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Phasing out antibiotics in poultry: Know your options

Submitted by aeadmin on Tue, 04/04/2017 - 00:00

“The judicious use and reduction of antibiotics in poultry production is here to stay,” said Dr. Kayla Price, poultry technical manager for Alltech Canada, in a recent webinar.

In the last few years, we have seen an influx of products being marketed as alternatives to antibiotics. This can leave producers wondering, “How do I choose between the numerous alternatives on the market?” “Is there a direct replacement for antibiotics?” and “What should be my biggest focus to maintain healthy birds?” In the webinar titled “Navigating the new world: Phasing out antibiotic growth promoters,” Price shares her insights on these questions and more.

“I think it is really important when we are starting to look at general bird health that we make sure we are taking on a holistic approach,” she explained. “Specifically, we really have to think of the intestinal system from hatch to finish.”

In the webinar, Price discusses:

  • An overview of the market for antibiotic-free poultry production in the United States and Canada.
  • How to support the beneficial gut bacteria and maintain the health of the villi/microvilli.
  • A list of key questions to ask when deciding on an alternative to antibiotics.
  • What benefits a holistic program can bring.

Price highlights that there is not one silver bullet solution for the removal of antibiotics; nutrition and biosecurity are both crucial to ensure success.


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Phasing out antibiotics in poultry: Know your options
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Raising calves or kids: Which is harder?

Submitted by aeadmin on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 00:00

“Raising kids isn’t that hard…right?” says someone who has clearly never parented a child before. But is parenting harder than raising healthy calves?

Try having that argument with a producer who has 400 individual cow-calf pairs — not just one or two kids — in the middle of calving season. From the stress to the unpredictability to the effect on his or her bottom line, calving is undoubtedly tough. But the reality is that it’s not fair to compare the two. Parenting children and raising calves are incredible gifts and incredible challenges.

But why do some calves and some kids turn out well while others do not? Is it luck? Or is it something else?

Many beef producers attribute a good batch of calves to favorable weather, a strong market or a list of other factors. Parents, meanwhile, spare no detail (or expense) in attempting to raise healthy and successful kids.

Is it possible for us to pull some truths from parenting that apply to raising calves?

Parenting truths that (wildly enough) also apply to cattle

1) Kids (and calves) need a nurturing environment.

From the moment a mom-to-be learns that a baby is on the way, everything in her life begins to change as plans are made for the newest addition to the family. A bedroom is prepared, a crib is set up and everything the mom eats and drinks is taken into account to prepare for the baby. Parents do all that they can to protect their child and establish a good foundation so he or she can be as healthy and strong as possible.

The same logic can and should be applied to calving. First, from a management standpoint, everything needs to be done to assure the comfort and safety of the cow. This means providing sufficient bedding, creating a clean, bad bacteria-limiting environment and reducing external stresses at all costs for the sake of the new calf.

Nutrition is a second critical component of any healthy calving program. Similar to how many moms-to-be take prenatal vitamins, a quality mineral and nutritional program — especially in the final four to six weeks of pregnancy — is key to delivering quality calves. Technologies such as Bioplex®, Sel-Plex®, Bio-Mos® and Actigen® can all play a central role in a healthy cow-calf management program. Bioplex and Sel-Plex are organic trace minerals formulated to promote the optimal mineral status for cows, which is critical for ensuring immunity and the adequate transfer of nutrients to the calf. Additionally, Bio-Mos and Actigen are industry-leading technologies used to optimize gut health and promote good bacteria both in cows and their calves.

A healthy gut in the cow leads to improved colostrum quality, the all-important first drink for calves that can jumpstart their natural health defense and support overall immunity. Particularly during the first 24–72 hours of a calf’s life, when it must absorb whole proteins, reinforcing nutrient status through technologies like Bio-Mos and Actigen can promote life-long health, which is good news for both the cow and the calf.

2) Even when times are tough, parents (and producers) must trust the process.

There’s a reason they call it the “terrible twos,” and most parents vividly remember their kid’s first out-of-control public temper tantrum. The kicking, the screaming, the unwanted stares from other parents — those moments are intense (especially for a first-time parent), but they can provide insight for cow-calf producers. Parents know this behavior is all part of growing up and requires dedicated, steady and loving parenting.

Every few years, it seems the market for cattle hits a peak high or an all-time low. In both the high and low moments (like when a kid is screaming in public), it is important to remember the impact of tried-and-tested methods, not just the latest fad or quick fix, to drive long-term profitability.

One factor for success in cattle production is using comprehensively researched feed ingredients like Bio-Mos and Actigen. Reviewed in over 734 accredited studies in all production animal species, Bio-Mos and Actigen have more than 20 years of market presence to back their ability to promote both health and profitable returns. By being proactive and utilizing nutrition as a management tool, much like good parenting strategies, an overall platform for success can be created.

3) Kids don’t magically turn into adults at age 18. Calves aren’t automatically ready for the feed yard.

Every parent’s “special little guy or girl” doesn’t simply wake up as a healthy, smart, successful adult on his or her 18th birthday. Every successful adult was molded and nurtured every day for 18 years by those around him or her, especially their parents, before being sent off into the world.

Interestingly, the world of cattle production can and should function the same way. The goal of cow-calf production is to generate healthy, strong calves that can perform well when they are sent off for feedlot production, much as young adults are prepped in school to enter the workforce.

For cattle about to enter the feed yard, this may take shape in a few different ways. Nutritionally, it can be reinforced by developing a strong mineral program throughout the calf’s life, especially during the weaning and backgrounding stages, with technologies like Bioplex and Sel-Plex. A strong mineral base prepares cattle for the new feedlot environment and ensures that they produce profitably. Furthermore, management issues, such as shipping stress, can be accounted for by supplementing the diet with electrolytes to reinforce receiving status.

The connection between calves and kids/producer and parent is closer than we think. As producers, we provide some of the healthiest, best-tasting beef we can for our communities, friends and families. We also desire to feed and nurture children in such a way that they can grow up to become healthy, productive adult members of society.

Let’s continue to raise our cattle and kids with the kind of care that benefits us both today and for generations to come.

For more information on our full range of nutritional solutions, please visit or contact us directly by messaging

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Raising calves or kids: Which is harder?
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Veterinary Feed Directive 2017: The final countdown for beef cattle readiness

Submitted by eivantsova on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 08:55

Are cattle producers ready for the impending U.S. Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)?

More than 550 days ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its updated regulations for the VFD, and now, in just a few short days, the rules will go into effect. Some producers are now scrambling to get clarity on this critically important new directive.

Alltech has put together the latest information to separate fact from fiction and make sure everyone is ready to make the most of the upcoming changes. Let’s start from the beginning:

What’s the VFD, again?

The Veterinary Feed Directive, or VFD, will restrict the use of medically important antibiotics in animal feed. On Jan. 1, 2017, it will be illegal to use certain antibiotics without a veterinary prescription, and affected antibiotics will only be available to prevent, control or treat a specifically identified disease.

Functionally, it will work as follows:

  • Feed companies and distributors must register with the FDA if distributing veterinary feed directive feeds.
  • Veterinarians will be prescribing veterinary feed directive drugs and must have pre-existing veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR); more on that below.
  • Veterinary feed directive prescriptions may be sent to distributors by veterinarians or by hard copy delivered by clients.
  • Drug manufacturers will be allowed to assist veterinarians and feed companies with the processing.

Which drugs will be affected by the Veterinary Feed Directive?

A full list is available through the FDA website, but some of the most commonly affected drugs are listed below.

Remember, the list below shows the generic names and not brand names, so be sure to review the appropriate end products.











What worries have some producers expressed about the Veterinary Feed Directive?

The language around a “pre-existing veterinary-client-patient relationship” within the VFD can be confusing. To break that down, generally, this relationship for a producer requires:

  • A veterinarian who is familiar with the producer’s operation.
  • A veterinarian who will assume responsibility for making medical decisions on the animals involved.
  • Medically timely visits to the premise.
  • A producer who agrees to follow veterinary directions.
  • A veterinarian who is available for follow-up as needed.

For additional insight, a complete list of VCPR criteria by state can be found here.

Dispelling Veterinary Feed Directive rumors: True and false facts

Information on the VFD can be found easily, but misinformation and incorrect rumors about what the VFD is can be just as common. As the start date approaches, what are the most common rumors that need to be dispelled?

Rumor: Feed-grade antibiotics are going away for good.

 That’s false. What is going away is the ability to use feed-grade antibiotics for growth promotion and other off-label uses.

Rumor: Injectable antibiotics will be banned.

That’s false. These will still be available over the counter as needed.

Rumor: The VFD will affect both small and large producers.

That’s true: Large or small, all producers who are found non-compliant will face a wide range of penalties ranging from fines to jail time.

Rumor: Water-soluble antibiotics are not affected.

That’s false. A prescription, not a VFD, will be necessary for medically important antibiotics used in drinking water.

What resources are available on the Veterinary Feed Directive?

Staying up-to-date on the latest information is key. Alltech highly recommends going straight to the source to get the most complete information. There are several comprehensive resources available online:

  • The FDA website. Here you can find brochures outlining the requirements for producers, veterinarians and feed distributors, whether or not they manufacture feed.
  • This FDA video gives an overview of the VFD.
  • The Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University has created free modules on the VFD.
  • In this webinar, Dr. Darrell Johnson from the University of Kentucky speaks in depth about the unique challenges faced by beef and dairy producers affected by the VFD.
  • WATT and GlobalVetLink put together this great infographic.
  • Your local agriculture extension office.

What comes next?

Alltech supports producers by promoting health and performance through nutritional feeding innovations. By bringing together over 35 years of research and practical application with state-of-the-art support tools, Alltech can provide technical expertise in the following management programs:

Alltech® Gut Health Management

Actigen®, Bio-Mos®, Integral® A+, Select TC™

Alltech® Mineral Management

Bioplex®, Sel-Plex®


Alltech® Feed Efficiency

Amaize®, Fibrozyme®, Optigen®, Yea-Sacc®

Full Feedlot Nutrition


Preparing for the VFD might seem difficult, but with planning, producers can have a smooth transition and bring new value to their operation. To learn more, contact your local Alltech office.

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Veterinary Feed Directive 2017: The final countdown for beef cattle readiness
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Are cattle producers ready for the impending U.S. Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)? Alltech has put together the latest info to separate fact from fiction.
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Are cattle producers ready for the impending U.S. Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)? Alltech has put together the latest info to separate fact from fiction.

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Profitable Poultry Production: It All Comes Down to Gut Health

Submitted by eivantsova on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 16:44

While avian influenza has created a buzz again in the media, coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis are two diseases that plague poultry operations daily. These infections, caused by harmful microorganisms in the gut, can leave poultry integrators with high treatment costs and losses in production. When it comes to maintaining a healthy flock, it’s the good bacteria and gut health that can make or break a successful poultry operation.

This is the approach Alltech has taken with their new Gut Health Management program, which uses the Seed, Feed, and Weed approach to support animal performance by promoting good bacteria, building natural defenses and maximizing growth and efficiency. Seed, Feed and Weed introduces the proper microorganisms, maintains a proper environment for them to survive and weeds the unfavorable organisms before they colonize the intestinal tract. When paired with effective biosecurity measures, this tactic allows the animals to have the best chance for optimal productive performance, even without antibiotic growth promoters.

From hatch to finish, the Alltech Gut Health Management program incorporates different nutritional technologies, analytical services and technical support to help prevent and treat the main gut health issues affecting integrators today.

“With the right intestinal ecology, the villi will flourish and nutrient absorption will be maximized, which in turn will lead to maximized growth and performance,” said Paulo Rigolin, global poultry director for Alltech. “This program supports the company’s commitment to partner with integrators to make sure their flocks are performing at their maximum potential.”

To learn more about Alltech Gut Health Management, contact your local Alltech representative.

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Profitable Poultry Production: It All Comes Down to Gut Health
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