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Submitted by kleech on Sat, 07/03/2021 - 13:18

Мікосорб A+® - це адсорбент мікотоксинів наступного покоління з чудовою адсорбційною здатністю, більш широким спектром адсорбції і збільшеною ефективністю. Безперервна науково-дослідна робота Alltech допомогла розробити новий продукт для зв'язування мікотоксинів. Це дозволило визначити точні інгредієнти, необхідні для підвищення адсорбційної здатності Мікосорбу A+. Наявність у компанії Alltech власного виробництва забезпечує контроль за всім технологічним процесом, повну простежуваність і відповідність світовим стандартам якості. Розроблений в результаті 18 років наукових досліджень і вироблений із застосуванням захищеної патентом технології, Мікосорб A+ є наступником найбільш продаваного в Європі і Росії адсорбенту мікотоксинів. 


Мікосорб A+: 

  • Допомагає запобігти негативному впливу мікотоксинів на тварин. 
  • Підтримує імунітет. 
  • Допомагає контролювати мікотоксини. 
  • Знижує абсорбцію мікотоксинів тваринами і скорочує ризик завдання шкоди здоров'ю. 
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Submitted by kleech on Sat, 07/03/2021 - 13:18

Лайффорс Формула™ – це основний продукт Alltech для коней, розроблений для тварин з різними завданнями: розведення, змагання та хобі. Лайффорс Формула поєднує в собі кращі запатентовані технології Alltech і є обов'язковим щоденним інгредієнтом раціону для підтримання здоров'я коней. Лайффорс Формула допоможе забезпечити здорове травлення, засвоєння поживних речовин, міцний імунітет і активність. Alltech гарантує якість, натуральність, надійність та простежуваність продукту. Alltech встановила норми в харчуванні тварин, пропонуючи науково доведені поживні речовини для коней протягом більше 30 років. Наша місія: «Покращувати здоров'я і продуктивність коней через годування» надихає нас на нові завдання. 


  • Джерело міді 
  • Джерело марганцю 
  • Джерело цинку 
  • Джерело органічного селену 


Дослідження підтвердили, що мікроелементи в складі Лайффорс: 

  • Допомагають вирішувати завдання, пов'язані з: 
    • Підтриманням форми 
    • Захистом від окисного стресу 
    • Підтриманням здорової кишкової флори 
    • Відновленням після травм і операцій 
    • Репродукцією кобил і жеребців 
    • Розвитком тканин і кісток у лошат 
  • Сприяють зростанню корисної мікрофлори в кишечнику. 
  • Підтримують здорову травну систему. 
  • Підвищують перетравність кормів. 
  • Сприяють максимальному засвоєнню поживних речовин раціону. 
  • Стабілізують pH і кислотність кишечнику. 
  • Забезпечують органічними мікроелементами, які краще засвоюються і накопичуються. 
  • Протидіють утворенню вільних радикалів, у результаті чого організм коня краще справляється з окислювальним стресом. 
  • Підтримують необхідний розвиток і формування кісток у лошат. 
  • Підтримують репродуктивну функцію кобил і жеребців. 
  • Покращують якість кобилячого молока, яке сприяє зростанню новонароджених лошат. 
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Submitted by kleech on Sat, 07/03/2021 - 13:18

Виготовлений з рослини юкка, Де-Одораза® здатний зв'язувати аміак. Yucca schidigera використовувалась для зменшення шкідливих викидів гною і, як відомо, ефективніше знижує рівень аміаку в житлових приміщеннях при використанні в якості кормового матеріалу. Де-Одораза підтримує запах гною і аміак на рівнях, що сприяють підтриманню здоров’я дихальних шляхів. Це створює більш здорове середовище не лише для тварини, але й для виробника. 

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Submitted by kleech on Sat, 07/03/2021 - 13:18

Біоплекс® – мікроелементи для мінерального годування у формі, найбільш наближеній до природної. Біоплекс – це мікроелементи, які пов'язані з амінокислотами і пептидами. Вони легко всмоктуються і метаболізуються, що покращує показники продуктивності тварин. Мікроелементи Біоплекс (цинк, марганець, мідь, залізо і кобальт*) є кофакторами у ферментах, які відіграють важливу роль у захисній функції організму тварини, зростанні і репродуктивності. 

Мінеральне харчування є ключовим елементом для підтримання здоров'я тварин і забезпечення якості продукції тваринництва. Кожна партія мікроелементів Биоплекс проходить контроль якості за унікальною програмою Alltech Q+ (Quality Plus - «якість плюс»), яка задає високі галузеві стандарти. Alltech Q+ встановлює галузевий стандарт, що дозволяє Alltech надавати глобальну гарантію якості для клієнтів, що використовують мікроелементи Біоплекс у більш ніж 85 країнах світу. 

Мікроелементи Біоплекс є частиною Програми мінерального годування Alltech®, яка демонструє, що сучасне управління мінеральним годуванням забезпечується завдяки включенню у раціон мікроелементів Біоплекс і Сел-Плекс®, що підтримує продуктивність. Ця інновація називається Total Replacement Technology™, або Технологія повного заміщення (ТПЗ). 

Мікроелементи Біоплекс: 

  • Мають більш високу біодоступність порівняно з неорганічними мікроелементами. 
  • Зменшують негативну взаємодію мікроелементів між собою. 
  • Сприяють утриманню та накопиченню мікроелементів. 
  • Покращують мінеральний статус, що призводить до покращення здоров'я, стану імунітету і репродуктивної функції тварин. 
  • Легко всмоктуються і засвоюються. 
  • Ефективність підтверджена дослідженнями протягом 21 року. 
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Submitted by kleech on Sat, 07/03/2021 - 13:18

Актиген® – це економічно ефективний продукт для підтримання здорової кишкової мікрофлори і продуктивності тварини. Актиген – це безпечний продукт, розроблений з використанням технологій і досягнень у галузі нутригеноміки, що допомагає всім видам тварин реалізувати свій генетичний потенціал. Інвестуйте в корми і підтримуйте здоров'я кишечнику вашого поголів'я. Актиген є ключовим інгредієнтом стратегічної програми годування від старту до фінішу. 



  • Підтримує продуктивність тварини. 
  • Якість продукту гарантовано системою якості Alltech (AQS). 
  • Низька норма введення 
  • Економічно ефективний спосіб для підтримання здорової кишкової мікрофлори і продуктивності тварини. 
  • Безпечний продукт, розроблений з використанням досягнень у галузі нутригеноміки, що допомагає реалізувати генетичний потенціал тварин. 
  • Сприяє засвоюваності поживних речовин. 
  • Актиген, продукт нового покоління в технології годівлі, є результатом дослідницької роботи щодо впливу компонентів корму на експресію генів, що ведеться у сучасному центрі нутригеноміки Alltech. 
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Guido Crolla – Debunking the Misperceptions of Aquaculture

Submitted by rladenburger on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 08:15

Alltech Coppens recently published its sustainability report, which focuses the responsible use of the earth's resources within aquaculture as the sector works to support the global food supply. Guido Crolla, procurement manager with Alltech Coppens, discusses the ambitious goals outlined in the report and highlights the industry achievements that counter the negative portrayals of aquaculture.

The following is an edited transcript of the Ag Future podcast episode with Guido Crolla hosted by Tom Martin. Click below to hear the full audio or listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Tom:                          I’m Tom Martin and joining me is Guido Crolla, manager of procurement with Alltech Coppens. A global specialist in developing, producing, and marketing fish feed and nutrition solutions, Mr. Crolla took the lead in producing a report detailing the company's commitment to sustainability. And he joins us now to talk about it. Greetings, Guido.


Guido:                        Hello, Tom.


Tom:                          So, Alltech has committed to 9 of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals. Let's begin by having you tell us how, as a subsidiary of Alltech, Coppens is working to support that commitment.


Guido:                        Well, Alltech did a great job by committing themselves to the United Nations Global Compact on July 2019 and went to creation of a Planet of Plenty vision. And then as a subsidiary, this gives us a lot of possibilities and opportunities as well. So, one of the SDGs Alltech committed themselves to was SDG #14, life below water. And this SDG fits perfectly with us with Alltech Coppens. So, daily job is based on the life below water. We believe that we all have a contribution to achieve a better world and to create more awareness on the SDGs. So, within Alltech Coppens, we created our own sustainability team. We called it a Planet of Plenty team. And this theme consists out of 7 members from different departments. And this gave us the opportunity and the possibility to raise more awareness within the complete company in a short period of time as most disciplines are involved in the team. And in addition, we are now in contact with the people of the Planet of Plenty team in the States and with colleagues from all over the world who are focusing on sustainability as well. We, within Alltech Coppens, we believe that communication and knowledge sharing is the key to achieve the vision of a Planet and Plenty. And you will hear several times during this podcast I think that we can only achieve a Planet of Plenty when we work closely together, Tom.


Tom:                          How is Alltech Coppens researching, developing, and putting into practice better alternatives to the way the fish industry has been going about its business?


Guido:                        So, the Alltech Coppens R&D and procurement departments evaluate all the raw materials which we’re using on aquaculture products. And so, we ensure that they are sustainable source and responsible and ultimately benefit farm performance in the future of our industry and planet. So, different feeds are characterized according to its impact on different sectors such as climate change, acidification, etc. So, by assessing how much feeds we produce, how much of each raw material or ingredient we use in each feeds and the geographical location of our suppliers, we can evaluate the raw materials. We are determined to contribute to the United Nation SDGs and evaluate the origin of the raw materials. So, last year, 80% of the raw materials that we sourced were produced within Europe. 20% came from Germany where our factory is standing. 60% came from the Netherlands where we have our head office. And we expect that those numbers will slowly increase this year and the year after. So, nowadays, fish feed quality is not only determined by parameters directly related to the fish like the performance, but there is also a focus on the effect of the feed on the planet. So, we conduct a lot of trials on alternative raw materials like insect meal, a single-cell protein. So, we are constantly sourcing new alternative raw materials with a sole focus on lowering the impact the feed has on the environment.


Tom:                          So, I take it from what you just said that you are working with other companies in other parts of the world to improve sustainability in aquaculture?


Guido:                        Indeed, Tom. If you want to achieve a sustainable world and a Planet of Plenty, we have to work together. So, we work closely together with local partner factories to produce efficiently and at the same time to minimize adverse effect on the environment. With sharing our knowledge and experience, we want to provide the local communities with better feeds and to lower the feed conversion ratio. By doing so, we’re not only providing the local communities with more food and better food, but we are decreasing the usage of raw materials too, so a win on both sides.


Tom:                          How is sustainability embedded in the Coppens business strategy and what are the ambitions and goals of that strategy?


Guido:                        So, within Alltech Coppens, we are inspired by the great challenge the world has presented us to produce enough safe, nutritious food for all while caring for our animals and sustaining our land, air, and water for future generations. A Planet of Plenty vision is a vision of promise, possibility, and positivity for the future.


                                    It’s a belief that the world of abundance is achievable and it will take all of us to work together. Within Alltech Coppens, we focus our attention on 3 main areas. The first one is sustainable operations. The second one is science and innovation. And the third is people and communities. If you visit our website,, you will find our examples on our sustainability is embedded within our business going from sustainable feed index, reusing water, creating an Alltech Coppens Academy circle of waste management and a lot more. And on the longer term, we have set ourselves the goal to be carbon neutral at the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre by 2025. So, within 3-1/2 years, to expand renewable energy, and to use only renewable energy by 2030, and to realize zero waste emissions by recycling and reusing materials throughout the complete life cycle of our fish feeds by 2030.


Tom:                          It might seem obvious, but maybe not. Why should sustainability— Why should the long term be viewed as a business issue?


Guido:                        To simply put it, sustainability is a business approach that’s creates a long-term failure by taking into consideration our business approach in ecological, social as well as the economic environment. So, as the expectations of corporate responsibility increase and as transparency becomes more prevalent, companies are recognizing the need to echo sustainability. So, professional communication and good intentions are no longer enough. To sum it up, sustainability is a major challenge. One that met us beyond individual companies as we all want a long lasting, viable business. And we can only achieve this by embedding sustainability within the core of our business.


Tom:                          There's a section in the sustainability report that you oversaw on materiality and supplier assessments. And we hear a lot these days about very serious supply chain issues. Are there these sorts of problems within the aquaculture industry?


Guido:                        Yeah. Unfortunately, there are. So, we face the same struggles and challenges as most other major industries. We have governments interfering with export and import taxes. There are trade wars, strikes, extreme weather situations. Then we had COVID-19. Complex global logistic situation and so on. And the hardest part here is that our customers and their animals are relying on us as a feed specialist. We can't afford any delays of a week or longer. Even a day might be critical. And therefore, at Alltech Coppens, we are constantly monitoring everything and everyone around us to anticipate in the best possible way.


Tom:                          There’s a documentary out there. It debuted in March on Netflix. Seaspiracy is the title. And it stirred up a lot of controversy. A lot of celebrities praising it as “a brilliant expose of fishing is the greatest threat to marine life”, but NGOs, sustainability labels, and some of the experts quoted in the documentary have accused the filmmakers of making misleading claims using out of context interviews and erroneous statistics. Where do you come down on this matter?


Guido:                        Yeah. Tom, I think we all agree that it’s a message of the ecological harm of industry of fishers. It’s a major irritant issue. But to be fair, we need to present facts, not fiction, and unite. Build consensus and use rational arguments to convince people to change. The convenient oversight of not including the many, many success stories of good management, that's why science communities provides an extremist view of this issue.


Tom:                          Guido, what in your mind are some of the more serious misperceptions that are advanced by this film?


Guido:                        The biggest error is to say that sustainability fisheries don’t exist. As we all know, food production systems have an impact on the natural world. Obviously, some more than others are aware that sustainable fisheries do exist. In the most recent assessment by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, it was calculated that almost 2/3 of the fish stocks were being harvested in a sustainable manner. Around 66%. And that 78% of all landings of marine fisheries came from biological sustainable stocks. That’s completely different fact than Seaspiracy is showing us.


Tom:                          Well, the head of the International Marine Mammal Projects says Seaspiracy did a disservice to organizations that are doing critical work to protect oceans and marine life. Is that true?


Guido:                        Indeed, the movie needed to be much more scientifically accurate. So, many of the statements made were based on outdated studies and links were often made where they don’t exist. These errors make it very easy for decision makers like a government to ignore the message in the film. Seaspiracy had the lack of diversity of views too. Almost all the interviewees were white and from the western world. We need to do it from a range of ethnicities and cultures. We need to do it from the seafood industry, from managers, from NGOs, from the local society in Africa or Asia. There’s almost no fishery scientists were interviewed for the film as well, which is in my opinion a major omission in the film about overfishing.


Tom:                          The documentary’s director, Ali Tabrizi, asserts that fisheries are in severe decline. Is that true?


Guido:                        Overfishing is a problem, but we know sustainable fisheries are possible. If we turned entirely to the that it would complicate from the sea, environmental impact on land will be catastrophic and much more visible to humans. In terms of carbon footprints, well-managed fisheries and aquaculture systems actually have a much lower impact than many other food production systems. So, aquaculture currently provides about half of all the fish or seafood in the world. And we need to figure out how to expand aquaculture to feed the growing global population. Even with improved fishery management, we are unlikely to be able to sustain a much more sea-free fishery, so aquaculture is the future here.


Tom:                          Well, this documentary makes one very stark— I would even say breathtaking prediction. Quoting from a 2006 study that the ocean will be empty by 2048, empty 27 years from now, is fishery’s depletion actually on such a path? Are we headed toward that?


Guido:                        Yeah. This is some wrong information that they’ve used as well. This claim was originally made in a scientific paper in 2006 by Boris Worm. And the funny thing is in the follow-up paper in 2009, 3 years later, he co-wrote that it was found that in certain areas which limit the fishing, the stock heads were caught already. When you actually look at the data this research was based on, it was based on massive extrapolation into the future. It was a study that was questionable to begin win. A more recent study in 2016 reported by the National Academy of Science of the United States predicted that over 50% of the fish stocks would be sustainable by 2050. And overfishing is certainly a problem in some regions in the world. Even regions where fishing management regulations are based on scientific evidence and properly enforced, most fish stocks are doing well.


Tom:                          What can you say given all of that information that is being put out there through the documentary for example? What can you say to us to reassure people that the industry is committed to sustainability?


Guido:                        Well, when we take a look at let's say farmed shellfish like oysters, mussels, and scallops for example, they are some of our more sustainable food options. And you think why because they don't require any additional feedings and they tend to grow their nutrition directly from the ocean current in which they are grown. And in this way, they create an incredibly direct link from sunshine to highly nutritious animal proteins via plants in the form of plankton. And in some cases, farming shellfish actually reduced pollution and improves water quality. For example, a fertilizer runoff from land-based farming is a common water pollutant, but shellfish has the ability to filter this from the water. They convert it into food. And this also has the added benefit of reducing the likelihood of toxic algal blooms in the area where shellfish farming occurs. And if we go a bit deeper, we see that the global fish in/fish out factor also called the FIFO in our industry is 0.27, which means that we need 270 g of wild-caught fish to produce 1 kg of farmed fish. And this FIFO factor is calculated by defining the fish caught that is used for aquaculture feed production by the farmed fish heads with those feeds. So, if we do the same for Alltech Coppens, we have a FIFO factor of 0.10, which means that we need 100 g of wild fish to produce 1 kg of farmed fish.


                                    Sounds quite sustainable for me. We need 1 kg of fish to gain 10 kg of new fish. And in addition, the greenhouse gas emission of farmed fish are significantly lower than some of our daily used product. Did you know, Tom, that coffee and chocolate have greenhouse gas emission that are 3 or 4 times higher than farmed fish and even the healthy oil, healthy olive oil, has a bigger impact on the environment than farmed fish? And last, but not the least, the feed conversion ratio for some of the fish species that we produce feeds for is even below 1, which means that we need less than 1 kg of feeds to produce 1 kg of fish. Just let this cross your mind and think about this. It’s quite sustainable, isn’t it?


Tom:                          Those are some really interesting comparisons. They put things in perspective. Guido Crolla, manager of procurement with Alltech Coppens. Thank you so much, Guido.


Guido:                        Thank you, Tom.


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In the most recent assessment by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, it was calculated that 2/3 of the fish stocks were being harvested in a sustainable manner.

Sommerhøst 2022


Alltechs høstanalyse

Alltechs årlige høstkampagne er nu begyndt, hvor vi tester den nye høst for mykotoksiner med Alltech 37+.
Ved at indsende prøver af den nye danske høst, får I ikke blot indblik i kvaliteten af egen høst, men prøveresultaterne vil også bidrage til at skabe et samlet overblik over mykotoksin-situationen i både den danske og den europæiske høst 2022.
Fordelen ved at kende kvaliteten af den nye høst er, at man kan tage hånd om eventuelle udfordringer, inden de skaber problemer i stalden.  

I år har vi igen fokus på de store afgrøder: byg og hvede, men i år har vi også valgt at åbne op for halmprøver, da vi sidste år så store udfordringer i halmen, derudover er det også muligt at teste græs- og majsensilage. 

Alltech 37+ prøverne kan i høstkampagnen fås til en reduceret pris på DKK 1350,-. Du sparer DKK 1000,-.


Hvordan gør man? 

  1. Ring til Alltech på 75 85 75 93, her vil vi guide dig igennem en korrekt prøveudtagning.

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Klik her for at se resultatet fra høsten 2021 

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Høst kampagne 2022

Annonce des Lauréats du Prix International IFAJ-Alltech pour le Leadership en Journalisme agricole

Submitted by tpacalier on Tue, 06/29/2021 - 09:13

LEXINGTON, Ky.] - Alltech et la Fédération internationale des journalistes agricoles (IFAJ) ont le plaisir d'annoncer que Kallee Buchanan d'Australie et Craig Lester du Canada sont les Lauréats du Prix international IFAJ-Alltech 2021 pour le Leadership en Journalisme agricole. Ce prix récompense l'excellence et le leadership des jeunes journalistes agricoles et a été présenté aujourd'hui lors de la conférence Alltech ONE Ideas.

"L'IFAJ partage notre engagement à soutenir les journalistes qui donnent une voix aux agriculteurs et aux producteurs, aux innovateurs et aux acteurs du changement, aux scientifiques et aux universitaires qui travaillent tous pour une planète d'abondance", a déclaré le Dr Mark Lyons, président et directeur général d'Alltech. "Au nom d'Alltech, je félicite Kallee Buchanan et Craig Lester, qui méritent amplement de recevoir le prix international IFAJ-Alltech 2021 pour le leadership en journalisme agricole."

Cette reconnaissance honore le défunt fondateur d'Alltech, le Dr Pearse Lyons, qui était un conteur passionné ayant un grand respect pour les journalistes agricoles. Le prix vient compléter le programme Young Leader qu'Alltech a cofondé avec l'IFAJ en 2005 pour soutenir le mentorat et la formation de leaders qui relient l'agriculture à un public mondial. Il s'agit également d'une initiative qui s'inscrit dans la vision d'Alltech, à savoir Travailler ensemble pour une planète d'abondanceTM, dans laquelle un monde d'abondance est rendu possible par l'adoption de nouvelles technologies, de meilleures pratiques de gestion agricole et l'ingéniosité humaine au sein de l'agriculture.

"Alors que les producteurs de l'ensemble de la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire mettent en œuvre des solutions plus durables, nous sommes au milieu d'une nouvelle ère dans l'agriculture menée par la science, la prise de décision basée sur les données et un dévouement passionné à l'agriculture avec l'avenir en tête", a déclaré le Dr Mark Lyons. "Les journalistes agricoles ont la capacité de partager ces histoires, et grâce à notre partenariat continu avec l'IFAJ, nous sommes fiers de soutenir ces futurs leaders, qui sont passionnés par la connexion de notre industrie à un public mondial."

Kallee Buchanan a commencé sa carrière dans un journal régional en 2008 avant de rejoindre l'Australian Broadcasting Corporation en 2009, où elle a travaillé comme journaliste radio et numérique, présentatrice et productrice, couvrant les questions rurales et régionales. En 2010, elle a remporté un Queensland Media Award (Clarion) pour le meilleur reportage radiophonique, et en 2017, elle a remporté les catégories radio et numérique aux Queensland Rural Media Awards et a été nommée lauréate générale du journalisme. Elle a ensuite remporté le prix australien et le prix international Star pour les médias numériques, et elle a de nouveau remporté la catégorie radio du Queensland en 2018. En 2019, elle a été hautement recommandée lors des Emergency Media and Public Affairs Awards pour sa couverture des feux de brousse de 2018 dans le centre du Queensland.

Buchanan a rejoint le comité du Rural Press Club of Queensland en 2016 et est devenue sa représentante au Conseil australien des journalistes agricoles (ACAJ) en 2018, pour finalement devenir la secrétaire de l'ACAJ en 2019 et sa présidente en 2020. Elle est passionnée par l'élévation des problèmes et des industries des populations régionales et rurales et par le soutien des communicateurs des médias agricoles dans ce travail. Elle s'engage à développer et à retenir de nouvelles voix qui reflètent la véritable diversité des communautés en dehors des grands centres urbains, ainsi que les contributions qu'elles apportent à un monde productif.

Craig Lester aime connecter les gens, les idées et les ressources, et il croit qu'il n'y a pas de meilleur endroit pour le faire que l'agriculture. En tant que président de l'Alberta Farm Writers' Association, qui fait partie de la Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, M. Lester assume deux rôles professionnels clés qui se consacrent au partage de l'information et à l'éducation de la communauté au moyen d'informations locales et industrielles. Il est rédacteur en chef de 660 NEWS, une station de radio d'information continue à Calgary, en Alberta, et est copropriétaire de Rural Roots Canada, une entreprise de production et de distribution de médias agricoles. Dans ses temps libres, il travaille sur la ferme familiale à Rolling Hills, en Alberta.

Lester est également très actif en tant que bénévole dans la communauté, donnant de son temps au Calgary Stampede, aux Alberta Young Speakers for Agriculture et au Manoir Ronald McDonald. Il fait également partie du comité de planification du congrès mondial de l'IFAJ de 2023, qui se tiendra en Alberta.

Passionné par les successions réussies et l'autonomisation de la prochaine génération, M. Lester a créé une bourse d'études et de voyage en agriculture à son alma mater, la Brooks Composite High School, afin de soutenir un étudiant qui poursuit des études post bac dans le domaine de l'agriculture ou une expérience internationale d'apprentissage en personne. Il est un journaliste de radiotélévision primé et a obtenu un diplôme en nouvelles de radiotélévision du Southern Alberta Institute of Technology.

"Dans une période difficile comme celle-ci, un journalisme et des informations fiables sont essentiels pour les agriculteurs", a déclaré la présidente de l'IFAJ, la Suédoise Lena Johansson. "L'engagement d'Alltech en faveur du développement professionnel des journalistes agricoles afin de promouvoir des leaders éminents au sein de notre organisation est très apprécié et contribue à améliorer la qualité du journalisme agricole - ce qui, à long terme, profite à l'ensemble du secteur agricole."

Pour plus d'informations sur le Prix international IFAJ-Alltech pour le Leadership dans le Journalisme Agricole, contactez

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Kallee Buchanan (Australie) et Craig Lester (Canada) ont été récompensés lors de la conférence Alltech ONE Ideas. 

Success with KEENAN Approved diet feeder

Submitted by rjones on Tue, 06/29/2021 - 09:01

Richard Armstrong runs a mixed dairy and beef enterprise, along with his father and brothers, in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. His dairy herd consists of Holstein-Friesian cows, which are housed year-round. He also finishes Hereford offspring, along with a number of bought-in cattle.

Last year, Richard noticed increased sorting of silage, leading to unnecessary feed waste. To improve usage of his homegrown feed, Richard decided to purchase a KEENAN Approved-used diet feeder that yielded great results.


  • Higher feed intakes
  • Improved body condition
  • Less feed wastage
  • Reduced cost
  • Consistent ration mix


  • Fewer days to finish
  • Exact feed per head tracked (InTouch)
  • No overfeeding
  • Lower feed cost

KEENAN Approved-used diet feeders are fully refurbished machines that have undergone detailed reconditioning in the KEENAN factory (e.g. shot-blasted, painted, fitted with heavy-duty top knives, body blades, paddle rubbers and seals).


Richard’s rations consist of homegrown grass silage, barley, a balancer premix and AlltechMycosorb®.

“The KEENAN six-paddle system, supported by the InTouch nutritional team, ensures a consistent ration, making it easy to achieve the same mix quality every day, with less feed wastage.”

See our range of Approved-used diet feeders or call us on 059 9771200


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Debunking trace minerals for dogs and cats

Submitted by aledford on Mon, 06/28/2021 - 10:59

Today’s pets are part of the family and have longer lifespans, thanks to advancements in veterinary medicine, animal welfare and nutrition.

Nutrition is something that pet owners have the ability to influence every single day, so while we may be biased, we believe that nutrition is one of the most important ways to care for pets through every stage of life.

Some of the most important elements — literally! — of premium nutrition are trace minerals.

What are trace minerals?

Trace minerals are elements, such as zinc, copper, iron and manganese, that are required in very small amounts in a balanced diet but that have a wide range of health benefits, including supporting your cat’s or dog’s immune system, musculoskeletal health and skin and coat condition, to name a few.

In pet food diets, there are two important considerations when it comes to trace minerals:

  1. The form of the mineral offered (inorganic vs. organic)
  2. The amount of trace mineral provided (to ensure that there are no nutritional deficiencies)

Both of these factors will significantly influence the mineral’s bioavailability, or the impact that a particular trace mineral has on your pet.

Trace minerals for cats and dogs are not created equal

The nutrition marketplace has many different options when it comes to supplying trace mineral supplements for pets. These can be broadly classed as either inorganic (ITM) or organic trace minerals (OTM). The latter are so-called because the trace minerals are complexed — that is, they are associated with organic bonding groups. These bonding groups include amino acids, small peptides and organic acids, all of which influence the strength of the mineral binding.

Many factors need to be considered when trying to compare OTM products, but ultimately, the strength of the interaction between the mineral and the bonding group is the most important factor influencing bioavailability. Enhanced OTM bonding can ultimately increase the mineral’s bioavailability and effectiveness in the animal’s body.

The choice of bonding group is, therefore, critical to the effectiveness of OTMs, and research over the last number of years has highlighted the differences that exist between individual products. A poor choice of bonding group can result in the creation of products that offer no benefit over inorganic sources of minerals.

Inorganic trace minerals come from mined sources. Safety and traceability must be part of the quality assurance process to avoid the inclusion of heavy metals that, if present in a diet, can be deleterious to the long-term health of dogs and cats, especially as their lifespans increase.

In essence, not all trace minerals are created equal, but not all OTM products are created equal either.

How does the mineral form affect the nutrients that pets receive in their diets?

Keeping the nutritional balance of minerals in pet food can become rather complicated, because inorganic sources of trace minerals have variable absorption rates, and their bioavailability may be influenced by factors such as other dietary nutrients and the physiological condition of the animal, to name a few.

To counteract their poor bioavailability, it is common practice to add higher-than-recommended levels of inorganic trace minerals to commercial foods.

Bioplex® organic minerals, an alternative to the use of inorganic mined mineral sources, provide a number of benefits, from improved bioavailability to the support of the proper metabolic and physiological processes, which may not be carried out at full capacity when the trace mineral elements are not adequately supplied.

The amount of the mineral provided in diets will differ based on its form

As noted above, inorganic sources of trace minerals have variable absorption rates due to their structure. The absorption rate is a measurement of how the minerals are “taken up” by the digestive system and recruited into areas of need, such as the immune response and tissue repair.

When inorganic trace minerals are included in pet food diets, the amount that a pet consumes does not reflect the amount of trace minerals they actually absorb.

After a pet eats, the food is broken down by their digestive system to make nutrients available for absorption and use. The structure of the inorganic mineral causes it to interact with other components during this process. This results in the inorganic mineral forming an indigestible complex that ultimately ends up on the lawn or in the litterbox.

We describe this as poor bioavailability because, even though you are providing your pet with trace minerals in their food, those minerals are not able to be properly put to use and benefit your pet. To counteract this problem, it is common to add higher-than-recommended levels of trace minerals — but doing so is simply disguising one issue with another.

There are three ways that mineral form can influence nutrient absorption in the gut:

1. Food and feed antagonisms

Increasingly, the interactions between food components and trace minerals have come under scrutiny, with the possibility for negative interactions and antagonisms.


2. Impact on vitamin stability

The oxidation of vitamins, such as vitamin E, can lead to reduced vitamin function and can be caused by the oxidation of fats and, often, the actions of trace minerals. The type and, particularly, the form of the trace mineral will influence its effect on vitamin stability.

Studies examining vitamin E stability in the presence of inorganic or organic minerals demonstrate that, in the inorganic form, minerals can be detrimental to the stability of the vitamin molecule. Depending on the OTM source, however, the use of chelated minerals for dogs and cats may not cause such a dramatic decrease.

3. Compromised antioxidant function

Additional research assessing the effect of minerals on food components has established that commonly used antioxidants can be compromised by inorganic minerals. The data further indicates that, in cases where OTMs have shown weak mineral bonding, there is a significant negative impact on antioxidant activity. The choice of OTMs, therefore, plays a role in ensuring the quality and stability of food components.

Bioplex® organic trace minerals for pets are superior

Organic trace minerals are made differently. Organic minerals have a ring structure, which gives them protection and allows them to successfully pass through the digestive system. From there, the minerals can go through the gut wall and into the bloodstream to do their work. This is where inorganic trace minerals get left behind, as they stick to the gut instead of passing through it. Think of the gut as a gate; it either allows nutrients through or it doesn’t.

Inorganic forms of trace minerals are still used in pet food, but we are beginning to see more pet food manufacturers moving to better mineral nutrition, such as Bioplex® organic trace minerals.

Organic trace minerals make for healthy pets

While only required in small amounts in the diet, organic trace minerals play a large role in the body, and mineral deficiencies can be detrimental to an animal’s health.

For example, zinc is directly utilized for the hair and skin, favoring processes of cellular integrity. A zinc deficiency may manifest as a dysfunction of the epithelial tissue, dermatological conditions, coat problems and gastrointestinal tract injuries (due to damage to the microvilli).

Copper and manganese are directly deposited in the bones, joints, liver and muscle, and they are greatly important for the formation and homeostasis of the bone structure, making these especially important minerals for puppies and kittens. Copper is a cofactor of the enzyme lysyl oxidase, which is necessary for the cross-linking of collagen and elastin during cartilage synthesis. Manganese is a cofactor of glycosyltransferases, enzymes that are important in the formation and elongation of the glycosaminoglycan chain, which forms the basal substance of the cartilage model.

We could go on and on, but when it comes to mineral choice in pet food diets, organic trace minerals are far less likely to negatively affect other essential nutrients than inorganic sources. However, not all forms of organic minerals react in the same way. Therefore, we encourage diet formulators to pay greater attention to their choice of ingredients to maximize not only nutrition but the quality and stability of pet food.

Optimizing trace mineral nutrition will create healthier pets with more robust immune, musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal systems. Not only will your pet food be a superior option on the shelves, but pet parents will see the difference and will surely continue buying your products.  

I want to learn more about pet nutrition.


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Every single one of a pet's body systems are influenced by trace mineral nutrition. Feeding and utilizing organic sources of trace minerals will optimize pet health.

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