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Dairy Goats

What’s important for dairy goats?

  • Maximizing healthy production through the most cost-effective methods while maintaining optimal doe health and longevity in the herd.
  • Ensuring that the doe’s milk production climbs quickly and that they achieve high peak milk during the dairy goat lactation cycle through the use of properly balanced rations formulated for each stage of lactation in order to achieve efficient, high dry matter intakes.
  • Optimizing the inclusion of on-farm, high-quality forages and ingredients in order to help minimize purchased feed costs.
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of the diet through the supplementation of research-driven, high-return-on-investment additives that are proven to help the doe reach her genetic potential.
  • Developing feed management protocols to ensure that the little things are done right, including the consistency of the feed delivered, routine forage dry matter analysis, the facing of forage piles and feed hygiene.

Common challenges:

  • Mycotoxins: Mycotoxins in feedstuffs can significantly affect production potential and doe health if not properly addressed.
  • Forage quality: Poor forage quality and availability can limit ration formulation options and lead to higher-cost rations.
  • Heat stress: If not properly mitigated, heat stress can have negative effects on both current and future production parameters and can also have a negative impact on kids in utero for pregnant does.
  • Pathogens: Bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms that can cause disease. Some common pathogen challenges for dairy goats include:
    • Bacteria (e.g., Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, etc.)
    • Viruses (e.g., avian influenza, bronchitis, etc.)
    • Worms (e.g., roundworms)
    • Fungi (e.g., mycotoxins from molds)

Tips for maximizing health and performance: 

  • Bunk and water space: Ensure that there is adequate bunk and water space so that all animals have access to the nutrients necessary to achieve their intake goals.
  • High-quality forage: Strive to harvest high-quality forage in order to reduce purchased feed costs and optimize dry matter intakes.
  • Dry matter intakes: High dry matter intakes through several meals per day help maximize production, milk components and rumen/doe health.
  • Air ventilation: Good air ventilation is crucial for encouraging proper flow and comfort.
  • Mitigating heat stress: Addressing potential heat stress concerns during the summer months will more than pay for itself over time as potential decreases in intake, production and reproduction are minimized.
  • Vaccination protocols: Follow strict vaccination protocols in order to ensure optimal doe health at all times.