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Beef Cattle Articles

Modernizing your cowherd mineral program

Implementing a proper mineral program is essential, as it can help determine the best way to maintain optimal reproduction with early conception rates while also boosting calf health and growth. We only get one calf per cow per year,We…

Take care of your cows and they will take care of you

Maintaining a focus on maternal nutrition in cows often gets put on the back burner during early pregnancy. However, proper nutrition can play an instrumental role in a calf's future well-being. Don't let your cows and their developing…

Frank Mitloehner: Cattle, climate change and the methane myth

Dr. Frank Mitloehner has done the math on the livestock industry’s contribution to climate change. He is a professor in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis, specializing in measurement and mitigation of…
