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How to care for weaned pigs: Basics of nursery pig care

Submitted by aledford on Fri, 03/20/2020 - 11:09

Daily nursery pig care should focus on four areas: feed, water, environment and animal care. Providing for the basic needs of young pigs can go a long way in promoting health, efficient growth and a successful nursery program.

Feed: Getting young pigs started right

Feed intake is crucial for a newly weaned pig. Weaning is a stressful time for the young pig due to a myriad of factors, including maternal separation, changes to their environment, transportation stress, establishment of a social hierarchy, abrupt diet changes, vaccinations and exposure to pathogens. Health is a huge factor at this stage of life, so providing weaned piglets with the proper nutrition to help them transition from milk to dry feed is critical. Below are some feeding strategies that can help improve the post-wean transition, increasing the likelihood that the pig will thrive.

Feed quality

Providing pigs with high-quality feeds requires taking many steps along the production chain. It starts with ingredients that have a high nutrient value and are free of contaminants. The processing, delivery and storage of the diet can also affect the quality and final composition of the feed. Understanding the factors that affect feed quality and implementing a quality-assurance program will help ensure that the best possible nutrition is delivered to the pigs.

Feeder adjustment

The proper adjustment of feeders is a labor- and time-intensive task. It is, however, essential in that it not only helps maximize feed intake but also helps reduce feed wastage, especially during the nursery period, when diets are expensive.

  • To maximize feed intake, young pigs must be able to easily access the feeder. The feeder must be open and easy to find so that pigs have unrestricted access to it. 
  • Based on practical experience, the generally recommended steps are, first, to close the feeder adjustment gate and fill the feeders with the first starter pellet, and then to adjust the gates to be the proper height while slightly shaking or tapping the feeder.
  • During the first week post-weaning, allowing 2/3 of the feeder pan to be covered with feed ensures that the pigs are attracted to the feed.
  • In the following weeks of the nursery period, target 1/2 of the feeder pan to be covered with feed will ensure minimal feed wastage.  

Mat feeding

The biggest opportunity to boost growth and support livability/health is by increasing intakes during the first 7 to 10 days post-weaning. What do you feed pigs after weaning? The transition from a sow’s 20–24 lactation events per day to an ad-lib environment sometimes challenges the young pig’s feed intake.  The goal of mat feeding is to stimulate the activity level of the pigs and act as a “dinner bell” signifying that it’s time to eat.

  • Walking pens and mat feeding four times per day will provide the best results.
  • Mat feed 1 pound of feed (0.5 kg) per 40 pigs per feeding, but no more than what they will clean up in 15 minutes. 
  •  A 1-pint scoop works better than a larger scoop in terms of providing the accurate amount and reducing wastage.                       

Gruel feeding

Similar to mat feeding, gruel feeding helps to boost growth and support the livability and health of small and sick/starve-out pigs, which struggle to make the switch to dry feed post-weaning, helping nursery pigs transition from sow milk to feed.

  • Gruel is a mixture of dry feed ingredients mixed with water or other liquid products, such as milk replacers, that is designed to increase intake.
  • In the case of small piglets or piglets with a slow growth, it is recommended to use pre-starters, a milk replacer or rolled oats; for normal piglets, pre-starter feed may be used.
  • The proportion of water to feed is slowly reduced so the piglets can adapt to the consumption of increasingly more solid feed.
  • To make gruel, mix one part dry feed with two parts water/liquid. The consistency of the gruel should be similar to that of oatmeal.
  • Keep in mind that, in the winter, it is better to use lukewarm water.
  • Remember that gruel pans should be placed away from the sleeping area to keep pigs dry.

Water: The forgotten nutrient

The quality of water and the amount consumed are extremely important aspects of pig production, but unfortunately, they are also often overlooked. Pigs that don’t drink enough water won’t consume enough feed. Daily water usage is a good indicator of pig health. When your pig’s water consumption drops for three continuous days or drops by more than 30% in one day, this may indicate that they are potentially experiencing a health challenge.

  • To encourage young pigs to drink, it is best to provide water in open cube drinkers, poultry drinkers or water bowls for the first 3 to 4 days after weaning.
  • If nipple drinkers are the only source of water, it may take young pigs up to 24 hours to drink an adequate amount, and if the drinkers are not functioning correctly, some pigs may never get enough.
  • The general recommendation is to limit water pressure to 20 psi in drinking supply lines.
  • Adding acidifiers, such as Acid-Pak 4-Way®, to drinking water optimizes pH levels and maintains water balance, helping promote water intake, especially when intake is low or variable.

Water drinking requirements

Outlined below are guidelines for the proper drinker height, flow rate and daily water consumption for wean-to-finish pigs.

Pig weight

<12 lbs.

12–30 lbs.

30–75 lbs.

75–150 lbs.


Nipple height (in)

4 to 6

6 to 12

12 to 18

18 to 24

24 to 30





12 to 15

12 to 15

Flow rate (cups/min)



1 ½



Daily intake (qt.)

0.2 to 0.5

2 to 4

(1–1 ½ gal)

5 to 10
 (1 1½ –2 ½ gal)

6 to 18
(1 ½ –4 1/2 gal)


Managing barn environment

Environmental controls in pig housing are important for animal growth and health. Modern farms have computer-controlled systems that are adjusted automatically to optimize the environment depending on the stage of growth or reproduction, based on ideal temperature curves established by research and models. For example, for growing pigs, the temperature needs to decrease by set amounts as the pigs increase in body weight. However, it is important to ensure that the correct growth curve is selected in any automated system to account for the breed, age and health of the animals.

It takes several days for newly weaned pigs to adjust to their new surroundings and the new supply of water and feed, and feed intake may drop during this crucial time. Weaned pigs require a warm environment, between 85–89°F, depending on the weight or health of the pigs.

Seeing pigs laid out next to each other is a sign that they are comfortable, neither too cold nor too hot. If pigs are spread out, it could be a sign that they are too hot. If they’re piling up on each other too deeply, then it could it be a sign that they are too cold. Although computer-controlled systems are very useful, management by barn workers, who can make suitable adjustments regarding changes in temperature regulation, is still key to ensuring the growth and health of the pigs.


Days weaned

Average barn weight lbs. (kg)

Desired room temp. °F(°C)

Winter setpoint °F(°C)

Summer setpoint °F(°C)

1 without brooder or mats

12 (5.4)

85 (29.4)

87 (30.6)


1 with brooder and mats

12 (5.4)

74 (23.3)

76 (24.4)


14 without brooder or mats

18 (8.2)

81 (27.2)

82 (27.8)


14 with brooder and mats

18 (8.2)

70 (21.1)

71 (21.7)



32 (14.5)

75 (23.9)

73 (22.8)



53 (24)

70 (21.1)

70 (21.1)



75 (34)

67 (19.4)

66 (18.9)



102 (46)

64 (17.8)

63 (17.2)



129 (58)

62 (16.7)

61 (16.1)



158 (72)

61 (16.1)

60 (15.6)



188 (85)

59 (15.0)




217 (98)

58 (14.4)




245 (111)

58 (14.4)

58 (14.4)



274 (124)

58 (14.4)

58 (14.4)



299 (135)

58 (14.4)

58 (14.4)



324 (147)

58 (14.4)

58 (14.4)



The critical components of ventilation include:

  • Desired room temperatures
    • Health-challenged pigs require a 2–5-degree warmer barn.
  • Humidity control
    • It is critical that the humidity remains below 65%.
  • Warm and dry mats

PIC generally recommends 2 CFM/pig at placement; however, in the case of PRRS-positive pigs, it may be necessary to remove air at a higher exhaustion rate to achieve less than 65% humidity.

  • Brooders should produce temperatures around 95°F directly beneath themselves. Pigs should remain warm, dry and comfortable. To accomplish this, use properly functioning brooders and ample mat space (0.4 sq. ft/pig).
    • If mats become wet or caked with feed or manure, flip the mats over to regain a dry, black surface that effectively absorbs heat.
    • Mat temperatures may need to extend beyond 95°F to keep pigs comfortable.
    • Brooders should be in place and functional for 14–21 days, depending on pig comfort and the severity of the disease.
    • Brooders should be in place within intensive-care pens throughout the grueling period.

Animal care

Pen walking

Conducting daily walk-throughs is an important task that all barn workers should make a part of their routine. Pig nursery pens should be walked daily to:

  • Look in each feeder to ensure that the feeder has the proper amount of feed and is clean.
  • Look in the trough of each feeder to ensure that the feeder is adjusted correctly and that there is the correct amount of pan coverage.
  • Inspect the floor of the pens for excessive wetness, accumulation of manure and signs of diarrhea.
  • Inspect each pen for damaged or bent rods that could injure pigs by sticking out into the pen.
  • View every pig from snout to tail, head to toe; the rule of thumb is to spend 2 seconds per pig.
    • Identify and pull fall-behinds.
    • Identify, pull and treat sick pigs.
  • Check water flow rates.
  • Mat feed.

Individual animal care

Starting weaned pigs is the most critical task in a nursery barn. Unless they are presented with significant health challenges, pigs that start well tend to experience rapid growth and improved feed conversion. Unfortunately, the opposite is true in pigs that start tough, who tend to be a challenge all the way to marketing. One of the most common challenges in hard-starting weaned pigs is identifying sick pigs vs. starve-out pigs. Medications are beneficial for sick pigs but do not provide calories to starve-out pigs. Correctly identifying the root cause will allow for proper management.

When walking through the barn, it is critical to keep an eye out for symptoms that could be signs of diseases or nutrition issues.

  • Look at hair coat and/or color; a young pig’s hair coat gets coarse and dirtier when the pig is not feeling well.
  • If a pig looks gaunt or redder in color, it could mean that it hasn’t been eating or drinking.
  • Check for signs of respiratory diseases, which include coughing, breathing heavily (thumping), open-mouthed breathing and depression.
  • Keep an eye out for pigs with red butts or diarrhea/scours, which is commonly seen in thin pigs.
  • Sick and/or starve-out pigs should be placed into a fallback pen, as this is a lower-stress environment and will allow them to be treated accordingly.
  • Watch for signs of lost body condition score, such as a visible spine, hip bones or ribs.
  • Check for gut fill and identify pigs that have sunken-in flanks.
  • Hold the pig upside down by its back legs, placing your thumb over the pig’s back and your fingers over the pig’s abdomen, squeezing your fingers toward your thumb to evaluate gut fill.
    • If your fingers easily depress the abdomen, the pig is off feed.
    • If abdomen is full, with plenty of resistance, feed intake is adequate.

A pig never gets over a good — or bad — start, so it’s on us, as animal caretakers, to provide the proper environment and nutrition for our young piglets to get off to the right start, setting the stage for their success.


I want to learn more about nutrition for my pig herd.

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The pathway to antibiotic-free pig production

Submitted by aledford on Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:51

Antibiotic-free is a hot topic these days, as both producers and consumers become more concerned about the effects of antibiotics on animal well-being and the meat they produce. The poultry industry has taken the lead in terms of a more aggressive approach to reduce or eliminate antibiotic use and the pork industry is moving in a similar direction.

Many areas around the world, including the European Union and the United States, have legislated the judicious use of antibiotics, while some consumers have pushed even further for “no antibiotics ever.” While some of these consumer demands may stem from misinformation, major change is at hand for traditional production. The pork industry has been diligently working towards reducing antibiotic use, while also keeping in mind the health and welfare of the animal and the end consumer.  

It is highly likely that consumers will soon turn their eyes to pig production with the same scrutiny and expectations they applied to the poultry industry. The process of going antibiotic-free can be arduous, but as some producers have been able to demonstrate, can also be done successfully without sacrificing animal health and wellness.

Antibiotic resistance

An increasing number of reports on antibiotic-resistant bacteria have raised concerns about the current use of antibiotics, both as a treatment for humans and to combat disease in animals.

“Microbial resistance in pig production is usually a consequence of decades of antibiotic use for disease prophylaxis or growth promotion,” explained Dr. Anna Catharina Berge, owner of Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA and academic advisor to Ghent University’s veterinary epidemiology unit, on the AgFuture podcast in 2018.

“The antibiotics administered are not completely absorbed by the animals. If you’re giving an antibiotic to an animal, 30­­–90% of those antibiotics are actually excreted through the urine or feces.”

Antibiotic growth promoters have been banned from animal feed in the EU since 2006. Until then, they had been routinely added to pig diets to promote digestive health and growth. However, many countries all over the world are now following the European example. In 2017, the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) went into effect in the United States, limiting the use of antibiotics in animal production.

“Though it comes with its challenges, the VFD has created a great opportunity for the industry to review what they are doing in terms of feeding their animals,” says Lori Stevermer, marketing manager for Hubbard Feeds.

“Often, antibiotics were fed because that’s what was done in the past. Now, we need to work more closely with our veterinarians to determine what is best for our animals, and our future.”

Reducing antibiotic use is a gradual process and requires a step-by-step approach. In an Alltech webinar held in conjunction with Pig Progress, Dr. Berge discussed antimicrobial resistance and the future of antibiotics in pig production, saying “the use of antimicrobials to prevent disease or treat a sick production system is not a sustainable practice.” Dr. Berge further suggest the three management tips below to combat disease and control antibiotic use:

  1. Implement a sound biosecurity plan
  2. Provide nutritional solutions that support pig growth and health
  3. Work with your veterinarian to get treatment recommendations

Pork marketability

Pork is one of the most widely consumed meats in the world. The 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey highlighted the following statistics regarding the pork industry:

  • Pigs accounted for 24% of overall global feed production in 2019.
  • International feed tonnage decreased by 1.07% to 1.126 billion metric tons of feed produced — as a result of African swine fever (ASF) causing a decline of pig feed production in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • In the U.S. alone, pigs accounted for 44.86 million metric tons of the country’s estimated 214 million metric tons of feed.

The debilitating effects of ASF also come with opportunities for countries that can step in to supply the demand for pork in ASF-hit countries. Speaking at the launch of the 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey, Bianca Martins, general manager of Alltech Mexico, said that this is already happening in Latin America. She explained that countries like Colombia, who have not had major pork export opportunities, are now developing trade with China. Note that since 2012, China has banned the use of ractopamine, an FDA-approved feed supplement that promotes lean meat growth. In 2013, Smithfield started phasing out ractopamine and other large companies, such as JBS and Tyson have since followed suit, further maximizing their export opportunities.

Suppliers such as Hatfield Quality Meats and Niman Ranch provide antibiotic-free pork according to strict standards. In recent years, other industry-leading companies introduced antibiotic-free lines of fresh pork products, such as the Open Prairie Natural Pork line by Tyson and Pure Farms brand by Smithfield, both of which designate their pork products to be minimally processed with no antibiotics, steroids, hormones or artificial ingredients.

While it is important to acknowledge that U.S. federal regulations prohibit the use of added hormones in pork production, these moves by large companies signal a growing trend in the pork industry.

Changes in the way that we manage health in the livestock sector are not unique to the United States. Antibiotic-free pork production is flourishing in other countries, such as Denmark. In 1995, a program known as DANMAP was established by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the Danish Ministry of Health for “surveillance of antimicrobial consumption and resistance in bacteria from animals, food and humans.” For more than 15 years, Danish farmers have only relied on antibiotics to treat illness in their herds. The program they follow allows for this therapeutic use and, when combined with other management techniques, such as delayed weaning, it has shown to be just as effective as traditional production. What can we learn from the Danish approach and can we apply it across different global markets in the swine industry?

Antibiotic-free pig challenges

According to Albert Finestra, a veterinarian and professor at the University of Lleida, who spoke at the Alltech ONE Conference in 2019, the challenges your herd will experience when you establish antibiotic-free pig production include these five issues:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Infection
  3. Decrease in production weight
  4. Reduced water intake and feed consumption
  5. Susceptibility to stress

These challenges increase production costs and, together with the threat of mortality, are issues that producers do not take lightly. It is these types of health and welfare challenges that producers take into consideration before implementing a complete antibiotic-free production, which is why a step-down process has been successful with many producers.

Transitioning your herd away from traditional use of antibiotics requires strategic planning and the implementation of counteractive measures to minimize the effect it could have on animal welfare and your operation’s bottom line. During the transition, new costs are likely to occur as opportunities are captured and higher revenue is generated due to the increased sale value for antibiotic-free products.

A step-down approach: how to reduce antibiotic use

While seemingly demanding, there are some ways the issues of going antibiotic-free, or even reducing the use of antibiotics, can be addressed. There is evidence that pigs might not only be less susceptible to infectious risks but may, in fact, thrive when certain natural feeding supplements are added to the diet. Two key areas to focus on are biosecurity and nutrition.

Effective biosecurity can not only help producers manage disease challenges, but also prevent the increased risks of many of the issues listed above. Required measures may include changes to:

  • Animal flow
  • Increased focus on housing and transportation cleanliness
  • Implementing heightened security on those entering the facilities, whether that be a worker from another farm or a small rodent visitor

We must keep in mind that a healthy gut is the key to a healthy pig, and major emphasis is placed on optimizing the gut health and welfare of your herd through a sound nutrition program. A healthy gut is not only a gut without disease; it is an effective digestive organ that can mount a good defense against disease and easily cope with change. The presence of infectious organisms in the gut is not enough to cause disease; disease occurs when the pathogen breaks down the gut’s defenses. As gut commensal microflora are disrupted, dysbiosis occurs between the beneficial microbiota and the potential disease-causing organisms, and it becomes easier for pathogens to damage the gut structure and function. Prebiotics, probiotics and post-biotics can assist the gut in adapting and minimizing dysbiosis.

The establishment and maintenance of good gut function are vitally important for reducing piglet morbidity and mortality. Piglet nutrition is a critical component in the establishment of normal gut function, from digestion and absorption to barrier function and the development of the immune system. It is important to ensure good colostrum and milk production in sows to help further develop the piglet’s immune system.

Weaning disorders are some of the most common — and damaging — problems in pig production, resulting in antibiotics being used post-weaning to protect the stressed gastrointestinal (GI) tract and immune systems of the piglets. In a healthy production system, it is essential to help prepare the piglet for weaning as early as possible after birth. At the time of weaning, it is important to minimize six stressors such as:

  1. Transport
  2. Comingling of litters
  3. Large weaner groups
  4. Diet
  5. Poor air quality
  6. Unhygienic conditions

Use of nutritional technologies such as Viligen ®, help piglets get started on feed, easing post-weaning transition.

Solutions such as the Alltech® Antibiotic Reduction program aim to help producers foster consistently healthy pigs and make prophylactic and metaphylaxic antibiotic use redundant. This program assists the producer in developing an action plan that is tailored to their production system. Feed additives and nutritional solutions are valuable tools for maintaining gut health in pig production, but these supplements alone are not sufficient to create a healthy production system. Often, there are more complex steps that must be taken beyond simply feeding additives, including updating management routines and resource allocation and needs. Audits to establish the baseline current situation — and recurrent audits to monitor progress — are important in order to stay motivated and continue a steady rate of progress.

In addition to gut health and nutritional components, the Alltech Antibiotic Reduction program audits include evaluations of:

  • Performance
  • Pig welfare
  • Pig respiratory and systemic health
  • Reproductive performance
  • Management
  • Housing
  • Antimicrobial use
  • Biosecurity
  • Cost-effectiveness of production

Through the Alltech Antibiotic Reduction program, producers can achieve increased productivity and reduce antibiotic usage in pigs — with the added benefit of the rewarding sense that they are part of the global action plan to use our valuable antibiotics responsibly in order to ensure their viability for future generations.

Pathway to antibiotic-free

Some producers are ahead of the trend and have been practicing antibiotic-free production for many years.

“When we accepted the challenge to go antibiotic-free from birth to market a few years ago, it proved to be a real challenge,” said Everett Forkner of Forkner Family Farms in Richards, Missouri. “But with the addition of nutritional innovations, we have not only been able to meet the challenge, we are producing more efficiently than when we began.”

Each farm is different, requiring each nutritional program to be tailored to meet the needs of that production’s animals and their environment for a truly effective antibiotic-free approach.

When asked about the key steps to take when making this transition, Forkner said, “Establishing the right nutritional platform takes time. You have to allow some time for adjustments in order to really see what is best for the animals. And for us as a livestock breeder, it has also been about selecting superior animals and genetic lines that have more natural health and stronger immune systems.

“On top of this, a major component for us has been building this into a comprehensive immunization program while enhancing our management procedures,” Forkner continued. “This combination has been what has helped us go multiple years and generations of genetic selection with no antibiotic support.”

To be truly effective, achieving antibiotic-free production cannot be done by taking a silver-bullet approach. When antibiotics are reduced or removed, the front line of defense may be nutrition, but that is just the start. A combination of strategies must be put into effect. By powering nutrition with technologies designed to support the animals’ immune and digestive systems, and by implementing a full program focused on maintaining proper health, producers give their operations the best chance for a sustainable and profitable future.

For information about how Alltech can support your swine operation in reducing the use of antibiotics or transitioning to antibiotic-free production, visit or contact today.


I want to learn more about nutrition for my pig herd.

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Today’s producer has the difficult proposition of producing more with less to meet the demands of a growing global population. How then can they reach that goal without the enhanced production available through antibiotic use? 

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ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference to explore solutions within the global food supply chain

Submitted by ldozier on Thu, 02/06/2020 - 11:59

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – The agriculture industry has been presented with a great responsibility — to produce enough safe, nutritious food for all, while caring for our animals and sustaining our air, water and land for future generations. To explore innovative solutions to the challenges facing the global food supply chain today, ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE) returns May 1719, 2020, in Lexington, Kentucky. Now in its 36th year, ONE draws on Alltech’s global reach and business scope to assemble thought-leaders from the agriculture, business, health and wellness, and brewing and distilling sectors.


“Science, technology and human ingenuity converge at ONE,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “The topics up for discussion reflect the extraordinary opportunity our industry has to adopt new ideas for producing enough safe, nutritious food for all while preserving our planet.”


With universal themes of innovation, inclusion and inspiration, ONE invites everyday heroes from various industries to unleash the power of infinite ideas. More than 40 topics* will be discussed at ONE, including:    



  • Should Shrimp Culture Step Out of Its Comfort Zone?
  • Optimizing Performance and Profit With Dynamic Nutritional Marketing
  • Navigating Sustainability From the Feed Producer’s Perspective



  • Analyzing the Impact: Examining the Environmental Hoofprint of Beef
  • The Vital Role of Livestock in Reversing Climate Change and Desertification
  • Sunny With a High Chance of Cattle: The Ag Market Outlook


Crop Science

  • The World Beneath Our Feet: The Intricate Dance That Takes Place in Our Soils
  • How Farmers Are Advancing Human Health Through Functional Foods
  • On the Defense: Using Beneficial Compounds to Induce Resistance in Plants



  • Dairy Cattle Welfare: Essential for Animals, Producers and Consumers
  • No Antibiotics, No Problem: Inside Rosy-Lane Holsteins’ Transformation
  • How Herd Management Practices Can Minimize Lameness



  • The Great Disruption: ASF and the Global Protein Market
  • The Impact of Organic Minerals and Heat Stress on Health
  • Which Tech Trends Are Transforming Swine Production?



  • Prioritizing Food Safety in Poultry Production
  • Cracking the Competition: How to Grow Your Business
  • Putting Poultry Welfare First in a World of Conscious Consumers



  • Mind Over Matter: The Power of Mental Toughness
  • Four Habits of Digital Transformers
  • Next-Level Leadership: Elevating the Multigenerational Workforce


  • Disrupted by Disease: How Outbreaks Have Reshaped Agri-Food
  • A Seat at the Table: How Consumer Opinion Impacts the Value Chain
  • Funding the Future: Why Are Outside Investors Banking on Ag-Tech

Brewing and Distilling

  • Sustainable Brewing: Can Craft Beer Go Green?
  • Market Saturation: Will Craft Beer Tap Out?
  • The Canned Cocktail Craze


Future of Food

  • Project Drawdown: Farming to Reverse Climate Change
  • Meatless Protein: Sustainable Alternative or Over-Processed Panacea?
  • What If Farmers Could Get Paid to Fight Climate Change?


Health and Wellness

  • Food for Thought: Will Neurogastronomy Change the World?
  • Gut Reaction: Probiotics vs. Prebiotics
  • The Truth About How Agricultural Practices Affect Human Health



  • A Balanced Microbiome: The Key to Your Pet’s Health and Longevity
  • Top Dogs: Which Trends Are Dominating the Premium Pet Food Market?
  • Enzymes: Innovative or Enigmatic?



  • A Breeder’s Perspective on Horse Racing’s Future
  • Happy Hindguts, Healthy Horses: Unlocking the Equine Microbiome With Nutrition
  • Fast Track to Success: Training Horses to Win


*Topics are subject to change.


Alltech’s flagship conference is attended annually by more than 3,000 people representing 70 countries. Keynote speaker announcements are coming soon, and this year’s mainstage line-up promises to be as dynamic as ever. Previous ONE keynote speakers include Bear Grylls, General Colin Powell, Steve Wozniak and Beth Comstock.  


The ONE experience extends beyond superior presentation content, as attendees are invited to embark on area tours and network with peers from across the globe. International Night will offer a multicultural exploration of cuisine and entertainment from around the world, while Kentucky Night showcases the sights and sounds of the Bluegrass State from within the famed Kentucky Horse Park.   


Learn more and register at by Feb. 29 to save $200. Follow ONE on Facebook for updates and join the conversation on Twitter with #ONEbigidea.

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ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference returns May 17–19, 2020, in Lexington, Kentucky. Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, will be joined by thought-leaders and change-makers from across the global food supply chain to discuss the biggest disruptors in the industry.

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Dr. Tom Rathje: Advanced genetics for improved swine production

Submitted by rladenburger on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 11:18

Just how different are pigs today compared to twenty years ago? Dr. Tom Rathje, chief technical officer at DNA Genetics LLC, discusses his work with advanced technology in the swine industry and how commercial swine genetics has and continues to increase sow productivity and improve litter size.

The following is an edited transcript of Kara Keeton’s interview with Dr. Tom Rathje. Click below to hear the full audio.


Kara:              I'm here today with Dr. Tom Rathje. He is the chief technical officer at DNA Genetics, the second-largest provider of swine genetics in the North American market. Thank you for joining me today, Tom.


Tom:               Well, I'm very pleased to be here. It's been a very enjoyable couple of days.


Kara:              Wonderful, wonderful. So, Tom, we're going to discuss today some advancements in swine technology within the industry. DNA Genetics has led the way in several different areas. Why don't you tell me a little bit about DNA Genetics and what your focus is as a company?


Tom:               Yeah, I'd love to. DNA Genetics had its roots back in 1995, actually, is when we first got started, so we've been in the industry a long time. We've grown, over that time period, from a company that hadn't even sold one pig in 1995 to the second-largest supplier today.


                        I think a couple of very unique things about our company is that we are producer-owned, and what that gives us is a unique perspective as a genetic supplier, because our owner is a pig producer and they are certainly the first to let us know if there are any issues that we need to be challenged with. I think that brings that constant feedback that we need as a genetic supplier, so our focus is really on producing the best pig. If you look at the way our company has grown, it's grown through people trying our product. They do their own trials and they make their own decisions based on the economics. There's not a lot of hype or sexiness with that, but it's all about performance, and I think that stems from, I guess, our outlook on the industry. We're here to serve the producer.


Kara:              And the producer wants a pig that will perform.


Tom:               That's right.


Kara:              So, in the 20-plus years that DNA Genetics has been producing quality stock, what have you seen evolve from the genetics side? How different is a pig from 20 years ago to today in the breeds you're using?


Tom:               I'll answer that second question first. Certainly, the breeds have evolved. On the maternal side, we're still really focused on the Yorkshire and Landrace as the two dominant breeds, but we've seen a significant shift in at least the North American industry, and I think it's starting to happen worldwide toward the Duroc as a terminal line. I think a lot of that stems from the emphasis on export markets (and) higher-quality porks, so the Duroc breed will bring that over some of the other breeds that are out there. We've seen that change, and we are in a great position to take advantage of that in our growth, because we have a Duroc line that not only brings that meat quality but excels in performance.


                        I would say, when I first started — of course, this dates me a little bit — but in the '90s, we were still focused on producing a leaner pig. That's when packers first began to pay for carcass quality and leanness. That's really kind of ended, almost. I would say that, for the most part, we're being told the pigs are lean enough today. We don't need to put increased emphasis on reducing back fat, but it's starting to shift a little bit toward, I would say, more quality-oriented traits, and also, perhaps, if you're running a plant yield and some of those types of things that we've never looked at before, so that's been a significant change.


                        Obviously, another one is sow productivity. We've been very successful in improving litter size. Even the talk I gave here at the meeting (ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference), we've improved litter size, and now, we need to get more of the pigs wean than we're already producing — so how does that shift our emphasis toward a quality of the pig that's being born, its ability to survive and thrive and go on to wean, and what type of a sow do we need to do that with? So, those are some of the big changes I've seen.


Kara:              Does DNA Genetics' AccuGain Genetics Program fold into this development over the years and focus on the new direction for pork production?


Tom:               I guess the way I would describe AccuGain is it's a commitment of our company to our customer, the producer. That program will, if you will, fold over the top of any type of trait or direction that we're going to go, so it's a commitment to having the discipline to implement the genetic program, measure the animals that we need to measure.


                        If I could elaborate on that in a minute, there aren't a lot of secrets in the genetic business. It takes large population size. There are no shortcuts to measuring the traits. For instance, birth weight is a trait. We've really looked hard, and that's part of our selection program, and you have to measure that on every pig. You can't do a litter; you can't do a few pigs here and a few pigs there. You have to commit to doing everything for every animal.


                        Really, AccuGain is that spirit of doing what it takes to produce the product, so whether it's collecting a phenotype, our database system called Helix that supports that, having the population size that we need. The larger your genetic nucleus, the more progress you can make, so we're committed to having a nucleus that's very competitively sized. All of those things wrap together at what AccuGain is all about. It's that commitment.


                        We use a lot of football analogies, and it's the blocking and tackling. You can have a great West Coast offense, you can have a great passer and receiver, but if you can't block and tackle, you're not going to be successful.


Kara:              Well, DNA Genetics produces one of the most widely used terminal lines in the swine industry. It influences over 40% of the (total) pork production. How does it feel for you to know that your company, that you've worked with for over 20 years, has this much influence on the pork industry?


Tom:               It's very humbling to think of the impact that that product has had, and it continues to grow. We, as a team, our company is really focused on teamwork and working together for the right outcome. I really believe that's a reflection of that effort to listen to our customer and produce the product that they need, and really, it's proof, if you will. The reason it's grown, as I mentioned earlier, is because people try the product. They evaluate it on their own economics and their own system, and it makes them more money. It makes them more sustainable. Again, it's very humbling. We want to continue to listen to our customers and make sure we're delivering what they need, but if I could point to the success of the product or the reason, those are it.


Kara:              You talked about the company being a family business, owned by families. It's based in Nebraska, and you've grown throughout North America. What is your goal on a global scale? How are you growing beyond North America?


Tom:               Well, our commitment with growth is that we're committed — our business is based in North America. As we've grown here, we have a commitment to our customers never to dilute their genetics or to grow beyond our means and ability to serve them, but having said that, we do have ambitions to continue to grow. We've started a business with a partner in Spain, so we have expanded there, and we'll certainly look at other opportunities around the world. We've moved into that one international market in Southern Europe. That's a new business. It's about a year and a half old, so it's just getting started, and we're excited to see what they're going to be able to do.


Kara:              Well, as with all industries, technology has an impact, and that is especially true in the swine industry with the advancements in genetics. Why is it still a big dream to reach both a large litter size and have (adequate) birth weight? You mentioned both of these genetic traits earlier, and some people might wonder why you can't achieve both easily.


Tom:               Well, there are challenges there. Litter size, in and of itself, is what we call a lowly heritable trait, so in order to make genetic improvement, you need to have large nucleus herds with lots of data, and you need to select those families accordingly, so it's taken us a long time. Litter size selection began in earnest, if you will, in the early '90s, and it's taken us a long time to build up the genetic potential that we see today. Today, we would have top producers that are capable of 17 and 18 pigs born alive on a pretty consistent basis. The talk that I gave today really addressed (the issue that) along with that litter size selection comes other challenges. As litter size goes up, on average, your pig birth weight goes down. That's highly related to survival.


                        Today, we're really in a situation with our top lines of having sows that produce enough pigs, but we really need to wean more of those pigs. We don't need more pigs. We need to wean more of what we already have. That's where birth weight comes into play. Litter size, to me, if I can make an analogy, is about what is the rate-limiting step. It used to be that pigs born was a rate-limiting step for a number of wean. I'd say, at least today, we're onto another rate-limiting step, which is quality and survivability, and we'll focus on that as well as some characteristics of the sow, like teeth count and milking ability, as well.


Kara:              So, it appears (that) you have more research on these traits you're trying to reach. Are there any other research objectives you have ahead? Where do you see swine production needs or challenges five years, ten years down the road?


Tom:               Well, I think one of the areas that is our customers' largest economic value trait — and, probably, largest loss — is just survival and mortality. As genetic suppliers, as a whole, we haven't paid a lot of attention to that. Typically, the herdabilities are nearly zero, so it's hard to find a place to make genetic improvement. I think, in the future, we'll be looking at, maybe, additional traits or additional ways or phenotypes that we can use to measure and find those animals that convey more robustness to our population's better survivability, so I would look for that (to) be coming. I would also look at the integration that's taking place between producers and packers. We saw packers move into hog ownership years ago. Now, we're seeing it go the other way as well.


                        Today, your average genetic suppliers — or most genetic suppliers — produce a pig that'll be essentially dropped off at the plant. I think that's going to change, where there'll be a value proposition for genetics within the plant down the road, so those are certainly areas that we need to be paying attention to. And then, of course, some of the other technologies that are exciting would be gene-editing, for example, to create animals that are resistant to various pathogens. Those technologies are really in their infancy. I would look for a number of years to go by before they're used routinely. I don't want to predict how many because, even today, we haven't figured out what the regulatory environment is, but there's certainly an exciting promise with some of that technology that will benefit the animals we work with, our customers, the producers and society as well.


Kara:              It looks like DNA Genetics has lots still to look forward to in the growth of the business and the growth of the industry, so we thank you for coming and sharing with us today.


Tom:               Thank you very much. I appreciate the time.


Kara:              This was Dr. Tom Rathje, the chief technical officer at DNA Genetics.


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DNA Genetics is the second largest provider of swine genetics in the North American market with a focus on the future of the pork industry.

Alltech Global Feed Survey reveals first production decline in nine years

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 01/27/2020 - 11:52

The 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates that international feed tonnage decreased by 1.07% to 1.126 billion metric tons of feed produced last year, due largely to African swine fever (ASF) and the decline of pig feed in the Asia-Pacific region. The top nine feed-producing countries are the U.S., China, Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico, Spain, Japan and Germany. Together, these countries produce 58% of the world’s feed production and contain 57% of the world’s feed mills, and they can be viewed as an indicator of overall trends in agriculture.

Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, shared the survey results via public livestream from Alltech’s global headquarters in Nicholasville, Kentucky.

“2019 presented extreme challenges to the feed industry, with one of the most significant being African swine fever. The regional and global implications are reflected by the Alltech Global Feed Survey and the decline in global feed production, said Lyons. “While pig feed production is down in affected countries, we are noting increased production both in other species as producers work to supplement the protein demand, and in non-affected countries as exports ramp up. The damage caused by ASF will have long-term implications, and we expect that the top protein sources will continue to shift as our industry adapts to the shortage.”


The global data, collected from 145 countries and nearly 30,000 feed mills, indicates feed production by species as: broilers 28%; pigs 24%; layers 14%; dairy 12%; beef 10%; other species 6%; aquaculture 4%; and pets 2%. Predominant growth came from the layer, broiler, aqua and pet feed sectors. 


Regional results from the 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey


  • North America: The U.S. is the largest feed-producing country globally with an estimated 214 million metric tons (MMT), with beef (61.09 MMT), broilers (48.525 MMT) and pigs (44.86 MMT) as the leading species. North America saw steady growth of 1.6% over last year. Canada produced 21.6 MMT with pigs (8.23 MMT), broilers (3.25 MMT) and dairy (4.2 MMT) leading species feed production.


  • Latin America: As a region, Latin America saw 2.2% growth to 167.9 MMT. Brazil remained the leader in feed production for the region and third overall globally, with the primary species for feed production being broilers (32.1 MMT) and pigs (17.0 MMT). Brazil, Mexico and Argentina continue to produce the majority of feed in Latin America with 76% of regional feed production.


  • Europe: Europe remained relatively stagnant with a slight increase of 0.2% over last year. The top three feed-producing countries in Europe are Russia (40.5 MMT), Spain (34.8 MMT) and Germany (25.0 MMT), with pig feed production leading the way in all three countries. The ruminant sector was hit the hardest as both dairy and beef numbers are estimated to be down by 4% and 3%, respectively. This was offset primarily by strong growth in the aqua (7%) and layer (3%) industries.


  • Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region saw feed production decrease by 5.5% in 2019, primarily due to African swine fever and large declines in pig feed production. China’s feed production declined by almost 20 MMT of feed overall to 167.9 MMT and fell from the top feed-producing country globally to second, behind the U.S. India and Japan remained in the top nine feed-producing countries, with similar production compared to 2018 with 39.0 MMT and 25.3 MMT, respectively, while Vietnam declined by 7%.


  • Africa: Africa continued strong growth with a 7.5% increase in overall feed production, with all the primary species seeing positive growth. The top five feed-producing countries in the region account for 75% of Africa’s feed production, and they are South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco and Algeria. The region’s primary species include broiler, layer and dairy, and combined, they account for nearly half of feed production estimates in the region.


Notable species results from the 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey


  • Pig feed production was greatly impacted by African swine fever, with an 11% decrease. The primary producing region for pig feed remains Asia-Pacific, but it also experienced the largest decline of 26%, with China (-35%), Cambodia (-22%), Vietnam (-21%) and Thailand (-16%) experiencing large decreases. Europe, North America and Latin America remained relatively stable compared to last year, within a percentage point’s worth of gain or loss. While Africa is a small region from a tonnage standpoint for pig feed, it showed a large increase of 29%.  


  • In the poultry sector, Asia-Pacific is the leader in both broiler (115.2 MMT) and layer (73.1 MMT) feed. In Latin America, total broiler production amounted to 60.8 MMT, with Brazil leading the region with 32.1 MMT followed by Mexico with 10.5 MMT, while Mexico’s layer feed production increased by 11% to 7.05 MMT and surpassed Brazil. Russia leads Europe with 10.86 MMT of the total region’s 56.3 MMT of broiler feed and 5.3 MMT of the region’s total of 33.5 MMT of layer feed. In North America, the U.S. accounts for 94% of the broiler feed with 48.5 MMT, while layer feed in Canada increased by 460,000 metric tons. 


  • Europe leads global dairy feed production with 34% followed by North America (21.8%), Asia-Pacific (17.6%) and Latin America (15.3%). The top dairy feed- producing countries are Turkey (6.5 MMT), Germany (5.2 MMT), Russia (4.2 MMT), the U.K. (3.8 MMT), France (3.4 MMT), the Netherlands (3.3. MMT) and Spain (3.2 MMT).


  • North America continues to lead global beef feed production with 62.3 MMT, followed by Europe (21.9 MMT) and Latin America (13.9 MMT). For the 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey, the beef feed production estimation was recalculated to improve its accuracy. The new estimate takes into account the average days on feed and intake as a percentage of body weight in the feedlot. Last year’s estimation was also recalculated to reflect this formula change for a proper year-on-year comparison.


  • Overall, aquaculture feeds showed growth of 4% over last year. Per ton, Asia-Pacific grew the most with an additional 1.5 MMT. The primary contributors were China, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Europe’s decrease is in large part due to decreased feed production in Russia, which is primarily due to an increase in imports.


  • The pet food sector saw growth of 4% with the largest tonnage increases in Asia-Pacific (10%), Europe (3%) and Latin America (6%). By country, increases were seen in China, Indonesia, Portugal, Hungary, Ecuador and Argentina. 

During the live presentation, Dr. Lyons was joined by a panel of industry experts, including Jack Bobo, CEO, Futurity, USA; Matthew Smith, vice president, Alltech, U.K.; Bianca Martins, general manager, Alltech, Mexico; and Brian Lawless, North America species manager, Alltech, USA. The group discussed the trends behind the data and the implications for the global market. Topics ranged from consumer demands to the adoption of new technology.

To access insights from the 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey, including a recording of the panel discussion, an interactive map and presentation slides, visit

The Alltech Global Feed Survey assesses compound feed production and prices through information collected by Alltech’s global sales team and in partnership with local feed associations in the last quarter of 2019. It is an estimate serving as a resource for policymakers, decision-makers and industry stakeholders.

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The 2020 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates world feed production has declined by 1.07% to 1.126 billion metric tons, with the top nine countries producing 58% of the world’s feed production.

Alltech to reveal results of ninth annual Alltech Global Feed Survey

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 01/15/2020 - 19:56

WHAT:            Join Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, as he shares the results of the ninth annual Alltech Global Feed Survey during a panel discussion with industry leaders. The presentation will be livestreamed from Alltech’s global headquarters in Nicholasville, Kentucky. 

                        Panelists include:

  • Jack Bobo, CEO, Futurity, USA
  • Bianca Martins, General Manager, Alltech, Mexico
  • Matthew Smith, Vice President, Alltech, UK

Alltech’s annual evaluation of compound feed production is the most complete of its kind, including data from more than 140 countries and approximately 30,000 feed mills, covering all species of production animals. The presentation will highlight trends in feed production at a regional level, key insights for specific countries, what changes the industry may expect within the next year and looking beyond the data to explore the impact on farmers, the feed industry and the regions in which they operate.


WHEN:            Monday, Jan. 27, 2020

                        10:00 a.m. EST                      

WHERE:         Register for the livestream presentation here.

OTHER:           Information from the 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey is currently available online at and will be updated with 2020 information following the livestream presentation, including a video recording of the presentation.










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Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, to host live panel discussion with industry leaders for in-depth look at global feed production.

Padraig Hennessy: Reducing labor through precise mineral delivery

Submitted by rladenburger on Mon, 12/16/2019 - 14:09

With new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning expanding into all industries, agriculture has an opportunity to become more efficient. TERRA NutriTech, an Ireland-based startup, is using these technologies to eliminate waste and ensure accurate mineral delivery through water systems to boost farmer’s profits by reducing labor.

The following is an edited transcript of Kara Keeton’s interview with Padraig Hennessy. Click below to hear the full audio.


Kara:              I'm here today with Padraig Hennessy, co-founder and CEO of TERRA NutriTECH, one of the Pearse Lyons Accelerators presenting at ONE19 (The Alltech Ideas Conference). In 2012, he founded TERRA NutriTECH with his brother, Tom. Tell me a little bit about TERRA NutriTECH and how it got its start.


Padraig:         We have a sister business and we started out about 12 years ago. In that business, we designed and installed water systems on farms. Through that, a lot of customers kept coming to us, asking, "You guys are in water. Have you got a better way to put minerals and supplements into the water system?" Eventually, a handful of people asked us that we start looking around the world and looking for what systems are out there. We have three components that we have to have: it was precision, it needed to be automated and it needed to be easy.


                        We couldn't find any system out in the world that had all of those elements for us, so we coupled together some existing technology and we launched about five and a half years ago now up to this stage, and that's how we initially began — a very, very slow start, testing the market out to see, is there really a market here, and we literally, every year, kept doubling the size of the business. More and more customers are coming, on and on and on, and it was a fantastic start. That really got us going in the market. From that, then, we realized that the technology needed a big upgrade and we needed to bring it in to the 21st century, utilizing artificial intelligence, IoT — again, making the data easily readable for farmers. That was always key for us.


Kara:              With the AI, how have you really brought that into the system and innovated it to help meet the farmers' needs?


Padraig:         One of the key drawbacks with putting minerals into the water systems was variations in water consumption, so we've developed machine learning effectively in our system where we're constantly monitoring animal water intake, and an advanced algorithm that we've developed changes the concentration levels to ensure exact dosage each and every day per animal. That's the main component. We've got further iterations to come down along the track, where we can start becoming predictive of what the farmer will need via supplements, looking at water consumption, looking at weather, looking at animal life cycle. I'm helping them to become predictive rather than reactive.


Kara:              How have the farmers adapted to this technology? Is it something that is easy for them to use, or have you seen the challenges with that?


Padraig:         No. I grew up in a farm, and so I know exactly what farmers want, to be honest. My dad would've been a very traditional farmer. He actually would've started — when my dad first started farming, it would've been with a horse and plow, so I knew exactly what farmers needed. What farmers need is something that's robust and easily used; we always had that mindset when we were designing everything. Really, systems have to be hands-off, from the farmers' perspective. Systems just need to work. If they need to do something with it, it needs to be really, really easy, so we always develop it with that in mind. Many of our customers are completely hands-off with our system. They call us up if they need something or need to change something. With our new app, now, it's literally (you just have to) open it up. If five animals have left the herd, they can just decrease the herd number by five and ensure precision dosing continues.


Kara:              So, it's all based on the app then.


Padraig:         Yes, a controller on-farm with our technology. So, the way our technology works is water first goes through a water meter. It's connected to our computer controller, so we're constantly monitoring the water intake. Exact herd numbers and exact data requirements of minerals are inputted either on the controller or on our app, and both communicate to each other. Then, on any given day, we can dose in. Let's just say there are 434 animals and there are 10 grams of supplements needed for each. That's 4.34 kg, and that's exactly what we will put in on that day, so it's highly, highly accurate. If ten animals go off and there are only 433 tomorrow, then, tomorrow, we put in 4.33 kg, so it's always precision of what we do.


Kara:              So, along with ease, how does this impact the farmers' bottom line? Because that is always a concern.


Padraig:         That is the concern. You can make great technology, and there's loads of good high-tech coming out, but it's hard to see how it will impact the bottom line. With our system, (a) there's no waste, so you completely eliminate waste, and (b) with the accuracy, you're ensuring Cow Number 99 out of 100 will get the same concentration, the same level of supplements, as Cow Number One. Therefore, the uptake and the health of each and every animal is maximized, so there's better calving. There's better fertility. There's less lameness, overall, healthier animals. That is what will impact the bottom line. All would reduce labor.


Kara:              How many farms, would you say, have introduced this technology into their operations to date?


Padraig:         Currently, we are only operational in Ireland, and we're just about to launch internationally, so we have about 350 farms using this technology to date, and we're still growing very, very quickly. We have a customer retention rate of about 98% every year, so when somebody switches on our system, they stay on our system, because they just find it so easy and they're getting the results to back it up.


Kara:              Now, you presented at the Pearse Lyons Accelerator. What was this experience like, and how did you come across this opportunity?


Padraig:         I originally saw the opportunity about two years ago, when the accelerator was first launched, and it interested me then. We were still in the midst of developing our technology, so it was a bit early for us. So, when we applied this year, I obviously knew who Alltech was. I'm in the nutrition space, and I realized it could be a huge opportunity for us to introduce our technology to a much, much wider audience.


                        Really, participating in the accelerator has far exceeded my expectations. Actually, I was blown away by the resources and the time that all of the Alltech senior management put into it. Literally, I don't think they could've been more helpful to us. It's really been just an absolutely fantastic experience for us, and not only that, but interacting with the other participants on the accelerator as well opens up your mind to other technologies and potential collaborations down the road. None of us are in competition. We can all help each other in our paths, and that's a fantastic opportunity to have.


Kara:              Speaking of your path, where do you see TERRA NutriTECH in the next five to ten years? How do you hope to grow the company?


Padraig:         We're going to grow internationally. Currently, we're talking to nutrition companies in New Zealand, France, the U.K. and the USA about utilizing our technology in ruminants, in poultry, in swine. The system we've developed is the most accurate system on the market now. It's the only mineral-dispensing system that will allow supplement companies a viewpoint inside the farm gate. So, because of that and because of the data we're generating and the insights we're generating on-farm, we see huge opportunities, and we really do expect rapid expansion.


Kara:              Are you using this data for other research with other companies or with scientists at this time?


Padraig:         At this time, no, but we will shortly be going down (that path), because it's a way to prove the efficacy of a product. If a product is going in and you know there are a hundred farmers using it, then you can start to actually look at the data behind it. Are they improving milk? Are they improving yield? Are they improving health? So, we can actually start to get down deep into that data to ensure that the products that are released are what they're supposed to be.


Kara:              Thank you so much for your time today. This is Padraig Hennessy, co-founder and CEO of TERRA NutriTECH.


Padraig:         Thank you very much.


Padraig Hennessy spoke at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE). Click here to learn about ONE and how you can access innovation on demand.

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Over and under-supplementation of animals can result in increased workload and loss of revenues for farmers. 

Extreme weather issues across the U.S. resulting in high risk for mycotoxins in corn silage

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 12/13/2019 - 11:33

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – The past year has been one of the most challenging years in recent memory for corn farmers across the Midwest due to excessive rainfall, which has resulted in delayed and/or prevented planting in many areas. Extreme weather conditions and moisture levels can reduce yields and induce plant stress, and they can also lead to future issues for the crop, including molds and mycotoxins. Increased moisture can allow Fusarium molds to flourish, producing a variety of mycotoxins that include deoxynivalenol (DON), fusaric acid, T-2, HT-2 and zearalenone (ZEN).


Mycotoxins are a concern for livestock producers, as they influence feed quality and animal safety. They are produced by certain species of molds and can have toxic properties that impact animal health and performance. Samples of the 2019 corn silage from across the U.S. are currently being submitted to the Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analytical services laboratory, and analysis is indicating the presence of high levels of mycotoxins.


The samples have included an average of 7.13 mycotoxins, with a range of 2 to 14 mycotoxins per sample. In 86.6% of the samples, DON was present; 99.5% contained fusaric acid; and 94.1% tested positive for emerging mycotoxins, including beauvericin, moniliformin, enniatins, phomopsin and alternariol. These emerging mycotoxins will add to the risks potentially affecting rumen function, gut health and immune response. A point of interest is that ZEN was found in 48.9% of the samples and has become increasingly prevalent over the past two years.


“These levels of mycotoxins found in the 2019 crop are significantly higher than the average values,” said Dr. Max Hawkins, nutritionist with the Alltech® Mycotoxin Management team. “Livestock producers across the U.S. should test their own corn silage to identify the levels of individual mycotoxins and the subsequent risk present to livestock health and performance.”


Mycotoxins are seldom found in isolation, and when multiple mycotoxins are consumed, they may have additive — or even synergistic — interactions that increase the overall risk to performance and health. As a result, an animal may have a stronger response than what would be expected if it was only experiencing a single mycotoxin challenge.


Alltech will host a United States Corn Silage Report webinar with Dr. Max Hawkins on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2019, at 2:30 p.m. EST. Register for the webinar via this link.


For more information on mycotoxin management, visit

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Results from the 2019 Alltech Harvest Analysis indicate high levels of mycotoxins in corn silage across the U.S.

12 farm apps that could change the way you work

Submitted by lkeyser on Thu, 12/12/2019 - 10:15

Modern farmers have countless resources at their disposal that those who came before could only have dreamt of. If we compare agriculture today with what was the norm 10 — or even five — years ago, the contrast is staggering. Over the last few years, farmers have reaped the benefits of numerous technological advances, and some of the most useful of them have come in the form of agricultural apps on smartphones.

The array of apps that could be useful for farmers is already vast and continues to grow. Armed with an Android, iPhone or even an iPad, they can scroll through the available apps to find a program that fits their every need, from buying new machinery to analyzing soil types.

But it is not only ag apps that are making farmers’ lives easier. Help can come from some unlikely places, and programs that were not designed specifically for agricultural use can be utilized in innovative ways.

With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to take a look at some of the useful apps currently on the market. Some are obvious choices for any farmer, while others may have previously been overlooked. Whether you are already ag-tech-savvy or are only just learning how the device in your pocket could change your farm management, this list will give you a sense of what is out there and how it can be used to your advantage.

Feed-management apps

Long neglected in terms of innovation and investment, feed management technology is finally making strides in the ag-tech industry. Until recently, it was still common for farmers to manage their feeding by using a pen and paper. Now, however, there are plenty of resources available on the App Store to make this process more efficient and cost-saving.

1. FeedSmart

Taking into account key variables, such as maintenance requirements, animal growth, lactation and more, this free calculator can provide farmers with instant information on their livestock's nutritional needs, feed values and feed allocation.

2. InTouch Forage Budgeting 

The management of forage stocks has also become a topical issue on farms in recent years, especially with changing weather patterns. Fortunately, smartphone technology can also play a role in long-term planning.

This app calculates the total forage available to the farmer in both fresh weight and dry matter from clamped forage and additional baled forage. The user inputs the forage required to feed livestock during the winter housed period, and the app then determines if the farmer has enough resources at his or her disposal.

Developed in association with the team at Alltech E-CO2 and available on all mobile devices, this app becomes particularly handy moving into the winter, when the demand for forage is at its greatest. Farmers need to be proactive in measuring conserved forage quantities in order to avoid any potential shortfalls.

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4. Google Docs

The only drawback to Evernote is that many of its sharing and collaborative features are only available through a paid subscription. Google Docs, a free alternative with similar capabilities, could be a suitable replacement.

Field-measurement apps

5. GPS Fields Area Measure

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GPS Fields Area Measure is the perfect tool for determining distances and field perimeters and areas, fast! Using satellite imaging, this app provides you with an accurate measurement of your piece of land, saving you time and money. For added convenience, it can also be used offline, and saved measurements can be shared between users.

Weather apps

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6. Strawberry Advisory System monitors the weather so as to help keep strawberry crops free from fruit rot.

7. Hurricane is the American Red Cross' hurricane-monitoring app.

8. Weather Underground

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9. TractorHouse

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10. Cattle Market Mobile

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This handy tool collects data on current auction prices across the U.S. Using this information as a guide, farmers can see exactly how much they should be paying for steers, bulls, heifers and more.

11. MartBids

While only available in Ireland, this app is changing the way producers make decisions about livestock. This app works in conjunction with livestock marts throughout the country to provide users with vital information before they make their decisions. Whereas before, a farmer at an auction often had to rely on gut feeling when bidding, this mobile app negates any guesswork, helping you find the perfect animal for your needs.

12. FarmHedge

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Farm smarter, not harder, with these helpful apps for farmers. We hope these useful tools will help you better manage what you have worked so hard for.

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David Cleary: Deforestation and habitat loss in the Amazon and beyond

Submitted by rladenburger on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 15:28

David Cleary, director of global agriculture at The Nature Conservancy, discusses the institution's three main sustainability goals: to reduce deforestation, increase soil health and promote water conservation. Learn what these three goals mean for climate change, habitat conservation, regenerative agriculture and the recent fires in the Amazon.

The following is an edited transcript of David Butler’s interview with David Cleary. Click below to hear the full audio.


Interviewer:  I'm here with David Cleary, director of global agriculture for the Nature Conservancy. Welcome, David.


David:             It's a pleasure to be here.


Interviewer:  Thank you very much. Tell us a little bit about what your role entails.


David:             Sure. Basically, three things. We have agriculture programs in about 40 countries around the world, so my first and most important job is to support those programs to help them grow their capacity, help fund-raise for them, and also to have them sort of, more or less, flying information around a shared definition of what sustainability and agriculture means. I represent the organization and voice our opinions on topics relevant to agriculture. That's the main reason why I'm here at this particular event. I also help to manage some of the global-level relationships relevant to our agriculture work in both the private and the public sector — so large agribusiness companies that operate on a global scale, but also organizations like the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the Gates Foundation, institutions that have an important role to play within the global ag space that we'd like to try and have conversations with and, occasionally, try to influence.


Interviewer:  You said that the Nature Conservancy has agriculture programs in how many countries?


David:             Around about 30.


Interviewer:  Okay, so what goes on at the country level? What do your programs do?


David:             Well, we have three areas of focus. One is trying to reduce and eliminate deforestation and habitat conversion from supply chains. We also have a soil program, trying to avoid soil erosion but also manage soils and increase soil health. The third area of focus is around water, water conservation and water quality, so dealing with agriculture so that it has the least possible impact and the most efficient possible use of water around the world.


Interviewer:  Great! That sounds like very important work, really.


David:             Very important and very challenging, sometimes.


Interviewer:  Yeah. You've spent a lot of your career — you've been at the Nature Conservancy a pretty long time, right?


David:             It wasn't deliberate, but that's how it's turned out, yeah.


Interviewer:  You've spent a lot of your career there focused on Brazil. Is that right?


David:             Mm-hmm, Brazil and Latin America, more broadly.


Interviewer:  Okay, so what are some of the biggest challenges there? I can guess one of them.


David:             Well, Brazil is a big country, so wherever you are, the challenges are slightly different. I think the biggest challenge that I dealt with the time I was living there was around deforestation and commodity supply chains, especially in the soy and the beef industry. We've actually been very successful over the last 10 to 15 years in reducing deforestation in the Amazon, way below where it used to be. I'd say you have an increasing problem now in various parts of Brazil with water use. We've already been able to see some changes in rainfall patterns probably linked to climate change. We've also, I think, in different parts of Brazil, got issues around soil loss and soil health. Brazil is an extremely efficient agricultural producer. It's a massive supply of agricultural commodities to the global market, but in some ways, that grain complex, an oil seed complex that drives that, have got some vulnerabilities on the soil and the water front.


Interviewer:  And is most of the erosion there related to large quantities of rainfall? Are a lot of the farmers there using no-till?


David:             No-till is really common in Brazil. It's been taken up by wildfire, actually, over the last 10 or 15 years. Brazil is a tropical climate, so you do have quite violent rain. That's just part of the natural cycle there, but I think what's happened is that quite a lot of habitat has been cleared in recent years to be able to expand the agricultural, the planted area there, and quite often, that's loosened root structures, and it's made soil erosion a problem in some places.


Interviewer:  Yeah. I'm sure there's a massive amount of erosion right after the forests are cleared, right?


David:             Yeah, that's absolutely right. You can see it very obviously on the landscape. It's important just to flag, though, that, actually, most of the cropland area in Brazil, it's expanded over grasslands rather than forests. The Amazon is by far the most famous part of Brazil outside Brazil, but the real engine of agricultural growth in Brazil has been, actually, more the Cerrado, which is a mix of savannah and woodland-type biome.


                        It's rather similar to the U.S., actually. The history of U.S. agriculture is it expanded much more over grasslands than it did in forested areas, and that's actually true of Brazil, too.


Interviewer:  Okay. Is that actually a bigger environmental problem than the rainforest deforestation?


David:             Well, it depends (on) what lens you want to view it through. If you're worried about biodiversity, then forests are more of a problem because they have much higher levels of biodiversity. If you're worried about climate change, probably, you're going to be more worried about forests as well because, when you burn a forest, it releases more carbon, if you're burning savannahs — but at the same time, we worry about all ecosystems, not just about forests. The Cerrado and grasslands, generally — the U.S. also — they're a really important ecosystem. They have historically been incredibly important to human life both in agricultural terms and for ranging and livestock, so it's really important, around the world, that rangelands and grasslands are kept in a good state. That's always going to be a focus of our work.


Interviewer:  This episode was recorded in May 2019 at our ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, and it was a great conversation with David Cleary. But shortly after that, things went awry in the Amazon rainforest, and there were thousands and thousands of fires this summer. David was nice enough to get on the phone with us today and give us a little update about where we are, how much damage was done, and what does the future look like for the Amazon.


David:             Thank you, David. Well, yes, you're right. Things have gone awry. The background to that is that the Brazilian government essentially signaled to the farming and ranching sectors in the Amazon that they weren't going to spend a huge amount of time or effort chasing down people who didn't have the requisite deforestation permits to clear land.


                        What we've been able to verify so far is an uptick, quite a strong uptick, in fire activity. It's important you understand what we know and what we don't know. What we do know is there's a lot more fire activity in the Amazon. What we don't know is the size of the land areas that those fires are clearing. We don't know that because the smoke and the clouds at this time of year make it very difficult for us to get reliable satellite data. But what happened is we're at the end of the year, and at the end of the year, we'll know what the deforestation figures are.


                        Now, I know the figures that you've seen in the media are quite dramatic. There definitely has been a significant increase in fire activity, but there's a lot of other factors in the mix as well. I mean, if the rains come early, that dampens it down. It's not necessarily true that a large increase in fire activity in the Amazon is going to result in that level of increase in deforestation. It could be more; it could be less. We won't know until the end of the year. What I think we can say is that, even with the quite strong uptick of deforestation in the Amazon, it will be bad in comparison with last year, but it's still going to be at a level that, historically, is not as bad as it was about ten years ago. It's bad news, but it's not devastating yet.


Interviewer:  What do you see for the remainder of President Bolsonaro's term? Do you expect that this is going to be an ongoing thing year after year? Will it accelerate? I know that conversations or messages from the G7 to him didn't work very well this summer. How can we engage with Brazil to slow this down?


David:             Well, I think it's pretty interesting, what happened, because I think the strong international reaction to the fires in the Amazon really put the Brazilian government on the back foot. It was very clear that they weren't expecting such a strong reaction. It wasn't just the environmental NGOs and the Greenpeaces of this world that were very critical. A lot of the companies that invest in Brazil and are active in the agricultural sector were also critical.


                        Brazil depends upon those companies, and the agribusiness sector in general is an incredibly important and thriving part of its economy. So, to the extent that Brazil makes life more difficult for its big agribusiness sector, and because it's an exporting economy, an agricultural commodity-exporting economy, it could do without the sort of damage to its image that the Amazon fires do. I think the government understands that better now. There are actually parts of the Brazilian government that always understood that very well. The Agriculture Ministry, for example, is run by an extremely competent woman who was very active in saying that, “No, no, this is not the way for us to be going.”


                        I think you did point to the sort of diversity of opinion even within the Brazilian government. In fact, there are different power centers within it. I'd be quite optimistic that, next year, perhaps, learning a little bit from this experience, we'll find the government and the private sector and the farmers making more of an effort to combat the damage that was done. There was clearly damage.


Interviewer:  Well, that sounds good. I hope that we can find a good way to go forward and not lose all the progress that we made over the last decade or more. At this point, we'll rejoin our previous interview in which you talk about how all that progress was made. Thanks for joining us again today, David. I really appreciate it.


David:             It was a pleasure.



Interviewer:  You mentioned that there's been a lot of progress in reducing deforestation in the Amazon. What were some of the things that were successful there?


David:             Both private and public initiatives played a role. On the public side, you have, actually, very good regulatory framework for agriculture. Farmers in the Amazon have to keep 80% of the land holding in native vegetation, so that's already a good thing, a high bar to be able to work from. The government also recognized deforestation is a problem, and it had targeted strategies to crack down on it where in the bits of the Amazon they could see that deforestation was increasing.


                        Technology really improved over the last 20 years to the point that you could really pinpoint where the problem was, and that made it much easier to target policing actions, but it wasn't just a sort of top-down regulatory approach. There was also, I think, a recognition on many market actors that there's plenty of land that's already cleared that you could expand soy over. There was also an understanding, I think, that there was consumer resistance to deforestation because the soy and beef that was being produced, significant amounts of that were exported to Europe. There was also, I think, a feeling among the big global traders that had their presence there that they had a reputation or risk here as well, so it was a kind of perfect storm of coming together of both the public and private initiatives that drove the deforestation levels down. It's worth saying by how much: Fifteen years ago, it was about 30,000 square kilometers a year. Right now, it bumps along between 5,000 and 8,000 kilometers, so very, very significant reduction.


Interviewer:  That is a big difference, yeah. How is that effort working on the savannah areas?


David:             Well, it's sort of like a catch-22 because, the way the geography of Brazil is, is you have the forest in the north. In the center of Brazil, you have the grasslands, the Cerrado. From our standpoint as a conservation organization, it's not a win if we're successful in reducing deforestation in the Amazon but all that does is displace that pressure for habitat conversion into the grasslands of the Cerrado. That has actually not happened. The dynamics are slightly different in the different regions.


                        Right now, we're in a situation where, for the last three years, habitat conversion levels in the Cerrado have been very low. Six or seven years before that, they were really booming. A lot of the Cerrado was converted and, right now, we're in a situation where we have about half of the Cerrado in native vegetation; the other half is under agricultural or pasture. There's a very large amount of pasture that's not particularly productive — probably about 20 million hectares in total that you could expand cropland over. So, at least in theory, you can see a future sweet spot where you have cropland expanding over pasture and pasture intensifying. That would make a lot of economic sense. Of course, there's many a slip between cup and lip, and you can see that in theory, but actually, having that land-use pattern develop is a complicated thing, but that's what we're working towards there.


Interviewer:  Some of the areas that have been in agriculture the longest, do they suffer from soil degradation, loss of fertility, possibly partly because of the heavy rainfall?


David:             Well, that's a hard question to answer because if you pull out globally and just do a quick look around the world, there are places that have had agriculture in place literally for millennia with reasonable soil quality being maintained throughout that period. There are parts of Southeast Asia, for example, that you've got these smallholder, peasant farming systems that use a very intensive — they use manure a lot, and they have maintained really excellent soil quality. That's because, on the whole, there are fairly stable systems, and they're in fairly stable market context.


                        What's destabilizing for soil is when you have a sudden expansion of demand and intensification of production that the natural ecosystem of the soil in that particular area can't support. There are many places around the world where you can point to that kind of dynamic having happened as well. There's no hard and fast rule, I think. You can certainly generate what the basic principles of good soil management are and apply them pretty much anywhere and it's going to improve your situation if you're in one of those stress systems.


Interviewer:  Yeah. Is there a movement to try to use regenerative agriculture techniques like no-till?


David:             Yeah. No-till, cover cropping, there's a whole range of systems. I think whatever agricultural system you're in — whether it's a system that's typical of, like, the U.S. or the Brazilian corn and soy belt, very high productivity, industrial agriculture, or a smallholder system like you could find in Africa or Southeast Asia — good soil management is a basic principle of success in all of those different agricultural systems. That's why it's really strategic for us to focus on it, because it doesn’t really matter what scale of agriculture you're in; basic soil management is going to be important, too, so it's an across-the-board strategy for us.


Interviewer:  Okay. Let's step back up to the global level that you're focused on. When you look at agriculture as a whole internationally, what do you see with regard to greenhouse gas emissions? That's a trickier thing to measure at the local level, right?


David:             Yeah. Well, we know a lot about what the patterns of greenhouse gas emissions around agriculture are, and I think we can make some pretty secure assumptions moving forward based around what we know about population growth rates and also consumption, patterns of consumption in developing countries as they transition from developing status to developed. I think China is a really good example of what you can expect; the country, a generation ago, was poor. I have colleagues in China who talk to me about their siblings who — they remember famine conditions when they were children. China today is a totally transformed country: much higher levels of income, much higher levels of protein consumption, protein demand, rather, so we can expect a world where hundreds of millions of people are transitioning into a middle-class lifestyle with all of these demand patterns that are involved.


                        For agriculture, I think the really big question on the climate change standpoint is you're going to have a big increase in demand for protein. As we know, enteric fermentation is the second-biggest source of greenhouse gasses after land conversion, so if you have the huge increase in protein demand that we expect, that's got implications. The agriculture could increase overall, in absolute terms, its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. That's a really important problem for the industry to be thinking about, the solutions to it. There's different range, a very large range of potential solutions to it, but it's really important that people understand, I think, within the industry, that the development pattern that we're on, which we have to manage, too — I don’t think it's possible to do more than bend the curve of development of the margins. It's very difficult to go to countries like China and Brazil and say, “No, you can't be achieving the same levels of consumption and development of the U.S. and Western Europe.” That's not going to happen, but I think, with the combination of wider understanding within the agriculture industry of how critical this is, and also science and ingenuity, which has always been really important in agricultural history as well, I'm reasonably optimistic that we can make progress.


Interviewer:  Can you drill down on a couple of the tools that we might put into place there?


David:             There are a lot of things around soil management that you can do that reduce carbon emissions. There's a lot of work that you can do around reducing the emissions intensity of livestock production. We're going to be diving into, I think, some of that work during this conference (ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference). There's also a lot that you can do around managing fertilizer, which is an important contributor here as well.


                        But most critically of all, I think we can think about ways that we can intensify agriculture without expanding its geographical footprint into a natural habitat because, if you look at the numbers, that's the single biggest contributor of agriculture to greenhouse gas emissions. It's the expansion of the geographical footprint of agriculture. If food demand increases by 70% or 100% or whatever it is — we know it's going to be a big number — there is no way that we can do that by expanding 70% or 100% the area that we farm or the area that we graze. We absolutely have to intensify our production systems but do that in a way that doesn’t increase the environmental impact of those systems. It's hard, but I think there are some places around the world that you can point to where this is happening to a significant extent already.


Interviewer:  What do you sense as the mood in the room, sort of, when you talk to large agribusiness companies and you talk to governments? Do you think they're excited about digging into this challenge, or are they helpful or optimistic or pessimistic?


David:             That's a hard question to answer because I think it depends on who you're talking to. If I could make some very dangerous generalizations, I'd say that I think the CEO level of ag companies in the agribusiness sector, they get how climate change is important. They're faced with two problems. One is their obligation is to their shareholders, and a lot of the short-term impact of what you need to do to address climate change is not necessarily going to be positive for your bottom line, so there's that tension between the short-term time horizon that many companies have to manage to and the medium- to long-term nature of the impacts of climate change.


                        The other problem, I think, that the private sector often faces is that you have — the world food system and the agribusiness companies within it are very large and complicated organizations, and it's like trying to change, the proverbial changing the direction of a supertanker. It's a difficult thing to do and it takes time and one has to be patient about it, but at the same time, there's a limit to the patience that we can have here given the urgency of some of the problems that we face.


                        In governments, I think there's much greater variety compared to market actors and how they look at climate change and the urgency that they feel. I think the European governments, to take one example, feel the urgency of climate change a great deal, and that's because they're reflecting, I think, the greater level of concern about that among European electorates. You don’t see that same level of concern in developing countries, for obvious reasons; they have very pressing social and economic issues that they have to address, and they regard those as more politically important in the short term than the longer-term issues that swirl around climate change. I completely get where they're coming from on that, but that's basically the picture of where we are.


Interviewer:  Well, let's talk about a couple of specific governments, maybe. The president in Brazil has just rolled back a lot of environmental regulations there. Are you afraid that that might undermine a lot of the progress that you've made?


David:             Well, I broadened it out because I think that Brazil and the United States are a really interesting compare-and-contrast right now. There's also, in the U.S., been a rollback of a lot of environmental regulations. There are some similarities, I think, with the view of the world that both President Trump and President Bolsonaro have. I think what you'll find in Brazil, and I think what we've seen in the U.S., is that the president can try and do things and set a certain tone, but Brazil and the U.S. both have quite strong institutions.


                        You will, I think, see a lot of the things that President Bolsonaro was attempting to do end up in court in the same way as things in the U.S. are ending up in court. Brazil has a very strong judicial system. It will take a while for things to work themselves out. I know there's a lot of coverage, all the media coverage about all of the things that could happen and might happen. I suspect that what actually will happen is actually a lot less than some people are thinking, because those institutions are going to come into play and, I think, to a significant extent, moderate what President Bolsonaro is thinking about doing. I think you're probably going to see the same or have seen the same dynamic in the U.S. as well.


Interviewer:  Tell me a little bit about this online tool that you've created for mapping out soybean production in Brazil.


David:             Sure. As I've referred to, a critical question for the long-term sustainability of agriculture in the Cerrado is encouraging soy and other grains and oil seeds to expand over land that's already been cleared instead of directly into native habitat. So, companies and other market actors, they might want to do that, but they'd face the challenge of, "Well, where would it be most economic for me to do that?" That's partly a question of what your environmental conditions are, what your topography is, what your precipitation ratio is, what your soil conditions are like, but it's also a question of economics — like, what are your transport costs going to be like, what's the yield history of this particular area, what yields can I expect, how much fertilizer am I going to need, all those kinds of questions.


                        What Agroideal does — and I should emphasize that Nature Conservancy put the system together, but the parameters of the system and what it's meant to do was completely designed by the soy traders and the financial institutions in Brazil that have a direct interest in this and can actually really drive what happens. All we did was execute what they said they needed. Agroideal is a geospatial planning tool. It's web-based. It's free for anyone who wants to use it. It allows you to zoom in on particular regions within the Cerrado. It covers the whole of the Cerrado. It's also, by the way, being expanded to Chaco in Argentina and Paraguay. It layers different categories of information — environmental, social, economic — and it allows the user to model different potential scenarios. So, I put a silo here or if I build a road spur over there or a railway in here, how can I do that in a way that minimizes soy expansion into native habitat and maximizes expansion over land that's already been cleared? It's a tool that allows market actors to be able to play with different scenarios and have that influence where they site their infrastructure in a way that channels cropland expansion over cleared land, over pasture, usually, rather than into native vegetation.


Interviewer:  That's fantastic. Well, let's talk a little bit about resiliency. You mentioned that as one of your global focuses.


David:             Well, the first thing to say about resilience is, it's kind of difficult to define. Scientists tie themselves up in knots trying to define it and map it, but you can recognize it when you see it. It's like good art: difficult to define but easy to see when you're walking around the landscape.


                        I'd say there are two really important points to make. One is that you can make all agricultural systems, whatever scale they are, more resilient. You often hear debates about, "Well, this particular system is more resilient than that particular system." Well, that might be true, but that doesn’t mean that you can't increase the resilience of all systems. The other thing, I think, that's really important to understand is that, in order to increase the resilience of your system, it's going to make sense for you to be sharing your agricultural landscape at least a little bit with natural habitat, because natural habitat plays a huge role in buffering the environmental impacts of agriculture. That's true even in a largely converted landscape like the U.S. Corn Belt, for example.


                        Provided you've got patches of native vegetation buffering your field edges, provided you're doing things like cover cropping and trying to do what you can to increase the variety of the agricultural system that you're using — intercropping, whatever it is — you're going to be more resilient than you would be if you weren't doing it.


                        Now, if you're in a smallholder system in Africa, say, or Southeast Asia or China, you're going to be probably more resilient in the sense that you've got lots of different crops instead of just one or two, often, in a really small area — but at the same time, you've got bigger population and growth. You've got urgent demands for production, and that can also undermine the resilience of your system, because you're over-intensifying, basically. The strategies that you would use in different settings vary depending on the nature of the system, but in general, don’t keep all your eggs in one basket. Diversify as much as you can. Make sure you've got some native habitat around to be buffering the impacts of what you're doing.


                        I think it's easy to talk about it in the abstract. It's often good to be citing some concrete examples. My favorite example is actually what, on the surface, looks like one of the most vulnerable, politically unstable parts of the world for farmers, and that's Sahel. That's the area just south of the Sahara Desert as it transitions into West Africa. In the last 10 to 15 years, specifically in Mali and Niger, countries which had all sorts of political problems, you've had this extremely impressive agroforestry movement, where thousands and thousands of small farmers have implemented a system that's known in the trade as farmer-managed natural regeneration. It involves using a lot of different tree species to intersperse with their cropping. Some of the tree species have direct economic use, some of them don’t, but they all have an important role in helping to shield cropping from the effects of drought and increasing yield. You look at satellite photos of that part of the world, compare them, what they are, compare them today with what that part of the world looked like 20 years ago. It's much greener today, so there are examples of success stories. It's not just a story of “what a terrible problem, and it's really difficult to do anything about it.”


Interviewer:  Yeah. Well, that's really exciting that they're seeing increased yield from that practice. Do you know if there are upfront costs that they have before they can switch to a practice like that, and how can we overcome those upfront costs?


David:             There are upfront costs. The upfront costs are quite modest. It's a fairly low-tech solution compared to what you might be using in other parts of the world. Those costs have been funded by a combination of governments getting behind it, agriculture research institutes and extension agents getting behind it, so a lot of experimentation on what particular species would be good that was done within CGIAR network, which is a UN-funded network of agricultural research institutes. A lot of non-governmental organizations also played a really important role in bankrolling some of the costs, so lots of different people got involved.


                        The critical thing, I think, is that this was a low-tech solution. There were costs, but they weren't crippling. And even within the context of the fairly poor, hardscrabble farming that most of these villages were in, it was realistic. With appropriate external help, they were able to scale it up to the level that it's reached today.


Interviewer:  I imagine that Nature Conservancy works to try to spread practices like that.


David:             Yeah. Funnily enough, we can't claim any credit here because we actually don’t have a program in West Africa. Our programs are in East Africa in Africa. It's very much the type of thing that we try to encourage, building resiliency, but also when we're looking at it, not just trying to import expensive external solutions that just aren't a realistic proposition for the realities on the ground and the places that we're trying to influence.


Interviewer:  A similar kind of practice, I think, is silvopasture, where you mix forests and livestock pasture. Where do you see that taking off in parts of the world?


David:             Actually, that is one of the areas we work very directly with in Colombia and also in Argentina. You do see it taking off, yeah. It's really impressive to see some of the transformations it's been able to cause on the ground. I would introduce one note of caution, which I think is not just with agro-silvopastoral systems, but across the board, is that, sometimes, the impacts are really spectacular, especially in places that have been badly degraded. It's extraordinary how quickly areas can come back when they're well-managed, and these systems are really good at doing that.


                        Agriculture is always about context. It's the most contextual thing that there is, and what works in one valley might not work in the next valley along, so it's important not to get too evangelical and oversell any individual strategy. I think sometimes that happens with agro-silvopastoral systems. People try and say it's a silver bullet when, in fact, we're in a world where it's silver buckshot. I think it's really useful. We work with it directly. We find, especially in Colombia and Argentina, it's really made a huge contribution, but it's one of lots of solutions that we need to be thinking about and implementing.


Interviewer:  Well, it's exciting that there are some very low-tech solutions like this that are helping farmers put carbon back into the soil and into the forests.


David:             Yeah, although I would say also, I'm not knocking for the high-tech solutions either, because I think one of the really interesting things about American agriculture right now is that you look at the digital technologies that are coming out and the extraordinary way that they can transform how we manage water, for example, how we're able to target inputs in a really efficient way so that we can, for example, know exactly when we ought to be applying fertilizer, exactly where, and that kind of input efficiency is also really important in being able to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture while increasing yields.


                        I think one of the really fascinating questions that we'll be working out over the next 10 or 20 years is the U.S., in particular, it's always been this engine of technological innovation that's always led the way in thinking about the appliance of science. It's really had an extraordinary impact on the productivity of American agriculture. Now, if we could get those, even a fraction of those productivity gains in places like Africa or in Southeast Asia, we'd be well on the way to solving the problems that the world food system faces.


                        One of the great challenges, I think, is how can we translate those technologies and bring the promise that digital agriculture offers to very different settings, where you have farmers who are, on the whole, poor; on the whole, can't afford the level of investment that American farmers can to access these technologies; and, on the whole, don’t have much of a digital education. These technologies are complicated, and a farmer who doesn’t have much education is going to have trouble applying them. You don’t have, in Kenya or Tanzania, this ecosystem of service providers that you have in the U.S., but when you think about the need to increase the productivity of agriculture while minimizing its environmental impacts, these technologies can be incredibly transformative. How you can get them working at a scale in a smallholder farming context, where you have poor farmers and not so much capital to invest — that, I think, is one of the great unanswered questions of the next generation. If we answer it, I think we'll be a long way towards cracking the kind of questions that we've been discussing today.


Interviewer:  That's very exciting, and I like your concept of silver buckshot.


David:             It's not my phrase, by the way. I have to acknowledge Jon Foley, who's the president of the California Association of Science, who came up with that.


Interviewer:  Well, thank you very much, David. It was great talking to you.


David:             Yeah, it was a great pleasure. Thanks a lot.


Interviewer:  Thanks.

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In order to create a more sustainable world, agriculture must find a way to intensify production systems without increasing their environmental impact.

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