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Antibiotic-free: Recommendations for efficient pig performance

Submitted by klampert on Fri, 06/17/2016 - 11:24
The 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress, held June 7–10 in Dublin, Ireland, hosted more than 3,000 experts in the pig veterinary industry to discuss the challenges of antibiotic resistance and the long-term outlook for antimicrobial use in the pig industry.
At the Alltech Elite Herd Dinner, keynote speakers Dr. Ana Catharina Berge, owner of and veterinary consultant at Berge Veterinary Consulting BVBA, and Dr. Richard Murphy, research director at Alltech’s European Headquarters and Bioscience Center in Dunboyne, Ireland, addressed 20 of the world’s leading veterinary practitioners, nutritionists and technical managers.
Murphy spoke fervently regarding the critical issues surrounding antibiotic resistance and its role in animal protein production. He also shared possible strategies whereby livestock producers may position themselves as antibiotic-free.
“I don’t want to sound sensationalist, but without efforts to reduce reliance on antibiotics in livestock and animal production, we could be heading for an apocalypse scenario,” said Murphy.
Berge explained how many European countries now have antibiotic reduction plans. Sweden, Finland and Norway, for example, have prohibited prophylactic/growth promoting use since the 1980s, with registration and veterinary control required for all antimicrobials. Considering this, she posed the question: Can we do more as producers?
Benchmarking is important in the pig industry as it allows producers to set clear goals against best practice, production and efficiency models. By measuring specific metrics on farm, the producer can become more efficient, profitable and sustainable.
“Benchmarking is big in Belgium and it is something we could all learn from. The country has adopted a clear reduction approach, which is systematic, well analyzed and allows all producers to participate,” said Berge.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), “one of the most common routes of transmission for infectious agents is direct pig-to-pig contact: movement of infected pigs in close physical contact with non-infected pigs is decisive in transmitting diseases.” Biosecurity, procedures or measures designed to protect the population against harmful biological or biochemical substances, has become a popular topic in agriculture due to an increase in disease transmission.
In the coming years, we will see an increase in biosecurity on-farm. Efficiencies, through biosecurity, will allow pig producers to reduce antibiotic use and treatment costs, resulting in higher productivity.
“The antibiotic reduction program (Alltech Antibiotic-Free program) by Alltech is an industry-initiated program whereby farms may get total herd audits and recommendations for efficient performance and increased herd profitability with resulting reduction in antimicrobial use,” said Berge.
In addition, there are multiple measures pig producers can take to reduce the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the food chain, including:
  • Routinely monitor and develop a list of pathogens in a pig population, which is vital to the success of an antibiotic-free system.
  • Identify the challenges affecting productivity and profitability on-farm, as well as aspects of housing, husbandry and management that may be causing issues.
  • Re-evaluate biosecurity both internally and externally. Examine herd flow, cleanliness, transportation and employee traffic.
  • Establish and implement an effective vaccination program with the veterinarian that supports herd health and safety.
  • Build a nutritional platform in the pigs’ diet that includes technologies to reduce the risk of pathogens and improve immunity.
  • Be ready to adapt. Reducing antibiotics or implementing an antibiotic-free program takes time. Observing how these changes impact the animals’ health and production is an important part of this process. Make sure there is room in the plan to make improvements.
For more information on antibiotic-free recommendations, click here.  
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The 7 questions you were afraid to ask about antibiotics in animal feed

Submitted by klampert on Thu, 06/16/2016 - 10:45

The following is a preview of Aidan Connolly's post, which you can find on LinkedIn

Question 1: Why are antibiotics in animal feed in the first place?

Antibiotics have been good for the world. They have been instrumental in allowing humanity to enjoy a standard and quality of life unimagined prior to their discovery. Initially, antibiotics allowed us to control life-altering and fatal diseases in humans.

Secondarily, they have facilitated the development of a modern, safe and efficient agricultural system that produces food economically, affordably and plentifully for most of the 7 billion people on the planet. 

When farmers began putting antibiotics in the feed of animals in the 1950s they did so initially because it resulted in lower mortalities but quickly they also noted their animals grew faster, requiring less feed. Veterinarians later observed better intestinal health and less inflammation during autopsies and surmised that the improved animal performance was most likely due to the more efficient absorption of nutrients in the intestine of those animals.

Question 2: Where does resistance come from?

The simple definition of resistance is “the ability of microbes to resist the effect of antibiotic drugs” and the mechanisms by which bacteria become resistant and pass on that resistance to other bacteria are relatively well known. Bacteria adapt very quickly to the environment, so when antibiotics are used continuously, the bacteria they are meant to kill can adapt, survive and replicate making it extremely difficult to kill the remaining bacteria. Resistance can develop through selective pressure (that is, when antibiotics kill some but not all of a bacterial group), mutation and gene transfer. These three mechanisms can also combine, as when bacteria not only become resistant to antibiotics, but also start to pass that characteristic on to other bacteria present in the gut. 

There are many sources of resistance with examples in humans and animals, including the inappropriate use of drugs or inadequate diagnostics in hospitals or veterinarian situations, the use of antimicrobial soap in bathrooms, the use of zinc oxide or copper sulfate in the diets of animals, and the use of chlorine in water of humans and animals alike. Scientists have demonstrated that these and any substances that create pressure on a microbial population lead to changes similar to the passage of resistance. 

Overall, humans are the main source of resistance, due to the misuse of antibiotics, not using them for the time period recommended by their doctors, or not using the recommended dose. Hospitals and homes for the elderly have become hot spots of resistance, which puts older people, very young people and immune-comprised people who are the least capable of fighting off infection without antibiotics at the highest risk.

It is clear that antibiotic use in humans is not uniform. For example, looking at a map of the U.S., antibiotic misuse per 1000 people tends to be concentrated in the eastern part of the country rather than the west, with over-prescription particularly prevalent in the South and Midwest. Recent studies indicate that an average of 506 antibiotic prescriptions are administered per 1000 doctor visits, while experts concluded that only slightly more than half of these prescriptions were actually necessary or appropriate.

In animals, resistance works the same way, and the passage of resistance from animals to humans can occur through contact with live animals or environmental contamination. (In 2005, the CDDEP found that when antibiotics are fed to animals 90% go through urine and 75% were found in feces; more recently antibiotic resistant bacteria have been found in water systems, waste treatment and in dust carried by air.) It also seems to be possible for resistance to be passed through the consumption of meat, milk and eggs from contaminated animals (for example, a U.S. study found that 53% of grocery chicken contained antibiotic resistant E. coli). 

Farmers are often irritated that activists focus on antibiotics in animal food, when the majority of resistance come from human misuse/overuse/abuse, but the general public finds it easy to agree with Prince Charles (speaking to the Royal Society in London) when he said, “I find it difficult to understand how we can continue to allow most of the antibiotics used in farming, many of which are also used in human medicine, to be administered to healthy animals.”

Read the rest of Aidan Connolly's post, including the next five questions and answers, here

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Complexing micronutrients: It’s back to the basics!

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 06/08/2016 - 09:14

Amino acids — the basic building blocks of every organism — are important for plant growth, development and metabolism. Plants must synthesize amino acids in order to grow, develop and perform all routine metabolic functions.

While animals must obtain amino acids through their diets, plants can synthesize their own. However, in order to conduct this process in the most efficient manner, plants must have an adequate and continuous supply of beneficial nutrients. Water and sunlight availability are also key in order for plants to perform these functions.

Building from a strong technology base

As a leader in chelation technology for animals, Alltech is now applying the same technology principles to plants for the benefit of crop producers. Alltech Crop Science has focused on the principles of complexing to support and improve plant nutrient uptake.

How? The inherent complexing nature of amino acids is used to deliver a balanced source of essential nutrients in a uniquely bioavailable form.

Improving efficiency through precision application

“With foliar-applied micronutrients, complexed minerals are easily and quickly absorbed and their uptake is optimized,” said Nicolas Body, agronomist and European technical manager for Alltech Crop Science.

This can aid in production efficiency.

“There is basically zero waste,” added Body. “Rapid absorption by leaves, combined with targeted application, can provide plants with immediate access to essential nutrients.”

Plant-based solutions for a sustainable future

Alltech has the ability to “grow” these natural microorganisms at company facilities for amino acid extraction. In fact, 18 of 20 amino acids can be extracted from yeast, which is Alltech’s core competency. With one of the largest yeast facilities in the world, Alltech has a bountiful supply of raw materials utilized for the production and extraction of these naturally occurring amino acids.

“We are finding in nature the tools to help producers with nutrient management as well as crop protection and performance,” said Body. “Today, it is now possible to use natural organic acids to do the job of synthetic chemicals.”

This technology will help growers and consumers promote environmental sustainability without compromising quality and yield. Maintaining plant health through proper nutrition can reduce the need for synthetic inputs that can cause consumer concerns and pose environmental risks.

The following essential plant micronutrients have successfully been complexed with amino acid technology and can promote efficiency with each of the following functions:

Copper: Essential for chlorophyll formation and reactions involved in photosynthesis. Sandy, high-pH soils are most prone to copper deficiency.

Manganese: Aids in germination, maturity and availability of other nutrients. Waterlogged, high-pH organic soils are most prone to manganese deficiency. Herbicide stress is also a common contributing factor to manganese deficiency.

Zinc: Essential for growth, zinc plays a role in building growth hormones and in photosynthesis. Zinc deficiency is common with cool, wet weather and appears as stunted growth and shortening of internodes.

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Don’t forget about aflatoxin B1!

Submitted by amartin on Tue, 06/07/2016 - 20:55

Commonly known as field mycotoxins, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is causing some buzz across North America. The well-known toxin is showing up in storage grains, posing heightened risks to dairy production.

Looking at feedstuff samples submitted and tested through the Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analytical services laboratory over the past several years, results show a pattern of very low total aflatoxin levels and occurrence across North America. However, in recent months, AFB1 has been appearing more frequently and at higher levels in samples submitted from the Northern United States and Canada.

Aflatoxins, part of the Aspergillus fungi family, are commonly detected in cottonseeds/cottonseed meal, typically grown in the Southern United States. More recently, the Northern states and Ontario are finding that commodities such as haylage, corn silage, corn and high moisture corn are testing positive, with significant levels of AFB1 above 20 parts per billion (ppb), while cottonseed samples have contained no measurable levels. The question is, why are rising levels occurring now?

The reasons behind rising levels of aflatoxin B1

This spring, North America experienced above normal temperatures. These warmer temperatures, in combination with the weather at harvest and various storage conditions could be promoting the growth of Aspergillus mold, causing an increased observance of AFB1. Research from Cheli et al. (2013) showed that Aspergillus flavus can grow in a wide range of temperatures from 50 to 109 degrees Fahrenheit (10-43°C), and in pH levels ranging from 2.1 to 11.2. The same is true for aflatoxin production by mold. If producers have not stored their feedstuffs correctly, changes in environmental temperatures after the post-winter thaw and during spring months can cause an increase in mycotoxin production.

Another study by Keller et al. (2013) demonstrated AFB1 contamination frequency levels were higher on post-fermentation silage samples when compared to pre-fermented samples. This suggests that Aspergillus flavus and AFB1 contamination is enhanced during storage. Poor storing conditions and improper practices during the ensiling process, or even after a silo is cut for feed out, can lead to this kind of contamination.

According to the Alltech 37+ mycotoxin analysis, corn silage samples collected and analyzed from January through April 2016 across North America saw AFB1 in approximately 30 percent of the 116 samples at levels up to 90 ppb. For the same time period in 2015, AFB1 tested positive in only six percent of samples, and zero percent in 2014.

aflatoxin chart 2016.jpg

The implications of rising aflatoxin B1 levels 

Aflatoxins at higher levels can cause a decrease in feed intake, altered rumen function, lowered milk production and increased somatic cell count. At lower levels, cows may not always show symptoms of aflatoxin consumption but may have altered milk quality due to the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations state that active levels of AFB1 may not exceed 20 ppb in feedstuffs or feeds for dairy cows and 0.5 ppb of AFM1 before milk must be discarded. In these cases, producers may need to dump milk, impacting the bottom line.

Results from the Alltech 37+ also showed a multi-contamination setting with 93 percent of samples testing positive for two or more mycotoxins. Other mycotoxins frequently present at higher levels include type B trichothecenes (DON group) at 84 percent, and fumonisins and fusaric acid at 81 percent. In settings such as these, mitigation strategies such as the use of a sequestering agent can aid in offsetting the negative effects of multiple mycotoxin contamination on cow health.

As corn silage is only one component of the total mixed rations (TMR), producers are encouraged to protect their herds by testing feed for moisture, mold count, yeast count and mycotoxins to understand what is being included in the TMR. Implementation of proper storage and feeding practices is crucial to minimize the opportunity for mycotoxins to flourish. When cows do not perform to their potential, corn silage quality and possible contamination should be considered.

To learn more on AFB1 or challenges multiple mycotoxin contamination can pose to herd health and performance, visit

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Alltech & Coppens International: Serving global aquaculture, stronger together

Submitted by eivantsova on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 08:52

2016 has been a remarkable year thus far. This past month we welcomed more than 3,000 friends from 71 countries for an unbelievable week of idea-sharing and inspiration at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference. We also grew the Alltech family through the acquisition of Keenan, a leading farming solutions manufacturer known particularly for their “Green Machine” and InTouch Technology.

Today it’s a delight to share further excitement as we welcome Coppens International, an innovative Dutch aquatic feed and nutrition company, to our family. READ the press release here

Coppens International is known around the world as a technical specialist that produces high-quality aquatic feeds. The Coppens International team works continuously to perfect their formulas and develop new feed to cater to market demands. They have drive, they are passionate and they care – all qualities we value here at Alltech. Coppens International’s innovative techniques provide us with a winning combination for delivering greater efficiency and profitability direct to our aquatic producers.

Together we will now offer a breakthrough development in the feed industry by providing a fish feed completely derived from a sustainable and traceable fish oil replacement.  With Coppens International, we complete the cycle from a sustainable source of microalgae, rich in DHA omega-3 fatty acid, through to fish feeds and into fish products. The production of our algae is based on yeast components from which the algae gain a number of critical nutrients to grow, produce the high fat content and, even more importantly, high levels of the DHA omega-3 fatty acid. This active ingredient, as in many of our other yeast-based products, ultimately improves animal and fish health, while providing DHA-rich, functional foods that deliver a wide range of well-known health benefits to consumers. Now there is a true marriage between a unique aquatic feed manufacturer and an animal health-focused algae production facility! In fact, our plant in Winchester, Kentucky is food-grade and approaching more than 20,000 tons annually, with capacity expected to triple by year-end.

Using Alltech’s primacy in science combined with Coppens International team of researchers, we believe we will be one of the first to completely remove fish meal and fish oil from feed. We will replace these with Alltech’s FOR PLUS, which is derived from algae, and produced in our dedicated algae facility in Kentucky. We will be able to guarantee our customers a source of DHA which is traceable, sustainable and without the contamination issues of fish products. 

Just like Alltech, Coppens International is passionate about customer-centered research. In fact, they have 17 hectares of ponds devoted to research and raising specialty fish such as aquarium fish.  With two dedicated extruders, the company’s products are shipped around the world, and their capacity will increase shortly with a third extruder in the coming months. In looking to the future, Dr. Karl Dawson, chief scientific officer at Alltech, said, “We will continue sharing results of the successful use of Alltech’s FOR PLUS in all animal and fish diets. We have already demonstrated some surprising benefits for production animals. At Alltech, we remain steadfastly focused on our ACE principle of being friendly to the Animal, the Consumer, and the Environment.”

By joining Alltech, Coppens International is achieving one of its long-held ambitions - the replacement of fish oil with Alltech algae technology. Given the unsustainable global supply of fish oil, this is a true leap forward for their aquaculture nutrition program.

In fact, did you know that we own one of the only fully-operational, large-scale algae production facilities in the world? At the Alltech Algae facility in Winchester, Kentucky, we have invested heavily to develop proprietary algal technology for application in aquaculture, pet and livestock nutrition. No longer a buzzword, algae are gaining attention for their application to the feed and food industries as a highly sustainable source of DHA omega-3, and Coppens International will now be leveraging our algal technology.

We see plenty of synergies that can occur with Coppens International. Fish farms will have improved direct access to the most cutting-edge, sustainable technologies relevant to today's aquaculture industry demands.

In April this year, we launched the Alltech Aquaculture Postgraduate Program, a joint research partnership with the world-renowned University of Stirling Institute of Aquaculture in Scotland, and we are also making great progress with Alltech Aquaculture in Kentucky. Again, why? We see the opportunities ahead within the exciting sector of aquaculture.

The aquaculture sector is experiencing tremendous growth worldwide. In fact, did you know that aquaculture is the fastest growing segment of the animal feed industry? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, fish consumption now exceeds beef consumption per capita, and farmed fish now exceed wild caught. What an opportunity!

Together, Alltech and Coppens International will ensure that aquatic producers around the world can practice responsible and efficient aquaculture. Together, we will make a sustainable contribution to food production for a growing global population that demands the very best. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime to work hand-in-hand on delivering aquaculture solutions.

Welcome to our family, Coppens International!

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Anno Galema, managing director of Coppens International, and Dr. Pearse Lyons, president and founder of Alltech, celebrate the two companies joining forces for global aquaculture.

Dr. Pearse Lyons : Remembering The Greatest, Muhammad Ali

Submitted by eivantsova on Sat, 06/04/2016 - 08:57

What do you say about an iconic individual that you are fortunate enough to have spent moments with in life?  What do you say about someone who, when we brought him to Ireland, packed the hall? He was a man who said the least but also the most. 
When we brought Muhammad Ali to Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland, to Turnpike Road, where his great-grandfather, Abe Grady, came from, to say the streets were packed would be an understatement.  With ties from all over the world right there in the middle of Ennis, we laid a stone commemorating the return of a long lost brother to Ireland. 
I will never forget seeing him when I was a 26-year-old, fight Blue Lewis from Detroit, right there in my home of Dublin at Croke Park.  The pounding these men gave each other was remarkable, and you would have to be there to hear it to understand.  When I said to him many years later, as I saluted him at our annual Symposium event in 2009,  "You know when you were in your prime, and I was in my prime, I always reckoned that I could take you in three."  He looked at me, looked at the audience, and signaled on his head with his finger that I was loopy. 
At the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, Ali was most at home when he was greeting the children from Haiti.  They sat on his knee, and he tickled their tummies, and they knew they were safe with him. 
I sat with him in the car waiting to go into the Kentucky Horse Park outdoor arena for the Opening Ceremonies of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, and Coach Calipari had gone in the stadium just before us. I said to Ali, "Let's hold back.  This is your time."  As soon as he heard the crowds, it was like an electric switch went off in his brain.  He waved to the left and to the right to all his adoring fans.  That is the Muhammad Ali I will always remember. 
I have a collage of pictures in my office of our memories together, and not a day goes by that I don't see it. To have had the opportunity to meet him when we brought him across to Ireland to visit his great-grandfather’s home, and to watch his face as we relived his fights on the plane’s movie screens on the trip over is something that I will never forget.  We lost an icon.  We lost a great man. 

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Restoring balance to the environment through soil

Submitted by eivantsova on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 11:12

With only 12 percent of land on Earth suitable for crop farming, both water efficiency  and soil health are of equal importance. The world’s precious soil hosts more than a quarter of the planet’s biodiversity.

“However, as soils are continually treated with pesticides and fungicides, hundreds of ecosystems and billions of microbes are being destroyed,” said Robert Walker, global general manager for Alltech Crop Science, at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference.

This leads to imbalances that destroy crops, sometimes not just for a season, but for the foreseeable future.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 20 to 25 percent of soils worldwide have already been degraded through modern agriculture practices. In fact, an additional area the size of Austria is degraded each year.1 The world’s growing population, with an increasing demand for food production, has brought new attention to soil degradation.

“Unless new approaches are adopted, the global amount of arable and productive land per person in 2050 will be only a quarter of the level that was available in 1960,” said Walker, citing the FAO report.

Time is of the essence in finding new solutions, as it takes 1,000 years for 3 centimeters of new topsoil to be generated.  Where can answers be found for application today? Walker sees opportunities in organic farming, precision agriculture and beneath our feet, in the soil itself. 

Answers rooted in the soil: Microbes at work

“Proper soil nutrition should be our first line of defense,” said Walker on the topic of saving the soil and helping producers increase their crop production.

“Only 2 percent of all microbes in soil have been identified. What if we were to harness the other unidentified 98 percent?”

Microbes can help support plant health in the following ways:

  • Increasing nutrient availability
  • Enhancing root growth
  • Neutralizing toxic compounds in soils
  • Providing disease suppression
  • Increasing plant immunity and boosting resistance against environmental extremes

One success story can be found in Costa Rica, where microbial technology is being successfully deployed to help banana producers fight disease and reduce the use of synthetic fungicides.

By incorporating new microbial technologies with soil management methods such as conservation tillage, producers have ONE big opportunity, Walker predicts. While synthetic chemistries have helped with feeding a growing population, weed resistance and limited productivity challenge current systems.

“It’s time to develop a new system of agriculture based on natural principles for crop and soil health and productivity,” said Walker.

An additional benefit of integrating microbial technology with conservation tillage applies to water use.

“With each 1 percent increase in organic matter, there is the ability for the soil to hold an additional 20,000 gallons of water per acre,” concluded Walker.

He encourages producers worldwide to adopt ONE new technology to conserve soil vitality.

To read more about soil, which is “our silent ally in food production” according to the United Nations, and Alltech’s microbial research, click here.

Source 1: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, “Soil Atlas 2015.”

Robbie Walker was a presenter at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference. Audio recordings of most talks from ONE will be made available on the Alltech Idea Lab by mid-June 2016. For access, click on the button below.

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Restoring balance to the environment through soil
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Our soil is living, and we must nurture its natural ecosystem.
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Calculate and improve your dairy’s income over feed cost metrics

Submitted by eivantsova on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 09:24

Income over feed cost (IOFC) can be a critical metric when evaluating a farm’s profitability and the sustainability of a current or proposed feeding program. During times of low milk prices, understanding your costs can be crucial to a farm, effectively riding the wave to the next high or low in the milk price storm.

Understanding IOFC

IOFC is defined as the portion of income from milk sold that remains after paying for purchased and farm-raised feed used to produce the milk.  

Information you need to calculate IOFC:

  1. Milk price average per month
  2. Total milk produced per day over the period of a month
  3. Number of cows as it relates to production during that month
  4. Inputs (amount of feed used)
  5. Cost per ton of feed input (to purchase or produce)

To illustrate with an example, we will use a 142-cow milking Holstein herd in Kentucky.

  • Income
    • Milk price:  $15.50
    • Number of cows: 142
    • Average pounds produced per cow per day: 78 pounds
      • Income per cow per day: $15.50 * .78 = $12.09
  • Feed costs:


Cost per ton

Cost per lb

Inclusion in Diet (lbs)

Cost in Diet

Corn Silage










Fine Ground Corn





Soybean Meal


















IOFC = $12.09 (income) - $5.53 (feed costs) = $6.56 per cow per day

Feed to succeed

When evaluating your ration to maximize IOFC, there are potential changes that carry minimal to no cost but can have an impact on your bottom line.

  1. Slow release non-protein nitrogen provides a concentrated source of ruminally-degradable protein. Due to the concentrated nature of the protein, a small amount provides the same nutrients as a larger amount of vegetable protein, allowing for reformulation potential to reduce feed costs. Optigen®, a product from Alltech, was utilized by Penn State in an example of IOFC calculation. You can read more here:
  2. Yeast: Feeding yeast has been widely researched and has shown to improve dry matter intake, stabilize rumen pH, maximize nutrient release and reduce overall feed costs.
  3. Enzymes: Looking at the use of enzyme technology can be another avenue to maximize IOFC.  When feeding high-forage or high-corn diets, adding an enzyme that helps break down the key components in these diets, such as starch or plant fiber, can increase feed efficiency and improve milk production.

Using tools such as IOFC can lead to opportunities to gain a better understanding of your ration, to improve profitability of your herd and to understand your spending power when it comes to other on-farm purchases.  

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Calculate and improve your dairy’s income over feed cost metrics
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Meet Neil Keane, European Dairy CDP manager

Submitted by amartin on Fri, 05/27/2016 - 20:21

Meet Neil Keane, manager of the 2016 European Dairy Career Development Program (DCDP). After successfully running the Beef Career Development Program in Europe in 2015, Neil will be in charge of recruiting, training and helping a new generation of graduates grow a successful career in Alltech. Neil is anxious to meet the new DCDP members and shared his impressions and expectations of the program.

Please tell us a little bit about your role in Alltech.

Originally from Ireland, I have a master’s of science in ruminant nutrition from the University College Dublin and a postgraduate diploma in business management from the University of Plymouth. Working in Alltech for more than 11 years now, I am responsible for our ruminant sales in Europe; developing and setting up trials for our new biogas project with Niall Brennan, a former DCDP member; and providing our European dairy customers with sustainable and profitable solutions.

As the Dairy Career Development Program manager, what are the most important skills you are looking for during the hiring process?

When screening candidates for the Dairy Career Development Program, a degree in animal science, dairy science or veterinary science is essential as the position requires a good technical knowledge of animal health and nutrition as well as the dairy industry. The key skills we look for are openness, curiosity, humility, flexibility and enthusiasm. As the program seeks to develop a sales role, it is important that candidates display good interpersonal skills. Being sociable and outgoing is essential, and it allows our graduates to build good relationships with customers. Alltech is a fast-paced environment, having the ability to adapt and work on various projects is vital.  

The Dairy Career Development Program is a year-long learning process, what do you expect from the members upon completion of the program?

Upon completion of the Dairy Career Development Program, Alltech hopes that all members will have grown in confidence in their daily activities. Our world-class training provides graduates with not only innovative solutions for modern dairy farming but it also provides them with an opportunity to develop new solutions based on their first-hand knowledge on the farm. Professionally, we expect them after this year to be able to bring value to the dairy producers they work with, to develop their own projects bringing innovation to their market and to have them take full ownership of these ideas.

How would you describe your relationship as a manager with members of the program?

Throughout the year, we ensure a supportive environment for DCDPers. Previous programs have taught us that we need to maintain frequent communication to assist the members if needed. We also try to set the best conditions and give members access to resources to facilitate them pursuing opportunities and developing their own projects. DCDP members receive support and mentorship from senior members of Alltech as well as industry leaders to help them succeed in their careers.

In your opinion, what is special about the Dairy Career Development Program?

In addition to the uniqueness of the program and opportunities to travel, the DCDP gives graduates a chance to work with senior leadership. The approach Alltech will be taking is not just to instruct and share knowledge, but to show the graduates the route of experiential learning. The hands-on programme allows graduates with a passion for dairy farming to develop solutions for emerging industry issues and make their stamp on the industry. We aim to develop the next generation of dairy nutritionists who are ready to support and develop the global industry. Ongoing challenges, such as weak import demands, excess supplies and the ever-changing climate, continue to shake the dairy industry. This investment by Alltech shows the significant importance of the global dairy industry to us and our belief in the importance of supporting future dairy industry leaders.

What advice would you give to applicants to the Dairy Career Development Program?

Alltech is seeking graduates who have a passion for dairy. It is essential to know and understand Alltech and its values. I would advise graduates to read our ACE principles. Throughout the selection process, we want candidates displaying honesty about their skills and personality and sharing about themselves openly.

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Neil, far left, also works with beef cattle.

Dive into your blue ocean

Submitted by amartin on Wed, 05/25/2016 - 21:25

In today’s world, competition in the marketplace is significantly greater than it was 50 years ago. Damien McLoughlin, Anthony C. Cunningham Professor of Marketing at the University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, opened up the final plenary session of ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference by discussing a strategy for differentiation.

“What is it that you can do to make your competition irrelevant?” asked McLoughlin. “What is it that you can do to make competition less significant in your competitive and business life?”

The theme of McLoughlin’s talk pivoted off these questions. He gave many reasons why he believes competition is more intense right now, but the most important factor is the advance in technology.

“Today, all of the power is with the buyer,” said McLoughlin.

He said places like China, the Philippines, Vietnam and other competitors of the U.S “have access to ideas from the old world and they are applying those at new markets in the new world.”

“They’re pushing competitive activity in a way that we haven’t experienced before,” he explained. “These first three forces (Technology, globalization, demographic change), of course, are all beyond the control of any person in this room… However, there is one other force, which is impacting our ability to affect competition; that’s the strategic or strategy choice.”

McLoughlin then explored the “red ocean” and “blue ocean” strategies that define businesses.

Red ocean strategy

A prime example of a “red ocean” business is the soda industry. McLoughlin said that when you see soda in a grocery store, everything is priced the same and looks exactly alike.

“When their competitor takes action, they copy it straight away,” he said, illustrating one of the signs of a red ocean.

He believes this strategy consists of companies that compete in existing market spaces, beat the competition, exploit existing demand, make the value-cost trade-off and align the firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost.

According to one of McLoughlin’s slides, the “red ocean” is the death of a firm.

Blue ocean strategy

McLoughlin used Southwest Airlines as an example of a “blue ocean” business. 

“They smashed the rules of competitive engagement, created large uncontested new markets, simultaneously pursued value and low cost,” he said.

The outcome of this strategy was that Southwest Airline is now the number one airline in the U.S, with an 18.5 percent market share in 2016.

A blue ocean strategy is the exact opposite of the red ocean strategy. You will know you have a blue ocean company if you, “create uncontested market spaces, make the competition irrelevant, create and capture new demand, break the idea of value-cost trade-off, align the whole system of a firm’s activity in pursuit of differentiation and low cost,” said McLoughlin.

“It’s a tall task,” he said.

McLoughlin says that the main core principle of blue ocean strategy is value innovation. “What I mean by that is, we find ways to reduce our cost,” he said.

The craft beer industry, Ocado (an online supermarket in the United Kingdom) and Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, are also successful utilizers of blue ocean strategies.

McLoughlin asked the audience two questions:

1.Do you dare to be different?

2.Are you willing to invest the strategic thinking time needed to create blue oceans?

He said four tools are needed for a blue ocean strategy within a company:

  1. The strategy canvas.
  2. The four actions framework.
  3. Find new customers by looking for non-customers.
  4. Price corridor of the masses - Price to encourage as many people as possible to buy the product.
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Professor Damien McLoughlin details the “blue ocean” strategy to make your competition irrelevant.

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