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Acutia launches dietary supplement offering a holistic approach to digestive health and overall wellness

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 11/06/2023 - 09:02

Acutia Gut Health joins a line of human health supplements designed

to support sustainable wellness

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – As both the scientific community and consumers continue to recognize the significance of gut health and its impact on overall wellness, Acutia, a wholly owned subsidiary of Alltech, has announced the launch of Acutia Gut Health. The daily supplement combines the synergistic power of a postbiotic, a prebiotic and L-glutamine to relieve digestive upset quickly and promote good gut health over time.


Acutia Gut Health provides multiple benefits that include:

  • Working quickly to help calm digestive upset
  • Supporting overall digestive and colon health
  • Supporting a healthy gut barrier and gut immunity
  • Promoting a healthy bacterial balance in the digestive system

“We are excited to introduce a supplement that supports gut health from several angles, rather than targeting just one specific issue,” said Nikki Putnam Badding, MS, RDN, LD, managing director and chief dietitian at Acutia.  


“Not only does a healthy gut microbiota help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, but it also supports the immune system, metabolic health, brain function and mental health via the gut-brain axis,” said Putnam Badding. “Acutia Gut Health is a natural addition to our line of supplements and our commitment to supporting people in their pursuit of sustainable wellness.”    


While the wider supplement industry grapples with the issue of waste from packaging, Acutia promotes sustainability through its unique packaging and refill system, which empowers customers to reduce their waste and recycle. When placing an order, customers have the option to receive a complimentary starter kit that includes a refillable glass storage jar and a refillable travel container, thereby helping to reduce the usage of single-use plastic. The capsules are provided in compostable pouches and envelopes made of post-consumer waste, and the kit itself is packaged in a recyclable box that is made from partially recycled material and certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).  


To offset emissions from shipping, Acutia partners with Nori to reward regenerative farming practices that sequester carbon in the soil. In 2022, Acutia supported the removal of 116.3 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere.


Acutia initially launched in March 2021, when Alltech, a global leader in animal health and nutrition, announced that it was applying its more than 40 years of scientific innovation and proven nutrition expertise to human health.


“Digestive health plays a pivotal role in immune function and overall health, and it has long been a focus of Alltech’s research,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “Acutia’s supplements leverage decades of our pioneering research and proven scientific expertise to advance human nutrition. It is immensely gratifying to utilize our understanding of the gut microbiome to support people in their pursuit of improved wellness through Acutia Gut Health.”


Acutia’s portfolio of supplements also includes Acutia Selenium, which supports the immune system, helps protect cells from free radicals as an antioxidant and aids healthy thyroid function. Additionally, Acutia Brain Health promotes cognitive health and brain function by supporting the synthesis of neurotransmitters while also providing antioxidant benefits and essential nutrients by combining selenium, vitamin C and plant-based omega-3 DHA.


Acutia prioritizes the quality, efficacy and sustainability of ingredients and is supported by the Alltech Life Sciences division, which conducts research on digestive health, cognitive health, brain function and cellular health.


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Acutia Gut Health was launched on Nov. 6, 2023, offering a holistic approach to digestive health. The daily supplement works with the microbiome to help ease digestive upset quickly and improve gut health over time.

Alltech survey finds agri-food leaders are optimistic about industry’s ability to create a more sustainable food system

Submitted by jnorrie on Thu, 10/26/2023 - 08:00

Agri-food leaders around the world believe the industry can work together to create a better, more sustainable food system, according to the Alltech Sustainability Insights report, released today.

Alltech conducted a global, industry-wide survey to gather insights on the issues that matter most to the agri-food value chain and its stakeholders. In collaboration with Opinions, an independent research agency based in Ireland, Alltech collected insights through 26 interviews with industry leaders and via a comprehensive survey completed by more than 2,500 members of the agri-food industry. This effort presented an exciting opportunity to quantify attitudes and perceptions about sustainability from stakeholders across the agri-food value chain and identify tangible actions to build a more sustainable future.

“Our goal was to listen to the voices of our industry and its stakeholders and develop a robust, future-facing program of insights that are relevant, ambitious and genuinely impactful,” said Tara McCarthy, global vice president of ESG at Alltech. “Our industry is navigating unprecedented disruption, yet it remains confident and committed to evolving toward a more sustainable food system. The key to success will be the development of innovative solutions, but even more critical is the capacity of the industry to work together across the value chain.”

The survey questions were focused on five areas: challenges and opportunities; drivers and priorities; attitudes toward change; support and guidance; and who they believe is going to pay for sustainability. The key findings of the survey include:

  • While four out of five respondents agree that “climate change will make food production much more difficult in the future,” perspectives differ across the regions. A very real series of crises faces the agri-food industry and, for the most part, survey respondents acknowledged the gravity of those challenges and the fragility of our food system. There is a strong level of optimism and positivity however, with 85% of respondents agreeing that the food system can rise to the challenge.
  • Almost three in four respondents reported feeling that a lot more guidance is needed to support their improvements in environmental sustainability. The need for guidance is expressed most strongly at the latter end of the value chain (e.g., retailers, food-service operators and manufacturers).
  • Most respondents agree that regulation is putting pressure on all areas of the supply chain. Respondents were similarly realistic about the need for support for the primary producers of the food that the 8 billion people on this planet eat: 66% agree that until the farmer is incentivized financially, things will never change.
  • Many recognize that we will not be able to resolve the challenges ahead without a huge degree of innovation and harnessing technology to enable us to feed ourselves sustainably, with 92% of respondents believing that technology and innovation are key to more sustainable food systems.
  • There is a near-universal recognition that we need a collaborative conversation and effort across the value chain, with 93% of respondents agreeing that we all must work together to create a better food system for the future.

“Our industry is navigating extraordinary times, but the opportunities for positive impact are even more unprecedented,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “Imagine what is possible when we all work toward the shared goals of providing nutrition for all, revitalizing local economies and replenishing the planet’s natural resources.”

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The results of the inaugural Alltech Sustainability Insights Survey are now available.

Alltech announces new appointments within its global marketing team

Submitted by jnorrie on Mon, 10/23/2023 - 10:43

Leveraging the strength of a global marketing team embedded within local markets throughout the world, Alltech is enhancing its marketing capabilities and establishing new teams to deliver greater strategic partnership across the business for Alltech’s customers.

“We are capitalizing on the geographical and value chain differentiators of our global marketing structure, providing more pathways for our field-based team members to bring the voice of the customer back into the business,” said Susanna Elliott, chief marketing and communications officer at Alltech. “Our globally connected yet locally focused marketing strategy is aligning to deliver more relevance – and competitive edge – to our customers.”

Within marketing, the company is establishing a new Data & Insights function, positioning its creative team to take a global creative agency approach and building new pathways for market and customer engagement. To champion these enhanced capabilities, new appointments within Alltech’s global marketing team include:

Creative team:

  • Lisa Smith (USA), Director of Creative Operations & Marketing Development
  • Alan Henthorne (USA), Creative Director
  • Irene MacHugh (Ireland), Associate Creative Director
  • Jennifer Allen (USA), Global Art Director
  • Ruth Kelly (Ireland), Design Manager for Europe and Asia-Pacific

Data & Insights team:

  • Amanda Stumbo (USA), Director of Business Insights
  • Roel Coenders (USA), Associate Director of Data
  • Leona Shaojing Luo (Ireland), Associate Director of Business Intelligence
  • Clare Fahey (Ireland), Director of Customer Insights

Communications team:

  • Lorie Hailey (USA), Director of Communications
  • Liana Dobler (Spain), Spanish & Portuguese Communications Manager

Species teams:

  • Danieke Ewalts (Netherlands), Global Aqua Marketing Lead
  • Species marketing councils have been created that include regional marketing experts in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

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Alltech is pleased to announce new appointments in its global marketing team.

New study confirms positive benefits of Alltech’s Bioplex® in layer production

Submitted by jnorrie on Thu, 10/19/2023 - 09:35

Backed by more than 40 years of scientific research, Alltech is dedicated to providing solutions and products that contribute to the success of the global animal health industry. This commitment continues with the publication of a new study, “The Effect of Organic Trace Mineral Supplementation in the Form of Proteinates on Performance and Sustainability Parameters in Laying Hens: A Meta-Analysis,” recently published in the journal Animals. Results show that the inclusion of Bioplex® organic trace minerals in layer diets significantly benefits production performance and egg quality traits and contributes to a lower carbon footprint. The findings also suggest that the most bioavailable form of essential minerals is crucial for optimizing health and performance in laying hens.

The meta-analysis, led by Dr. Laurann Byrne, research project manager at the Alltech European Bioscience Centre, considered the importance of mineral form on production performance, egg quality traits and carbon footprint. It combined data from 32 global studies involving 107 dietary assessments of 30,992 laying hens.

Dr. Byrne looked at the impact of supplementing laying hen diets with organic trace minerals in the form of mineral proteinates, specifically Bioplex copper, iron, manganese and zinc. The study demonstrated that using Bioplex led to improvements in hen-day production, feed conversion ratio, egg mass, egg weight and egg loss. Eggshell parameters such as thickness, strength, weight and eggshell percentage also were improved.

A life-cycle assessment model — the Alltech E-CO2 Poultry EA™ — was used to evaluate the carbon footprint of egg production. Results showed a reduction in feed and total emission intensities per kilogram of eggs when using organic trace mineral proteinates. The inclusion of Bioplex® in layer diets resulted in a 1.65% reduction of the carbon footprint for every dozen eggs produced (feed emission intensity per dozen eggs).

"With correct formulation, more cost-effective feeds can be produced, resulting in a greater return on investment and a lower carbon footprint,” Dr. Byrne said. “As the results show, there is a proven track record of improvement in performance and sustainability with organic trace minerals.”

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New study results show that the inclusion of Alltech’s Bioplex® organic trace minerals in layer diets significantly benefits production performance and egg quality traits and contributes to a lower carbon footprint.

Alltech founder Dr. Pearse Lyons named Dairy Shrine Pioneer Award winner

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 10/04/2023 - 12:59

[MADISON, Wisconsin] — Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder of Alltech, was honored posthumously this week as a recipient of the National Dairy Shrine’s Pioneer Award, which recognizes dairy industry leaders who have made significant contributions to dairy throughout their lives. An Irish biochemist and entrepreneur, Dr. Lyons immigrated to the United States and founded Alltech, a leading animal nutrition company, Alltech, in 1980, with the mission to improve the health and performance of people, animals and plants through natural nutrition and scientific innovation.

Dr. Lyons was an entrepreneur and tireless innovator with a keen scientific mind. He has been widely recognized for his contributions to science and agriculture and was awarded honorary doctorates from many colleges and universities around the world. He was also revered as an inspirational leader and communicator, living each day with passion and purpose. He and his wife, Deirdre Lyons, funded and oversaw the construction of more than a dozen state-of-the-art laboratories at primary schools in Kentucky and Ireland, hoping to inspire the next generation to explore the sciences and, even more importantly, be curious about the world around them. This passion for impact through education continued with the establishment of the Alltech Young Scientist program: the largest global agriscience competition of its kind. It has engaged more than 100,000 university students.

The Lyons family has shared in this legacy and continues it today. His wife Deirdre, co-founder of Alltech, is director of corporate image and design, designing and outfitting the company’s more than 80 offices around the world and overseeing philanthropic involvement. Their son, Dr. Mark Lyons, is president and CEO of the company.

“I often consider how my father would respond to all the turbulence our industry faces today,” said Dr. Mark Lyons. “What I am absolutely certain of is that he would look beyond the challenges to the abundance of opportunities, from nutrition security to carbon capture, and tell us to put all of our energy into them. My mother and I are honored to be joined by more than 5,000 colleagues globally who are dedicated to carrying forward Dad’s legacy of insatiable curiosity, optimism and solutions focus as we continue Working Together for Planet of Plenty™.”

Dr. Pearse Lyons, along with the other 2023 recipients of the Pioneer Award and the families of Dr. George Heersche Jr. (posthumously), Dr. Richard Saacke and Dr. Charles Sniffen, were honored at the National Dairy Shrine’s Awards Banquet on Monday, Oct. 2 in Madison, Wisconsin. Portraits of each winner will be displayed in National Dairy Shrine’s Dairy Hall of Fame and Museum in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.

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Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder of Alltech, was honored posthumously as a recipient of the National Dairy Shrine’s Pioneer Award.

Alltech introduces Microbuild™, a new prebiotic fiber for gut health in pets

Submitted by jnorrie on Tue, 09/26/2023 - 10:47

Alltech has introduced Microbuild™, a prebiotic fiber for gut health to support a healthy microbiome in pets. Microbuild is an innovative prebiotic that nurtures gut health and overall well-being. Even during bacterial challenges, Microbuild works to increase microbial diversity in the gut, boosting the animal’s natural defenses.

“Helping our pets build gut health, immunity and well-being is our goal at Alltech,” said Kami Grandeen, companion animal sales manager for North America. “We are excited to launch this nutritional technology that helps pets build a healthy and diverse microbiome, and pet owners will see the difference in their pets’ health.”

Proper functioning of the intestine is a key factor in health and longevity. Microbuild harnesses the power of prebiotics, specialized fibers that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Improved fiber digestibility aids in both nutrient absorption and intestinal integrity and contributes to the development of a healthy immune system.

Microbuild is based on the leading-edge science of nutrigenomics, which studies the unique relationship between genetics and nutrition. Its specific yeast strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been specifically selected by Alltech scientists for maximum efficacy in promoting intestinal health.

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Microbuild™, a prebiotic fiber for gut health to support a healthy microbiome in pets.

24 CEOs explore collaborative and sustainable solutions to challenges facing the agri-food sector at Alltech Vietnam Agri-food Summit

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 09/20/2023 - 09:55

[HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam] – Twenty-four chief executive officers (CEOs) from across the Vietnamese agri-food sector convened this week at the Alltech Vietnam Agri-food Summit in Ho Chi Minh City to discuss how to sustainably meet the challenges currently facing the industry.

Alltech invited the changemakers and thought leaders in attendance to share their insights on various critical topics, including consumer trends, agricultural technologies and the biggest opportunities for the Vietnamese market. The group also explored how the industry can continue to innovate and work together to nourish both people and the planet.

“Alltech is a connector of people and ideas,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “Through collective leadership and teamwork, we believe we can drive the industry forward with the shared purpose of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™. But to achieve this vision, we will need curiosity, openness to new technologies and ways of working, and, above all, a commitment to positive impact.”

The Alltech Vietnam Agri-food Summit showcased a panel discussion moderated by Jonathan Forrest Wilson, president of Alltech Asia-Pacific. The panelists included Dr. Mark Lyons, Vy Thi Thu Hang, feed & nutrition director and CEO of Feedmill, TH Milk; Tara McCarthy, global vice president for ESG at Alltech; and Michael Joseph Sweeney, partner at Bluegrass Partners and director of strategy for Alltech Asia-Pacific.

The panel discussion delved into identifying and understanding the prominent shifts and hurdles affecting the agri-food industry in Vietnam at present, and key drivers behind these changes. Several attendees shared their viewpoints regarding the outlook for the agriculture and agri-food sector, expressing whether they hold an optimistic or pessimistic stance on its future trajectory globally and locally.

Over recent decades, Vietnam has developed into one of the world's leading agricultural powers, with a modern, efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural processing industry — and based on the most recent feed-production data, the country is demonstrating its potential.

According to the 2023 Alltech Agri-Food Outlook, the company’s annual global feed production survey, Vietnam experienced a significant increase in its feed tonnage in 2022 — which went up 27.72% to 26.72 million metric tons (MMT) — thanks to its strong recovery from African swine fever (ASF). This included a major increase of 3.78 MMT in its broiler feed tonnage and an increase of 3.36 MMT in its pig feed tonnage. As a result of these increases, Vietnam joined the list of the top 10 largest feed-producing countries in the world.

“Vietnam agri-food has a bright future and unlimited possibilities. As a major exporter of agri-food, Vietnam is an attractive market for both local and foreign investment,” said Forrest Wilson. “We will continue to provide local solutions with global resources and technologies for our partners and customers to develop a prosperous future together.”

Alltech began operating in Vietnam in 1994 and officially opened a representative office in Ho Chi Minh City in 2000. In the decades since, Alltech has fostered strong partnerships within the industry and the local community. Alltech Vietnam moved to Dong Nai in 2006, where its operations expanded with the construction of a production plant in Amata IP later that year.

In November of 2022, Alltech continued its investments in Vietnam with the opening of a trace-mineral manufacturing facility in Dong Nai to better serve its local customers and support imports and exports. Next month, Alltech will join the American Feed Industry Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in meetings to collaborate with the Vietnam Feed Association and Vietnam Animal Husbandry Association on biosecurity and immune health.

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Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, welcomed twenty-four chief executive officers (CEOs) from across the Vietnamese agri-food sector this week at the Alltech Vietnam Agri-food Summit in Ho Chi Minh City.

Alltech and Emirates Food Industries embark on Planet of Plenty™ partnership in the Middle East

Submitted by jnorrie on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 14:43

[DUBAI, United Arab Emirates] — As a global leader in animal nutrition and sustainable ag solutions, Alltech is proud to partner with companies that share its commitment to Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™. Alltech announced this week that it is partnering with National Dairy Farm and Masakin Dairy Farm, two prominent companies owned by Emirates Food Industries (EFI), to bring leading-edge carbon footprint benchmarking and methane-reducing technologies to the Middle East.

National and Masakin are known for their flagship milk brand, Hayatna, which has garnered widespread acclaim for its quality and freshness. Now, the two dairy giants are expanding their commitment to sustainability by embarking on a transformative journey to measure and mitigate their carbon footprints. With growing concerns about climate change, companies worldwide are under increasing pressure to adopt eco-conscious practices. As industry leaders, National and Masakin recognize the importance of curbing greenhouse gas emissions and setting new sustainability benchmarks.

Through this Planet of Plenty partnership, National and Masakin will have access to a range of carbon footprint benchmarking technologies available through Alltech E-CO2, which will provide precise measurements of their environmental impact, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and set ambitious targets for reducing their carbon footprints. The dairies will also utilize nutritional technologies from Alltech that help lower methane emissions and enhance farm profitability by increasing feed efficiency and milk production.

“The solidification of many years of collaboration with Emirates Food Industries in a Planet of Plenty Partnership represents the goals of the wider global Alltech family,” said Paul McVeigh, regional manager of Alltech Middle East. “This partnership illustrates what is possible in the Middle East region when companies join forces toward a single goal, and we are dedicated to supporting them with the best available nutritional technologies to achieve more milk while reducing their environmental footprint.”

National and Masakin commitment to sustainability reflects EFI's broader vision of embracing greener practices throughout the value chain. By fostering innovation and implementing eco-friendly initiatives, the companies aim to pave the way for a more sustainable dairy industry in the Middle East.

Becoming an official Planet of Plenty partner underscores National and Masakin’s dedication to environmental stewardship and sets a precedent for other dairy enterprises. This landmark initiative reaffirms their position as leaders in the dairy sector and elevates the Hayatna brand to new heights as a symbol of premium quality, sustainable practices and conscious consumer choice.

Moreover, this initiative takes place prior to COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. COP28, which is set to take place in Dubai at the end of the year, will bring together leaders, policymakers and experts from around the world to discuss and formulate strategies to combat climate change.

The groundbreaking efforts of National and Masakin, in partnership with Alltech, will undoubtedly serve as a shining example of corporate responsibility and climate action during the COP28 discussions. By taking proactive steps to reduce their carbon footprint and adopting sustainable practices, the dairy industry in the UAE will play a significant role in advancing the country's commitment to achieving the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.

Alltech believes that agriculture has the greatest potential to positively shape the future of our planet. That’s why it is uniting the agri-food community in Working Together for a Planet of Plenty — a world where a collaborative and innovative agri-food community can provide proper nutrition for all, revitalize local economies and replenish the planet’s natural resources.

Driven by this purpose, Alltech partners with like-minded companies, such as EFI, to solve high-impact issues; develops nutritional and digital technologies, improved farm management practices and innovations in animal well-being and human health; invests in the development of the next generation of agri-food leadership; and shares the sustainable power of science in agri-food through stories and videos on its Planet of Plenty™ website and through its social media channels.

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Alltech is proud to partner with National Dairy Farm and Masakin Dairy Farm, two prominent companies owned by Emirates Food Industries.

Pearse Lyons Distillery retains prestigious Origin Green Gold Membership status from Bord Bia

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 09/06/2023 - 11:27

[DUBLIN, Ireland] – In recognition of their commitment to excellence in whiskey production and sustainability efforts alike, Pearse Lyons Distillery has retained Origin Green Gold Membership status for the second consecutive year. Gold Membership is the highest and most prestigious standard in the Bord Bia Origin Green programme. Pearse Lyons Distillery’s consistent improvement in the use of recycled and recyclable materials in product packaging, increased efficiencies in how raw materials are utilized, sustained waste reduction and community engagement were the basis for achieving this highly coveted status.


“It is an honour for us to have retained our prestigious Origin Green Gold Membership status for the second consecutive year,” said Conor Ryan, head of production operations at Pearse Lyons Distillery. “Our involvement in this very important national programme at such a high level shows our core commitment to sustainability and the well-being of our planet. The team at Pearse Lyons Distillery has worked diligently to maintain exemplary standards across our process efficiencies in order to meet and exceed our Origin Green sustainability charter targets.”


Origin Green is Ireland’s pioneering food and drink sustainability programme, uniting the government, private sector and complete supply chain, from farmers to food producers, foodservice and retail. As the world’s only national food and drink sustainability programme, Origin Green enables the industry to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets that respect the environment and serve local communities more effectively.


“We are delighted to recognise Pearse Lyons Distillery with the Bord Bia Origin Green Gold Membership status again this year for their continued exemplary sustainability performance,” said Deirdre Ryan, director of sustainability and quality assurance at Bord Bia. “They have employed excellent sustainability practices, such as yearly increased use of recycled and recyclable materials in their bottles and packaging, increased return from the grain used for distilling, annual reductions in waste produced and increasing engagement with the communities around the distillery.”


“I am honored to carry forward not only the legacy of my father Pearse but generations of my family who dedicated their lives to this craft,” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “It’s an extraordinary privilege to be part of Ireland’s brewing and distilling heritage, and we recognize that opportunity carries great responsibility. Our team at Pearse Lyons Distillery is united by a passion for positive impact that extends from excellence in our beverage offerings to sustainability-focused innovation in our ingredient sourcing, distilling processes, bottling and waste reduction. We are honored to have a home in one of Dublin’s most historic districts and are committed to contributing to our community.”


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Pearse Lyons Distillery has proudly retained Bord Bia Origin Green Gold Membership status.

Alltech Serdán: 30 years of supporting livestock production, animal welfare and sustainability

Submitted by jnorrie on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 09:44

[Serdán, Mexico] – Alltech, a leading global animal health and nutrition company, celebrated 30 years of operations at its production facility in the Mexican city of Serdán, in a ceremony on Tuesday that included Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of the company, guests from around the world, local officials and Alltech team members.

Thirty years ago, Alltech’s research into the benefits of Yucca schidigera extract for animal health, performance and welfare paved the way for the company to establish a Yucca schidigera processor in the city of Serdán. The place was chosen for its semi-desert climate, where the yucca plant grows naturally. Serdán is located 190 kilometres southeast of Mexico City and has access to one of the most important ports in the country: Veracruz; from which two of its most important technologies are exported: De-Odorase® and Allzyme® SFF.

Alltech’s investment in Serdán increased Alltech’s operational footprint and offered new nutritional solutions that improve animal health and production efficiency. However, the resulting partnership between Alltech and the community of Serdán has been even more significant.

“The way the community and our company work together is incredible,” said Dr. Mark Lyons. “From the very beginning, we have been linked, as the success of one builds the success of the other.”

Alltech and the residents of Serdán have worked together on numerous community engagement projects that support underserved families and vulnerable populations. The collaboration began with supporting a local children's home, Casa Hogar, and has now grown to 23 active projects.

“Serdán has served as a template for Alltech’s community involvement activities all around the world,” Lyons said. “We ask our colleagues in 350 communities around the world to ‘make a difference’ as our founder Dr. Pearse Lyons encouraged us, and Alltech Serdán is the best example of this spirit. This is a place where the culture of Alltech is truly alive.”

Making a difference is one of Alltech’s core values — a founding principle of the company.

“Dr. Pearse Lyons would be traveling the world and might call at any time to ask how things were going at the plant,” said Paul Kilgallen, Latin America fermentation facilities director. “A call from Dr. Lyons never ended without him asking, ‘And what are we doing for the community. How are the projects going?’”

Alltech Serdán has received numerous recognitions for its community involvement, including being certified by Empresa Socialmente Responsable (ESR) for the past five years. This award recognizes the company’s commitment to implement socially responsible management practices and promote community projects, including supporting schools, orphanages, health centers and more. Alltech Serdán’s community activities are complemented by the constant application of responsible business practices with suppliers, customers and workers.

“Alltech takes great pride in this manufacturing facility and its 30 years of making a positive impact on the community,” Lyons said. “A visit with our team members in Serdán always reminds me of the meaningful impact we can have when we work together.”

Harnessing the power of yucca — and solid-state fermentation

Since the 1990s, Alltech’s research on Yucca schidigera had shown that the glycocomponents it contains can significantly reduce ammonia emissions from the livestock industry. The company designed De-Odorase, a solution made from an extract of the yucca plant that helps reduce the levels of harmful gases from animal waste. When Alltech Serdán began operations in 1993, the facility had the capacity to process 40 tons of yucca per month. This figure has since grown tenfold.

Years later, in 2000, thanks to a project led by Kilgallen and Dr. Mark Lyons, Alltech Serdán also became the company’s first production plant to take charge of the solid-state fermentation process to produce Allzyme SSF. This natural enzyme complex, which maximizes the release of nutrients from the feed, allows agricultural producers to reduce the cost of their diets by making their formulations more flexible.

Replenishing the planet’s resources

Alltech Serdán’s commitment to sustainability aligns with the company’s purpose of Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™, which begins locally with the replanting of Yucca schidigera. For every yucca tree harvested for Alltech’s nutritional solutions, the company plants three new trees using seedlings from the facility’s on-site nursery, which has grown more than 200,000 seedlings thus far.

In addition, Alltech inaugurated its first global renewable energy project in Serdán in 2022: a photovoltaic solar energy system that covers 46% of the energy requirements of its operations. With the new system, Alltech has seen energy cost-savings of 22% in the first year the system has been used and a reduction of 650 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions per year. That reduction is equivalent to 11,000 tree seedlings growing for 10 years.

The facility also switched from using liquefied petroleum gas to compressed natural gas, reducing its annual CO₂ emissions by 17%. Likewise, the implementation of an economizer in steam boilers allowed the plant to reduce 240 tons of CO₂ per year.

Alltech Serdán’s anniversary reinforces the company’s global commitment to continue seeking the success of local producers, promoting animal welfare, and having a positive impact on the communities in which it is present.

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Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, along with international representatives, local officials and team members, celebrated 30 years of Alltech Serdán operations.

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