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Just the News: Demonized as contributing to climate change, cattle may actually decrease emissions, research shows

Submitted by jnorrie on Tue, 05/14/2024 - 11:00

The researchers found that 19%-30% of methane emissions were from the cattle, but the rest was from the wetland soils. If the cows are removed, their research shows, it actually increases the amount of methane the wetland ecosystems give off.


Submitted by sburke on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 08:13

Alltech’s broad spectrum lab-based mycotoxin analysis 

More and more evidence is highlighting the negative impact of the multi-mycotoxin challenge on animal health and productivity. Utilising advanced mass spectrometry techniques, Alltech 37+ is designed to reveal the presence of multiple mycotoxins in raw materials, compound feeds and TMRs.

With a network of testing laboratories across North America, Europe and Asia, Alltech can support feed and livestock producers with developing a sampling and testing program that is most suited to their individual needs.

Linked to Alltech’s Mycotoxin Management Portal, producers can easily view and assess their results, and with the support of the local Alltech team can ensure any necessary actions can be implemented to maximise feed quality and protect the health and performance of livestock.

Learn more here:

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Two years without stopping - KEENAN's revamped plus model sticking the pace.

Submitted by rjones on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 04:59

KEENAN launched its updated MechFiber+ range of paddle feeders two years ago. Midland’s farm bought the first 28m3 machine and it hasn’t had a day off in two years.

Peter Thomas Keaveney reports.

Click on the link below to view the full Farmers Journal article.

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KEENAN MechFiber380+ on David Clarke's farm -
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KEENAN - An Integrated Approach

Submitted by rjones on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 04:46

From the  first of January 2024, Alltech and KEENAN have become more closely integrated.

Cathal McCormack, Alltech's country manager comments:

“This is a significant business change and one that will see it grow and develop KEENAN in a more efficient and integrated way. Housing KEENAN within the Alltech structure means that we are bringing the KEENAN customer closer; we will have a shorter communication chain and we can respond quicker to farmers’ needs and opportunities.”

Read the full Irish Farmers Monthly article here

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The new Alltech KEENAN team
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Poultry World: Multi-enzyme complexes revolutionise poultry diets

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 15:41

With increased consumer demand for low-cost protein and a growth forecast of 1.5-2% for the global poultry market (Rabobank 2023), poultry producers will continue looking to optimise production efficiency. Multi-enzyme complexes can be used to enhance nutrient use and reduce feed costs.

Click here for full article. 

Feedinfo: Poultry Proves Bright Spot as Feed Production for Other Species Contracts in 2023, Says Alltech

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 16:03

Alltech’s latest annual feed survey found global volumes holding roughly steady, with the 142 countries surveyed having produced an estimated 1.29 billion metric tonnes of feed in 2023, only 0.2% less than 2022. The company’s 2024 Agri-Food Outlook, released yesterday, detailed the regional and sector-level trends behind that figure.

Click here for full article. 

All About Feed: Understanding mycotoxin presence in pig feeds

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 15:44

Analysis of global pig feed conducted by the Alltech 37+ analytical laboratory reveals the ubiquitous nature of these unwanted contaminants. 100% of samples contained mycotoxins, with an average of 8.1 mycotoxins per sample (284 samples, June 2023 to January 2024). The presence of these mycotoxins in feed can have negative effects on the growth, feed intake, feed efficiency, gut health and immunity of pigs. We typically associate animal impacts with higher concentrations of mycotoxins, i.e.

Mise en route de votre mélangeuse KEENAN

Submitted by tpacalier on Wed, 03/27/2024 - 10:03

Nous avons le plaisir de vous compter parmi nos clients et nous vous remercions de la confiance que vous nous avez témoigné en décidant d’acquérir une mélangeuse KEENAN. Vous faites partie des milliers d’utilisateurs KEENAN qui bénéficient de la qualité unique de nos mélanges.

Le service client est au cœur de nos préoccupations, que ce soit en vous aidant à optimiser les performances de votre élevage grâce à notre service nutrition spécialisé ou en vous fournissant une assistance mécanique efficace et personnalisée.

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