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Alltech Canada announces 2022 Planet of Plenty Award recipients

April 19, 2022
Planet of Plenty Image

[GUELPH, Canada] – Alltech Canada is delighted to announce that Blue Ridge Farms of Alberta and Ferme Robec of Quebec are the recipients of the 2022 Alltech Canada Planet of Plenty™ Award. Alltech believes that agriculture has the greatest potential to positively shape the future of our planet, but it will take all of us working together. As part of its commitment to this vision, Alltech created the Planet of Plenty™ Award to reward those who are furthering a world of abundance through nutritional and digital technologies, innovation and sustainable management practices in the agri-food sector.

 “Our Planet of Plenty program emphasizes the agri-food sector’s ability to address several of the most significant issues that our planet faces, including human and animal well-being, nutrition and the preservation of natural resources” said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech. “It is our privilege to honour Blue Ridge Farms and Ferme Robec as role models in sustainable agriculture and community engagement that furthers the Sustainable Development Goals.”

Blue Ridge Farms is feeding its local community through regenerative ranching. Brett and Jillian Byers, along with their four young children, manage a 400-head cow-calf herd in Blue Ridge, Alberta. They raise beef for butcher year-round, as well as pastured poultry and pigs from spring to fall, selling their products through a farm store located on their ranch. As a young, expanding family, they have been growing their dream of producing delicious, local, healthy food. Their farming roots stem back many generations, leading to a mentality that includes respect for animals, the land and the health-conscious consumer’s desire for home-raised meats. Blue Ridge Farms passion for sustainability is evident by their commitment to an environmental farm plan that was implemented over 8 years ago. They are Verified Beef Production Plus certified and believe that dedication and attention to detail lead to a quality product. The Byers are active members of their community and innovators of a growing business in the agri-food industry. Their family works together to regenerate the land with the goal that it will sustain many future generations to come.

The emphasis at Ferme Robec is to produce milk in the most economical and ecological way possible. Self-sufficiency is central to the strategy that the owners Yvan and Sebastien Robert utilize when feeding their 86-cow herd and growing crops on 1,650 acres of farmland. With the roots of the operation dating back to 1920, Sebastien is the fifth generation of the Robert family to farm this land. Their goal is to produce as much of their herd’s diet as possible on their own land, maintain a high level of productivity, and foster the long-term development of the farm's land and resources. The Roberts have implemented an agro-environmental fertilization plan which utilizes technology such as satellite imagery and geolocating that indicates when, where, and the precise amount of fertilizer that is required. The farm also uses a variety of other technologies to reduce the overall carbon footprint of the farm.

“These producers are implementing innovative and sustainable practices that will contribute to the future of Canadian agriculture,” said Stuart McGregor, general manager of Alltech Canada. “We are proud to recognize them as true stewards of the land.”

The recipients of the 2022 Alltech Canada Planet of Plenty™ Award will receive a trip to the 2022 Alltech ONE Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, in addition to an Alltech E-CO2 farm audit.

For more information about the Alltech Canada Planet of Plenty™ Award, including past recipients of the award, visit To learn more about the Alltech ONE Conference and to register for the conference, visit
