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International Poultry Production

International Poultry Production: Three vital questions for improving layer gut health

April 01, 2022

Layer gut health is key for optimum performance, immunity and welfare, and for good gut health, the bird needs a diverse and balanced microbiome. When assessing the situation, we should first ask, “is there an issue with layer gut health…

Poultry World

Poultry World: The role of gut health in cage-free egg production

March 28, 2022

The transition to cage-free egg production is gaining momentum. The European Commission estimates that 50% of egg production has already moved to cage-free. For those now working on their transition plan, it is time to think about new…

Feed Strategy

Feed Strategy: Asian feed production: latest data and trends

March 22, 2022

The global COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the agri-food sector, contributing to supply chain challenges and accelerating the adoption of new technology and environmental sustainability practices. Alltech recently released the…
