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Alltech announces new roles to support its global agriculture solutions and services

Submitted by jnorrie on Thu, 02/01/2024 - 08:37

Over the past 15 years, Alltech has grown its portfolio significantly. From soil health to solutions for sustainable animal production, the company has an unparalleled global offering of technologies and services to support its customers worldwide with efficient, profitable and sustainable agriculture.

To reflect this growth in its customer offering, Alltech has formed a new team, the Technology Group. This team will be responsible for Alltech’s nutritional technologies, services and technical support. Its focus will be on providing customers with the Alltech advantage, drawing upon company’s diverse range of solutions and services to offer customized support.

To lead the Technology Group, Alltech has appointed:

Nick Adams (UK), commercial director. Adams has worked with Alltech for 24 years, most recently as global director of the Alltech Mycotoxin Management platform.

Dr. Jules Taylor-Pickard (UK), technical director. Taylor-Pickard has worked with Alltech for 22 years and previously served as global director of the Alltech Gut Health platform.

Martin Minchin (UK), commercial marketing director. Minchin previously served as global marketing manager of the Alltech Mycotoxin Management platform. He has been with Alltech for nearly seven years.

Other recent Alltech appointments include:

  • Steve Elliott (U.S.), global vice president, corporate accounts and pet. Elliott has been with Alltech for more than 29 years in a variety of roles. Most recently, he served as global director of the mineral management division.

  • Russell Gilliam (U.S.), global director of business development for pork. Gilliam has worked with Alltech for nearly 24 years. Prior to this role, he was Alltech’s U.S. pork business leader.

  • Dr. Daniel Graugnard (U.S.), dairy research director. Graugnard, who has worked with Alltech for more than 12 years, most recently served as monogastric research director.

  • Dr. Jose Soto (U.S.), monogastric research director. Soto most recently served as global swine technical manager. He has worked with Alltech for two-and-a-half years.

  • Claire Boudwin (U.S.), global product launch marketing manager. Boudwin, who previously served as North American species marketing manager, has worked with Alltech for nearly six years.

  • William Wallis (U.S.), Eastern U.S. marketing manager, is now also serving as U.S. poultry marketing manager. Wallis has worked with Alltech for 12 years.

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Alltech announces new roles to support its global agriculture solutions and services.

Alltech strengthens its financial leadership, naming E. Michael Castle as chief operating and financial officer

Submitted by jnorrie on Thu, 01/25/2024 - 12:40

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] — E. Michael Castle II has been appointed chief operations and financial officer at Alltech.

Castle has been with Alltech for 19 years, most recently serving as chief operating officer and CEO of the Alltech Feed Division. He has deep experience in the business globally, having also served as chief administrative and legal officer, among other roles.

Castle began his career at Alltech as an engineering intern. He went on to earn a Juris Doctor from Washington University St. Louis School of Law and then returned to Alltech.

"Having worked with Alltech for almost two decades, Mike has Alltech DNA through and through. He worked closely with our leadership team and my father on many of the most important deals in our history. Since the passing of Dr. Pearse Lyons in 2018, Mike and I have worked hand in glove to lead the business,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “In all his endeavors, Mike has demonstrated unparalleled dedication, exemplary leadership and a passion for excellence. He is an invaluable asset to Alltech – and a trusted friend and colleague to me. There is no one better prepared — and no one I'd rather work alongside — to lead Alltech into the future.”

Castle is supported in leadership of Alltech’s financial strategy by:

  • May Xu, deputy CFO, audit and reporting
  • Flora Djojo, chief tax officer
  • AnaLucia Medrano, who has been promoted to director of financial planning and analysis (FP&A). Medrano most recently served as finance director of Alltech Crop Science.
  • Hemant Gandhi, vice president of finance, global treasury

Alric Blake, former CFO and CEO of Alltech who served as interim CFO over 2023 Q3-Q4, will remain a senior advisor to the business.

“Alltech has an exciting future built on its strong foundation of helping farmers, ranchers and producers nourish the world and nurture the planet,” said Castle. “I am pleased to continue working alongside Dr. Mark Lyons to help Alltech capitalize on opportunities to provide solutions that improve the health of animals and the soil, maximize the value of feed, increase on-farm efficiency and help lower environmental impact.”

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E. Michael Castle has been appointed chief operations and financial officer at Alltech.

Navigating gut health trends in pet nutrition

Submitted by amarler on Thu, 12/14/2023 - 02:00

In 2023, American pet owners are projected to invest a substantial $143.6 billion in the welfare of their beloved furry companions. Joining us in this episode of Ag Future are Kami Grandeen, companion animal sales manager for North America, and Dr. Richard Murphy, research director at the Alltech European Bioscience Center in Ireland. Together, they delve into the current trends in pet food, placing special emphasis on the growing focus on gut health. Discover how Alltech is at the forefront of addressing pets’ microbiomes with the recent launch of Microbuild™ in the U.S. market.

The following is an edited transcript of the Ag Future podcast episode with Kami Grandeen and Dr. Richard Murphy hosted by Tom Martin. Click below to hear the full audio or listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Google Podcasts.

Tom:                      I’m Tom Martin. And today, we’re joined by Kami Grandeen, companion animal sales manager for North America. Welcome, Kami.


Kami:                      Thanks, Tom.


Tom:                      And Dr. Richard Murphy, research director at the Alltech European Bioscience Center in Dunboyne, Ireland. Thanks for joining us, Dr. Murphy. 


Richard:                  Hey, Tom, how are you?


Tom:                      And we’re here to delve into the dynamic world of the growing pet food market, and more specifically to explore Alltech’s latest offering, Microbuild. So, Kami, let me begin with you. With 66% of U.S. households embracing pet ownership and projected to spend a whopping $143.6 billion on their pets in 2023, there is clearly a lot of passion for our furry friends here. Can you shed some light on the trends that you are observing and what pet owners look for in their pet food? 


Kami:                      Yeah, you’re right. There is a lot of passion, a lot of opportunities, and just so many great options for pet food right now. Whether you’re looking at a fresh pet food, a freeze-dried pet food, or just a kibble that we’ve traditionally fed, there’s a lot of the opportunities out there to meet our pet’s needs nutritionally. So no matter what form pet owners are looking for, they’re reading the labels, and they want to understand why each ingredient is included in that particular formulation.


                               Each ingredient needs to serve a purpose, and it needs to have a function for the animal. So that function could be for skin and coat, for gut health, for joint health, for our senior pets to build immunity. And Microbuild really fits the trend of gut health. It’s a prebiotic, it’s backed by research, and it’s really proven to promote gut health in our pets and have an impact on their overall health.


Tom:                      You mentioned gut health. At what stage should a pet owner start considering a pet food or supplement that supports their digestive tract? 


Kami:                      A healthy gut is really the key to a healthy pet. So building a healthy gut ideally starts with our puppies and our kittens. Gut health and the microbiome really influences overall health and immunity. In fact, 70% of the pet’s immune system is in their gut. So that’s really the foundation needed for a healthy pet, is a healthy gut. So puppies and kittens grow pretty quickly. Their gut develops very quickly. So we want to really build that in and start them out right.


                               But, of course, we don’t always know our pet’s history. We may rescue a pet. We may adopt a pet. So feeding a food or a supplement that targets gut health for a newly adopted pet or a newly rescued pet can really make that transition into our home easier from a digestive health standpoint.


                               We can’t forget our adults or our senior pets, because as our pets age, the gut health kind of tends to change. And we really want to feed a food or a supplement that helps build and helps maintain that gut health to keep those pets happy and healthy into their golden years. But the key point, I think, about gut health is we don’t want to wait until our pets have a digestive upset or have a problem to start thinking about gut health. We really want to build that from the start, maintain that, and give them the best opportunity to thrive. 


Tom:                      Alltech recently announced Microbuild, an innovative prebiotic that nurtures the gut health and overall well-being of pets. Dr. Murphy, let’s start here. If you could describe for us the difference between a prebiotic and a postbiotic? 


Richard:                  When we think about prebiotics and we think about postbiotics, both are great for gut health, but they help in quite different ways, Tom. So when we think about prebiotics — and I like to think about prebiotics as a source of food for your gut’s healthy bacteria — at a basic level, these are carbohydrates or fiber that help good or beneficial bacteria grow in the gastrointestinal tract. And this makes our pet’s digestive system not only work better, but it also helps guard against bad bacteria becoming established and stops our pets getting sick.


                               And we’ve noted with Microbuild, for instance, that we can support the diversity of bacteria in the GI tract and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. An added effect of prebiotics is their ability to stimulate the growth of bacteria that produce what are known as short-chain fatty acids. These are important metabolites or breakdown products in the GI tract that have good health-promoting benefits. Additionally, these short-chain fatty acids can help address gut inflammation and strengthen the gut’s defenses.


                               It’s important as well, I think, Tom, just to mention that there are many distinct different types of prebiotics. At Alltech, we work almost exclusively with a specific type, which we’ve isolated from baker’s yeast. This is known as mannan-enriched fraction. Mannan-enriched fraction actually has at its core mannose as a basic building block. So a simple sugar mannose is a basic building block, and that effectively is the “secret sauce,” if you like, in our product’s effectiveness. It helps create a very complex fiber that is really good at promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.


                               When we look at probiotics, on the other hand, these are quite different. In fact, these are live microorganisms that are good for the digestive system. And again, there are different probiotics, including both live bacteria and yeast. These can have various health benefits. Most often, they’re sought to help restore the natural balance of bacteria in the gut when it has been disrupted by an illness or perhaps a medication or a treatment.


                               So really, there are quite distinct differences between prebiotics and probiotics, both helping in quite different ways. I prefer prebiotics, Tom, if I’m honest.


Tom:                      The science behind Microbuild is rooted in nutrigenomics. Dr. Murphy, if you could, for our listeners, explain nutrigenomics and how the science contributes to this product.


Richard:                  Nutrigenomics really is an extremely exciting area of science. It’s also quite broad in terms of what we actually study or what we can look at. At a basic level, what we’re really talking about is studying how dietary components and nutrients impact the expression of not just genes, but the proteins that are encoded by these genes and ultimately the metabolites that are produced or stimulated in the GI tract by the proteins. It really is a very large area of science that we’re talking about.


                               In terms of our gut health work in Alltech, for instance, we’ve looked at how our prebiotic mannan-enriched fraction interacts with the microbes in the gut and how that can minimize or that can help minimize the expression of genes and proteins that are associated with gut inflammation, for instance. By using Microbuild, we can perhaps aid in dampening down gut inflammation, help make the gut a healthier environment. So, really, it’s getting very, very exciting for us just in terms of the level of information we can generate and the areas that we can study in a very short and in a very quick period of time.


Tom:                      The promotion of better stool quality is highlighted as a benefit of Microbuild. Why is this crucial for overall pet health, and how can pet owners observe and assess improvements in their pets’ stool quality? 


Richard:                  When we think about it from our own health perspective, being regular, shall we say, it really is a good way of describing bowel habits or normal bowel function. And the type of stool or feces that’s produced will depend on the amount of time that it spends in the colon. From a health perspective, there are a number of types of stools, some of which can visually indicate problems such as constipation or diarrhea. And diet and gut health will obviously impact the type of stool that has passed.


                               We have found that with prebiotics such as Microbuild, we can aid in promoting stool quality. We’ve observed, for instance, that when the gut microflora is more diverse, that’s a property that Microbuild is noted for enhancing. That stool formation tends to become more optimal. Visually, we note better stool quality and much less or much reduced issues with diarrhea and constipation, for instance, Tom.


Tom:                      With the current emphasis on natural and functional ingredients in pet products, how does Microbuild align with the broader trends in the pet food industry?


Kami:                      Microbuild really fits into some of those trends, whether it’s natural, whether it’s sustainable, whether it’s functional. I just want to highlight the sustainability aspect of the pet industry. Really, sustainability is not a trend. It’s becoming a requirement. Pet owners are really seeking out sustainable ingredients. Alltech is on the forefront of sustainability in the pet industry and beyond through our Planet of Plenty™ initiative. We’ve also been accredited by the Pet Sustainability Coalition, and we’re making progress towards our sustainable development goals. So Microbuild may be a small part of the pet’s diet, but it really does fit in some of those trends — the sustainable, the natural, the functional trends. 


Tom:                      Kami, in terms of practicality, how versatile is Microbuild as a functional ingredient? Can it be easily integrated into various forms such as pet food, treats, supplements? 


Kami:                      Yeah. It’s a very versatile product that can be included in really any application, whether it’s a food, treat, supplement. It’s heat stable, shelf stable. It can be used across any application or any processing: kibble, raw, fresh, freeze-dried, any sort of supplement application, whether it’s a soft chew or a powder. Any treat that’s baked or extruded. It’s extremely easy to work with. It doesn’t lose any of its functional capabilities. It’s processed, and it doesn’t require any special equipment for application or refrigeration for storage. So it’s a really easy product to work with, and great results. 


Tom:                      If somebody listening to us wants to know more about Microbuild, maybe even purchase it, where can they go?


Kami:                      If you’d like to learn more about Microbuild, has a great wealth of information. You can also find any information about other Alltech pet ingredients at under the pet nutrition tab, and you can sign up for our Pet Chat newsletter. If you have a specific question, you can always email with your question.


Tom:                      All right, that’s Kami Grandeen, companion animal sales manager for North America. Thank you so much, Kami.


Kami:                      Thank you.


Tom:                      And Dr. Richard Murphy, research director of the Alltech European Bioscience Center in Dunboyne, Ireland. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Murphy.


Richard:                  Thanks, Tom.

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Microbuild is an innovative prebiotic that nurtures the gut health and overall well-being of pets.

Alltech introduces Microbuild™, a new prebiotic fiber for gut health in pets

Submitted by jnorrie on Tue, 09/26/2023 - 10:47

Alltech has introduced Microbuild™, a prebiotic fiber for gut health to support a healthy microbiome in pets. Microbuild is an innovative prebiotic that nurtures gut health and overall well-being. Even during bacterial challenges, Microbuild works to increase microbial diversity in the gut, boosting the animal’s natural defenses.

“Helping our pets build gut health, immunity and well-being is our goal at Alltech,” said Kami Grandeen, companion animal sales manager for North America. “We are excited to launch this nutritional technology that helps pets build a healthy and diverse microbiome, and pet owners will see the difference in their pets’ health.”

Proper functioning of the intestine is a key factor in health and longevity. Microbuild harnesses the power of prebiotics, specialized fibers that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Improved fiber digestibility aids in both nutrient absorption and intestinal integrity and contributes to the development of a healthy immune system.

Microbuild is based on the leading-edge science of nutrigenomics, which studies the unique relationship between genetics and nutrition. Its specific yeast strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been specifically selected by Alltech scientists for maximum efficacy in promoting intestinal health.

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Microbuild™, a prebiotic fiber for gut health to support a healthy microbiome in pets.

Alltech Serdán: 30 years of supporting livestock production, animal welfare and sustainability

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 09:44

[Serdán, Mexico] – Alltech, a leading global animal health and nutrition company, celebrated 30 years of operations at its production facility in the Mexican city of Serdán, in a ceremony on Tuesday that included Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of the company, guests from around the world, local officials and Alltech team members.

Thirty years ago, Alltech’s research into the benefits of Yucca schidigera extract for animal health, performance and welfare paved the way for the company to establish a Yucca schidigera processor in the city of Serdán. The place was chosen for its semi-desert climate, where the yucca plant grows naturally. Serdán is located 190 kilometres southeast of Mexico City and has access to one of the most important ports in the country: Veracruz; from which two of its most important technologies are exported: De-Odorase® and Allzyme® SFF.

Alltech’s investment in Serdán increased Alltech’s operational footprint and offered new nutritional solutions that improve animal health and production efficiency. However, the resulting partnership between Alltech and the community of Serdán has been even more significant.

“The way the community and our company work together is incredible,” said Dr. Mark Lyons. “From the very beginning, we have been linked, as the success of one builds the success of the other.”

Alltech and the residents of Serdán have worked together on numerous community engagement projects that support underserved families and vulnerable populations. The collaboration began with supporting a local children's home, Casa Hogar, and has now grown to 23 active projects.

“Serdán has served as a template for Alltech’s community involvement activities all around the world,” Lyons said. “We ask our colleagues in 350 communities around the world to ‘make a difference’ as our founder Dr. Pearse Lyons encouraged us, and Alltech Serdán is the best example of this spirit. This is a place where the culture of Alltech is truly alive.”

Making a difference is one of Alltech’s core values — a founding principle of the company.

“Dr. Pearse Lyons would be traveling the world and might call at any time to ask how things were going at the plant,” said Paul Kilgallen, Latin America fermentation facilities director. “A call from Dr. Lyons never ended without him asking, ‘And what are we doing for the community. How are the projects going?’”

Alltech Serdán has received numerous recognitions for its community involvement, including being certified by Empresa Socialmente Responsable (ESR) for the past five years. This award recognizes the company’s commitment to implement socially responsible management practices and promote community projects, including supporting schools, orphanages, health centers and more. Alltech Serdán’s community activities are complemented by the constant application of responsible business practices with suppliers, customers and workers.

“Alltech takes great pride in this manufacturing facility and its 30 years of making a positive impact on the community,” Lyons said. “A visit with our team members in Serdán always reminds me of the meaningful impact we can have when we work together.”

Harnessing the power of yucca — and solid-state fermentation

Since the 1990s, Alltech’s research on Yucca schidigera had shown that the glycocomponents it contains can significantly reduce ammonia emissions from the livestock industry. The company designed De-Odorase, a solution made from an extract of the yucca plant that helps reduce the levels of harmful gases from animal waste. When Alltech Serdán began operations in 1993, the facility had the capacity to process 40 tons of yucca per month. This figure has since grown tenfold.

Years later, in 2000, thanks to a project led by Kilgallen and Dr. Mark Lyons, Alltech Serdán also became the company’s first production plant to take charge of the solid-state fermentation process to produce Allzyme SSF. This natural enzyme complex, which maximizes the release of nutrients from the feed, allows agricultural producers to reduce the cost of their diets by making their formulations more flexible.

Replenishing the planet’s resources

Alltech Serdán’s commitment to sustainability aligns with the company’s purpose of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™, which begins locally with the replanting of Yucca schidigera. For every yucca tree harvested for Alltech’s nutritional solutions, the company plants three new trees using seedlings from the facility’s on-site nursery, which has grown more than 200,000 seedlings thus far.

In addition, Alltech inaugurated its first global renewable energy project in Serdán in 2022: a photovoltaic solar energy system that covers 46% of the energy requirements of its operations. With the new system, Alltech has seen energy cost-savings of 22% in the first year the system has been used and a reduction of 650 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions per year. That reduction is equivalent to 11,000 tree seedlings growing for 10 years.

The facility also switched from using liquefied petroleum gas to compressed natural gas, reducing its annual CO₂ emissions by 17%. Likewise, the implementation of an economizer in steam boilers allowed the plant to reduce 240 tons of CO₂ per year.

Alltech Serdán’s anniversary reinforces the company’s global commitment to continue seeking the success of local producers, promoting animal welfare, and having a positive impact on the communities in which it is present.

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Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, along with international representatives, local officials and team members, celebrated 30 years of Alltech Serdán operations.

Alltech ONE World Tour welcomes Canadian agriculture industry leaders to Calgary

Submitted by jnorrie on Tue, 07/04/2023 - 18:37

[CALGARY, Canada] – Calgary, Canada, was host today to the third stop of the Alltech ONE World Tour (ONE), a series of international events bringing the ideas and inspiration of the annual Alltech ONE Conference to the world. ONE Calgary welcomed more than 300 attendees from across Canada to explore collaborative solutions to the greatest challenges facing the agri-food industry, especially as they relate to the Canadian marketplace. Changemakers and thought leaders throughout the ag value chain united at the event to explore opportunities for agriculture to innovate and take a leading role in nourishing both people and planet.

The Alltech ONE Conference has been held in Lexington, Kentucky, home of Alltech’s global headquarters, for the past 38 years. In 2023, the global leader in agriculture is bringing the conference to its partners, customers, suppliers and friends across the globe, providing the opportunity for more people than ever to experience the power of ONE.

“As our customers and partners continue to face many challenges and uncertainties, we determined that 2023 would be dedicated to meeting them in their market,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO. “This special edition of the ONE endeavors to deliver global expertise to locally relevant issues. In the midst of economic and political uncertainties that fuel regionalization, this ONE reflects the responsibility we have as a global company to be a connector of people and ideas, ever advancing our purpose of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™.”

Alltech ONE Calgary featured global and Canadian experts discussing agricultural trends, animal nutrition and business, including keynote presentations from Dr. Mark Lyons and renowned motivational speaker, Chris Koch, and a Sustainability Insights panel discussion. Moderated by Dr. Kayla Price, Canadian technical manager for Alltech, panelists included Tara McCarthy, global vice president of ESG at Alltech; Melissa Downing, director of regulatory and sustainability for the National Cattle Feeders Association; John Barlow, vice-chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Parliament; and Al Mussell, research director of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI).

“Our industry is navigating unprecedented disruption yet remains confident and committed to evolving toward a more sustainable food system,” said McCarthy. “The key to success will be the development of innovative solutions, but even more critical is the capacity of the industry to work together across the value chain.”

Alltech recently launched a global value chain engagement study seeking industry input. Though the complete Alltech Sustainability Insights report will be released later this summer, the initial findings include:

•           There is a world of shifting and, depending on geography, quite divergent priorities. There is a very real series of crises facing the agri-food industry and, for the most part, an acknowledgement and realistic view of the gravity of those challenges. In the face of all that, there is a strong level of optimism and positivity with 85% of respondents agreeing that the food system can rise to the challenge.

•           Respondents were similarly realistic about the need for support for the primary producers of the food that the 8 billion people on this planet eat. 66% agree that unless the farmer is incentivized, things will never change.

•           There is recognition that we won’t be able to resolve the challenges ahead without a huge degree of innovation and harnessing technology to enable us to feed ourselves sustainably, with 92% of respondents believing that technology and innovation are key to more sustainable food systems.

•           There is a near-universal recognition that we need a collaborative conversation and effort across the value chain, with 93% of respondents agreeing that we all have to work together to create a better food system for the future.

Dr. Mark Lyons presented the 2023 Alltech Canada Planet of Plenty Award to Laurie Stanton, owner of Stanton Farms in Ilderton, Ontario. This award recognizes Canadian farmers, producers and ranchers across the country and their efforts of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty.

“Alltech Canada is proud to honor and thank the people and organizations that work hard every day to feed our country while implementing innovative and sustainable practices for the future of Canadian agriculture,” said Lyons.


The Alltech ONE World Tour will continue with stops in the U.S., Asia, South America and the Middle East. For more information and to register for an Alltech ONE World Tour stop, visit




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Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, welcomed attendees to the Alltech ONE World Tour stop in Calgary, Canada. 

Alltech releases 2022 Sustainability Report supporting its commitment of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 06/26/2023 - 08:30

Alltech has released the 2022 Alltech Sustainability Report, which demonstrates the actions the company is taking to align the business with its commitments to the United Nations Global Compact, the U.N. Ten Principles, the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™.

“Today, climate change threatens agriculture’s ability to feed the world’s growing population. Fortunately, the world’s best problem solvers are on the case,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “We believe agriculture has the greatest potential to positively shape the future of our planet and that is why Alltech is uniting the agri-food community in Working Together for a Planet of Plenty. It’s not just our mission, it’s our purpose.”

Alltech is committed to the efficient production of nutritious food while working to minimize its carbon footprint and helping producers worldwide find and implement solutions to their sustainability challenges.

Through data and stories from Alltech team members around the world, the 2022 Alltech Sustainability Report emphasizes the role of agriculture in combatting climate change and creating healthy, sustainable food systems. It also includes information about Alltech’s emissions reduction goals, efforts to promote sustainability and the ways in which Alltech is advancing environmental actions in the industry.

Additionally, the report outlines the steps Alltech has taken to promote an inclusive work environment and highlights its team members’ efforts to make a difference in the communities in which they live and work.

“By adopting new technologies, improving business practices and embracing innovation, the agri-food industry is working together to harness the power of human ingenuity and the sustainable science of agri-food to create a Planet of Plenty, and we are honored to be part of it,” said Dr. Lyons.

Highlights include:

  • Alltech invested $4.5 million in efficiency projects in 2022, resulting in a reduction of 7,600 metric tons of CO2e.
  • One hundred percent of production team members are trained in health and safety procedures.
  • The Alltech Mini-MBA, Alltech’s advanced management development program, has had 576 graduates – 25% have been women. In the 2023 Mini-MBA class, 52% of participants are women.
  • Seventy percent of office-based team members have received role-related training and development.
  • Alltech’s climate advisory service, Alltech E-CO2, supports 30 countries and has conducted over 20,000 on-farm environmental assessments.
  • Alltech Coppens’ new sustainability scoring index reflects the carbon footprint of feed on packaging.
  • Alltech Serdán received Empresa Socialmente Responsible (ESR) certification and reduced CO2e by 650 tons through its photovoltaic system and use of compressed natural gas (CNG).
  • Alltech was reaccredited by the Pet Sustainability Coalition.
  • Alltech São Pedro received the Paraná Climate Seal for its emissions reduction.

“Through collaboration and innovation, the agri-food community can create a world where science-based solutions help ensure sustainable food production for the global population,” said Dr. Lyons. “Agriculture has already made huge strides in sustainability. Imagine what is possible when we all work toward the shared goal of creating a world of abundance for future generations.”

For more information and to download the 2022 Alltech Sustainability Report in full, visit Click here to read the executive summary.

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Alltech has released its 2022 Sustainability Report.

Alltech ONE Dublin closes with discussions on the ROI of sustainability, the journey to net-zero and the role of the feed industry

Submitted by jnorrie on Tue, 06/20/2023 - 11:45

[DUBLIN, Ireland] – The second stop of the Alltech ONE World Tour (ONE) wrapped up today in Dublin, Ireland, following a robust agenda of presentations focused on collaborative solutions to the challenges facing the agri-food industry as it confronts the “4 Cs” — the major forces of climate, conflict, consumer trends and rising costs. ONE Dublin welcomed more than 500 international delegates in person at Croke Park. This world-class event brought industry leaders to the stage to share valuable insights in live presentations and focus-track sessions while uncovering the challenges and opportunities related to agriculture.

Tara McCarthy, global vice president for ESG at Alltech, discussed demonstrating the ROI of sustainability.

"Our industry is navigating unprecedented disruption yet remains confident and committed to evolving towards a more sustainable food system,” said McCarthy. “The key to success will be the development of innovative solutions, but even more critical the capacity of the industry to work together across the value chain.”

Alltech recently launched a global value chain engagement study seeking industry input. While the complete Alltech Sustainability Insights report will be released later this summer, Holly Geraghty, project manager of sustainability at Alltech presented initial findings that included:

  • There is a world of shifting and, depending on geography, quite divergent priorities. There is a very real series of crises facing the agri-food industry and, for the most part, an acknowledgement and realistic view of the gravity of those challenges. In the face of all that, it’s heartening to see a strong level of optimism and positivity with 86% of respondents agreeing that the food system can rise to the challenge.
  • Respondents were similarly realistic about the need for support for the primary producers of the food that the 8 billion people on this planet eat with 67% agreeing that unless the farmer is incentivized, things will never change.
  • There is a recognition that we won’t be able to resolve the challenges ahead without a huge degree of innovation and harnessing technology to enable us to feed ourselves sustainably, with 92% of respondents believing that technology and innovation are key to more sustainable food systems.
  • There is a near-universal recognition that there is going to need to be a collaborative conversation and effort up and down the value chain with 93% of respondents agreeing that we all have to work together to create a better food system for the future.

Delegates at ONE Dublin also heard presentations from Russell Smyth, head of sustainable futures at KPMG Ireland, about “The metrics that justify the investment”; Nina Prichard, head of sustainable and ethical sourcing for McDonald’s U.K. and Ireland, on “Our journey to net zero: The role of supply chain”; and Constance Cullman, president and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), on “The forgotten role of the feed industry”. These speakers were then joined by Hans Jöhr, former corporate head of agriculture at Nestle and current sustainability and ESG specialist and coach, for a panel discussion exploring “How do we feed the ecosystem, not just ourselves?”

“The conversations that we are having here at ONE, the ideas that are being fostered and the science and the data being developed can help to create a story where agriculture is the hero,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “Together, we have the collective courage and impact to work together for a Planet of Plenty™.”

The Alltech ONE World Tour will continue with stops in Calgary, Canada, on July 3–4, and in the U.S., Asia, South America and the Middle East. For more information and to register for an Alltech ONE World Tour stop, visit

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The second stop of the Alltech ONE World Tour (ONE) was held in Dublin, Ireland, on June 19–20. The Alltech ONE World Tour is a series of international events that bring the ideas and inspiration of the annual Alltech ONE Conference to the world.

The Alltech ONE World Tour brings international agri-food-industry leaders to Dublin

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 06/19/2023 - 12:46

[DUBLIN, Ireland] – The second stop of the Alltech ONE World Tour (ONE), a series of international events bringing the ideas and inspiration of the annual Alltech ONE Conference to the world, opened today in Dublin, Ireland. The two-day event, held June 19–20, is convening more than 500 international agri-food leaders to discuss collaborative solutions and strategies for success in today’s agriculture and agri-food industries. The discussions fostered at ONE Dublin explore collaborative solutions to the greatest challenges facing the agri-food industry as it confronts the “4 Cs” — the major forces of climate, conflict, consumer trends and rising costs.

Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, welcomed delegates to Dublin and shared the stage with Dr. Vaughn Holder, director of ruminant research at Alltech, and Nikki Putnam Badding, registered dietician and director of human nutrition initiatives at Alltech, to discuss agriculture’s role in saving the planet.

“Agriculture can transform things in ways that other industries cannot and is at the interface of nourishing the present and preserving the future,” Lyons said. “Our belief is that agriculture has the greatest potential to positively influence the future of our planet, provide nutrition for all, help rural communities thrive and replenish our planet’s resources.”

Dr. Holder shared his insights on how animal agriculture can be part of the solution to improving sustainability.

“Agriculture has gone from having the most important job in the world to having the two most important jobs: feed the world and reverse climate change,” said Holder. “We sit in a unique position as we can replenish our planet and provide nutrition for all.”

Additionally, Putnam Badding spoke about the crucial importance of making nutrition accessible to all.

“Agriculture’s responsibility is to feed the world, but providing enough food is not enough, we must provide adequate nutrition,” said Putnam Badding. “The end goal is nutrition for all, and nutrition security requires all food sources.”

As ONE Dublin continues, delegates will hear from industry experts on various topics, including consumer demands, succeeding through conflict, and demonstrating the relationship between agriculture and sustainability for the world. They will also be able to attend focus-track sessions on soil and crops, animals, and the business of food and farming over the course of the two-day event.

The Alltech ONE World Tour will continue after ONE Dublin, with stops in Calgary, Canada, on July 3–4, and then on to the U.S., Asia, South America and the Middle East. For more information and to register for an Alltech ONE World Tour stop, visit

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The Alltech ONE World Tour (ONE) began today in Dublin, Ireland. This marks the second of a series of international events that bring the ideas and inspiration of the annual Alltech ONE Conference to the world.

Alltech announces new leadership roles in culture and talent, marketing and communications, president’s office

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 06/16/2023 - 08:00

In a demonstration of its commitment to nurturing talent, Alltech is pleased to announce new leadership in the office of the president, the culture and talent team, and the marketing and communications team. Orla McAleer joins the culture and talent team as chief culture officer, while Susanna Elliott will lead the global marketing and communications team as chief marketing and communications officer, and Brian Lawless will lead the office of the president as chief of staff.

"As we have reviewed our strategy and growing capabilities, we are focused on the recruitment, development and well-being of our greatest asset — our people,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “Orla, Susanna and Brian bring leadership and experience that will enable us to capitalize on our opportunities and leverage the strengths of our global team.”

As the chief culture officer at Alltech, McAleer will work to strengthen the company’s emphasis on its people and purpose. She has worked in the business for more than 20 years and has traveled extensively, building teams and close relationships with colleagues globally. Prior to this new role, she was the chief marketing officer at Alltech, responsible for overseeing the company’s global marketing efforts across its more than 120 markets and building a winning team and brand that has matched the growth ambitions of the company. McAleer received a master's degree in business, leadership and management practice from the University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in business studies from Trinity College Dublin in Ireland and holds a diploma in public relations.

As chief marketing and communications officer, Elliott will lead a 130-person global team to advance the company’s purpose of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™. Through data, insights and relevant content creation, Alltech’s marketing and communication team provides thought leadership, rich resources and inspiration relevant to agriculture’s challenges and opportunities. Most recently, Elliott served as Alltech’s chief of staff and director of communications. In these roles, she worked closely with Dr. Mark Lyons and the executive team to support the business through the global challenges of 2020-2023. The position afforded her unique visibility of the entire business, a perspective that now informs her leadership of Alltech’s global marketing and communications strategy. Elliott has held various communications roles over her 15 years at Alltech and is involved in supporting the agriculture industry as an American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) board member and as vice chair of the CLEAR Center advisory council at the University of California, Davis. She received a bachelor’s degree in public relations from Asbury University.

Lawless is the chief of staff at Alltech, leading the office of the president. As chief of staff, he will support Dr. Mark Lyons and the executive team to drive global strategy and maximize operational effectiveness. Lawless brings tremendous knowledge from the ag-tech industry into this role from his involvement in the Pearse Lyons Accelerator in Dublin, Ireland. Currently, he is supporting the Bluegrass Ag Tech Development Corp., which aims to cultivate an agri-food innovation ecosystem in Kentucky. Over his ten years in the business, he has served as deputy chief of staff, species marketing manager, brand manager for North America and, at the beginning of his Alltech career, worked closely with Dr. Mark Lyons on key growth projects. Lawless holds bachelor’s degrees in economics and Spanish from DePauw University and a master’s degree in agriculture from Western Kentucky University.

For more information about Alltech, visit

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Alltech is pleased to announce new leadership in the office of the president, the culture and talent team, and the marketing and communications team.

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