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Equine Articles


Parasite control: A horse health essential

Internal parasites come along with the territory of grazing animals, and horses are no exception. Find out what you can do to help break the parasitic life cycle.

Are flies bugging your horses?

While flies may seem simply annoying, they can carry serious implications for your equine friends, from disease to hoof and leg problems.

Assigning a specific weight to define obesity in horses is impossible due to differing bone structure and muscling. Instead, evaluating fat deposition over the horse’s body is a better method to estimate body condition. Body condition scoring, or BCS, systems have been developed to apply a numerical score to the horse’s condition based on fat coverage over target areas of the body.

Feeding the fat horse: Achieving better body condition through nutrition

For optimal horse health, let's explore fine-tuning their diet regularly to adjust for seasonality and other factors, such as changes in activity level.
