Third-Party-Verified Products
The process of using and implementing third-party-verified products can be daunting. For clarity and ease of use, Alltech has several products supported for use in organic, non-hormone-treated cattle in no-antibiotic and no-animal-byproduct systems. For more information on these products, and for the documentation to support their use in organic production, please contact us via the submission form at the bottom of the page. This information is applicable to the U.S. only.
OMRI Listed®: The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is a non-profit organization that reviews agricultural inputs to assess their suitability for use in organic settings. For more information, please refer to the OMRI website.
Alltech currently has the following products listed with OMRI:
- Actigen®
- Agolin® Naturu
- Bioplex® Cobalt OA
- Bioplex® Copper 10% OA
- Bioplex® Copper 12% OA
- Bioplex® Hi-Four OA
- Bioplex® Iron OA
- Bioplex® Manganese 15% OA
- Bioplex® Zinc 15% OA
- Crop-Set®
- Integral® OA
- Sel-Plex® 2000 OA
- Sel-Plex® 2000 OA BR*
- Sel-Plex® 3000 OA
- Sel-Plex® 3000 OA BR*
- Sel-Plex® 3000 WO
- Sel-Plex® 3000 WA BR*
- Soil-Set®
*This product is available for sale as Brazil origin only.
Excluded methods/non-GMO: For more information, please refer to the National Organic Program, which is organized by the USDA.
Alltech products supported with the excluded methods/non-GMO documentation:
- Acid-Pak 4-Way 2X® OA
- Actigen®
- Actigen® BAC
- Actigen® WS OA
- All-Lac® BL OA
- All-Lac® SL OA
- Allzyme® SSF
- Allzyme® Vegpro
- Allzyme® Vegpro 10X
- Bio-Mos® 2
- Bio-Mos® OA
- Bio-Mos® W.S.
- Bioplex® Cobalt OA
- Bioplex® Cobalt 2.7 OA
- Bioplex® Copper 10% OA
- Bioplex® Copper 12% OA
- Bioplex® Hi-Four OA
- Bioplex® Iron OA
- Bioplex® Manganese 15% OA
- Bioplex® Manganese 20% OA
- Bioplex® Poultry NA OA
- Bioplex® Zinc 15% OA
- Bioplex® Zinc 20% OA
- Bioplex® ZMC 842 OA
- Brewers Yeast
- Crop-Set®
- GH Maintenance Pak OA
- Grain-Set®
- Integral® OA
- Lacto-Mos® OA
- Lacto-Sacc® OA
- Microbuild®
- Natufly-X® OA
- Nucleo-Sacc™
- NuPro®
- Select BAC OA
- Select GH® OA
- Select PXP® OA
- Sel-Plex® 2000 OA
- Sel-Plex® 2000 OA BR
- Sel-Plex® 3000 OA
- Sel-Plex® 3000 OA BR
- Sel-Plex® 3000 WO
- Sel-Plex® 3000 WO BR
- Soil-Set®
- TFP-5P
- Tynagen® PET
- Yea-Sacc® 1026 OA
Non-Hormone-Treated Cattle (NHTC): The NHTC program is a USDA-approved, non-biased, third-party audit that verifies the source, age and non-hormone-treated status of cattle. NHTC-verified cattle qualify for export to the European Union and many other markets.
Alltech currently has the following products approved for NHTC:
- Actigen®
- Amaize®
- Bio-Mos®
- Bio-Mos® 2
- Bioplex® Cobalt
- Bioplex® Copper 10%
- Bioplex® Hi-Four
- Bioplex® Iron
- Bioplex® Manganese 15%
- Bioplex® Zinc 15%
- Bioplex® ZMC 842
- Fibrozyme
- Integral® A+
- Select TC®
- Sel-Plex® 2000
- Yea-Sacc 1026
- Yea-Sacc 8417
No Antibiotics, No Animal Byproducts: The phrase "no antibiotics added" may be used on labels for meat or poultry products if sufficient documentation is provided by the producer to the agency demonstrating that the animals were raised without antibiotics. Animal byproducts are products commonly used as feed ingredients that are derived from unused parts of other animals — for example, meat and bone meal, feather meal and/or manure, eggs and hatchery waste. Feeding animal byproducts is prohibited under the label “no animal byproducts.”
The following Alltech products are currently approved for No Antibiotics, No Animal Byproducts:
- Actigen®
- Amaize®
- Bio-Mos®
- Bio-Mos® 2
- Bioplex® Cobalt
- Bioplex® Copper 10%
- Bioplex® Hi-Four
- Bioplex® Iron
- Bioplex® Manganese 15%
- Bioplex® Zinc 15%
- Bioplex® ZMC 842
- Fibrozyme
- Integral® A+
- Select TC®
- Sel-Plex® 2000
- Yea-Sacc 1026
- Yea-Sacc 8417
Alltech utilizes IMI Global to provide NHTC and No Antibiotic, No Animal Byproduct product verifications.
Specialty Product Documentation Requests