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The pathway to antibiotic-free pig production

Submitted by aledford on Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:51

Antibiotic-free is a hot topic these days, as both producers and consumers become more concerned about the effects of antibiotics on animal well-being and the meat they produce. The poultry industry has taken the lead in terms of a more aggressive approach to reduce or eliminate antibiotic use and the pork industry is moving in a similar direction.

Many areas around the world, including the European Union and the United States, have legislated the judicious use of antibiotics, while some consumers have pushed even further for “no antibiotics ever.” While some of these consumer demands may stem from misinformation, major change is at hand for traditional production. The pork industry has been diligently working towards reducing antibiotic use, while also keeping in mind the health and welfare of the animal and the end consumer.  

It is highly likely that consumers will soon turn their eyes to pig production with the same scrutiny and expectations they applied to the poultry industry. The process of going antibiotic-free can be arduous, but as some producers have been able to demonstrate, can also be done successfully without sacrificing animal health and wellness.

Antibiotic resistance

An increasing number of reports on antibiotic-resistant bacteria have raised concerns about the current use of antibiotics, both as a treatment for humans and to combat disease in animals.

“Microbial resistance in pig production is usually a consequence of decades of antibiotic use for disease prophylaxis or growth promotion,” explained Dr. Anna Catharina Berge, owner of Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA and academic advisor to Ghent University’s veterinary epidemiology unit, on the AgFuture podcast in 2018.

“The antibiotics administered are not completely absorbed by the animals. If you’re giving an antibiotic to an animal, 30­­–90% of those antibiotics are actually excreted through the urine or feces.”

Antibiotic growth promoters have been banned from animal feed in the EU since 2006. Until then, they had been routinely added to pig diets to promote digestive health and growth. However, many countries all over the world are now following the European example. In 2017, the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) went into effect in the United States, limiting the use of antibiotics in animal production.

“Though it comes with its challenges, the VFD has created a great opportunity for the industry to review what they are doing in terms of feeding their animals,” says Lori Stevermer, marketing manager for Hubbard Feeds.

“Often, antibiotics were fed because that’s what was done in the past. Now, we need to work more closely with our veterinarians to determine what is best for our animals, and our future.”

Reducing antibiotic use is a gradual process and requires a step-by-step approach. In an Alltech webinar held in conjunction with Pig Progress, Dr. Berge discussed antimicrobial resistance and the future of antibiotics in pig production, saying “the use of antimicrobials to prevent disease or treat a sick production system is not a sustainable practice.” Dr. Berge further suggest the three management tips below to combat disease and control antibiotic use:

  1. Implement a sound biosecurity plan
  2. Provide nutritional solutions that support pig growth and health
  3. Work with your veterinarian to get treatment recommendations

Pork marketability

Pork is one of the most widely consumed meats in the world. The 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey highlighted the following statistics regarding the pork industry:

  • Pigs accounted for 24% of overall global feed production in 2019.
  • International feed tonnage decreased by 1.07% to 1.126 billion metric tons of feed produced — as a result of African swine fever (ASF) causing a decline of pig feed production in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • In the U.S. alone, pigs accounted for 44.86 million metric tons of the country’s estimated 214 million metric tons of feed.

The debilitating effects of ASF also come with opportunities for countries that can step in to supply the demand for pork in ASF-hit countries. Speaking at the launch of the 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey, Bianca Martins, general manager of Alltech Mexico, said that this is already happening in Latin America. She explained that countries like Colombia, who have not had major pork export opportunities, are now developing trade with China. Note that since 2012, China has banned the use of ractopamine, an FDA-approved feed supplement that promotes lean meat growth. In 2013, Smithfield started phasing out ractopamine and other large companies, such as JBS and Tyson have since followed suit, further maximizing their export opportunities.

Suppliers such as Hatfield Quality Meats and Niman Ranch provide antibiotic-free pork according to strict standards. In recent years, other industry-leading companies introduced antibiotic-free lines of fresh pork products, such as the Open Prairie Natural Pork line by Tyson and Pure Farms brand by Smithfield, both of which designate their pork products to be minimally processed with no antibiotics, steroids, hormones or artificial ingredients.

While it is important to acknowledge that U.S. federal regulations prohibit the use of added hormones in pork production, these moves by large companies signal a growing trend in the pork industry.

Changes in the way that we manage health in the livestock sector are not unique to the United States. Antibiotic-free pork production is flourishing in other countries, such as Denmark. In 1995, a program known as DANMAP was established by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the Danish Ministry of Health for “surveillance of antimicrobial consumption and resistance in bacteria from animals, food and humans.” For more than 15 years, Danish farmers have only relied on antibiotics to treat illness in their herds. The program they follow allows for this therapeutic use and, when combined with other management techniques, such as delayed weaning, it has shown to be just as effective as traditional production. What can we learn from the Danish approach and can we apply it across different global markets in the swine industry?

Antibiotic-free pig challenges

According to Albert Finestra, a veterinarian and professor at the University of Lleida, who spoke at the Alltech ONE Conference in 2019, the challenges your herd will experience when you establish antibiotic-free pig production include these five issues:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Infection
  3. Decrease in production weight
  4. Reduced water intake and feed consumption
  5. Susceptibility to stress

These challenges increase production costs and, together with the threat of mortality, are issues that producers do not take lightly. It is these types of health and welfare challenges that producers take into consideration before implementing a complete antibiotic-free production, which is why a step-down process has been successful with many producers.

Transitioning your herd away from traditional use of antibiotics requires strategic planning and the implementation of counteractive measures to minimize the effect it could have on animal welfare and your operation’s bottom line. During the transition, new costs are likely to occur as opportunities are captured and higher revenue is generated due to the increased sale value for antibiotic-free products.

A step-down approach: how to reduce antibiotic use

While seemingly demanding, there are some ways the issues of going antibiotic-free, or even reducing the use of antibiotics, can be addressed. There is evidence that pigs might not only be less susceptible to infectious risks but may, in fact, thrive when certain natural feeding supplements are added to the diet. Two key areas to focus on are biosecurity and nutrition.

Effective biosecurity can not only help producers manage disease challenges, but also prevent the increased risks of many of the issues listed above. Required measures may include changes to:

  • Animal flow
  • Increased focus on housing and transportation cleanliness
  • Implementing heightened security on those entering the facilities, whether that be a worker from another farm or a small rodent visitor

We must keep in mind that a healthy gut is the key to a healthy pig, and major emphasis is placed on optimizing the gut health and welfare of your herd through a sound nutrition program. A healthy gut is not only a gut without disease; it is an effective digestive organ that can mount a good defense against disease and easily cope with change. The presence of infectious organisms in the gut is not enough to cause disease; disease occurs when the pathogen breaks down the gut’s defenses. As gut commensal microflora are disrupted, dysbiosis occurs between the beneficial microbiota and the potential disease-causing organisms, and it becomes easier for pathogens to damage the gut structure and function. Prebiotics, probiotics and post-biotics can assist the gut in adapting and minimizing dysbiosis.

The establishment and maintenance of good gut function are vitally important for reducing piglet morbidity and mortality. Piglet nutrition is a critical component in the establishment of normal gut function, from digestion and absorption to barrier function and the development of the immune system. It is important to ensure good colostrum and milk production in sows to help further develop the piglet’s immune system.

Weaning disorders are some of the most common — and damaging — problems in pig production, resulting in antibiotics being used post-weaning to protect the stressed gastrointestinal (GI) tract and immune systems of the piglets. In a healthy production system, it is essential to help prepare the piglet for weaning as early as possible after birth. At the time of weaning, it is important to minimize six stressors such as:

  1. Transport
  2. Comingling of litters
  3. Large weaner groups
  4. Diet
  5. Poor air quality
  6. Unhygienic conditions

Use of nutritional technologies such as Viligen ®, help piglets get started on feed, easing post-weaning transition.

Solutions such as the Alltech® Antibiotic Reduction program aim to help producers foster consistently healthy pigs and make prophylactic and metaphylaxic antibiotic use redundant. This program assists the producer in developing an action plan that is tailored to their production system. Feed additives and nutritional solutions are valuable tools for maintaining gut health in pig production, but these supplements alone are not sufficient to create a healthy production system. Often, there are more complex steps that must be taken beyond simply feeding additives, including updating management routines and resource allocation and needs. Audits to establish the baseline current situation — and recurrent audits to monitor progress — are important in order to stay motivated and continue a steady rate of progress.

In addition to gut health and nutritional components, the Alltech Antibiotic Reduction program audits include evaluations of:

  • Performance
  • Pig welfare
  • Pig respiratory and systemic health
  • Reproductive performance
  • Management
  • Housing
  • Antimicrobial use
  • Biosecurity
  • Cost-effectiveness of production

Through the Alltech Antibiotic Reduction program, producers can achieve increased productivity and reduce antibiotic usage in pigs — with the added benefit of the rewarding sense that they are part of the global action plan to use our valuable antibiotics responsibly in order to ensure their viability for future generations.

Pathway to antibiotic-free

Some producers are ahead of the trend and have been practicing antibiotic-free production for many years.

“When we accepted the challenge to go antibiotic-free from birth to market a few years ago, it proved to be a real challenge,” said Everett Forkner of Forkner Family Farms in Richards, Missouri. “But with the addition of nutritional innovations, we have not only been able to meet the challenge, we are producing more efficiently than when we began.”

Each farm is different, requiring each nutritional program to be tailored to meet the needs of that production’s animals and their environment for a truly effective antibiotic-free approach.

When asked about the key steps to take when making this transition, Forkner said, “Establishing the right nutritional platform takes time. You have to allow some time for adjustments in order to really see what is best for the animals. And for us as a livestock breeder, it has also been about selecting superior animals and genetic lines that have more natural health and stronger immune systems.

“On top of this, a major component for us has been building this into a comprehensive immunization program while enhancing our management procedures,” Forkner continued. “This combination has been what has helped us go multiple years and generations of genetic selection with no antibiotic support.”

To be truly effective, achieving antibiotic-free production cannot be done by taking a silver-bullet approach. When antibiotics are reduced or removed, the front line of defense may be nutrition, but that is just the start. A combination of strategies must be put into effect. By powering nutrition with technologies designed to support the animals’ immune and digestive systems, and by implementing a full program focused on maintaining proper health, producers give their operations the best chance for a sustainable and profitable future.

For information about how Alltech can support your swine operation in reducing the use of antibiotics or transitioning to antibiotic-free production, visit or contact today.


I want to learn more about nutrition for my pig herd.

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Today’s producer has the difficult proposition of producing more with less to meet the demands of a growing global population. How then can they reach that goal without the enhanced production available through antibiotic use? 

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Understanding the link between pet health and the microbiome

Submitted by aledford on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 09:48

The microbiome is currently an incredibly popular topic of research. Every living organism, including humans and pets, have all kinds of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa) living on and within their bodies. These microorganisms live together as communities, and the collection of their genomes is referred as the microbiome. Microbiome communities are unique to certain habitats, such as the skin, lungs and the gut, to name a few, and can be crucial for pet immune system health.

Pet nutrition and diets are deeply connected to the composition and diversity of the microbiome, which, in turn, plays a significant role in the proper function of the digestive and immune systems of dogs and cats, ultimately affecting their overall health and well-being.

In partnership with Alltech, Petfood Industry (WATT Global Media) recently broadcast a complete and well-grounded webinar on the link between general pet health and the microbiome. Watch the webinar on demand to hear what senior Alltech researchers Dr. Richard Murphy and Dr. Rebecca Delles have to say about this very promising topic.

Some of the main topics you will learn about include:

  1. Microbiome composition and complexity
  2. Factors influencing microbiome diversity
  3. The critical role of the diet and nutritional strategies in the development and function of the microbiome
  4. The importance of the pet microbiome for immunity, inflammation and host well-being


Click here to watch the full webinar on the link between pet health and the microbiome with Dr. Richard Murphy and Dr. Rebecca Delles.

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How to prevent common shrimp diseases

Submitted by lkeyser on Wed, 01/22/2020 - 09:06

Shrimp diseases are the shrimp farming industry’s biggest concern. In Asia, diseases cost the shrimp industry billions of dollars annually (Shinn, et al., 2018). There are numerous diseases that cause this economic loss. This article will provide guidance to help you prevent shrimp diseases by going back to basics with farm management practices, biosecurity and shrimp health management.

Common shrimp diseases in Asia

No single disease can be definitively named the most severe, as this depends on the area, the timing of the outbreak and the season. Some of the most common shrimp diseases found in Asia are acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND), which is caused by bacteria; white-spot syndrome virus (WSSV), which is caused by virus; and Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP), the fungal microsporidian. The table below summarizes the symptoms of and prevention methods for each of these diseases.





Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND)

AHPND mainly infects giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) and whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei).  

Asian countries that have reported cases of AHPND include China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Bacterial infection with strains of Vibrio parahaem-olyticus.

Sudden, mass mortalities (up to 100%), usually within 30–35 days of stocking grow-out ponds (FAO, 2013; Hong et al., 2016; NACA, 2012).

AHPND targets gut-associated shrimp tissues and organs.


Environmental factors: Overfeeding, poor seed quality, poor water quality, poor feed quality, algal blooms or crashes (FAO, 2013; NACA, 2012).

Practices: Improvement of hatchery sanitary conditions and PL screening; good broodstock management; use of high-quality post-larvae; strict feeding rate control; and appropriate stocking density (OIE, 2019).

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV)

First detected in Taiwan in 1992, WSSV then spread to almost all Asian countries (Sanchéz-Paz, 2010).


Rapid reduction in food consumption; lethargy; high mortality (up to 100%) within 310 days of the onset of clinical signs; loose cuticle with white spots, most apparent on the inside surface of the carapace; in many cases, moribund shrimp display a pink to reddish-brown coloration due to the expansion of cuticular chromatophores and few, if any, white spots (FAO, 2012).

Screening of broodstock, nauplii, PL and grow-out stages; avoiding rapid changes in water conditions; avoiding shrimp stress; avoiding the use of fresh feeds, particularly crustacean; minimizing water exchange to prevent virus carriers from entering the pond; treating infected ponds or hatcheries with 30 ppm chlorine to kill infected shrimp and carriers; and disinfecting associated equipment (FAO, 2012).

Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP)

EHP is now endemic throughout China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam, and is likely present in India.

Microspori-dian parasite

EHP does not cause mortality, but it does heavily limit growth.

This pathogen can be detected by using gene-based tools, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification testing of feces from broodstock (Newman, 2015).

Biosecurity in the hatchery (no live feed, disinfection, clean eggs); proper pond preparation (physically remove accumulated organic matter and treat pond bottoms); and proper pond management during the growth cycle (Newman, 2015).

Disease can be brought on-farm by water quality, wildlife, equipment, people, stock and feces. They can manifest as external parasites, viral infections, bacterial infections or fungal infections. Therefore, the most practical way to prevent disease and/or reduce the losses they lead to is to implement proper farm management practices and enhance the immune system of the shrimp.

Farm management and biosecurity

The production cycle of shrimp farming consists of four components: broodstock, hatchery, nursery and grow-out. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), each of these components would require clean water, clean rearing facilities, clean feed, hygienic protocols, and dry-out and break-cycle practice.

Shrimp disease treatment is not easy; often, it is more complex than disease prevention. There is not one single solution that fixes all problems, but there are preventive measures that keep pathogens from filtering through shrimp ponds and that keep shrimp healthy. FAO recommends the following best practices in shrimp culture:

  • Choose the right shrimp genetics: i.e., specific pathogen-free (SPF) and high performers for high biosecurity systems. Better biosecurity in shrimp aquaculture begins with clean broodstock that supply eggs and nauplii for hatcheries. The broodstock, whether SPF or non-SPF, should be carefully sourced and certified. This is the first and most important step to take, as it could prevent the disease carriers from entering the culture system.
  • Keep pathogens out: Dry out facilities regularly; disinfect fill and exchange water; control feed; and prevent air and droplet contamination.
  • Biosecurity implementation: Limit the number of visitors (e.g., vehicles, humans, birds, other carriers) to a minimum.
  • Hygiene: Install hand-wash stations, foot baths and wheel washes or tire baths; put up warning signs; disinfect footwear before entering the facilities; and wear boots.

Enhancing the immune system of shrimp

It is natural for pathogens and bacteria to be present in shrimp ponds. They might not even lead to any diseases for healthy shrimp with strong immune systems. Therefore, it is important to take good care of shrimp gut health and work to bolster their immune systems. This can be achieved by using the right feed additives.

One example is supplementation with zinc and selenium. Zinc plays a key role in modulating immune function, resulting in shrimp with increased immune capabilities. Zinc also helps maintain skin integrity and speeds up wound-healing. In addition to zinc, selenium supplementation has been proven to promote shrimp growth and immune health.

An Alltech solution that has been effective in field trials in Southeast Asia is Aquate™ Defender.

What is Aquate Defender? It is a blend of organic trace minerals (zinc and selenium) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast extract. This product has been shown to help improve performance and bolster the immune system, ultimately increasing the profitability of the farm.

Aquate Defender is the solution platform for aquaculture that provides a combination of technologies based on proprietary processes. Aquate Defender technologies help maintain a protective balance between your aquaculture species, their nutrition and the environment in which they live. This optimizes animal performance and helps maintain healthy populations.

Researchers at Alltech have developed the Aquate Defender range of nutritional solutions in partnership with our global customer base, using our three core technologies: peptide technologies, solid-state fermentation (SSF) and yeast fermentation. Aquate Defender is specifically designed to address producers’ concerns about the gastrointestinal stability of their animals. Aquate Defender solutions help producers as they work to achieve their animals' true potential and enhance their profitability.

About Aquate Defender:

  • Promotes good bacteria and builds defenses
  • Promotes gastrointestinal integrity and stability
  • Enhances nutrient utilization
  • Reinforces the function of the digestive system
  • Optimizes performance and profitability

Aquate Defender can improve the gut microvilli length, thus improving overall nutrient absorption, which can translate to growth performance (see Figure 1 below).

Figure 1: Shrimp gut morphology after feeding Aquate Component for 56 days

Intestinal morphology of shrimp fed with Aquate over 56 days

Intestinal morphology


MOS 1.0

MOS 2.0

MOS 4.0

Microvilli length, um

0.92 + 0.03a

1.10 + 0.07ab

2.39 + 0.14e

2.15 + 0.09d

Source: Zhang et al., 2012

The results of a commercial trial at a Malaysia shrimp farm studying the whole production cycle showed that Aquate Defender helped improve overall profitability. The average bodyweight of the harvested shrimp increased 0.77 g, and FCR was reduced by 0.24. Overall, the yield per hectare increased 1.96 tons per hectare, and the return on investment (ROI) for the application of Aquate Defender was 7 to 1, compared to the control.

Figure 2: Results of a commercial trial of white shrimp showing improved performance with Aquate Defender

Alltech vs. control

Mean body weight (MBW)

+0.77 g

Average length

+1.23 cm

Production per pond

+979 kg



Production per hectare

+1,960 kg



By improving food absoption and gut health, Aquate Defender increased bodyweight and production.

Source: A large farm in Malaysia (Sept. 2012)

Research and local field trials conducted in Malaysia and Indonesia have proven that, when Aquate Defender is used, the shrimp gut is heathier, with a longer and better villi structure that leads to better absorption. Farmers using Aquate Defender in their nutrition programs are experiencing more successful rates of shrimp culture. In several Asian countries, customers who have previously used Aquate Defender continue to use this product in their feeding programs. 

Although shrimp disease is the main challenge in shrimp culture, it can be prevented and overcome with good farm management practices and a strong biosecurity system. As an animal health and feed additives company, Alltech and its solutions can support you by improving the immune health of your shrimp and increasing both your productivity per hectare and, ultimately, your profitability.



A.P. Shinn, J. Pratoomyot, D. Griffiths, T.Q. Trong, N.T. Vu, P. Jiravanichpaisal and M. Briggs (2018). Asian Shrimp Production and the Economic Costs of Disease. Asian Fisheries Science, 31S (2018): 29-58.

FAO (2012). Species Fact Sheets: Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798). In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.

FAO (2013). Report of the FAO/MARD Technical Workshop on Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) or Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Syndrome (AHPNS) of Cultured Shrimp (under TCP/VIE/3304), 2013. Hanoi, Vietnam, 25–27 June 2013. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1053, Rome, Italy, 54 p.

HONG X.P., XU D., ZHUO Y., LIU H.Q. & LU L.Q. (2016). Identification and pathogenicity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates and immune responses of Penaeus (Litopaneus) vannamei (Boone). J. Fish Dis., 39, 1085–1097.

NACA (2012). Report of the Asia-Pacific emergency regional consultation on the emerging shrimp disease: Early mortality syndrome (EMS)/acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS), 9–10 August 2012. Published by the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.

Newman, S. (2015). Microsporidian impacts shrimp production. Global Aquaculture Advocate.

OIE (2019). Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals – 14/11/2019.

Sánchez-Paz, A (2010). White spot syndrome virus: an overview on an emergent concern. Vet Res. 2010 Nov-Dec; 41(6): 43. Published online 2010 Feb 26. doi: 10.1051/vetres/2010015

Sritunyalucksanaa, K., l Intaraprasonga, A., Sa-nguanruta, P., Filerc, K., Fegand, D. (2011). Organic selenium supplementation promotes shrimp growth and disease resistance to Taura syndrome virus. Science Asia 37 (2011): 24-30. doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2011.37.024

Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Tian, L., Yang, H., Liang, G., Xu, D. (2012), Effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharide on growth performance, gut morphology and stress tolerance of juvenile Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 33 (2012) 1027-1032.


I want to learn more about aquaculture nutrition.

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The most practical way to prevent diseases or reduce the losses caused by diseases is to have good farm management and enhance shrimp immune system.

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12 farm apps that could change the way you work

Submitted by lkeyser on Thu, 12/12/2019 - 10:15

Modern farmers have countless resources at their disposal that those who came before could only have dreamt of. If we compare agriculture today with what was the norm 10 — or even five — years ago, the contrast is staggering. Over the last few years, farmers have reaped the benefits of numerous technological advances, and some of the most useful of them have come in the form of agricultural apps on smartphones.

The array of apps that could be useful for farmers is already vast and continues to grow. Armed with an Android, iPhone or even an iPad, they can scroll through the available apps to find a program that fits their every need, from buying new machinery to analyzing soil types.

But it is not only ag apps that are making farmers’ lives easier. Help can come from some unlikely places, and programs that were not designed specifically for agricultural use can be utilized in innovative ways.

With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to take a look at some of the useful apps currently on the market. Some are obvious choices for any farmer, while others may have previously been overlooked. Whether you are already ag-tech-savvy or are only just learning how the device in your pocket could change your farm management, this list will give you a sense of what is out there and how it can be used to your advantage.

Feed-management apps

Long neglected in terms of innovation and investment, feed management technology is finally making strides in the ag-tech industry. Until recently, it was still common for farmers to manage their feeding by using a pen and paper. Now, however, there are plenty of resources available on the App Store to make this process more efficient and cost-saving.

1. FeedSmart

Taking into account key variables, such as maintenance requirements, animal growth, lactation and more, this free calculator can provide farmers with instant information on their livestock's nutritional needs, feed values and feed allocation.

2. InTouch Forage Budgeting 

The management of forage stocks has also become a topical issue on farms in recent years, especially with changing weather patterns. Fortunately, smartphone technology can also play a role in long-term planning.

This app calculates the total forage available to the farmer in both fresh weight and dry matter from clamped forage and additional baled forage. The user inputs the forage required to feed livestock during the winter housed period, and the app then determines if the farmer has enough resources at his or her disposal.

Developed in association with the team at Alltech E-CO2 and available on all mobile devices, this app becomes particularly handy moving into the winter, when the demand for forage is at its greatest. Farmers need to be proactive in measuring conserved forage quantities in order to avoid any potential shortfalls.

Note-taking apps

Whether they want to admit it or not, some farmers are careless note-takers. For a profession in which constant checks and record-keeping are essential, many farmers leave too much to chance. This task can be made easier and quicker with modern technology. On a base level, it is standard practice for all smartphones to come with some form of notepad app included. You can even set reminders that will alert you about certain items and tasks at a pre-arranged time.

3. Evernote 

This multi-platform app allows you to access your notes and photographs from your smartphone, desktop and tablet, syncing everything to make sure you are always up to date. It also allows you to share content with other users, which comes in handy when disseminating information among your team.

4. Google Docs

The only drawback to Evernote is that many of its sharing and collaborative features are only available through a paid subscription. Google Docs, a free alternative with similar capabilities, could be a suitable replacement.

Field-measurement apps

5. GPS Fields Area Measure

Ask any farmer how much land they have, and they will be able to give you an answer straightaway. Being able to do so is an essential aspect of the profession and is an ability that many wear as a badge of honor. However, this off-the-top-of-the-head figure is only ever a ballpark number, probably rounded up to the nearest acre.

GPS Fields Area Measure is the perfect tool for determining distances and field perimeters and areas, fast! Using satellite imaging, this app provides you with an accurate measurement of your piece of land, saving you time and money. For added convenience, it can also be used offline, and saved measurements can be shared between users.

Weather apps

By its nature, farming is an outdoor enterprise. The success of a harvest, down to the budgeting of forage, depends heavily on the weather. While it can never be fully predicted, many tools and devices have been developed over the years to make dealing with the weather a bit easier. Modern technology now provides the most comprehensive methods of navigating the whims of Mother Nature. There is a plethora of weather apps on the market, all of which can provide highly accurate forecasts.

6. Strawberry Advisory System monitors the weather so as to help keep strawberry crops free from fruit rot.

7. Hurricane is the American Red Cross' hurricane-monitoring app.

8. Weather Underground

Along with providing accurate weather information throughout the world, this free app can also be accessed in a vast range of languages. Collecting up-to-the-minute data from more than 270,000 global weather stations, it also lets users contribute by reporting on weather conditions in their own regions.

Buying and selling apps

These days, it has never been easier to go on a shopping spree. A short time spent browsing online can quickly leave you with myriad new possessions and an alarmingly low bank balance. The agriculture industry is not immune to this — and now, farmers are able to get in on the fun, too!

9. TractorHouse

If you are in the market to buy or sell new or used machinery and farm equipment, this global app gives users access to thousands of sale listings. Its user-friendly interface allows you to easily search for equipment and parts, which can be bought directly or at auction.

10. Cattle Market Mobile

Your smartphone can even give you the edge when bidding on livestock. Traditionally, farmers would enter a market blind, not knowing anything about the animals being offered. Now, apps are emerging that allow farmers to do research and even make bids beforehand.

This handy tool collects data on current auction prices across the U.S. Using this information as a guide, farmers can see exactly how much they should be paying for steers, bulls, heifers and more.

11. MartBids

While only available in Ireland, this app is changing the way producers make decisions about livestock. This app works in conjunction with livestock marts throughout the country to provide users with vital information before they make their decisions. Whereas before, a farmer at an auction often had to rely on gut feeling when bidding, this mobile app negates any guesswork, helping you find the perfect animal for your needs.

12. FarmHedge

For an all-around app that connects farmers with multiple sectors of the agriculture industry, this real-time agribusiness app puts users directly in touch with suppliers of feed, fertilizers, parts and more. It allows producers to create personal and secure working relationships while also saving them time and money.

Farm smarter, not harder, with these helpful apps for farmers. We hope these useful tools will help you better manage what you have worked so hard for.

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Winter to-do list for producers

Submitted by lkeyser on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 16:28

Winter nutrition and management have many focal points, but there are a few management decisions all cattle producers should place on their “to-do” list. Most spring calving herds look at winter as a time to prepare cowherds for calving, early milk production and breeding seasons. Fall-calving cows are in full lactation and breeding in addition to maintaining body weight during times of environmental stress. In both production scenarios, bridging the gap between fall and green grass is a time to implement management and nutritional plans that will reduce costs, increase efficiency and create more profits.

Here are some steps you should consider taking:

1. Monitor body condition.

Body condition scores are an open book to the nutritional plane that cattle have been on; it is simple to learn how to evaluate body condition scores and can be done daily. Evaluation areas include the shape of the top and spine appearance, brisket, ribs and flanks. Thin cows have late breed-backs, lower-quality colostrum and lighter-weight calves. Fat cows have low fertility, greater calving difficulty, less milk production and lower efficiency. Cows do not all have to have the same body condition to be productive, but, in general, moderate body condition is an excellent indication that cattle have benefited from their environment and their management plans.

2. Don’t guess — forage test.

The value of forage testing cannot be overstated. Knowing a few basic facts about feedstuffs can help you make money in several different ways. Since water content is the most variable nutrient in the feed, it is important to know the moisture component of feed when formulating and mixing feed, since it can significantly influence the amount and proportion used in the feed formula. Nutritional profiles can be used to determine the value of the feed and assist in making diets that are both low-cost and best-performing. With the wide variety and availability of feedstuffs today, knowing their nutritional makeup can help you predict the difference between a good deal and a bad one. Don’t make the mistake of filling cows with feedstuffs that do not meet daily requirements; low- and no-performance cattle seldom make money. Hubbard Feeds dealers offer both feed tests and technical support to fully utilize the resulting information.

3. Pregnancy-check the cowherd.

Identifying open cows can help provide educated options. The open females can be culled from the herd, creating a reduction in feed costs — or they can be grouped and managed to increase their value as late-bred females or placed into a different calving group. Having this pregnancy information can allow you to evaluate and implement management options that could create profits.

4. Minimize feed waste.

Numerous trials have shown the value of feeding equipment that reduces waste while not limiting convenience. Losses of more than 20% can be the result of poor forage management and feed handling. Examples include the design of round bale hay feeders, covering silage piles, timely baling and raking to reduce field losses — the list goes on. The amount of feed delivered should also be considered. I once had an astute cattleman tell me, “Feed cows a day’s worth of hay and they will be eating in the dining room. Feed them two days’ worth of hay and they will be eating in the living room — but feed them three days’ worth of hay and they will be eating in the bathroom.”

5. Cold stress is costly; try to provide weather protection when possible.

For each degree the weather falls below a cow’s comfort temperature, TDN energy requirements increase 1%. Wind, moisture and lack of sunshine add to the insult of cold temperatures; when temperatures are near freezing, the wind is blowing at 10 to 15 miles per hour and rain has soaked cattle to the bone, the energy requirements increase by over 30%. There are only two ways to meet those additional requirements: cattle either need to eat more pounds of feed and/or they must consume a diet with greater energy density.

6. Control both internal and external parasites.

Parasites are free-loaders that rob profit from cattle. Lice are a major external parasite that should be controlled immediately as well as through the winter months. Scratching and hair loss are sure signs of lice infestation. Internal parasites decrease digestion and gut health. A variety of products and application methods give producers choices that are effective. The lost income to parasite infestation is estimated to be in the millions of dollars annually. The timely application of parasite control management decisions should be a priority in every management plan.

Cattle operations may have individual identities and needs, but there are some common management decisions that can increase profits. Collecting and analyzing information on a cowherd can help refine management decisions. Eliminating problems also eliminates profit robbers. Properly adjusting to the environmental conditions improves cowherd performance and prioritizes resources to improve efficiency. Managing cowherds for optimal performance and maximum profit are important wintertime management practices and decisions.


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Winter nutrition and management has many focal points but there are a few management decisions all cattle producers should place on their “to do” list. Follow these seasonal management recommendations for cattle producers. 

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Key facts about African swine fever (ASF)

Submitted by lkeyser on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 11:42

African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious and deadly disease that affects domestic and wild pigs regardless of age and sex. ASF cannot be spread to humans and other non-swine animals and livestock and is not a threat to human health. However, humans can carry the virus on their clothing, shoes and equipment and can spread the disease unknowingly.

Historically endemic to African countries, ASF has been spreading rapidly throughout Asia and parts of Europe through 2018 and 2019. What are the symptoms of ASF, what can we do to prevent the disease, and are there any treatment options?

Signs and symptoms of ASF

  • High fever (40.5–42oC)
  • Sudden loss of appetite
  • Hemorrhages on skin and internal organs, particularly lymph nodes
  • Diarrhea, vomiting (sometimes with bloody discharge)
  • Abortion
  • Depression
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sudden death
  • High death loss

While these symptoms are similar to classical swine fever (CSF), ASF is caused by a unique virus that is distinct from CSF. Unusually high mortality rates among pigs of all ages can be a strong indicator of ASF. However, the only way to know for sure which virus pigs might be infected with is through laboratory testing. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above in your herd, contact a vet as soon as you can to ensure that the correct quarantine and treatment are completed. This could help limit the damage on your farm.

Tips to prevent ASF from entering your farm

It is possible to keep ASF out of the farm, even in countries where ASF is endemic. Here are nine prevention measures you can take to avoid ASF.

1. Implementation of strict importation measures for animal products:

Ensure that neither infected live pigs nor pork products are introduced into areas free of ASF. ASF-positive countries can have their animal exportations restricted or prohibited as a result of the detection of infected meat. Check infected regions before importing products that could potentially be contaminated.

2. Proper disposal of all food waste from aircrafts or ships coming from infected countries.

Furthermore, no human food waste should be fed to pigs.

3. Efficient sterilization and disposal of garbage: Avoid swill feeding (i.e., garbage feeding).

Feeding of catering waste is a high-risk practice; if the food waste is contaminated with ASF, it can infect a healthy herd. Do not expose food waste that wild swine species could access. Carcasses, discarded parts from slaughtered pigs and food waste should be disposed of appropriately. 

4. Rapid slaughtering of all pigs, infected or not (stamping out):

Recovered or surviving animals are virus carriers for life. Therefore, to avoid spreading the disease to other pigs and to prevent relapse, it is safer to slaughter both infected and potentially infected pigs. Stamping out tends to be a short-term method to eradicate the disease. Nevertheless, it is generally the most cost-effective method that allows farms to be free from ASF in the shortest time.

5. Strict on-farm biosecurity:

Keep viruses and bacteria out by complying with biosecurity rules, including proper disinfection of clothing and boots, as well as not bringing pork products that have not been properly heat-treated onto a farm. Farms should maintain dedicated footwear and clothing that stay on the farm.

6. Controlled animal and human movements:

Pigs should be sourced from trusted and certified suppliers. Vehicles, equipment and people are also fomites of ASF. Ensure that anyone who enters the farm has not been in contact with any other pigs over the past 48 hours. Farm visitors who have been in countries that are ASF-positive need at least five days of downtime before entering the farm. Vehicles and equipment should be properly cleaned and disinfected before entering the premises. As secretions and excretions from sick or dead animals are a source of ASF, carcass-hauling trucks are high-risk and should not enter the farm.

7. Disease surveillance and monitoring:

This is especially important when transporting live pigs and pork products. In addition, pig farms should maintain a strict health monitoring program. All sick or dead pigs should be inspected and examined for ASF. To detect ASF early, pigs slaughtered for own-home consumption should be inspected by an official veterinarian. Regarding staff training, holding regular prevention lectures and strengthening quality assessments as well as the daily records of feed ingredients is advised.

8. Efficient and early detection of the virus through laboratory tests:

Notify a vet immediately upon spotting signs of ASF, and get the pigs tested.

9. Strict quarantine protocol:

Strict quarantine measures should be applied in both ASF-free zones and infected zones to prevent the entry of the disease and/or to keep ASF from spreading further.

Treatments for ASF

  • Currently, there are no treatments or vaccinations available for this animal disease.
  • Preventative and cautionary measures can be taken to protect animal health.
  • Contact between sick and healthy animals can transmit ASF. Therefore, infected animals must be isolated and culled immediately upon confirmation of ASF.

Did you know?

  • North America and the Oceania region remain the only areas that have never had reported cases of ASF.
  • ASF poses no risk to human health. Humans cannot get infected by ASF.
  • ASF infects domestic and wild pigs, as well as a variety of soft-bodied ticks.
  • Wild boars and warthogs can be carriers of ASF. Make sure they don’t come in contact with domestic pigs.
  • Frozen meat from infected pigs can harbor the virus for up to six months.
  • The ASF virus has been estimated to survive for up to 15 days in feces and five days in urine at 21°C.
  • It takes 30 minutes of cooking at 70oC to deactivate ASF in meat products and 30 minutes at 60°C for serum and body fluids.
  • Curing or smoking pork products does not destroy the virus.
  • ASF can be transferred via feed (Niederwerder, et al., 2019). It is important to work with trusted suppliers and vendors to verify ingredient sources and determine what their biosecurity and quality programs entail.

The importance of feed safety and a favorable health status

Studies have shown that feed can be a carrier of certain harmful pathogens (Dee, et al., 2018). As an added layer of protection, put safeguards in place and utilize feed intervention technologies, such as acidifiers, to support the integrity and quality of your feed.

Acidifiers are known to have beneficial properties that “control bacterial growth in feed, […] inhibiting growth of pathogenic microbes” (Jacela, et al., 2009).

Products such as Guardicate™* have been shown to be effective for promoting feed safety and can be used as an important component of your farm’s greater biosecurity program. Over almost four years of research, Guardicate has shown its effectiveness as an acidifier, as it addresses feed quality concerns by helping maintain a favorable feed environment.

Together with other solutions, like Sel-Plex®, Bioplex® and Actigen®, Alltech’s nutritional technologies provide peace of mind that you are safe from the risks that could negatively impact your production while promoting a positive health status for your animals.

Improper mineral supply can have major consequences for the health and productivity of your herd. Improved mineral status has been shown to have a positive effect on immune function. The Alltech Mineral Management program focuses on feeding organic minerals such as Sel-Plex and Bioplex, which are better absorbed and utilized by the animal and, thus, can meet their nutrient needs for optimal health.

Gut health and the microbiome also play a key role in maintaining the overall health status of the pig. Actigen is able to support immune function, gut microbial health and gut function and development, promoting overall animal health and performance.

*Guardicate is only available in select countries.


Dee, S. A., Bauermann, F. V., Niederwerder, M. C., Singrey, A., Clement, T., de Lima, M., & Petrovan, V. (2018). Survival of viral pathogens in animal feed ingredients under transboundary shipping models. PloS one, 13(3), e0194509.

Jacela, J.Y., DeRouchey, J.M., Tokach, M.D., et al. Feed additives for swine: Fact sheets – acidifiers and antibiotics. J Swine Health Prod. 2009;17(5):270–275.

Niederwerder, M. C., Stoian, A., Rowland, R., Dritz, S. S., Petrovan, V., Constance, L. A....Hefley, T. J. (2019). Infectious Dose of African Swine Fever Virus When Consumed Naturally in Liquid or Feed. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 25(5), 891-897.


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What are the symptoms of ASF, what can we do to prevent the disease, and are there any treatment options?

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How to solve the greatest challenge in the feed industry

Submitted by lkeyser on Mon, 11/25/2019 - 13:50

Over the next few years, food production must almost double to meet the needs of the world population and the global demand for protein. This has put pressure on the livestock sector to maximize output while reducing the usage of resources, making animal feed the largest and most important component in the industry to provide healthy and sustainable animal protein.

One of the biggest challenges for the feed industry and animal nutrition is the rising cost of feed, which can account for up to 70% of total production expenses. Furthermore, around 25% of the available nutrients cannot be fully utilized by the animal due to anti-nutritional factors in the feed, which could be costly for the global livestock industry.

Today, the greatest challenge for the nutritionist in the feed industry is reducing this indigestible fraction and maximizing feed efficiency based on nutritional and economic factors, which often vary and may be unique to each production system.

Improving animal and feed performance with feed innovation

Scientific innovation is critical for the future of animal nutrition and protein production. Some key areas of focus for the global animal feed industry to improve animal and feed efficiency are:

  • Improving animal performance characteristics (e.g., feed-to-weight-gain ratios, smart feed for more nutritious animal products)
  • Minimizing costs (e.g., less expensive base ingredients, more efficient utilization of grain for feed)
  • Maximizing feed production efficiencies in a sustainable way (e.g., processes and practices)

While traditional feedstuffs continue to be used at high rates, new and novel feedstuffs are now routinely implemented in animal feed formulation. A range of innovative applications are being used to optimize and assess the continued development of efficient and sustainable advances. Advanced technologies, such as nutrigenomics, reveal the relationship between feed nutrients and gene expression. Nutrigenomics allows the industry to identify feeds that can help animals reach their genetic potential by directly impacting the genes responsible for growth rate, meat quality and disease prevention.

Another technology that will allow for the prompt characterization of the nutritional value of raw feed materials is in vitro digestion modeling. These models, which can be used for both poultry and swine, provide real-time decision-making options to maximize feed usage while also improving animal production.

A third area of feed innovation involves providing supplemental feed that contains exogenous enzymes, also known as feed enzymes, which aid digestion by promoting the release of nutrients that are typically unavailable to the animal, improving animal performance in a sustainable way.  

The role of enzymes in the feed industry

Enzymes, which are essential for life, serve a wide range of functions and are especially important to the feed industry, thanks to their ability to break down nutrients. Enzymes are naturally occurring catalysts that speed up the rate of most chemical reactions that take place within cells.

Enzymes play a key role in the animal’s digestive process. Although digestive enzymes are produced by the animal itself — or by naturally occurring microbial organisms in the animal’s digestive system — producers have also used exogenous feed enzymes for many years for nutrient utilization and improved performance in animal feed.

Using poultry nutrition as an example, feed substrates and enzymes can generally be thought of in three ways:

  1. Naturally produced endogenous poultry enzymes in the digestive tract of the bird for the liberation of nutrients from feed components, such as starches, proteins and lipids
  2. Exogenous enzymes not native to the animal’s digestive system that act on recalcitrant substrates, which are not easily digested but which could potentially be utilized as nutrients, such as the glucose in cellulose in poultry diets (e.g., use of cellulase enzyme in poultry nutrition)
  3. Exogenous enzymes not produced by the animal’s digestive system that could act on difficult-to-digest substrates, as well as any anti-nutritive effects, due to compounds such as β-glucans, xylans and phytate (e.g., phytase enzyme in poultry feed)

Performance and profitability are often the primary reasons for utilizing feed enzymes, as they are the direct result of the improved digestibility and the increased availability of nutrients like phosphorous, carbohydrates and amino acids and, in turn, an increase in available energy as well. However, feed enzymes also allow for the use of a broader range of feedstuffs, which can allow for flexibility in the formulation of the diet by using non-conventional sources or alternative raw materials. These alternative sources are a direct result of the growing demand for corn, wheat and soybean meal. The increased demand for grains has also increased their value, leading feed producers and nutritionists to look for alternative feedstuffs to reduce costs. Non-conventional dietary sources, however, might not be as readily digestible, as the animal may lack the necessary endogenous digestive enzymes and, as such, will glean less nutrition from the feed. The utilization of exogenous enzymes to make the feed more digestible increases the nutritional value of these non-conventional feed sources for the animal.

Over the past 20 years, enzyme supplementation in the animal feed sector has grown and developed dramatically. The global feed enzyme market is currently estimated to be more than US$1 billion and is expected to grow by another 8% over the next five years. Right now, phytase holds the largest market share; however, the use of proteases and NSP enzymes, such as xylanase, has accelerated to such an extent that they are being included in over 57% of monogastric diets. Enzymes in poultry feed has been the largest segment, followed by the swine and aquaculture industries.

Feed enzymes over the years

Early research studying the role of enzymes in poultry nutrition was already taking place in the 1920s. The R&D evolution continued through the 50s and 60s, when barley diets were commonly fed, and research showed that enzymes improved poultry performance. During the 80s and 90s, a better understanding of NSPs in fiber and their impact on animal performance became a focus of the research, and the use of xylanase also became prevalent. During the late 90s, the use of phytase became standard practice. Currently, in terms of the feed penetration of phytase and carbohydrase enzymes such as xylanase, the feed enzyme sector is a mature market. The benefits of providing exogenous enzymes in the feed include the reduction of anti-nutritional factors in the animal feed, the use of lower-cost feed ingredients and an improvement in feed conversion and animal performance — but in order to get the most out of your animal nutrition, it is important that you choose the right feed enzyme to meet your needs.

A unique process development

The majority of feed enzyme production originates by using both bacterial and fungal microorganisms produced either from the submerged fermentation (SmF) or solid-state fermentation (SSF) processes. 

Naturally occurring microbial strains for the production of enzymes are of great value and continue to be utilized, but the use of recombinant versions accounts for the majority of industrial enzyme production today. 

Solid-state fermentation systems can be tailored to address specific needs based on the substrate and microbial selection. For example, Aspergillus niger produces a cocktail of enzymes that contain multi-enzymes such as phytase, xylanase, cellulase, protease and β-glucanase. These enzymes, both as individual applications or as a concoction of enzymes, have a broad spectrum of industrial applications.

Early assessments characterized SSF as being a simplistic process, less technologically advanced than the SmF process, but that assessment was later shown to be erroneous and based on a poor understanding of SSF process requirements. Recent rigorous studies have shown that, with the proper design, the technical and economic advantages of SSF far outweigh those of SmF. The many economic advantages of SSF over SmF include a lower capital investment, lower energy requirements, a lower environmental impact based on water consumption and waste generation, and lower costs for downstream processing. Additional studies are needed to continue identifying opportunities for agro-industrial residues as substrates and to match the appropriate microbes to cultivation conditions. Tray fermentation has become the proven leader in large-scale SSF applications, and much work has been completed on the control of key parameters to optimize growth at a commercial scale. Innovations in engineering to allow for large-scale SSF processes offer a major opportunity for growth in the commercial enzyme industry.

Maximizing feed efficiency with enzyme technologies

Enzymes are well-known to be an effective solution for optimizing feed efficiency. Enzyme supplementation in animal diets increases nutrient digestion by breaking down anti-nutritive components, such as phytate and NSPs, into forms that are more readily absorbed by the animal, reducing the environmental impact as well, while saving on costs for producers. 

Feed efficiency starts with an accurate knowledge of raw materials and their quality, allowing for the precise adjustment of the feed formulation. How well an enzyme performs, in many cases, is determined before it even reaches the animal. Feed processing methods — whether milling, grinding or, particularly, pelleting — can have a major impact on enzyme stability. Furthermore, digestive tract conditions, particularly pH changes and substrate availability, can also influence enzyme efficiency.

Enzyme characteristics can vary widely depending on the source. Solid-state fermentation has the potential to offer competitive advantages based on cost and efficacy.

Click here for more information about the Alltech Enzyme Management Program.

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Food production is required to almost double to meet the needs of the world population and the global demand for protein, putting pressure on the livestock sector to maximize output while reducing the usage of resources. This will make animal feed the largest and most important component in the industry to provide healthy and sustainable animal protein.

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Feed management technology: Ag-tech’s missed opportunity?

Submitted by lkeyser on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 09:38

Technology is disrupting and changing every aspect of the agriculture industry, and, for the most part, farmers are embracing it. Already, autonomous robots are taking over the milking of cows, grading of fruit and vegetables and many other duties on farms around the world. Advancements in electric-powered vehicles could also mean that, before long, we will be enjoying the near-silent purr of electric, eco-friendly tractors in our fields. With $2 billion invested in ag-tech in 2018, this is just the tip of the agriculture technology iceberg!

As far as innovation and investment go, however, there is one section of the industry that is struggling to keep up with the rest: feed management technology. At the same time that drones are surveying our land and self-driving machines are harvesting our crops, many farmers are still managing their feeding using old, outdated technologies — or, in some cases, pen and paper.

This seems to be a major oversight of the industry, considering the potential savings and efficiencies at stake. Animal feed and nutrition is one of the most critical areas on livestock farms, accounting for up to 70% of the cost of production (COP). A modern solution that could help to increase feed efficiency should be shouted from the rooftops!

Thankfully, while feed management technology may be bringing up the rear in terms of innovation, it still has not dropped out of the race altogether. There are many established names currently offering platforms that are both effective and affordable.

The benefits of using modern feed management tools are indisputable. Both in the long and the short term, updating your methods of managing feed on-farm has the potential to improve not only herd output but also overall herd health.

Maximize income over feed cost (IOFC)

IOFC is a critical measure in driving farm profitability. One of the key benefits of using feed management technology is the ability to continually track and maximize this figure. Central features of such a platform include the precise loading of individual ingredients and the subsequent TMR mixing, tracking of feed intakes, management of feed costs and the direct linking of outputs to inputs — all contributory factors in optimizing IOFC. Where IOFC is not meeting targets, problems are quickly identified, and necessary changes can be made in real time.

Feed inventory management

Keeping track of feed inventory on-farm is a notoriously manual task that usually involves significant guesswork. This leads to farmers carrying too much feed, tying up both space and capital, or too little feed, which presents a whole different set of management challenges. Feed inventory management is a common feature within most feed management platforms, allowing farmers to accurately monitor and balance quantities of feed given to the animals against quantities of feed held on-farm. Depending on the system, automatic alerts notify when stock levels reach a certain point, and in some cases, automatic re-ordering (via links to feed mills) can be set up.

Cows crave consistency

What is the one thing that cows love more than anything else? Consistency. Cows are creatures of habit, and a consistent management routine leads to optimal dairy production. This is especially true for feeding; the more consistent a cow's daily diet, the better the cow will perform in terms of milk output, fertility and overall health. Any disruption to a cow’s rumen environment can quickly result in sub-optimal output, an issue that can take weeks to reverse. Feed management technology allows for the precise loading and feed-out of each ration, ensuring that animals will receive a consistent diet every day. When combined with a diet feeder, such as a KEENAN MechFiber, the software can tell farmers the optimal loading order of the ration. This means that the end product is the best-quality mix possible. It also helps to negate any human error, so no matter who is loading the machine, the result is always the same.

Make it easy for anyone to do the feeding

On most farms, there is usually one person assigned to manage the feeding operation and ensure that the correct protocols are followed each day. However, what happens if that person is not available and the person who fills in is not as attentive to good feeding practices? Overall cow performance and health can quickly suffer if diets change from one user to the next. Using technology to manage feeding on-farm ensures that, no matter who is in charge, once they follow the loading and unloading instructions provided by the feeding system, diet consistency should not be compromised. This guide to TMR feeding is almost foolproof. Equally, as all data is recorded, it is easy to identify if labor performance has not met the expected standards. 

Control of feed cost

Of course, there is another major benefit to this precision: control of feed cost. This is where feed management software can really make a difference on-farm. By taking stock of what ration goes into the mix, as well as the amount, the program can keep on top of costs, so the farmer knows exactly how much they are spending. Beyond this, by ensuring that the animal's diet offers optimal efficiency, further savings can be made by removing wasted feedstock from the process.

Progress reporting and data-sharing

The abilities of feed management software go far beyond the day-to-day running of a farm. As it is monitoring diets and ration stocks, the program is also recording and storing all of the data it collects. This means that farmers have access to a library of information at the push of a button. They can generate detailed graphs and reports that illustrate what has gone before, helping them to make informed decisions about the future.

Bringing this feature one step further is the cloud-based technology of modern feed management software. By availing of these wireless capabilities, farmers can share information and data with employees, meaning that everyone can be kept up-to-date and share advice. Equally, where access to the technology is provided to the farm’s third-party consultants, communication is improved, and adjustments to animal diets can be made in a more proactive and timely manner, without the need for consultants to be on-farm.


Another great benefit to the cloud-based aspect of modern feed management software is that it opens the program up to previously unseen flexibility and adaptability. Many programs can now link up and operate in conjunction with other management software that a farmer may be using. For example, a farmer in the dairy industry may be using one program for feed and another for herd and milk production. By allowing these programs to work in tandem, dairy farm data management becomes more streamlined, saves time and, most importantly, allows for the generation of more actionable insights.

The thing to remember is that the points outlined here are not just something that farmers can hope to take advantage of in the future. There are already numerous established companies offering technologies to help deliver on these promises. Furthermore, there is a noticeable upsurge of dairy ag-tech startups advancing on the pre-existing technology, meaning that dairy automated feeding technology might finally reach its much-needed potential in terms of agricultural innovation.

One such platform is InTouch. Cloud-based and combining the latest in hardware and software, InTouch manages the feeding of over 300,000 cows in 37 countries worldwide each day. As part of Alltech, InTouch utilizes user-friendly dashboards and reporting tools to provide farmers and nutritionists with the most relevant insights and analytics for delivering optimum nutrition to the herd.

Collaboration with other on-farm technologies is a key principle of InTouch, which is the reason behind the recent announcement of its integration with UNIFORM-Agri, one of the world’s leading herd-management software providers. Collaborations like this reduce the need for the manual input of data, deliver more effective insights and ultimately enable both farmers and nutritionists to work together to make more informed herd-management decisions.

Continuing the tradition of innovation at InTouch, the team showcased InTouchGo at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference in 2019. Currently in the proof-of-concept stage, this all-new technology uses advanced analytics and features — like machine learning — to deliver automatic ration recommendations directly to the farmer’s smartphone in response to changes in milk output.

Alltech’s commitment to a Planet of Plenty™ also features in the InTouch vision. Modern agriculture is under continuous pressure to demonstrate its sustainability credentials, and increased animal productivity has been shown to reduce the amount of methane produced per unit of milk or meat. Feed conversion efficiency, one of the most widely used measures of animal productivity, is the measure by which livestock convert feed into milk or meat. Adapting technologies like InTouch to increase feed conversion efficiency as part of a wider on-farm nutritional strategy may be one solution to this growing and complex challenge.


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The benefits of using modern feed management tools are indisputable. Both in the long and the short term, updating your methods of managing feed on-farm has the potential to improve not only herd output but also overall herd health.

Tips for reducing tail-biting in pigs

Submitted by lkeyser on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 08:31

Aggressive behavior in pigs — whether it is tail-, flank-, ear- or vulva-biting — is a frustrating management problem, leading to costly losses.  Incidents of tail-biting, in particular, are among the top behavioral problems in gilt development units (GDUs) and grow-finish pigs that can lead to economic losses due to reductions in gain, secondary infections, death or carcass condemnations.

What are the causes of tail-biting in pigs?

Studies have shown that pigs are attracted to the taste and sight of blood, and if a pig draws blood from accidentally biting a pen-mate’s tail, doing so could elicit the negative behavior in that individual pig or even spread to the entire group of pigs. However, natural behavior is only one piece of the puzzle. Numerous other factors can increase the prevalence of tail-biting, such as environmental stressors (e.g., temperature variation, lighting, ventilation, etc.), dietary issues and health challenges.

Four tips on how to prevent tail-biting in pigs

  1. Start with the basics: Feed, water, ventilation, temperature and stocking density  

  • Feed: Providing ready access to feed is essential for optimizing average daily gains. Conversely, restriction of or inadequate access to feed will cause slower growth and can contribute to aggressive behavior, such as tail-biting. Feed restriction is most commonly caused by out-of-feed events that are the result of equipment malfunctions, feed bridging or feed management errors. The second-most common cause of feed restriction is feeder settings being adjusted too tightly.
  • Water: Just as with feed, it is important to provide ready access to drinking water. Restricting the water intake of pigs can lead to reduced feed intakes and may also contribute to aggressive behavior. Make sure all of the pigs have enough water access points and that the flow rate is adequate enough to meet their water needs.
  • Ventilation: Poor ventilation, especially in the late fall and winter months, can quickly induce aggressive behaviors. Make sure the ventilation is adequate enough to at least remove pit gasses from your facility. Poor air quality in barns irritates animals and is a major catalyst accelerating aggression in pigs.
  • Temperature: In warmer months, heat stress is of great concern and is something that barn managers and employees should keep an eye on. When pigs reach their upper critical temperature, they begin to experience heat stress, which can trigger negative behaviors, such as tail-biting.
  • Stocking density: Overstocking induces extra stress in animals due to the increased competition for feed and water resources in the pen. As such, it is critically important to relieve stocking density by evenly distributing pigs throughout all of the pens. Limited space in pens is a common trigger for tail-biting.
  1. Provide balanced nutrition

Nutritional imbalances or improperly balanced diets are contributing factors that can increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior. Under-budgeting and/or under-formulating lysine for high lean growth genetics can lead to vice behavior by restricting the genetic growth potential of the animal. Inadequate sodium in the diet can also lead to aggressive behavior.

  1. Look for signs of health challenges

Significant viral challenges, like PRRS and the flu, can lead to increased incidences of aggressive behavior in pigs. Consult your veterinarian on the best course of action to relieve any health challenges in your operation.

  1. Keep calm and entertain

Pigs are naturally very curious animals that utilize their mouths as a means of exploring and learning more about their environment. As such, providing enrichment that is stimulating and that biologically relieves stress is crucial.

The AllBite block, from Hubbard Feeds and Alltech, is a molasses-based block designed to discourage tail-biting and other aggressive vice behaviors. AllBite adds a new stimulus to the pigs’ environment, thus allowing pigs to exhibit foraging behaviors and to bite and chew on the block instead of their pen-mates. 

AllBite combats aggressive behavior through two mechanisms: it contains biologically active calming agents that reduce stress within the pen, and it is delivered in a form that provides a sensory stimulus to a group of pigs. Researched and tested in the field, AllBite has a 93% success rate in reducing or stopping tail-biting. The key is early identification, followed by the introduction of AllBite into pens where tail-biting and other aggressive behaviors are occurring.

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While changing diets to mitigate negative behaviors is a common practice, dietary changes are often not implemented early enough to effectively prevent those negative behaviors from manifesting. Also, most vice behaviors only affect a small group within a larger population, so changing diets can sometimes become costly. With its unique delivery system, AllBite addresses both issues, since blocks can be placed in pens as soon as tail-biting occurs, and the blocks are only supplemented in the pens where pigs are exhibiting vice behaviors.

During a tail-biting outbreak, it is important to try and identify the biters and treat and/or remove the bitten pigs to prevent the behavior from spreading to other pigs. The root of vice and aggressive behavior is multi-factorial, and the mechanisms of this behavior are not fully understood. However, a quick response is key to helping prevent or stop vice behaviors in pigs. Tail-biting is a universal concern, and, as animal caretakers, maintaining the welfare of our pigs is our daily responsibility.


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In field trials, AllBite blocks contributed to a 93% success rate in reducing or stopping tail-biting. The key is early identification and implementation of AllBite into pens where tail-biting is occurring.

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5 steps for preventing transportation stress in cattle

Submitted by lkeyser on Thu, 10/17/2019 - 16:46

Transportation stress is an unavoidable factor for any beef operation. Treating transportation stress in cattle is a challenge, however, the negative health effects incurred by transporting animals can be limited by implementing a number of good management practices. These key steps are simple and can be easily adopted by your operation today.

Step 1: Identify your specific risk-factors

Some common factors that will increase the effects of transportation stress in calves include animal cramming, excessive trailer movement, heat stress, dehydration, introduction to new pathogens and inadequate receiving protocols. Even though this list may seem long and broad in focus, there are simple steps you can take to drastically decrease each of these risk-factors.

Step 2: Incorporate Beef Quality Assurance certifications

Once animals are loaded onto a trailer, it is paramount that the truck driver is intentional about how the animals are treated in order to reduce stress. Ensuring that the driver has a Beef Quality Assurance: Transportation Program certification can provide peace of mind that the animals will be handled adequately. Through these programs, drivers learn to avoid common pitfalls like fast starts/stops/turns, become aware of cold and hot temperature concerns, and focus on cattle handling during loading and unloading. Avoiding these stressful behaviors improves your chances of receiving healthy cattle.

Step 3: Develop a receiving protocol

The risk of transportation stress does not end when the animal is received. While you have less control over managing stress during transport, the risks still remain in the hands of feedlot personnel. The solution starts with implementing a proper receiving protocol that is based on low-stress handling. The calmer and quieter the employees are, the calmer and quieter the animals will be. This can be accomplished by avoiding hot-shot use, not yelling around animals and removing loud equipment (e.g., hydraulic pumps) from the chute area. A Beef Quality Assurance: Stockmanship Program is also available for employees and is highly valuable for training proposes.

Step 4: Pay attention to what you cannot see: Internal health

While you can limit external stressors such as noises, excessive movement and stressful animal experiences, an often-forgotten risk factor is the internal heath of the animal. The stress of transportation and the introduction to a new environment, new feedstuff and new pathogens will often result in some level of digestive distress. A decrease in feed intake, feed conversion and weight gain may be observed, and the culprit is almost always due to an immune response in the animal’s digestive tract. The digestive system is very complex and can be damaged easily when health is neglected. The cause of this damage can range from temperature changes to new feedstuffs — even to new bacterial populations. Most of these stressors are unavoidable due to the nature of the uncontrollable environment, and thus, preventative measures must be taken.

Step 5: Rely on supplements during the transition period

At Alltech, we are passionate about improving animal health through digestive and immune protection, correction and optimization. In our beef division, we focus heavily on reducing animal stress to improve overall growth and health, which simultaneously improves your bottom line. This is demonstrated in Select TC, our feedlot product, which aims to relieve digestive stress during the arrival of a newly introduced animal. The gut has a major impact on the rest of the animal, but because we are unable to see it, we often overlook this factor when considering an animal’s potential. When a gut becomes agitated and inflamed from poor feed quality, new bacteria or stress, you will see animal performance suffer greatly. This decrease in performance is due to the level of energy the immune system requires to fight off pathogens, heal the damaged tissues and produce an overall immune response. Utilizing a supplement to help the immune system protect the animal and negate the effects of the pathogens can help the animal transition into a feedlot more effectively. A more effective transition will, in turn, allow cattle to consume more feed and gain more weight without wasting energy on immune functions, increasing your profitability.

Select TC is a well-rounded receiving-period supplement with benefits ranging from gut-cell health support to decreasing the repercussions of bacteria and mold in the animal’s body. This product can be fed in many different forms and at various dosage levels depending on your specific operation.

Protect your herd from these common pitfalls, which can lead to low-performing animals. Contact your local Alltech salesperson or to learn more about what Select TC can do to help limit your fallout from transportation stress and get your cattle on feed faster.


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