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ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference invites pig industry experts to explore the transformative power of ideas

Submitted by eivantsova on Fri, 03/02/2018 - 10:10

Discussion topics to include lessons on meat quality, new technologies to battle disease and discussions on new zinc oxide regulations

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide those in the pig industry with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing their industry. Focus sessions designed to educate and inspire will allow attendees to gather insights from leading pig experts and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.

ONE18 pig topics:

Pork is the most widely consumed animal protein in the world. Who are the new players in the market, and what opportunities do producers have to fulfill the growing demand?

Consumers are increasingly concerned with the quality of their meat and how it's produced. What do consumers perceive as quality meat? What are the key factors that affect pork quality? Learn what steps you can take to help your product get to consumers' dinner tables.

How can we move beyond vaccines to involve new technologies in the battle against diseases such as PRRS? Can we reach a point in which all viruses are a thing of the past? What genetic potential is unlocked when we live life without viruses?

New zinc oxide regulations are expected to shake up the global pig industry. What are the current inclusion levels? Will this lead to more regulations in the future? Is there an alternative? Here's what you should know about your options.

Are more piglets sustainable? Where is the balance between quantity and quality? With demands on litter rates increasing, it's even more important for the sow and piglets to receive the nutrition necessary for optimum productivity and quality. Hear from industry experts who will provide solutions to this conundrum.

*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference is the place to learn from and network with some of the brightest stars in business leadership. This year's power-packed mainstage will welcome Jack Welch, legendary former chairman and CEO of General Electric, who was named as one of the “100 Greatest Living Business Minds” by Forbes magazine in 2017; Dr. Rodolphe Barrangou, a professor at North Carolina State University whose research focuses on applications of the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas system and its use in food manufacturing; and professor Robert Wolcott of Northwestern University, a contributing writer to Forbes and the author of “Grow from Within: Mastering Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation.”

The Pearse Lyons Accelerator program returns to the conference this year and continues to be a launch pad for startup innovators. Entrepreneurs from around the world will present their revolutionary ideas in food and ag-tech. How will the next generation of technology influence your business? Find out at ONE18.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers and business leaders are navigating a fundamental change within their industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Register to attend ONE18 before March 31 at for savings of $400. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the  ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.     

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Focus sessions at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 (ONE18) will offer those in the pig industry an opportunity to explore topics specific to their species and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future.
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<>Animal Nutrition Focus Areas
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<p>Focus sessions at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 (ONE18) will offer those in the pig industry an opportunity to explore topics specific to their species and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future.</p>

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference invites pet industry experts to explore the transformative power of ideas

Submitted by eivantsova on Tue, 02/27/2018 - 13:48

Discussion topics to include pet food trends, consumer engagement and improving pet health through nutrition

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide those in the pet industry, including pet food manufacturers, with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing their industry. Focus sessions designed to educate and inspire will allow attendees to gather insights from leading companion animal experts and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.

ONE18 pet topics: 

  • Mega Trends and New Opportunities in Pet Food: Niche or Mainstream? 

The outlook for the pet food market is promising, with key drivers in both developed and emerging markets reshaping the industry. Preventative and proactive health measures are the most important issues to consumers. Are you taking advantage of these trends? Are you ready for the new game changers?

  • Rediscovering Protein: Clean and Sustainable Alternatives

The ever-increasing demand for clean, safe and traceable food is not only impacting human consumption, but that of our pets as well. How are new meatless sources of protein turning the tables?

  • Feeding the Microbiome: The Omics Have Arrived

Have we finally found ways to improve well-being by understanding how nutrients interact with pets' genes? What additives or ingredients could achieve this? Are new foods on the horizon that will improve health? Learn about developing a pet food that can support heart health, brain function, joint health and overall well-being.

  • Grow and Protect Your Brand: Develop Raving Fans

Pet owners want to engage with brands, to connect with the story behind the product, and they look to the internet for that engagement. Pet food brands are facing a generation of "screen-swiping" pet owners. Learn how millennials and Generation Z are changing the industry and how you can build trust and loyalty among these new consumers.

  • Improved Health and Immunity Starts in the Bowl 

Like their owners, companion animals are living longer, but are they functioning optimally in their later stages of life? Are we providing the right nutrition? Does the information on packaging provide the answers you need? By having a better understanding of how nutrition and immune defenses interact, pet owners can choose foods that support animal health more sufficiently.

  • Brick and Mortar vs. Virtual Storefront: Pick Your Winner

Forty percent of pet owners buy their pet products online, up from 37 percent in 2016. So how do traditional retailers compete with other brands that have a strong online presence? Why are some companies — usually independent retailers — choosing not to market pet food online at all? Learn how the internet is reshaping the retail landscape of the pet industry.

*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference is the place to learn from and network with some of the brightest stars in business leadership. This year's power-packed mainstage will welcome Jack Welch, legendary former chairman and CEO of General Electric, who was named as one of the “100 Greatest Living Business Minds” by Forbes magazine in 2017; Dr. Rodolphe Barrangou, a professor at North Carolina State University whose research focuses on applications of the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas system and its use in food manufacturing; and professor Robert Wolcott of Northwestern University, a contributing writer to Forbes and the author of “Grow from Within: Mastering Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation.”

The Pearse Lyons Accelerator program returns to the conference this year and continues to be a launchpad for startup innovators. Entrepreneurs from around the world will present their revolutionary ideas in food and ag-tech. How will the next generation of technology influence your business? Find out at ONE18.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers and business leaders are navigating a fundamental change within their industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Register to attend ONE18 before March 31 at for savings of $400. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the  ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.     

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ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference invites pet industry experts to explore the transformative power of ideas
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Focus sessions at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 (ONE18) will offer those in the pet industry an opportunity to explore topics specific to the companion animal market and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future.
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Focus sessions at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 (ONE18) will offer those in the pet industry an opportunity to explore topics specific to the companion animal market and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future.

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference will explore the transformative power of ideas and their ability to change the poultry industry

Submitted by eivantsova on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 00:00

Discussion topics to include digital technologies, superior eggs, meat quality and the use of antibiotics  

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – Poultry producers and industry experts from around the world will gather at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, to share ideas and discuss advancements in the industry.

ONE18 poultry focus sessions include*: 

  • Flocking to Digital: 8 Disruptive Digital Technologies
Is artificial intelligence the apex of digital technology? Do you know what specialized robots can do for feed efficiencies, mortality rates and potential disease concerns? How can these and other emerging technologies help poultry producers respond to industry demands and meet the needs of an increasing global population?
  • Hatching a Plan for Superior Eggs
The consumer is becoming more critical of egg quality as they consider eggshell strength, uniformity and color. What can you do to ensure superior external and internal egg quality? Plan for success by learning what to feed layers to promote premium shell quality and increase the egg's nutritional value.
  • Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
There's plenty of competition at the meat counter. As consumers make selections based on visual appearance, palatability and consistency, does your product always win? Learn how to feed your birds for better meat quality and profitability.
  • Less is More: Going Organic to Improve Profitability
Why do nutritionists continue to overfeed nutrients and waste money? Discover new ways to reduce feed costs, improve digestion, spare vitamins and increase gut health by using organic minerals.
  • Cleaner Meat
As the poultry industry continues to reduce or eliminate the use of antibiotics and adhere to increased regulatory control on pharmaceuticals, what can producers do to ensure their final product is free of harmful bacteria and remains competitive in the meat case? Learn how strategies implemented during the live production phase can reduce poultry diseases such as coccidiosis and reduce pathogen load.
  • Clearing up Confusion: Therapeutic Antibiotics
Antibiotics have been used for decades, but as consumers demand the removal of antibiotics from their food, the poultry industry must find a way to respond. What changes can be made to increase efficiency of therapeutic antibiotics? What are the myths and truths surrounding gut health? Are probiotics and prebiotics the answer?
*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers are navigating a fundamental change within the poultry industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Learn more and register at for a savings of $400 before March 31. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the  ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.


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Poultry sessions ONE18
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Register at for a savings of $400 before March 31 and join poultry producers and industry experts from around the world at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky.
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Register at for a savings of $400 before March 31 and join poultry producers and industry experts from around the world at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky.

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference invites crop producers to explore the transformative power of ideas

Submitted by eivantsova on Wed, 02/21/2018 - 00:00

Discussion topics to include biostimulants, pesticide alternatives and digital tools

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide crop producers with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing their industry. Focus sessions designed to educate and inspire will allow producers to gather insights from leading crop experts and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.
ONE18 crop topics:

What if you could harvest your crops from the comfort of your own home, or from another continent? From artificial intelligence to autonomous vehicles and virtual reality, the digital revolution is sweeping through every area of our lives, and crop production is no exception. What are the opportunities? What are the challenges? Discover the latest innovations on the market now and what awaits on the horizon.

Dr. Norman E. Borlaug had an idea for assisting farmers struggling with low-producing crops. His creation of disease-resistant, high-yield varieties of wheat ignited the Green Revolution, and his work ultimately saved a billion people from starvation. Today, we are in the midst of another revolution: Biostimulants are quietly changing the face of agronomy. Whereas the original Green Revolution occurred in the chemistry lab, the new revolution looks to mechanisms found in nature. What role do amino acids play in enhancing plant development? Can we identify and promote hormonal precursors related to plant performance? Do microalgae have biostimulant potential? Discover how the next big idea changes the future of crop cultivation.

Is agriculture really prepared to say goodbye to glyphosate? Just as consumers demanded — and received — antibiotic-free meat, calls have been building for pesticide-free crop production. Is this realistic? In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency regulation related to pesticide certification alone is over 10,400 words, according to The New York Times. Meanwhile, regulators in Europe are reportedly considering new regulations on common agricultural inputs such as glyphosate and even slow-release fertilizers. What if these products disappeared tomorrow? Are there alternative products or alternative practices that could fill the gap? What trade-offs are required, and are we prepared to make them?

Did consumers reject GMOs based on science? Or was it based on emotion? Will they have similar objections to new gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR? What role could nutrigenomics — the study of how nutrition naturally influences gene expression — play in public perception? In an increasingly contentious world, how can we communicate scientific discovery in such a way that we foster consumer understanding, excitement and hope?

If an environmentally friendly business cannot turn a profit in the long term, then by definition, it isn’t a sustainable business. The good news is that profitability and sustainability are closer partners than one might think. Come learn how Galpagro is maximizing production of olives, nuts and citrus without expanding the land area under cultivation by using innovative cropping patterns, efficient use of resources and cutting-edge technological tools. Join us to explore how you might implement these techniques in your own operation to build biodiversity, improve soil and plant health, and minimize chemical exposure — without sacrificing productivity.

What issues cropped up in fruit and vegetable production in the 21st century? From disease pressure to consumer demands, how are the most innovative producers tackling their challenges? Join us to hear what's trending, from the California coast to the melon belts of northeastern Brazil and Mediterranean olive country. What practical lessons can you implement in your own operation?


*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.


Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers are navigating a fundamental change within crop production or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Register to attend ONE18 before March 31 at for savings of $400. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.   



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ONE18 Crop Sciences sessions
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Focus sessions at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 (ONE18) will offer crop producers an opportunity to explore topics specific to their industry and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future.
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<p>Focus sessions at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2018 (ONE18) will offer crop producers an opportunity to explore topics specific to their industry and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future. </p>

Jack Welch to take the stage at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference

Submitted by amontgomery on Tue, 02/20/2018 - 00:00

Welch will be joined by “Grow from Within” author and CRISPR expert on ONE’s most power-packed mainstage to date

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – Jack Welch, one of the world’s most respected CEOs, will share his groundbreaking management practices with the attendees of ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18). The celebrated former CEO of General Electric is highly regarded for his track record of success and his commitment to building leaders and teams.

Named as one of the “100 Greatest Living Business Minds” by Forbes magazine in 2017, Welch has been called “The CEO of CEOs.” He began his career with the General Electric Company in 1960 and in 1981 became the company’s eighth chairman and CEO. During his 20-year tenure as CEO, the company’s market capitalization rose from $13 billion to over $400 billion. In 2000, he was named “Manager of the Century” by Fortune magazine. Today he serves as executive chairman of the Jack Welch Management Institute.

Also featured on ONE18’s mainstage will be Professor Robert Wolcott and Dr. Rodolphe Barrangou.

Wolcott is clinical professor of innovation and entrepreneurship at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He won Teacher of the Year from Kellogg’s EMBA program in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. He is also a managing partner with Clareo, a foresight and growth strategy consultancy serving global corporations.

The author of "Grow from Within: Mastering Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation," Wolcott is a regular contributor to Forbes on the impact of technology on business, society and humanity. His work appears in MIT Sloan Management Review, strategy+business, the Harvard Business Review (online), the Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age, Businessweek, the Financial Times (European Edition), The New York Times and numerous overseas publications.

Wolcott is an angel investor, and he currently serves on advisory boards for ZF, a $40 billion German automotive supplier, and H-Farm, the leading technology ecosystem in Italy.

Barrangou is the T. R. Klaenhammer Distinguished Scholar in Probiotics Research in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences at North Carolina State University, where his work focuses on the evolution and function of CRISPR-Cas systems and their applications in food manufacturing.

Recently, he received the 2016 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, the 2016 Canada Gairdner International Award, the 2017 NAS Award in Molecular Biology and the 2018 NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences. He is also the former chairman of the board of directors of Caribou Biosciences, a co-founder and member of the scientific advisory board of Intellia Therapeutics, and a co-founder and chairman of the scientific advisory board of Locus Biosciences.

Prior to his position at North Carolina State University, Barrangou spent almost a decade at Danisco and DuPont working on research and development as well as mergers and acquisitions in the food industry.

“This is the most impressive lineup of mainstage speakers that we have ever had,” said Aidan Connolly, vice president of corporate accounts and chief innovation officer at Alltech. “If you are ready for ideas that could fundamentally change your business, ONE18 in Kentucky is the only place to be this May.”

The transformative power of ideas is the underlying focus of over 50 topics slated for discussion at ONE18. Twelve sessions, covering all major agriculture sectors, as well as brewing and distilling, business, and health and wellness, will set the stage for an epic exchange of ideas between thought leaders and knowledge seekers.

Held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, Alltech’s conference has become known as a nexus of global agriculture. The event, now in its 34th year, draws 4,000 people from more than 70 countries.

The conference experience extends beyond superior presentation content, with attendees invited to embark on area tours throughout the Bluegrass and network with peers from across the globe. They will enjoy first-class cuisine in the city that Zagat named one of the “30 Most Exciting Food Cities in America in 2017” and dance the night away at the annual Kentucky Night celebration, held in the Alltech Arena at the world-famous Kentucky Horse Park.

Learn more and register at for a savings of $400 before March 31. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.

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Jack Welch to take the stage at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference
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ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference will explore the transformative power of ideas that can change aquaculture

Submitted by eivantsova on Fri, 02/16/2018 - 00:00

Breakout sessions to focus on offshore and onshore salmon farms, fillet quality and genetic potential


[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide aqua producers with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing their industry. Focus sessions designed to educate and inspire will allow producers to gather insights from leading aqua experts and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.


ONE18 aqua topics:


Out of the 30,000 fish species in existence, selecting those suitable for aquaculture is challenging, as is the development of feed that meets their specific nutritional demands. Which fish species are being evaluated, and what is their potential? How do arapaima, cobia, yellowtail kingfish and pacu measure up?


When it comes to fillet quality, consumers want to ensure they’re spending their money on a premium product. Getting it right every time, and doing so sustainably, requires expertise and innovation. How can you use nutritional solutions to protect fish fillets for a consistently premium product?


Do you know what the gene chip means for your fish? It could unlock their genetic potential for maximum performance and productivity. How? Join us as we explore nutrigenomics.


As the aquaculture industry strives to manage finite fish meal supplies and fish oil resources, can we still produce a high-quality product? The solutions are out there. Learn how innovative ideas in feed development are helping aqua farmers convert to a zero fish in: fish out ratio. Come hear about Neo Green, a revolutionary trout diet from Coppens International.


Intensive recirculation systems provide opportunities for growth in the aquaculture industry, where feeding the fish is not the only challenge. We must also maintain a complete and healthy ecosystem. From sturgeon to salmon and catfish to eels, the growth potential of this sector is enormous. Is this the future of aquaculture? Can we feed the world and maintain profitability?


Can we provide the engineering solutions necessary for the harsh environment of the open ocean? Can we realistically produce 5 kilograms of salmon onshore in closed systems? Join Leif Rune Pederson of Norway's Erko Seafood as he dives into industry challenges and solutions.

*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers are navigating a fundamental change within the aqua industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Learn more and register at for a savings of $400 before March 31. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.



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ONE18 Aquaculture sessions
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Explore how nutritional solutions can help protect fish fillets, maximize genetic potential and much more.ONE18 will offer fish producers an opportunity to explore topics specific to their industry and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future.
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<>Animal Nutrition Focus Areas
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<p>Explore how nutritional solutions can help protect fish fillets, maximize genetic potential and much more.ONE18 will offer fish producers an opportunity to explore topics specific to their industry and participate in a global exchange of ideas for the future. </p>

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference to provide global perspective for the beef industry

Submitted by amontgomery on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 00:00

Discussion topics to include blockchain technology, beef in China and value-added opportunities  

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will bring together producers and industry experts from around the globe to share insights and solutions to today’s most pressing issues within the beef industry.  

ONE18 beef focus sessions include*:

After 14 years, U.S. beef is back on the shelves in China, creating new opportunities in 2018. To succeed, you need to know the key players in the global beef market and hone your strategy after all, the right message and the right product can make or break a sale.

“Blockchain” is a word everybody hears but few understand. Hear from Chinese beef producer Kerchin on how they have broken down blockchain into the building blocks of beef’s future in China. Discover how modern technology can optimize your operation today.

Integration has happened for the pork and poultry industries. Why not for beef? Some say our industry is too big and too segregated — but is it? Maybe we just need a few new ideas. Learn how Alltech is redesigning the way cattlemen support animal health throughout all phases of production with Blueprint®, a beef nutrition program designed to maximize cattle performance and profitability.

Why are we still using inorganic minerals? Science has spoken and the message is clear: Organic trace minerals mean less inclusion, less waste and better meat quality. What mineral myths prevent you from embracing the future? Uncover the truth and learn how a simple change in your ration can have a big impact on your bottom line.

Liver abscesses are a major issue in feedlot cattle at slaughter and represent a significant economic cost to the producer, the packer and, ultimately, to the end consumer. Yet pushing “hotter” cattle rations is key to increased performance. Join us to discover the real science behind this problem and how one scientist is blazing an innovative new trail.

Before she became a cattle farmer and one of ag's leading voices, Anne Burkholder was a competitive swimmer and distance runner, and then an Ivy League student. Listen as she shares her incredible journey and offers valuable insight into how modern cattle management can transform the way consumers see, hear and experience food.

We’ve all heard about the explosion of natural, antibiotic-free and European beef programs, but where does the money really come from? And how can you get a cut of the action? Join us as we get into the nitty-gritty details of value-added programs and how your operation can qualify for them. With just a few key changes, learn how to make the extra profit and score a bigger return.

*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers are navigating a fundamental change within the beef industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Learn more and register at for a savings of $400 before March 31. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.

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ONE18 Beef Focus Sessions
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ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference invites dairy producers to explore transformative power of ideas

Submitted by amontgomery on Tue, 02/13/2018 - 00:00

Discussion topics to include increasing milk’s market value, robotics on the farm and feeding organic trace minerals

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide dairy producers with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing their industry. Focus sessions designed to educate and inspire will allow producers to gather insights from leading dairy experts and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.

ONE18 dairy topics:

  • Get More From Your Milk: Increasing Milk Value

What can the dairy industry do to strengthen milk’s position in the market? From organic varieties to cheese, milk has the potential to create new opportunities all along the food chain.

  • Why Does Organic Matter?

Feeding trace minerals in organic form has been proven to increase uptake and achieve a greater response than inorganic trace minerals. As we continue to seek better performance in dairy cows, can we explore new ideas for delivering nutrition more efficiently?

  • A Voice for Agriculture

Dairy farming has changed considerably in the last 20 years, but consumer perception of the industry has not adjusted accordingly. What does it mean to be an “agvocate,” and how can we effectively educate the public about our passion to provide a safe product with healthy, happy cows?

  • Robotics on the Farm

Are we ready to embrace the inevitable change as today's farm goes robotic? How will you implement the next idea at your dairy operation? Hear how to prepare today for the technology of tomorrow.

  • Digital Detox: Data to Ensure a Safe, Healthy and Sustainable Food Chain

Our farms are being invaded by connected instruments and devices that make up “the internet of things." What technologies will ensure our daily meal?

  • Bytes: Tech That Feeds Us

Stakeholders in our food supply chain are becoming inextricably linked, blurring the lines between science, farming, food and retail. Let's imagine how the food chain will link in the future.

*Topics subject to change as the schedule evolves.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. Whether producers are navigating a fundamental change within the dairy industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities and solutions at ONE18.

Learn more and register at for a savings of $400 before March 31. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.

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ONE18 Dairy Focus Sessions
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Young talent compete to begin musical careers on a high note at the Alltech Vocal Scholarship Competition

Submitted by eivantsova on Mon, 02/12/2018 - 00:00

More than $500,000 in scholarship funds available to competitors

WHAT:            Talented young vocalists from around the world will pursue their operatic dreams and compete for $500,000 in scholarship prizes at the 13th annual Alltech Vocal Scholarship Competition.

Alltech and the University of Kentucky Opera Theatre cordially invite you to enjoy this enriching experience free of charge. Join us as aspiring vocal students deliver remarkable performances in hopes of winning life-changing prizes. 

WHEN:            March 11, 2018

                        2 p.m. EST

WHERE:         Singletary Center for the Arts

                       405 Rose Street

                       Lexington, KY 40508

MORE:            Launched in 2006, the annual competition at the University of Kentucky marks a continued partnership between Alltech and the University of Kentucky Opera Theatre. This is the largest vocal competition in Kentucky, and the partnership has positioned UK Opera Theatre as a Richard Tucker Music Foundation top-recommended opera program. Winners receive opportunities beyond scholarship money. Alltech Vocal Scholars have contributed to Alltech’s philanthropic efforts in Haiti by teaching music to Haitian primary school children. They have also performed at numerous Alltech events, including the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games ™ in 2010 and 2014, the company’s annual international conference, Ambassador Dinners around the world and Alltech’s annual holiday event, the Alltech Celebration of Song.

Join the conversation on Facebook. For more information, contact the UK Opera Theatre program at (859) 257-9331.


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Vocal competition
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Jessica Bayne won first place in the graduate category of the 2017 Alltech Vocal Scholarship Competition. Young vocalists will compete again for $500,000 in scholarship funds on March 11, 2018.
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<p>Jessica Bayne won first place in the graduate category of the 2017 Alltech Vocal Scholarship Competition. Young vocalists will compete again for $500,000 in scholarship funds on March 11, 2018. </p>

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference to assemble thought leaders and knowledge seekers in epic ideas exchange

Submitted by eivantsova on Thu, 02/08/2018 - 00:00

Register before March 31 at for savings of $400

[LEXINGTON, Ky.] – ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18) will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about industry innovations, challenges and solutions. The transformative power of ideas is the underlying focus of over 50 topics slated for discussion.

ONE18, held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will include general sessions with world-class speakers providing insights and inspiration that transcend culture, profession and time. Subject- and species-specific breakout sessions with industry experts will give attendees from all realms of agriculture an opportunity to engage in an exchange of ideas relevant to their particular fields.

Now in its 34th year, Alltech’s conference is attended annually by nearly 4,000 people from over 70 countries. David Hunt, co-founder of Cainthus,  said of the event, “This conference is effectively a nexus of Eastern, Western, African, Middle Eastern agriculture.”

Whether attendees are navigating a fundamental change within the agribusiness industry or just need a little inspiration, they’ll learn about real-world opportunities during sessions designed to impart knowledge while provoking the imagination.  

Sessions and sample discussions are listed below. Topics are subject to change.  



Do you know what the gene chip means for your fish? Could it unlock their genetic potential for maximum performance and productivity?

When it comes to fillet quality, consumers want to ensure they’re spending their money on a premium product. How can you use nutritional solutions to protect fish fillets for consistent quality?



“Blockchain” is a word everybody hears but few understand. Discover how modern technology can optimize your operation today.

              Science has spoken, and the message is clear: Organic trace minerals mean less inclusion, less waste and better meat quality. What mineral myths prevent you from embracing the future?

            Crop Science:

Just as consumer demand grew for antibiotic-free meat, the drumbeat is now building for pesticide-free crop production. Is this a realistic idea or an impossibility?

What issues cropped up in fruit and vegetable production in the 21st century? From disease pressure to consumer demands, how are the most innovative producers tackling their challenges?



Stakeholders in our food supply chain are becoming inextricably linked, blurring the lines between science, farming, food and retail. Let's imagine how the food chain will link in the future.

What can the dairy industry do to strengthen milk’s position in the market? From organic varieties to cheese, milk has the potential to create new opportunities all along the food chain.



How do advanced genetics play a role in growth and feed efficiency? Join us as we discuss feeding for optimum health and productivity.

How can we move beyond vaccines to involve new technologies in the battle against diseases such as PRRS? What genetic potential is unlocked when we live life without viruses?



     How can emerging technologies help poultry producers respond to industry demands and meet the needs of an increasing global population?

    The consumer is becoming more critical of egg quality as they consider eggshell strength, uniformity and color. What can you do to ensure superior external and internal egg quality?



                  Why are so many mega brands interested in agribusiness? Join us for a look at why brands such as Microsoft are betting the farm on agriculture.

                 As consumers become more interested in what companies stand for, does your public relations strategy convey the right message?


             Business of food: 

    Since 1955, McDonald's has expanded to over 35,000 locations in over 100 countries while maintaining brand success that transcends time and culture. Hear the story of how an iconic company adapts to evolving consumer demands without losing its identity.

                Automotive giants are joining forces with the agri-food industry in their search for diversification. As mega brands unite, could a  partnership between Toyota and Pizza Hut deliver a new system using autonomous vehicles?


             Brewing and distilling: 

    Highly educated consumers are now influencing trends. Why does this information matter to them, and what information should breweries and distilleries share about processes and products?

                Sustainability has long been a focus of craft brewing. Is cavitation the new method that will revolutionize brewing and save brewers  time, energy and money?



              Health and Wellness: 

    According to the Alzheimer's Association, an estimated 47 million people worldwide are currently living with dementia, and this number  will triple by 2050. With a new case diagnosed every three seconds, can we stop the clock on Alzheimer's?

    How should sellers adapt their messaging for both the online and the in-store shopper? What is the long-term outlook, and where will the trend go from here?



    The pet industry is growing by leaps and bounds. As technology advances in every sector, what does it mean for the pet industry? What eight technologies could disrupt the companion animal market?

    Can we improve pet nutrition by understanding how nutrients will interact with a pet’s genes? Learn about developing a pet food that  can support heart health, brain function, joint health and overall well-being.



    Could nutritional intervention help metabolic disorders in competition horses? Join us for an in-depth discussion and learn how nutritional solutions such as algae can serve as alternatives to medication.

                 From feeding strategies and breeding to alternative therapies and beyond, what goes into raising and maintaining a champion? Through dedicated equine management and by leveraging new resources, equestrians can create a legacy.


    The conference experience extends beyond superior presentation content, with attendees invited to embark on area tours throughout the Bluegrass and network with peers from across the globe. They’ll enjoy first-class cuisine in the city that Zagat named one of the "30 Most Exciting Food Cities in America in 2017" and dance the night away at the annual Kentucky Night celebration, held in the Alltech Arena at the world-famous Kentucky Horse Park.

    In previous years, the ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference stage has been graced by the world’s most prominent thought leaders and change-makers, including Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and General Colin Powell, former U.S. secretary of state. Who will it be this year? ONE18 keynote speakers will be announced shortly. Follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.



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    <>Featured Image
    <>Featured Image License
    <>Image Caption
    George Blankenship, former executive at Tesla Motors, Apple and GAP, spoke during the opening plenary session of ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2017. The transformative power of ideas is the underlying focus of over 50 topics slated for discussion at ONE18.
    <>Post Type
    <>Article Type
    <>Image Caption

    <p>George Blankenship, former executive at Tesla Motors, Apple and GAP, spoke during the opening plenary session of ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference 2017. The transformative power of ideas is the underlying focus of over 50 topics slated for discussion at ONE18.</p>

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