be accepted – only one entry will be accepted per entrant.
5. This is an on-stand entry prize draw only. A fully completed entry form is the only application route. There is no postal or telephone application route.
6. Entry into this prize draw is deemed to constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
The Competition
7. To take part in the promotion and be eligible to win a prize (as set out within paragraph 14 below), entrants must complete the entry form on the Alltech stand, at the National Ploughing Championships, between 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 17, 2019–6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 2019 on stand 274, block 2, row 13. To do so, entrants must complete the following Application Form (including the tick-box within the Form regarding personal information), whilst complying with the requirements of these Terms and Conditions: -
I consent to the Sponsor using the personal information I provide within this Application Form for the purpose of administering the above competition: -
Name: _______________________________________
Phone number: _______________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Promotional Period
8. Offer period: The prize draw will be open at the Alltech stand at the National Ploughing Championships (being stand 274, block 2, row 13), between 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 17, 2019–6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 2019. Entries received after this time will not be considered.
Winner Selection
9. Three winners will be selected from all qualifying entries (“Winners”). The three Winners will be selected at random by an independent adjudicator and verified by the Sponsor.
10. Winners will be selected on the basis of their Application Form being complete.
11. Winners will be notified via a phone call to the number provided within the above Application Form, on or before Friday, September 27, 2019. To accept a Prize, a Winner must confirm their acceptance by phone call to the Sponsor on [+353 (0) 1 8252244] and provide details of their intended delivery address for the Prize.
12. The Sponsor will take reasonable steps to contact all Winners, but in the event the claim for a Prize is not received by the Sponsor within 21 days of notification to the initially-designated Winner, the Sponsor reserves the right to withdraw the Prize entitlement to that Winner.
13. Any Winners who are unable to redeem their Prize, including in the circumstances set out within paragraph 12 above, will forfeit their right to the Prize, and the Sponsor will, at its discretion, arrange for a replacement Winner to be selected at random from the remaining eligible entries.
14. Prize number one is a set of BEATS EP Headphones. Prize number two is Yea-Sacc® from Alltech, worth €500 (being approximately 250kg of Yea-Sacc®). Prize number three is a Britains 1:32 KEENAN MechFiber 365 mixer wagon toy and 2 KEENAN jackets. (The three prizes are additionally referred to herein as the “Prizes”, with each being referred to as a “Prize”).
15. The first Winner selected will be awarded Prize number one, the second Winner selected will receive Prize number two, and the third Winner selected will receive Prize number three. For further information, the Prize available to Winner one is a pair of BEATS EP Headphones, being black, on-ear headphones, which rest on the ear, are compatible with iPhone, and feature a microphone, a remote and volume control and a single-sided cable. The Prize available to Winner two is a quantity of the Alltech product named Yea-Sacc®, to the value of €500. Please note that, in relation to Prize two, once the relevant Winner has confirmed their acceptance of the Prize (in compliance with paragraph 11 above), a representative of the Sponsor will be in contact with the relevant Winner within 5 Working Days (as defined within paragraph 26 below) to confirm the best supply options for the Yea-Sacc®. The Prize available to Winner number three is a Britains 1:32 KEENAN MechFiber 365 mixer wagon toy, which is made of die cast metal and precision moulded, durable plastic, and is at 1:32 scale; and, in addition, 2 KEENAN jackets (the relevant Winner may choose the size of the jackets).
16. The Prizes are each as stated, and no cash or other alternative can be requested for any of the Prizes, provided that the Sponsor reserves the right to replace any of the Prizes with a prize of equivalent value without notice.
17. There is no entry fee, and no purchase is necessary to enter this prize draw. Each Prize is non-transferable, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Sponsor. No part or parts of any of the Prizes (or any replacement prize) may be substituted for other benefits, items or additions. The Prizes must not be sold on or transferred to another party, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Sponsor. Postage costs are included in relation to Prize one (being the BEATS EP Headphones), Prize two (being Yea-Sacc® from Alltech, worth €500), and Prize three (being a Britains 1:32 KEENAN MechFiber 365 mixer wagon toy and 2 KEENAN jackets), respectively — and such postage costs will be payable by the Sponsor.
18. Subject to their individual consent, each Winner will be required to participate in publicity including photography and online postings. No extra compensation, over and beyond the relevant Prize, will be available to a Winner for any such publicity.
19. The Sponsor reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate the prize draw without prior notice, provided that the closing date will only be changed where circumstances outside the Sponsor’s control make such changes unavoidable.
20. The Sponsor’s decision is final in relation to all matters regarding this competition and the Prizes, and no correspondence will be entered into.
21. The Sponsor accepts no liability for lost entries. The Sponsor and their agents accept no responsibility for difficulties experienced in submitting an entry to this prize draw.
22. The Sponsor reserves the right to exclude any entries at its complete discretion, including any entries which the Sponsor believes to be fraudulent, based on misconduct or not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
23. The Sponsor and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss, expense or damage which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this promotion or accepting or using a Prize (or replacement prize), except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law, in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law.
24. It is the responsibility of Winners to each supply the correct personal information. The Sponsor will not be liable for non-delivery of any Prize (or replacement prize) caused by the provision of wrong information or other causes beyond its control.
25. By entering this prize draw, entrants agree to the personal data they supply being used by the Sponsor to administer the prize draw. Additionally, to be contacted by the Sponsor with future marketing and technical information, please complete the Consent Form below.
26. The term “Working Day”, where used within these Terms and Conditions, refers to a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, when banks in Dublin are open for business.
27. This prize draw and these Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Republic of Ireland.
Soluções à base de aminoácidos auxiliam produtores de tomate industrial
Algumas características são essenciais para que o tomate industrial consiga bons índices de rendimento ao produtor e à indústria, entre elas, o teor de °Brix (popularmente conhecido como o índice que mede a quantidade de açúcar nos frutos), a resistência da casca e principalmente a espessura da polpa.
"Caso haja algum problema nutricional, esse desenvolvimento de cor não será uniforme." (Clarice Aparecida Megger)
Mas para o agricultor atingir essa qualidade, é importante vencer alguns desafios no processo, sendo necessários cuidados durante todas as fases do ciclo da planta para conseguir o melhor desenvolvimento dos frutos. Além do manejo, a utilização de soluções à base de aminoácidos têm se mostrado uma importante aliada, impactando em melhor rentabilidade na comercialização desses produtos.
"Os nutrientes potássio, boro e molibdênio combinados com aminoácidos específicos promovem estímulos para um maior transporte final dos fotoassimilados para o dreno." (Marcos Revoredo)
Na visão da professora de fisiologia vegetal e coordenadora do mestrado em olericultura no Instituto Federal Goiano (IFG), Clarice Aparecida Megger, os produtores devem ficar atentos na distribuição de carboidratos dentro da planta, uma vez que esse processo é fundamental para que o tomate se desenvolva da melhor forma até o final do processo. “A fotossíntese gera carboidrato e esse composto tem que chegar até o fruto, levando a um produto de melhor qualidade à indústria. Caso esse processo não tenha seguimento, gera redução no °Brix, que é como a indústria remunera o produtor”, afirma.
Outro problema comum no tomate industrial é a mudança da cor nas polpas. O consumidor busca produtos que tenham a tonalidade vermelha, por isso qualquer variação nesse aspecto causa prejuízo aos produtores. “Caso haja algum problema nutricional, esse desenvolvimento de cor não é uniforme, podendo apresentar uma tonalidade mais alaranjada. E depois do fruto colhido, a indústria não consegue colocar um aditivo que melhore esse aspecto no produto”, complementa Megger.
Para que o produtor evite esses problemas nutricionais em sua lavoura de tomate, a complementação nutricional às plantas é fundamental. O engenheiro agrônomo Marcos Revoredo, gerente técnico especializado em hortifrúti da Alltech Crop Science, destaca que a combinação entre potássio, boro e molibdênio auxiliam no melhor desenvolvimento do fruto e no cumprimento das exigências da indústria.
“O molibdênio participa na formação de enzimas responsáveis pela captação do gás carbônico, essencial para a fotossíntese. O potássio, quando em equilíbrio nas plantas de tomate, promove um maior estímulo à fotossíntese, além de ser fundamental no transporte de fotoassimilados, que irão contribuir para melhor formação dos frutos, polpa mais espessa e coloração mais avermelhada. O boro, além de participar da formação dos frutos, também atua na conversão e transporte de açúcares”, explica.
Foto: Shutterstock | CG__Photography
[DUNBOYNE, Irlande et OOSTERSINGEL, Pays-Bas] – InTouch, la plateforme primée de nutrition et gestion des données d’élevage, et UNIFORM-Agri, l'un des principaux fournisseurs de logiciels de gestion de troupeaux au monde, sont heureux d'annoncer une nouvelle collaboration passionnante de partage de données, dans le but de fournir aux exploitations laitières des outils et informations de pointe pour la gestion des troupeaux.
Chaque jour, InTouch gère l'alimentation de plus de 300 000 vaches dans 37 pays du monde. En tant que membre de la société de nutrition et de santé animale Alltech, InTouch s'attache particulièrement à fournir aux agriculteurs et aux nutritionnistes les informations et analyses les plus pertinentes pour fournir une nutrition optimale au troupeau.
La plate-forme de gestion des troupeaux d’UNIFORM-Agri permet de partager automatiquement les données de production et de performance des troupeaux. La collaboration avec InTouch permettra aux agriculteurs et aux nutritionnistes de réduire le besoin de saisie manuelle de données et finalement de travailler ensemble pour prendre des décisions plus éclairées en matière de gestion et de nutrition.
« Au sein d’InTouch, nous nous efforçons continuellement d’évoluer et de fournir le meilleur service possible à nos clients », a déclaré Conan Condon, directeur d’InTouch. « La collaboration en est un élément clé et nous sommes ravis de travailler maintenant avec un nom aussi respecté que UNIFORM-Agri pour améliorer notre expérience utilisateur. Ensemble, nous pouvons fournir les informations les plus efficaces et faire en sorte que l’alimentation du troupeau puisse être rapidement adaptée à tout changement au niveau de l’exploitation. »
UNIFORM-Agri partage cette volonté de fournir le meilleur service possible, et collabore depuis des décennies avec les producteurs laitiers du monde entier pour améliorer l'efficacité de la gestion. « Avec UNIFORM-Agri, nous souhaitons aider les producteurs laitiers et leurs fournisseurs en leur offrant les meilleures solutions logicielles, faciles d’accès et permettant de créer une activité rentable et durable », a déclaré Harm-Jan van der Beek, directeur général de UNIFORM- Agri. « Travailler avec un partenaire tel qu'InTouch nous aide à atteindre l'objectif qui consiste à aider le producteur laitier à mieux comprendre le troupeau et à obtenir de meilleurs résultats. »