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​Protein Management


The Alltech® Protein Management program provides a source of consistent, high-quality protein for your animals, getting them off to the right start and keeping production on track to optimize performance.

Adding Alltech’s protein solutions to your feed can:

  • Support gut development.
  • Promote uniformity.
  • Maximize performance.
  • Provide a source of high-quality protein.
  • Enhance fiber digestion.
  • Promote weight gain.
  • Optimize rumen efficiency.
  • Support gastrointestinal development.
  • Maximize feed intake.
  • Optimize uniformity.

Contact us for more information

<>Homepage Abbreviation
Deliver quality protein

​Mineral Management


Your livestock depend on you. Performance depends on the right mineral.

Do it right with the Alltech® Mineral Management program for better absorption, less waste and optimum health.

Mineral management is more than just preventing deficiencies. 

Incorrect mineral supplementation can have major consequences on animal health and productivity. Traditional methods of supplementation have used inorganic minerals. However, inorganic minerals are poorly absorbed by the animal. This has caused a shift to organic mineral supplementation in many markets.

Break with tradition and feed your animals the modern way.

Alltech® has proven that organic trace minerals in the form of Bioplex® and Sel-Plex® can be included at significantly lower levels while improving animal performance. This optimizes animal mineral requirements and reduces negative environmental impacts. We call this innovation Alltech’s Total Replacement Technology™ (TRT).

The Alltech Mineral Management program guarantees organic minerals that are better absorbed, stored and utilized by the animal. This meets the higher nutrient needs of modern livestock for growth, reproductive performance and animal health.

Contact us for more information

<>Homepage Abbreviation
Optimize mineral nutrition

​Gut Health

Gut health is a foundation for performance and profitability in animal production.

Antibiotic-free is a hot topic, as both producers and consumers become more concerned about the effects of antibiotics on animal well-being and the meat they produce.

The process of going antibiotic-free can be arduous, but as some producers have been able to demonstrate, it can also be done successfully by putting their focus on gut health.

Scientists believe that 90% of diseases can be traced back to gut health and the microbiome. The establishment of the microbiome as a young piglet, chick or calf will impact that animal for the rest of its life. Also, holistic nutrition and management practices should be provided across all stages of production. This aids the transition towards minimal antibiotic use in a drive to achieve antibiotic-free operations.

To support these strategies, Alltech has created a line of gut health solutions to ensure success within and outside the gut, and with animal health in general.

<>Homepage Abbreviation
Improve gut health

​Mycotoxin Management

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are natural substances produced by molds and fungi, and based on results from Alltech’s mycotoxin testing, over 95% of samples analysed globally are contaminated with at least one mycotoxin. Mycotoxins are invisible, stable and toxic chemical compounds, and common in the farm environment – surviving in many places and on many different types of feed sources.

More than 500 different types of mycotoxins including DON, Aflatoxin, Fumonisin and more have been identified to date and most animal feedstuffs are likely to be contaminated with multiple mycotoxins.

The growth of molds, and subsequent mycotoxin production, are influenced by a range of factors such as environmental conditions, temperature, (hot/cool), moisture (wet/dry) and agronomic practices. However, mycotoxins can also be produced by molds when other stress conditions occur to the host plant or the mold such as insect damage or poor storage conditions.

Ever present in the farm environment and a potential threat to the productivity of even the best-run livestock production operations, mycotoxin contamination should now be on every feed producer and farmer’s radar.

In the fight against the symptoms of mycotoxins, Alltech has developed a world-leading Mycotoxin Management program built around a combination of mycotoxin testing, detailed analysis and insights, technical support and specific nutritional technologies.

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Reduce risk of mycotoxins
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Alltech 37+®

Having an accurate assessment of the mycotoxin risk and mycotoxin levels in animal feed is key to choosing the appropriate nutritional technology, and the development of an overall effective mycotoxin management program. Mycotoxins can often be the hidden challenge on farms and in feed mills, but with the Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analysis, they cannot remain hidden for long.

The Alltech 37+® mycotoxin analysis test is the cornerstone of our mycotoxin control program and between our labs in the USA and Ireland, we have analysed over 42,000 samples, each searching for over 40 mycotoxins in animal feed.

Alltech 37+® test results provide a realistic picture of feed contaminants in feed ingredients, forages, finished feeds or total mixed rations with the aim of:

  • Speeding up the process of diagnosis
  • Providing accurate suggestions for effective remediation.
  • Helping move toward an effective mycotoxin control plan.


Alltech® RAPIREAD is the latest addition to our integrated system of mycotoxin analysis tools that provide producers with the insights required to make the most effective decisions when it comes to mitigating the mycotoxin threat.

The system highights real-time mycotoxin contamination on-farm and in the feed mill, providing you with 24/7 online access to detailed results and analysis – all helping to maintain production efficiency, profitability and animal health.

Alltech® RAPIREAD system consists of:

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Raptor analysis platform icon

Raptor integrated analysis platform

Alltech RAPIREAD app icon

Alltech® RAPIREADmobile app

Alltech RAPIREAD data sync icon

Alltech® RAPIREADdata sync tool

Mycotoxin management portal icon

Mycotoxin Management Portal

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Detection Methods of Mycotoxins
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Suitable for testing individual grains and forages, accurate results can currently be determined for Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin, Zearalenone, DON, T2/HT-2 Toxins, Fumonisin and Ergot.

Alltech® RAPIREADmobile App

Linked to the Raptor testing device, the Alltech® RAPIREAD mobile app allows users to submit mycotoxin test requests and subsequently view the results of your test within the same App. The easy to use appapp provides a portable and speedy way to understand the mycotoxin risk in the feedmill or on-farm.

Why choose Alltech Mycotoxin Management?

  • A holistic Mycotoxin Management program that helps producers address the whole challenge, from the farm to the feed mill, and from risk assessment to feed management.
  • Over 25 years of dedicated scientific research and innovation in the area of mycotoxin management.
  • A complete range of nutritional technologies to address specific feedstuff challenges and different growth stages within various species.
  • Make the most informed decisions by using the latest technology for mycotoxin risk identification, data analysis and insights generation. Ability to deliver both rapid testing and more comprehensive laboratory-based mycotoxin detection.
  • A global team delivering the latest in mycotoxin research, knowledge transfer and technical support; all helping to ensure the health and productivity of animals, and the contribution to a safer food supply chain for the end consumer.

To find out more, please visit

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​Feed Efficiency


The Alltech® Feed Efficiency program supports your animals in achieving optimal health throughout their life cycle, addressing nutritional issues such as digestibility, diet flexibility, feed costs and overall performance.

With feed costs often accounting for up to 70 percent of production costs, it is important to make sure each bite of feed is digested efficiently.

The Alltech Feed Efficiency program utilizes technologies that work in synergy with the animal’s own digestive system to provide additional protein, amino acids and minerals for digestion. Supporting the animal's digestive system can help maximize nutrient release, achieve consistent performance and reduce the overall costs of feed.

Contact us for more information

<>Homepage Abbreviation
Increase feed efficiency
<>Brightcove Video

Caroline Stocks: From urban life to agricultural journalism

Submitted by aeadmin on Mon, 11/07/2016 - 00:00

This story on agricultural journalism is a guest post by Caroline Stocks. Be sure to visit her bio by clicking above on the author link for more information. Thanks, Caroline!

Whenever I tell people I’m an agricultural journalist, I always brace myself for the barrage of questions that invariably follow.

“Do you just write about cows all day?” is a common place to start, usually followed by: “Are there enough farmers in the U.K. that they need their own newspaper?”

If the person I’m speaking to is a bit rude (which, sadly, happens quite often), they’ll even ask: “You write about farming? Didn’t you want to be a proper journalist?”

For the majority of people who live and work in a city, agriculture is a little-known industry. As long as the shelves are stocked when they nip to Sainsbury’s after work, few people think about where their food comes from, let alone how it’s produced.

From urban life to an unexpected career in agricultural journalism

It’s an issue I can speak on from experience. I grew up in a city, studied journalism at university and ended up writing about farming purely by accident.

Before I became a farming journalist, the closest I’d come to agriculture was once buying eggs from a farm shop and hearing The Wurzels on the radio.

But once I got into the industry, I was fascinated by all the stories there were to tell, and I became determined that I was going to share them with as many people as possible.

From covering government policies, environmental issues, and business and economics to livestock production and crop science, I love the breadth of what I get to write about.

I also love the chance I have to tell people about the work and passion that goes into producing the food we eat.

For too long, the focus has been on getting our food to be as cheap as possible without really thinking about the consequences, not just to farmers’ businesses, but also to the environment and the public’s health.

I see my job as being not only to inform farmers about the developments in their industry to help them drive more efficient, profitable businesses, but also to help build that lost connection between farmers and their customers.

Critical questions represent an opportunity to “agvocate”

It’s a belief that I know many agricultural journalists around the world share.

Over the past decade, my job has taken me across Europe and further afield to countries including India, Australia, Canada, Tanzania and the United States to report on farming issues and meet other agri-journalists.

Without fail, I’m always struck by the fact that not only does every country’s farming industry have similar concerns and issues, but every single producer and agri-journalist shares the same passion for what they do.

So, yes, it may not seem like a quirky job to an outsider, but I see every one of the daft questions they ask as an opportunity to tell them about how great the industry is.

And if I can say I spent this past summer travelling through Germany, Italy and France meeting some fascinating people and learning about some incredible businesses, then I’m happy I decided against being a “proper journalist.”

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Caroline Stocks: From urban life to agricultural journalism
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An urbanite turned agricultural journalist deals with "Didn't you want to become a proper journalist?"
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Caroline Stocks was one of nine international media in Germany this summer. They were selected as IFAJ-Alltech Young Leaders in Agricultural Journalism.
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Caroline Stocks was one of nine international media in Germany this summer. They were selected as IFAJ-Alltech Young Leaders in Agricultural Journalism.

Ag leader of the future: The farmer technologist

Submitted by aeadmin on Wed, 09/21/2016 - 00:00

An interview with Dr. Karl Dawson


The following is an edited transcript of our interview with Dr. Karl Dawson, vice president and chief scientific officer at Alltech. For Karl’s full bio, click here.

Before you joined Alltech, you were head of the University of Kentucky (UK) animal science department for 20 years, and you still serve as an adjunct professor with UK. You have a unique insight from being in the private sector business as well as academia. How do we interest the next generation in ag science?

That’s a real interesting question because there’s been a gap develop between what we call agriculture, particularly animal science, and the technologies that are being developed today. As a scientist, I think the technologies are really exciting, but sometimes it’s kind of hard to get the next generation, particularly the people from rural America and agriculture, to get excited about the same things. We have a lot of unique technologies. We talk about molecular biology and the things we can see with molecular biology; most farmers I talk to, most siblings from farmer’s kids that are coming off the farm, do not have a good understanding of what those things are, so we have this gap that we need to fill.

What we’re finding is that often times just the university education is not enough to give them confidence and the ability to lead in agriculture through using these technologies. One of the things we are doing right now is looking at a lot of outside programs that go beyond their degree and beyond academic training to see how we can interest students in doing those things. It starts at a very young level. We have programs that are set up at the elementary school. On our staff in research, we have two liaisons that do nothing but interact with college, high school and elementary students to get them interested in what we’re doing in terms of science and how that can be incorporated into farm life.

Other programs that are very interesting are those that are competitive. We have an innovation program, where we have students build projects that will become a business plan themselves, taking technology and applying it to specific problems. It’s an outside-of-the-classroom activity that gets students excited. There is nothing like seeing them light up when they win an award for a project.

We have, at a higher level up, a career program. This is built around the idea that students who come out of college need that little extra boost and piece of information. We actually take students and embed them into the business situation and, in some cases, right on the farm so they get to know the animals and what the farm business really looks like. This is before they go out and try to set up their own business or work within a commercial business.

The take-home message is that we really need to give experience, hands-on experience outside of the classroom. That’s really becoming almost a requirement for our people as they move into our business.

That certainly makes sense. As a professor, and on the Alltech side as the head of our research program, are the up-and-comers that you’re seeing from an agriculture background, or do they come into agriculture by chance because of other things they are interested in?

You run into both kinds. I came up through the agricultural school system, so I’m used to land-grant universities and the kids that came from the farm. But I actually looked at the list of students that were competing in our Young Scientist awards, and I asked them: How many of you are from an agriculture background? Of the 15 sitting in the room, only two raised their hands. You know, the kids are gravitating to agriculture because they see some of the applications that can take place.

It’s almost reverse of what we think. We think about children leaving the farm and never coming back. These are students coming in from urban environments, from science environments, and wanting to understand what’s going on on the farm.

That’s encouraging and fascinating.

It really is. You think about that and it really reflects the excitement of agriculture research and application technology. I kind of coined a term I’m going to use in my presentation here talking about the “farmer technologist”; that is the kind of people who will probably be our leaders in the future.

Dr. Karl Dawson spoke at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference. Audio recordings of most talks, including Karl's, are now available on the Alltech Idea Lab. For access, click on the button below.

Image removed.

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Ag leader of the future: The farmer technologist
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Dr. Karl Dawson shares his view on bridging the gap between the farm of the future and the lab and classroom.
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Dr. Karl Dawson envisions the agriculture leaders of the future bearing a farmer technologist title.
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Dr. Karl Dawson envisions the agriculture leaders of the future bearing a farmer technologist title.

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