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HIGH PLAINS JOURNAL: Pearse Lyons leaves real legacy

Submitted by amartin on Mon, 05/28/2018 - 22:10

Without question, Pearse built a team that turned a small business that started with a $10,000 investment into a global powerhouse with over 6,000 employees on every corner of the planet. But as the first celebration of innovation comes to a close in the house that Pearse built, it is ultimately not the wealth or size of the company that most people focus on. It has been the caring, humble human being that led the company that truly makes the mark.

HIGH HEELS & CANOLA FIELDS: What are your life non-negotiables?

Submitted by amartin on Mon, 05/28/2018 - 22:07

Last week at the #One18 conference, Dr. Mark Lyons, President of Alltech spoke about his late father and founder of Alltech, Dr. Pearse Lyons and how he was a champion of sustainability, brewing, nutrition and innovation. He shared a list of what his non-negotiables were that helped make him successful and set him apart.

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