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Pig Progress: Good gut reaction relies on early life nutrition

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 04/09/2021 - 12:59

Getting piglets off to a healthy start in life can have a significant impact on the health and performance of these animals throughout their lifetimes. The key to achieving this involves establishing a favourable microbial population as soon as possible after birth by focusing on the early-life nutrition of the piglet.

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Canadian Poultry: Guts of Growth: To clean or not to clean?

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 04/07/2021 - 13:07

The question of whether to do a complete wet and disinfect clean out of the barn each flock or to do a dry clean and reuse litter, where applicable, often comes up in meetings. When looking into various production systems around the world, specifically broilers, some regions will require a complete wet clean out of the barn, while other regions will complete a dry clean and reuse litter. 

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Progressive Dairy Canada: 4 W’s for an effective employee training environment

Submitted by jnorrie on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 13:08

Many dairy producers and industry representatives understand standard operating procedures for dairies and that it is important to share these guidelines with their workers, including families and employees, to achieve profitability through training and education. Unfortunately, some dairy operations may not get the message across their audience due to the lack of accessibility, understanding and preparation for proper training.

International Poultry Production: Gut health – the key to bird efficiency and performance

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 03/29/2021 - 12:06

When discussing the profitability and performance of commercial poultry species, often the focus is placed on pushing for feed conversion improvements. While feed conversion ratio is seldom recorded in laying hen flocks, it is still a critical measure to gain an insight into how efficiently hens perform.

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Ontario Farmer: New survey looks at inclusivity in ag

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 03/08/2021 - 11:18

According to a new survey, the majority of people in agriculture believe that the industry is becoming more inclusive.

Results of the second annual Women in Food & Agriculture Survey were recently discussed on a webinar presented by Alltech. Alltech supported the survey, which was launched in Oct. 2020, in partnership with AgriBriefing and the Women in Food & Agriculture Summit.

Click here for full article. 

WATT Feed Strategy: 4 trends shaping 2021 global feed production

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 03/08/2021 - 11:10

Alltech’s 2021 Global Feed Survey provides an in-depth look at the 2020 production volumes of the world’s top feed producing countries, species data and analysis of the macro trends driving the previous year’s tonnage gain and losses.

In this edition of Feed Strategy Chat, Alltech’s President and CEO Dr. Mark Lyons drops in to discuss the report’s highlights and the trends he feels may influence feed production now and for years to come.

WATT Feed Strategy: One year of COVID-19: What have we learned?

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 03/05/2021 - 11:14

As the novel coronavirus pandemic marks its first anniversary, industry leaders reflect on what they’ve learned and how they’ve adapted

March 11 marks one year since the World Health Organization named COVID-19 a pandemic. Take a moment to think back on the past year: How has your life changed? How does your daily work life differ now from a year ago? What business lessons have you learned?

Click here for full article. 

Progressive Forage: Harvest analytics to guide instinct

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 03/01/2021 - 11:22

Analytics have become a critical part in all facets of our lives, even if we don’t know it. Whether it is sports, business, weather or even politics, analytics play a vital role in our decision-making.

The same holds true for the dairy industry, as analytics have been around for a while with activity monitors, dairy production records, sire summaries and chopper monitors, to name a few. Now we can add forage harvest analytics to that list.

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