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All About Feed: Enhancing broiler output and environmental sustainability

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 11/11/2022 - 10:56

As the livestock industry tries to limit its environmental footprint, increasing evidence points to the role that nutritional solutions can play in meeting such targets.

Mycotoxins present an ever-increasing challenge to global agriculture. Contamination of feedstuffs by these naturally produced compounds impacts crop and feed quality, animal health, farm productivity and overall business profitability. 

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Poultry World: Optimal gut health stops the spread of food poisoning bacteria

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 11/11/2022 - 10:42

Approximately 90% of all reported cases of foodborne illness are caused by Salmonella and Campylobacter, 2 families of bacteria that have been shown to have high levels of antimicrobial resistance. Ensuring gut health can stop food poisoning bacteria in its tracks.

Click here for full article. 

International Poultry Production: Using maternal transfer to deliver the power of selenium to offspring

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 10/21/2022 - 10:54

Since its discovery over 200 years ago, it has been well demonstrated that selenium (Se) plays a critical role in oxidative stress, reproductive performance, immune function and growth development. In general, plant-based raw materials (for example, corn, soybean, wheat) do not meet the Se requirements of modern breeder birds, necessitating supplementation.

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Feed Navigator: A nutritional approach to prolong the production cycle of aging laying hens

Submitted by jnorrie on Fri, 10/14/2022 - 10:59

In the modern layer industry, the single production cycle of commercial laying hens has been extended with the continuous improvement of breeding and the deepening of nutrition research. Now they can be raised to 90-100 weeks old.

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Feed Navigator: How nutritional solutions can enhance broiler productivity and environmental sustainability

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 15:11

Mycotoxins present an ever-increasing challenge to global agriculture. Contamination of feedstuffs by these naturally produced compounds impacts crop and feed quality, animal health, farm productivity and overall business profitability. Different management methods can be employed to counteract the mycotoxin effects on animal production. One proven method is the use of in-feed nutritional solutions, such as yeast cell wall extract (YCWE), that are designed to bind or adsorb mycotoxins and remove them from the animal’s digestive tract before they have a chance to cause serious harm.

Feedinfo: Establishing Piglet Gut Health Soon After Birth is Central to Alltech's Post-ZnO Programme for Farmers - INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 14:56

With the EU’s ban on the therapeutic use of zinc oxide taking effect this year, many around the world are keeping a close eye on the bloc to see how this will affect pig production. Of equal interest to them will be how alternative strategies perform in the absence of zinc oxide and whether these can maintain producer productivity and profitability.

All About Feed: Reducing ruminants’ environmental footprint

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 14:27

Decarbonising beef and dairy production can lead to improved farm gate returns. Robust science supporting supplemental feed claims designed to mitigate ruminant emissions is important. The noble tasks of producing meat and dairy products to feed the world have provided a welcome background of normality during the tumultuous times in which we currently live. 

Click here for full article. 


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