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Virtual Showroom

Submitted by cewert on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 07:52

We have launched this Virtual Showroom with video overviews of many of our machines to ensure our team can continue to support you in your new machine research, decision-making and purchase process.

We understand that it can be difficult to make investment decisions when market conditions are challenging and have several support initiatives in place as follows:

  • We can remotely value your trade-in machine
  • We have a range of attractive finance plans available
  • We offer flexible payment options – such as deferred payment

Reach out with any questions – our team are available via our contact form, phone or email and are happy to help with any queries you may have.

KEENAN MechFiber® Range


KEENAN Vertical Auger Range


KEENAN Self-Propelled Range

<>Featured Image
keenan mix image
<>Hubspot Embed

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Complete the form below to inquire about a KEENAN machine today!


Select BAC™

Submitted by vrobin on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 10:03

Safeguarding herd health by supporting a balanced microbial profile to target complete gut health

Sustaining a healthy gut involves much more than protecting your dairy herd from potentially deadly issues, such as hemorrhagic bowl syndrome; it means maintaining the right amount of beneficial bacteria in both the rumen and the lower digestive tract to improve performance and reduce the need for costly therapeutic treatments. Select BAC includes a blend of Alltech’s technologies, along with Bacillus licheniformis and other direct-fed microbials, to target complete gut health and stability.

<>Focus Areas (taxonomy)
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portalId: "745395",
formId: "5b6392d5-77ef-4356-b47a-54b6cbe5fa53"
<>Benefits Headline
<>Lead Magnet
Select BAC flyer
<>Lead Magnet Description

Free Select BAC Dairy Flyer

Manage your risks to improve herd health and profitability!

Download Now

<>Infographic Headline
Select BAC
<>Product Benefits

Benefits of feeding Bacillus 


Addresses costly challenges caused by Clostridium in dairy cattle

Inhibits the growth of undesirable intestinal organisms in dairy herds

Fights the damaging effects of mycotoxins on dairy farms

<>Technical Section Label
Select BAC encourages stability in dairy cows at all stages of production
<>Technical Description

Select BAC™ supports a proper microbial profile and targets complete gut health and stability in dairy cows at all stages of production. This innovative blend of live, naturally occurring microorganisms includes Bacillus licheniformis, Lactobacillus and several other microbial additive ingredients to support a diverse microflora. 

Cows with a healthy, stable gut are better able to:

1) Address challenges caused by Clostridium

2) Inhibit the growth of undesirable intestinal organisms

3) Fight the damaging effects of mycotoxins

4) Produce more milk and increase profitability

<>Contact Info

Have questions? Fill out the form to contact an Alltech specialist.

Kidzone - Videos

Submitted by cewert on Tue, 04/14/2020 - 15:49

Watch each clip carefully and answer the question. 

Clips courtesy of @JCBKids

How many tyres can you count?

Dansk: Hvor mange dæk kan du tælle i dette klip?
Français : Combien de pneus peux-tu compter dans cette vidéo?
Deutsch: Wie viele Reifen befinden sich in diesem Videoclip?

Which model KEENAN does the farmer have?

Dansk: Hvilken KEENAN vogn har landmanden?
Français : De quel modèle KEENAN l'agriculteur dispose-t-il?
Deutsch: Welches KEENAN Modell hat dieser Landwirt?

How many cows does the farmer own?

Dansk: Hvor mange køer ejer landmanden?
Français : Combien de vaches l'agriculteur a-t-il?
Deutsch: Wie viele Kühe hat der Landwirt?

How many bales are on the trailer?

Dansk: Hvor mange baller er der på traileren?
Français : Combien de balles sont sur la remorque?
Deutsch: Wie viele Ballen befinden sich auf dem Anhänger?

Allzyme® Vegpro

Submitted by cewert on Mon, 04/13/2020 - 15:50

Optimizing protein efficiency

Protein is one of the most critical ingredients in poultry diets — but it is also one of the most expensive. Vegetable protein sources also contain non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), which cannot be digested by poultry due to their lack of endogenous enzymes, thereby negatively affecting the overall digestion of the diet, as well as the absorption of nutrients (including protein).

Soybean meal (SBM), for example, is the most commonly used source of protein in poultry feed, representing a major feed ingredient cost. So, how can you optimize your SBM usage?

Allzyme Vegpro® helps animals maximize the digestibility and utilization of nutrients, especially protein, while reducing feed costs and supporting sustainable livestock production.
<>Focus Areas (taxonomy)
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portalId: "745395",
formId: "103922ae-4a31-40f3-8bee-cdfc8f5159fe"
<>Product Benefits

Introducing Allzyme Vegpro

Allzyme Vegpro, an enzyme complex specifically designed for vegetable protein sources in poultry and swine feed, offers a combination of enzymes containing protease and carbohydrase activity, which can help animals maximize the digestibility and utilization of nutrients, especially protein, while reducing feed costs and supporting sustainable livestock production. The targets for Allzyme Vegpro are diets that contain vegetable protein sources, such as soybean meal, oilseed (e.g., rapeseed, canola or sunflower) meals, legumes and their byproducts.

maximize digestibility icon

Maximizes the digestibility of vegetable protein sources

reduce cost of feed icon

Reduces the cost of feed by lowering the protein and AA levels

animal welfare icon

Promotes animal welfare and health

<>Technical Section Label
Supporting sustainable production, backed by science
<>Technical Description

Allzyme Vegpro has been part of several studies developed around the world, and it has shown consistent results in different species, including poultry broilers, breeders, turkeys and layers, as well as pigs, in different stages of growth. 

<>Contact Info

Contact a local Alltech representative today for more information on Allzyme® Vegpro.

Alltech Employee on-farm with farmer

<>Product Queue


Submitted by cewert on Thu, 04/09/2020 - 16:46

It's important to keep kids busy and entertained at home. At KEENAN Kidzone we have created some fun activities to keep all ages occupied and happy! 

We've put together some simple and fun farm-related colouring sheets, maths quizzes and videos to help kids practise all kinds of skills in a creative way!

Be sure to check back in regularly, as we continue to add more material. Feel free to share our resources.

<>Featured Image

Feed Strategy: Testing important to monitor mycotoxin risk to animals

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 18:08

Wet corn harvests in 2018 and 2019 mean producers must closely track the levels of mycotoxins in feed. After the two wettest years on record back to back, Max Hawkins, Ph.D., nutritionist for Alltech’s Mycotoxin Management team, cautions poultry, cattle and swine producers feeding corn to their animals: Test, test, test.

Click here for full article. 

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