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Key Benefits of InTouch for Farmers

How does InTouch help farmers?

InTouch is a holistic feeding management system designed to give farmers advanced control over measuring, monitoring and managing the feeding and nutrition in dairy and beef herds. 

The system combines three innovative technologies in the form of a controller device fitted to any diet feeder, linked to a software platform, connected to a mobile device monitored and supported by Intouch feeding specialists to ensure maximum performance.

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Meet a farmer using InTouch
InTouch is designed to give farmers advanced control over their cattle diets by measuring, monitoring and managing the feed intake.
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KEENAN Controller
Feed Management App

KEENAN ControllerInTouch controller

The 4th Generation KEENAN controller is compatible with all makes and models of diet feeders on the market.

Ease of Use

The innovative and simple to use controller guides the operator, step by step, on the what ingredients to load, quantities, loading order and mixing time.  Easily adjust animal and ration numbers to ensure a consistent amount of feed is delivered to the animals every day.  

The controller measures and records the actual ingredients loaded into the diet feeder. Once the animals have been fed, the controller will connect wirelessly via 3G/4G or Wi-Fi to instantly upload the data to the dashboard, allowing the farmer to view and analyse what is fed.


Diets are wirelessly transferred to the controller via the InTouch Feed Management cloud software. This can be done directly by the farmer, advisor or InTouch Nutritionist. All diets are displayed on the controller, allowing you to pick the diet you want to feed.


The controller will visually display each ingredient being loaded into the diet feeder, counting down the amount to be loaded and showing a visual sidebar representing the percentage of ingredient and total loaded. 

Once the diet has been loaded, the unload process (feed-out) starts, ensuring you deliver the appropriate amount of feed to each pen. The feeding data for each pen is recorded and automatically uploaded to the InTouch dashboard.


During feed-out, if you are feeding several pens, the controller will show the percentage of completion for each pen, so no group is ever overfed.

Moving on to the next pen can be set to automatic, manual or be managed via the InTouch feed management app.


On the KEENAN range of diet feeders, a revolution sensor is connected to count the number of mixing rotations required. This ensures a consistent mix every day.


To record feed refusals, the leftovers can be collected and loaded back into the diet feeder. On the controller, simply selecting the refusal pen. This will record the actual refusals and automatically recalculate the accurate dry matter intake for that pen of animals.

Conclusion: The KEENAN Controller is your ultimate tool when guiding operators in making the best mix possible and optimising feeding.



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DashboardInTouch dashboard

The InTouch dashboard provides a combination of feeding and production data insights to producers, advisors and industry partners. The data allows you to measure, monitor and manage the farm’s performance.  

Feed Overview

The feed usage module displays real-time accurate feeding data collected directly from the KEENAN Controller. The data can be viewed in many ways and filtered by total feed usage, pen, recipe and down to ingredient level. This can also be broken down by fresh weight or dry matter and by averages per animal. Financially all feed cost are recorded to provide accurate costings in any selected period. You can also see your diets, loading order, nutrient value and load history to assess the accuracy of your feeding, ensuring consistency in loading, mixing and delivery of feed to your cattle.

Performance Insights

This module illustrates the performance of your animals, combining feeding and milk production data to generate key performance indicators, such as feed conversion efficiency (FCE), dry matter intake (DMI), income over feed cost (IOFC), as well as providing information on milk solids. These insights can be broken down in financial terms, such as margin and cost per litre, and all data can be exported to excel for further analysis.


The dashboard allows the user to compare their key performance indicators at regional, national or global levels. This gives an accurate idea of where the producer is in terms of performance and potential improvement opportunities.

Conclusion: All the data you need, at a glance, available in your new InTouch dashboard.


InTouch representative using appFeed Management App

The new InTouch Feed Management App is an innovative way to manage your day to day feeding tasks. Modules included in the app are Controller View, Ingredients, Rations, Groups, Loads and Reporting.

The app can be downloaded onto tablet or smartphone.

Controller View

Replication of the feeding – Select the diets to load and manage the entire feeding process. Ability to select which diet to feed, manage the movement between ingredients and pens.


The ingredients module allows you to add and change ingredient details e.g. name, cost and DM%. These are instantly updated to the feed management software and displayed directly on the controller.  


A summary of ration information, including costs, amount to be loaded and total dry matter to be fed. In the Rations module, you can modify the ingredient quantity, add an ingredient to the ration and arrange the correct loading order and rotations required using our innovative optimisation algorithm.

Pens and Loads

View and manage all your pens and loads through the app.


Several reports can be viewed from the app to show loading accuracy, ingredient usage and pen feeding.

Conclusion: The InTouch Feed Management App puts the power of InTouch in your pocket while syncing instantaneously with your dashboard and controller.


Technical Specs

8" full-colour high-definition display

Graphic bars on loaded ingredients

Graphic pie chart on rotation counter

Single-button TARE (zero the weight on the controller)

Multiple languages — 30 languages supported

Power indicator light


4G connectivity

Real-time background sync

Flat GPRS antenna — enhanced network availability (global)

Wi-Fi connectivity — dual Wi-Fi modules

Backward connectivity via 2G and 3G

USB functionality to transfer data (when network coverage is unavailable)


Single-button access to load selection

Store up to 199 individual pens and ingredients on controller

Alter animal numbers at the start of the load

Alter ration numbers at the start of the load

Automatically displays next feed to load

Update dry matter percentage of ingredient on controller

Refusal management

Feed in either kg or lbs.

Block function to stabilise weight of ingredients during movement

Over 100 ways to configure the controller to your farm setup


Replication of controller view on InTouch Feed Management App

Duplication of controller onto mobile or tablet

Connection to extra hardware displays

Physical remote control to operate feeding process

Remote monitoring

PTO AutoStop*

PTO alarm

Diet feeder rotation sensor*

NIR (near infra-red) compatibility**

Oil sensor*

Chain tension sensor*

InTouch sensor link (Telematics)*
*KEENAN Diet Feeder Only
** KEENAN Self Propelled Only

Create different user access levels

Monitor different feeding operators


Protection cover for fourth-generation controller

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Key Benefits of InTouch for Industry Partners

How does InTouch help Industry Partners?

InTouch is a complete suite of feeding management tools designed to give industry partners advanced control over measuring, monitoring and managing the feeding and nutrition of dairy and beef herds across multiple farms.

The InTouch technologies can be customized and integrated into any organization to improve their farm monitoring and management within their own database.

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Key Benefits of InTouch for Advisors

How does InTouch help Advisors?

InTouch is a holistic feeding management system encompassing the measurement, monitoring and management of dairy and beef feeding and nutrition. It is specially designed to give advisors and feed specialists advanced control over multiple farms at once.

The system combines three innovative technologies: a controller device fitted to any diet feeder, a software platform and a mobile device. All of which are interconnected and monitored and supported by InTouch feeding specialists, ensuring maximum performance.

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Meet an advisor using InTouch
InTouch is a holistic feeding management system designed to give advisors and feed specialists advanced control over nutrition across multiple farms. ​
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InTouch : Feed Management System

Increase feed efficiency for all ruminants

Measure. Monitor. Manage.

InTouch is a total feed management solution designed to give producers control of their feeding for all ruminant animals.

The systems comprises of a KEENAN controller that is fitted to the diet feeder, a cloud-based feed management software and mobile application to manage all aspects of feeding. The system is supported by InTouch Nutritionists and available to anyone including farmers, advisors and industry partners. 

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Benefits of InTouch

Minimize the room for error between the diet prescribed, the diet fed and the diet actually eaten by the herd.

InTouch helps to simplify the complexity of feeding management by combining the power of technology and data with human knowledge and experience. Ultimately, InTouch helps producers meet exact nutrition requirements with minimum waste:

  • More consistent, precision accuracy
  • Greater feed conversion efficiency
  • Improved whole-herd health and performance
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KEENAN Controller – Guides you step-by-step on mixing a consistent TMR everyday

InTouch monitor icon

Feed Management Cloud Platform – Manage ingredients, diets, refusals and stock. Track costs and feeding accuracy

InTouch manage icon

InTouch Nutritionists analyze, advise and support feeding

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Make feeding easier and more efficient with InTouch
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Optigen®: una opción proteica rentable en la nutrición de los sistemas de producción bovina de carne y leche

Submitted by ldobler on Fri, 09/10/2021 - 15:31

La actividad pecuaria moderna de carne y leche presenta en la actualidad diferentes desafíos asociados al uso eficiente de la tierra y de la mano de obra. La globalización y la competencia de precios han orientado a todas las cadenas productivas a reconocer indicadores que permitan medir la eficacia y optimización de los recursos primarios utilizados en la cadena productiva. Para el caso específico de la actividad pecuaria, se ha identificado que la nutrición es una parte importante de diferentes índices zootécnicos, tales como desempeño animal, eficiencia reproductiva, impacto ambiental y eficiencia financiera. Por tal motivo, la nutrición es considerada el principal costo de la actividad pecuaria moderna, el cual incluye el silo de maíz y de otras forrajeras, el pasto como fuente de fibra y energía y los concentrados como fuente de energía y proteína.

Las fuentes de proteína verdadera tienen un alto costo en la formulación de concentrados para bovinos. Dependiendo del sistema de producción, este costo puede representar hasta el 60% de la dieta, lo que abre una ventana para sustituir parcialmente la proteína verdadera por nitrógeno no proteico (NNP), como la urea. La urea es el producto más usado por los nutricionistas en el mundo entero en la búsqueda una mejor relación costo-beneficio en las dietas de bovinos de carne y leche.

El nivel de nitrógeno (N) en la urea es más alto que en los concentrados proteicos, y la sustitución de proteína verdadera por NNP abre un espacio en la formulación, permitiendo la inclusión en la dieta de subproductos fibrosos, concentrados energéticos y forrajes. Otro punto a favor de la NNP es que se puede potencializar la capacidad que los rumiantes tienen para sintetizar proteína microbiana de alta calidad a partir de la urea.

Las bacterias del rumen necesitan nutrientes –así como niveles adecuados de proteína degradable y fuentes energéticas–, que son utilizados por los microorganismos para crecer, multiplicar y degradar el alimento con el fin de que los nutrientes puedan ser aprovechados por el animal. Esto aportará ganancia de peso e incremento de la producción de leche.

La urea se caracteriza por ser deficiente en minerales, no tiene valor energético propio y es extremadamente soluble en agua y en el rumen, siendo rápidamente degradada en amonio ruminal. La rápida liberación de amonio en el rumen es una gran limitante en la utilización de urea para los bovinos, ya que los microorganismos no pueden exceder la capacidad de utilizar N liberado para el crecimiento microbiano, lo que compromete la eficiencia de la utilización de N dietético.  

Para contrarrestar esta limitante, las investigaciones en el campo de la nutrición de rumiantes han sido enfocadas en fuentes de urea de liberación lenta que aprovecha el N en el rumen. Los primeros estudios se desarrollaron en la década de 1970 y estuvieron orientados en la evaluación de amireia. Alltech lleva varios años en el mercado de la nutrición de rumiantes con un excelente producto de liberación controlada de NNP: Optigen®, que fue desarrollado para atender la demanda del mercado mundial.

La liberación de Optigen® se produce alrededor de 2 a 3 horas después de que el animal ingiere el alimento, manteniendo los niveles de N constantes en el rumen, justo cuando comienzan a ser digeridas las fibras y algunos carbohidratos. Otro factor a considerar es el reemplazo de la proteína vegetal por Optigen®, que permite aprovechar mejores fuentes de carbohidratos en el rumen. Optigen® tiene 256% de proteína cruda equivalente, con un perfil de degradación ruminal igual al de las fuentes de proteínas vegetales, como la harina de soja y la harina de semilla de algodón. Es decir, estas fuentes pueden ser reemplazadas parcial o integralmente.

Alltech ha publicado datos en dos metaanálisis (Salami et al., 2020; 2021) con los beneficios de Optigen® en sistemas de producción bovina. El primero es que puede reemplazar las fuentes de proteínas vegetales y permitir que los productores de leche y carne mejoren el rendimiento animal, reduzcan su huella de carbono y aumenten la rentabilidad. Es un beneficio muy importante, pues en la actualidad las fuentes de proteína de origen vegetal tienen una limitación por la volatilidad de precios y el impacto ambiental.

Otros beneficios de Optigen® identificados en el metaanálisis de Salami et al. (2020) es que en los sistemas de producción de carne en confinamiento de Argentina, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Uruguay y la Unión Europea mejoró la ganancia de peso y la eficiencia alimenticia. La ganancia de peso aumentó un 8% en promedio y se evidenció una mejora del 8% en eficiencia alimenticia, esto quiere decir más carne con menos alimentos, reduciendo los costos de alimentación y haciendo más rentable el sistema de producción.

Además, otro beneficio en los sistemas de carne en confinamiento es que se pueden reformular las dietas, reducir costos y optimizar el uso de materias primas, como más forrajes, bagazo de caña de azúcar y subproductos tales como cáscara de soja, pulpa cítrica y harina de trigo. De esta manera, se proporciona un espacio para incluir más energía en la dieta. En una revisión de 12 experimentos realizados con animales en pasto en Brasil, se observó una mejora en la ganancia de peso con Optigen® del orden del 13% al 14%.

Los beneficios de Optigen® encontrados en el metaanálisis de Salami et al. (2021) en los sistemas de producción de leche se obtuvieron a partir del reemplazo parcial de la principal fuente de proteína, que es la harina de soja, por Optigen®. Se reemplazó aproximadamente un 21% de la harina de soja en todas las dietas. Esta sustitución también se utiliza para optimizar la producción de proteína microbiana (RDP), especialmente cuando se evalúa la relación costo-beneficio.

Optigen® mejora la eficiencia en la utilización de nitrógeno en un 4% en las vacas lecheras, gracias a una mejor captura de nitrógeno en el rumen. Esto se traduce en una reducción de la excreción de nitrógeno del estiércol de 12 a 13 g de nitrógeno/vaca/día. Cabe resaltar que las pérdidas de nitrógeno que ocurren en los sistemas de producción bovina generan emisiones de gases a la atmósfera (amoníaco, óxido nitroso y óxido nítrico) y contaminan las aguas superficiales y subterráneas con la escorrentía de los nitratos. Otro gas que puede contaminar la atmósfera es el CO2, que puede ser reducido con el uso de Optigen® en dietas de vacas de leche, lo que resulta en un ahorro de carbono de alrededor de 54 g de CO2-eq/kg de leche (Salami et al., 2021).

Se observó también que en vacas en lactación Optigen® mantuvo la producción y composición de grasa y proteínas en la leche. Asimismo, redujo el consumo de materia seca y proteínas y mejoró la eficiencia alimenticia en un 3% y la eficiencia en el uso de nitrógeno en un 4%, ratificando los beneficios económicos y ambientales en los sistemas de producción de leche cuando se utiliza Optigen®.

En conclusión, Optigen® es un producto de liberación controlada de NNP, que puede reemplazar parcial o integralmente las proteínas de origen vegetal. Además, ofrece beneficios económicos y ambientales únicos para la producción de leche y carne.

Referencias bibliográficas

Salami, S. A., Moran, C. A., Warren, H. E. y Taylor-Pickard, J. (2020). A meta-analysis of the effects of slow-release urea supplementation on the performance of beef cattle. Animals, 10(4), 1-25.

Salami, S. A., Moran, C. A., Warren, H. E. y Taylor-Pickard, J. (2021). Meta-analysis and sustainability of feeding slow-release urea in dairy production. PLoS ONE, 16(2), 1-18.

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Optigen®: una opción proteica rentable en la nutrición de los sistemas de producción bovina de carne y leche
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Submitted by zallam on Thu, 09/09/2021 - 10:02

Mauro Lopes: European Business Development Manager ACS - Alltech Portugal

L’optimisation des processus agricoles représente actuellement l’un des principaux facteurs d’atteinte d’une rentabilité d’une culture. Effets, avec des marges bénéficiaires extrêmement serrées, les marges d’erreur deviennent de plus en plus faibles.

Dans une réalité de production changeante et dynamique, l’agriculteur doit profiter de tous les moments et points d’action critiques favorisant l’augmentation de la production ainsi que l’amélioration de qualité globale et organoleptique de ses produits. Ceci doit se faire dans le respect strict des règlementations en vigueur et des contraintes imposées par la nature des cultures, ne permettant pas l’utilisation incohérente des ressources disponibles et ne supportant aucun dépassement budgétaire. Seule cette maitrise permettra à l’agriculteur d’assurer la rentabilité nécessaire pour maintenir une continuité de son activité.

Si le calcul de la production et du rendement est actuellement conditionné par des paramètres flottants (conditions edapho-climatiques) et d’autres plus rigides (type de conduite, caractéristiques physiologiques de la culture, etc … ). Le marché, devient de plus en plus exigeant en matière de qualité, d’absence de résidus, et de respect de l’environnement, induisant une réduction des produits phytosanitaires chimique encore admis sur les diverses cultures.

L’affrontement des différents challenges précédemment cités, ne peut être effective sans la prise en considération du plus ancien allié de la plante, longtemps et souvent négligé, qui est LE SOL. Un système complexe devant être évalué pour ses caractéristiques physico-chimiques (type du sol, pH, teneur en éléments nutritifs, capacité rétention et la circulation de l’eau, porosité, teneur de matière organique……, ainsi que pour ses caractéristiques biologiques, comme ses populations de micro-organismes, et leurs effets indirects sur le sol lui-même et les cultures qui y sont cultivées.

Le microbiome du sol est un « univers » délicat sur lequel nous travaillons. L’approche chimique agricole a bouleversé l’équilibre établi par la « Mère Nature », détruisant la population microbiologique que, jusqu’à présent, nous avons exclusivement considéré comme pathogène et nocif à nos cultures. Il est toutefois avéré que depuis l’Antiquité, les sociétés les plus développées comptaient sur ces micro-organismes pour prospérer, parce qu’elles étaient conscientes que ces populations ajoutaient énormément de valeurs à l’agriculture.

Aujourd’hui, nous avons les connaissances scientifiques, les technologies et la capacité d’analyse pour comprendre le « pourquoi » derrière cette ancienne dépendance.

À Alltech Crop Science (ACS) filiale d’Alltech, leader mondial de la Biotechnologie, nous portons un focus particulier sur la technologie nutrigénomique, étudiant précisément les systèmes de défense de la plante ainsi que l’absorption des nutriments et son impact sur l’expression maximal du potentiel génétique de la plante, visant ainsi leurs améliorations continues. Ceci ne peut, bien évidemment, se faire sans une gestion optimale du sol, son activation et sa régénération.

Nous comprenons qu’il est plus durable, sur le plan environnemental et financier, de gérer le sol en tant que milieu vivant. En tant que catalyseur organique qui nous fournira des substances essentielles dont nous, nos cultures et notre planète avons besoin. Par conséquent, notre approche d’un système agricole durable est axée sur l’équilibre microbiologique du sol, en essayant de promouvoir les populations de micro-organismes bénéfiques et de réduire les micro-organismes pathogènes.

Ces micro-organismes bénéfiques sont des populations qui créent une sorte de connexion avec la culture, qu’elle soit symbiotique ou libre et bidirectionnelle, fournissant à la plante des substances qui aident la rhizosphère, améliorent la défense de la plante contre les micro-organismes pathogènes (résistance systémique induite – effet ISR) et les performances productives. Ces micro-organismes ont une influence positive sur la biodisponibilité des nutriments du sol, leurs flux et rétentions ainsi que et sur une caractéristique souvent négligée - la santé des sols et des plantes -. Ceci est possible, grâce aux diverses secrétions faites pas ces micro-organismes en défendant leur espace de vie. En effet, pour le faire, elles produisent des toxines, des composants fongicides, bactéricides, des biofilms et des substances antibiotiques. Chacune de ces substances a une spécificité.  

SOIL-SET AID, une de nos solutions technologique de notre gamme pour la Santé du Sol, comporte par exemple , un mélange de métabolites bactériens spécifiques, de composés enzymatiques naturels, d’ions métalliques ainsi que les parois cellulaires internes des levures Saccharomyces cerevisiae offrant ainsi  une technologie «biodescriminatoire», qui permet à l’agriculteur de promouvoir un cadre microbiologique approprié et intéressant, réduisant la présence des populations pathogènes et fournissant les meilleures conditions pour le développement de celles qui sont bénéfiques. Ceci résulte en un développement racinaire sain et en une croissance idéale des plantes.

L’autre effet très important du SOIL-SET AID est sa capacité d’amélioration et d’accélération des processus de dégradation de la matière organique, assurant une disponibilité meilleure est soutenue des nutriments.

En intégrant les gammes CONTRIBUTE et SOLPLEX, dans nos solutions pour le sol, nous sommes en mesure d’utiliser une base d’acides aminés issue de la fermentation enzymatique, très utiles pour améliorer le microbiome du sol, réduire le stress végétatif et les pertes pouvant résulter d’une action pathogène. Par ailleurs, notre gamme CONTRIBUTE optimise la dynamique de solubilisation et de rétention de l'azote et du phosphore (CONTRIBUTE IBNP).  Elle aide la plante à lutter contre la perte de racines et le stress biologique (CONTRIBUTE PRONESIS).

SOLPLEX NEMA, est un autre mélange de la gamme sol d’Alltech. Il s’agit d’un mélange de nutriments spécifiques et d'acides aminés qui aident au renforcement des défenses des plantes contre les blessures des nématodes et rend la rhizosphère peu favorable au développement de ces agents pathogènes.

ALLTECH CROP SCIENCE permet à l’agriculteur de travailler sur les systèmes mentionnés, en maintenant un équilibre approprié et naturel, sans mettre en danger le complexe biologique que nous avons dans le sol.

Il s’agit d’un investissement sur le moyen et long terme et non pas d’une réaction momentanée, permettant au fil des années, l’optimisation des cycles agricoles, l’amélioration continue du sol et la promotion de meilleures productions, l’assurance d’une excellente qualité des produits, tout en protégeant l’environnement.

Pour plus de détails, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter en cliquant ici


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Does a swine biosecurity program need to include feed safety?

Submitted by aledford on Thu, 09/09/2021 - 09:26

A comprehensive biosecurity program is the first line of defense in keeping the pig farm safe from outside threats and risks. But what role does nutrition play, both in the sustainability of our food chain and how we reduce the risk of viral diseases in our pig populations around the world?

In a panel discussion at Alltech’s ONE Idea Conference, Dr. Barry Kerkaert, president of Pipestone Management, Dr. Scott Dee, director of applied research at Pipestone Veterinary Services and Dr. Jon De Jong, president of Pipestone Nutrition, discussed how a porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) outbreak in their farms led to a surprising discovery about how it was transmitted and what they have done to help prevent future issues.

Feed as a risk for viral transmission

As people in livestock and agriculture know, a huge part of a farmer’s success depends on animal health. When a farm is challenged by diseases such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) or PED, it is all-hands-on-deck to determine what caused the outbreak and stop it from spreading further.

When PED was first introduced into the United States in 2013, affected farms initially seemed to have no connections, whether animal, transport or people connection. Questions arose surrounding what was causing the virus to spread so rapidly. Then, in early 2014, four barns in the Pipestone system had an outbreak in under 24 hours, prompting an investigation that would eventually lead to a breakthrough discovery about the role of feed in viral transmission.

The feed mill connection

Part of Pipestone’s thorough investigation was looking into the feed mill. As they continued to dig deeper into how PED spread in these secluded farms, they found that the four farms all received feed out of the same batch from the same feed mill. However, other farms fed using the same mill with no disease issues were fed out of a different batch. Because of this discovery, Pipestone decided to pursue feed’s role in transmitting the virus aggressively. Dr. Scott Dee and Pipestone’s veterinary and nutrition teams quickly concluded that feed, based on their observations and collected data, was responsible for moving this virus throughout their farms. It was a monumental discovery — the first time in the history of veterinary medicine that the transmission of PED had been shown experimentally through feed.

Now, seven years later, new studies show that other viruses, such as PRRS, African swine fever (ASF), foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), hog cholera or classical swine fever (CSF) and Senecavirus (SVA), live in feed and provide even more evidence that feed ingredients represent a risk for transporting pathogens at domestic and global levels (Dee et al., 2018).

The cost of an outbreak: The financial and human toll

When thinking about disease outbreaks on their sow farms, Pipestone considered the cost to both the farm and the downstream flow. It is estimated that for their farms, with around 5,400 sows, a PRRS break would cost $1.5 million. The cost to include their preferred mitigant as part of their biosecurity program was approximately $0.30–0.40 per weaned pig.

“When I start thinking about mitigation, and we just do the math, $0.30 a weaned pig annualized off those sow farms, we need to prevent one PRRS break every 22 years from feed in order for that mitigation product really to be a breakeven, to pay for itself,” Dr. De Jong said, explaining how using their mitigant of choice was a no-brainer. “So, when we looked at it, it seemed like, geez, I sure think we can reduce at least one break in a 20-year timeframe with the use of a mitigant specifically targeting some of those higher-risk times of the year when we've got some cold weather up here in Minnesota and South Dakota.”

However, the financial toll of a disease outbreak is just a piece of the puzzle. When looking at a mitigation plan, farmers make decisions based on the health and safety of their pigs. Still, it is also vital to recognize an essential of sustainability: the employee — their health and attitude, which makes them want to come to work every day. When the animals are unhealthy, the team’s morale deteriorates, and that can result in higher turnover, usually leading to poorer results.

Biosecurity starts with feed safety

Does feed pose a disease contamination threat on a farm? Absolutely. Is it the leading risk or the only risk? Absolutely not. However, it is part of a biosecurity program that needs consideration and thought. While other factors contribute to disease risk, a comprehensive biosecurity program is one of the most important programs a farm can put in place. It acts as the farm’s guard to keep it safe from outside threats and risks, and the first line of defense starts with feed safety.

To watch the full panel discussion from the Alltech ONE Ideas Conference, click here.



Dee, S. A., Bauermann, F. V., Niederwerder, M. C., Singrey, A., Clement, T., de Lima, M., & Petrovan, V. (2018). Survival of viral pathogens in animal feed ingredients under transboundary shipping models. PloS one, 13(3), e0194509.


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¿Tienes un proyecto agrícola y/o ganadero?

¿Llevas a cabo medidas para ser más sostenible en tus procesos de cuidado y producción?


¡Nos encantaría conocer cómo lo haces!


Tu experiencia puede ayudar a que otros agricultores y ganaderos se animen a potenciar el cuidado del medio ambiente en sus explotaciones.


¿Y si... tu historia cambiase el mundo?


¡Compártela con todos!


¿Qué querías mejorar cuando empezaste a preocuparte por reducir la contaminación ambiental?

¿Cómo iniciaste el proceso y cómo lo desarrollaste: información, contactos, ayudas, documentación y certificaciones...?

¿Qué medidas implementaste en tus procesos e instalaciones?

¿Qué mejoras mantienes actualmente para contribuir a la sostenibilidad del sector al que perteneces?

¿Qué consejos puedes darle a otros profesionales del sector que también quieran conseguir un proyecto de agricultura y ganadería sostenibles?


¿Quieres unirte al cambio?


¡Empieza por reducir la Huella de Carbono!


Reduce las emisiones de CO2 en tu explotación.

Disminuir la Huella de Carbono es un muy buen comienzo para contribuir a frenar la contaminación ambiental que generan tus actividades y para seguir mejorando tus procesos.


Para ayudarte a conseguir una explotación que tenga un impacto medioambiental positivo y contribuya al cuidado del Planeta, te acompañamos desde el primer momento para guiarte en el proceso.

Este es nuestro paso a paso, para sumarnos juntos al cambio:

   - Medimos la Huella de Carbono que genera actualmente tu actividad.

   - Te informamos de las mejores prácticas que podrías implementar para reducirla.

   - Ofrecemos las soluciones técnicas que optimicen tu proyecto.

   - Emitimos los documentos necesarios para solicitar la certificación de tu explotación conforme a la normativa.

¡Empieza por reducir la Huella de Carbono!

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¿Por qué Planet of Plenty?

La agricultura y la ganadería serán esenciales para reducir las emisiones de CO2 en los próximos años.

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) señala que las emisiones procedentes de la agricultura, la ganadería, la pesca y la silvicultura han aumentado casi el doble en 50 años.

Si no ponemos medidas, esto podría incrementarse un 30% en 2050.

Muchas fuentes agrícolas y ganaderas contribuyen a la Huella de Carbono, liberando gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera: maquinaría para cultivar, fabricación de agroquímicos, uso de fertilizante, vacas y su metano, estiércol…

Actualmente, el planeta está a un paso de incrementar su temperatura en más de 3 grados, lo que tendría consecuencias terribles para la vida.

Por eso, es imprescindible reducir con urgencia estas emisiones, y tú puedes contribuir a este propósito reduciendo las que se generan en tu explotación.

Una recuperación sostenible podría reducir hasta 25% las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero previstas para 2030 y limitar el calentamiento global a 2ºC.


¿Y si…nos ayudas a conseguirlo?

Planet of Plenty: sueña el futuro, con los pies en la Tierra

Desde Alltech y nuestra iniciativa Planet of Plenty aportamos el poder de la ciencia, las tecnologías y el talento humano, poniéndolas al servicio de la agricultura y de la ganadería, para conseguir explotaciones más sostenibles que ayuden a cuidar el planeta.

¿Qué es la Huella de Carbono?

La huella de carbono representa el volumen total de gases de efecto invernadero que producen las actividades del ser humano (económicas, industria, acciones cotidianas, etc.).

Conocer el dato es muy importante, porque nos hace ser conscientes del impacto medioambiental de nuestras acciones y poder así tomar medidas.

Tratándose de actividades agrícolas, arar y preparar el terreno para la siembra, abonar, tratar contra enfermedades en los cultivos, el riego, el cosechado, y otras tareas, son acciones que generan emisiones al medio ambiente. Y si hablamos de ganadería, la producción de estiércol y purines, los procesos digestivos de los animales, el consumo de energía y gasoil, el cultivo de forrajes, llevan también implícito la generación de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. En ambos sectores, agrícola y ganadero dichas emisiones contribuyen a acelerar el cambio climático.

Aún cuando la agricultura y la ganadería no son los sectores que más contribuyen al calentamiento global del planeta (industria y transporte son los sectores más influyentes), se encuentran inmersos en la misma problemática, pero son parte de la solución

La ONU asegura que, hasta ahora, la huella de carbono no ha parado de crecer y que supone el 60% del impacto total del hombre en el medio ambiente.

¡Súmate a conseguir un sector responsable!

Para que la única huella que dejes sea la de un mañana mejor.


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Verimi maksimize etmek için gruplandırma stratejileri

Submitted by oozulker on Mon, 09/06/2021 - 08:40

İnekleri gruplamak, yeterli işletmelere sahip olmanın yanı sıra birden fazla inek grubunu taşımak ve yönetmek için iş gücü ve birden fazla rasyonu karıştırıp yemleme becerisi gerektirir. Sonuç olarak, üreticiler genellikle işletmelerinde inekleri gruplandırmanın işe yarayıp yaramadığını ve en yüksek getiriyi elde etmek için bu gruplara nasıl öncelik verilmesi gerektiğini merak eder.

İneklerin gruplandırılması, yem maliyeti üzerinden geliri artırma ve çevreye besin maddesi atılımını azaltma potansiyeline sahiptir. Tipik olarak, inekler gruplandırılmadığında, aynı rasyon, laktasyonun çeşitli aşamalarındaki büyük bir inek grubuna verilir. Rasyon, genellikle sürünün en üretken hayvanlarına yeterli besin maddesi sağlamak üzere formüle edilir ve düşük verimli ineklerin fazla besin maddesi alması nedeniyle verimsiz besin maddesi kullanımıyla sonuçlanır. İnekleri gruplara ayırmak ve her gruba özel bir rasyon vermek, laktasyon boyunca hassas besin maddesi kullanımına izin vererek, performansı korurken ve hatta artırırken satın aldığınız yem maliyetlerini azaltmak için mükemmel bir fırsat sunar. Ayrıca ineklerin vücut durumunun daha verimli bir şekilde izlenmesini ve yönetilmesini sağlar ve besin maddesi atılımını azaltır. İneklerin gruplandırılmasından da önemli yem maliyeti tasarrufları elde edilebilir ve bu tasarruflar hangi özel gruplama stratejisinin uygulandığına bağlı olsa da, sürü genelinde inek başına günde en az üç sente eşit olabilir. Ancak bunun için birkaç farklı rasyonun karıştırılabilmesi gerekir ve bunu çiftliklerde her zaman kolayca uygulamak mümkün olmaz.

Çiftliğiniz için hangi gruplama stratejisinin en iyi olduğuna karar verirken göz önünde bulundurmanız gereken birkaç seçenek vardır. Bazı faydalar, ayrı bir rasyon hazırlamadan, benzer hayvanları bir araya getirerek elde edilebilir. Diğer zamanlarda, ayrı bir grup - ve bu grup için ayrı bir rasyon - gereklidir. Her çiftliğin benzersiz doğası nedeniyle, hangi gruplama stratejisinin en iyi sonucu verdiğini belirleme konusunda herkese uyan tek bir seçenek yoktur. Sürünün büyüklüğü, çiftlik bölme kapasitesi ve mevcut işgücü, çiftliğiniz için hangi gruplandırma stratejisinin en iyi sonucu vereceğini belirlemede rol oynar. Herhangi bir gruplandırma stratejisini başarılı bir şekilde uygulamak için öncelikle durakların boyutu, sayısı ve durumu, yem alanı, su alanı ve inek hareket yolları dikkate alınmalıdır. Bir bölme, belirli hayvanların ihtiyaçlarını karşılamıyorsa ve bu hayvanları yönetmek için iş gücü hazır değilse, herhangi bir fayda ve verimlilik elde edilemez.

Aşağıda altı gruplama stratejisi, her birinin potansiyel avantajları ve dezavantajları ile birlikte özetlenmiştir:

Bir tane kurudaki inek veya laktasyon grubu

  • Avantajlar: Basit; kolayca uygulanır.
  • Dezavantajlar: Yem maliyeti üzerinden gelir azalır; N ve P'un gübreyle atılımı artar; ilk laktasyondaki ineklerde aşırı kondüsyonlu ineklerin oluşmasına ve düşük süt verimine yol açabilir. Daha yaşlı baskın ineklerin çekingen inekleri ittiği, hiyerarşik düzen artar.

Doğuma Uzak (Far-off) ve Doğum Öncesi (Pre-fresh) gruplar

  • Avantajlar: Küçük inek gruplarına anyonik diyetler ve geçiş dönemi katkı maddeleri uygulanabilir.
  • Dezavantajlar: İki grubu yönetmek için yeterli bölme ve işgücü gerektirir; iki rasyon karıştırılabilmesi gerekir.

Yeni Doğum Yapmış (Fresh) Grup

  • Avantajlar: Küçük gruplar, daha az rekabetle yakından izleme ve daha fazla yem alanı sağlar; yüksek fiyatlı rasyon katkı maddeleri yalnızca hedef gruba verilir; yeni doğum yapmış ineklerde daha fazla kuru madde alımına izin verir.
  • Dezavantajlar: Yönetmek için yeterli bölme ve iş gücü gerektirir; ayrı bir rasyon gerektirebilir.

Laktasyon Sonu Grubu

  • Avantajlar: Rasyondaki protein ve enerji seviyelerini düşürerek satın alınan yem maliyetlerini azaltmak için muazzam fırsattır; vücut kondüsyonunu izleme ve yönetme yeteneği sağlar.
  • Dezavantajlar: İnekleri taşımak için yeterli bölme ve iş gücü gerektirir; ayrı bir rasyon gerektirir.

Doğum sayısına göre gruplandırma

  • Avantajlar: İlk laktasyondaki inekler için stres azalır; daha fazla süt verimi; potansiyel olarak iyileştirilmiş inek sağlığı; daha tutarlı kuru madde alımı.
  • Dezavantajlar: İnekleri ayırmak için yeterli bölme ve işçilik gerektirir.

Süt verimine göre gruplandırma

  • Avantajlar: Yem maliyeti üzerinden gelir artar; yüksek kaliteli kaba yemler daha yüksek verimli gruplara verilebilir; vücut kondüsyonunu daha iyi yönetme yeteneği kazandırır; optimum üretim performansına yol açan belirli bir beslenme düzlemi için hassas rasyonlar sunulabilir.
  • Dezavantajlar: Birden fazla rasyonun karıştırılabilmesini gerektirir; ek bölme gereksinimi olabilir bu sebeple yeterli bölme kapasitesi ve işgücü gerektirir.

Bölmeleriniz ve iş gücünüz sınırlıysa, sürünüze fayda sağlayabilecek başka fırsatlar da vardır. Böyle bir fırsat, metabolik bozuklukların azaltılmasına odaklanmak olabilir. Metabolik bozukluklar maliyetli olduğundan ve sürüden çıkarmayı artırabileceğinden, bu strateji en büyük yatırım getirisini sunar. İneklerin buzağılamadan 21 gün önce, doğum öncesi grup halinde gruplandırılması, hedef inek grubunun rasyonuna anyonik tuzların, amino asitlerin veya diğer katkı maddelerinin eklenmesine izin verecektir. Ek olarak, yeni doğum yapmış inek grubu  (yani, doğumdan sonraki 21 güne kadar) ineklerin daha iyi izlenmesine, yemlik başında daha az rekabete, duraklarda daha uzun yatış süresine ve hedef grubun rasyonuna daha fazla katkı maddesi ve konsantre besin maddesi eklenmesine olanak sağlayabilir.

Diğer bir odak alanı, ilk laktasyondaki inekleri sürüdeki yaşlı ineklerden ayırmaktır. Bu gruplama stratejisine göre, hedef kuru madde alımı dikkate alındığı sürece aynı rasyon her iki gruba da verilebilir. Daha yaşlı sürü arkadaşlarından ayrı gruplandırılan ilk laktasyondaki inekler daha fazla uzanırlar, daha fazla yer ve diğer ineklerle daha az agresif etkileşime girerler. Bu, stresin azalması, süt üretiminin artması ve daha iyi inek sağlığı potansiyeli ile sonuçlanır.

İneklerin laktasyon aşamasına veya doğum sayısına göre gruplandırılması, birçok verimlilik ve fayda sağlama potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu faydalar arasında artan üretim potansiyeli, metabolik bozuklukların görülme sıklığında azalma, yem maliyeti üzerinden gelirin artması, çeşitli artan verimlilikler ve iyileştirilmiş inek sağlığı yer alır. Bununla birlikte, üreticilerin yeterli bölme alanına, işgücüne ve potansiyel olarak ekstra rasyonları karıştırma becerisine sahip olmasını da gerektirir. Danışmak istediğiniz konular için Alltech Türkiye temsilcilerimizle iletişime geçebilirsiniz:  | 0.232.4786280

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Sürdürülebilirliğin farklı şekillerde yorumlanması bu konudaki görüşlerde belirsizliklere veya ayrılıklara neden olabilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, diğer endüstrilerin aksine, emisyonların azaltılması ve biyoçeşitliliğin desteklenmesi söz konusu olduğunda tarımsal gıda sektörü etkili çözümler sunabilen benzersiz bir konuma sahiptir.

Organic trace minerals for horses promote sustainability

Submitted by lkilian on Mon, 09/06/2021 - 03:15

With the changing global climate, many people are becoming more aware of how they impact the environment on a day-to-day basis. And the same goes for horse owners, as more and more equestrians explore sustainable horse farm management practices.

While achieving sustainability in the equine industry may seem daunting, the good news is that there are many avenues for us to explore, and each one makes a difference!

If your horse is boarded at a facility, you may not have control over some common environmental pitfalls, such as manure management or preventing overgrazing of horse pastures. However, almost every horse owner has some say in their horses’ nutrition, and luckily, with a few easy changes, your horses’ diet can become more environmentally friendly.

Trace mineral supplementation in horse feeds

Since they only make up around 2% of a horse’s diet, minerals are often underestimated — but they are actually responsible for hundreds of thousands of functions within the horse’s body, from the development of joint cartilage to maintaining healthy hair and hoof quality.

In the equine digestive system, the bulk of the vitamins and minerals included in the diet are absorbed in the small intestine and taken into the bloodstream to be distributed throughout the body for use.

Macrominerals or major minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur are required in larger amounts than the microminerals or trace minerals, which include copper, zinc, manganese, iron, selenium, cobalt and more. But while the requirements for trace minerals might be smaller, they are majorly important for horse health. 

While hay and pasture grass contain vitamins and minerals in varying levels, depending on the soil quality, processing, region, etc., horses often require additional supplementation for optimal health, which is why grains and other supplements are generally formulated with minerals.

Providing adequate amounts of minerals — but not too much — is best for the environment

Interestingly enough, horses are unable to store large amounts of excess minerals in their bodies, and research has shown that exceeding 100% of their mineral requirements results in higher mineral excretion (i.e., mineral-rich manure), which has important environmental implications.

In her presentation at the Alltech ONE Ideas Conference in June, Dr. Mieke Holder explained what happens when excess minerals are fed to horses. In a brief nutshell:

  1. Horses produce about 50 pounds of manure per day.
  2. That manure sits outside in pastures or is picked out of stalls but is then left to compost outside.
  3. When fecal material gets wet from any type of precipitation, the minerals that have been excreted begin to solubilize.
  4. Excess minerals can run off and join surface water or move through soil layers (which is known as “mineral leaching”) and end up joining the underground water supply.

The other piece of the mineral puzzle lies in fecal microbial organisms. Recent research from Dr. Holder’s lab has shown that the bacteria in the feces accumulate some of the minerals that are excreted. Providing minerals in a form that encourages accretion, or “feeding,” by fecal bacteria should continue to be explored, as that appears to decrease the amount of minerals leaching into soil and water.

To bring it all together, Dr. Holder’s research has shown that providing increased levels of trace minerals in horses’ diets also increases the levels of phosphorus that leach from those diets. Given that phosphorus is an element of great environmental concern, it is crucial that minerals are not only fed at the appropriate levels but in bioavailable forms as well.

Organic minerals for horses

Dr. Holder defines organic minerals as minerals that are bound to a ligand carrier, such as a protein or amino acid chelating agent. Several examples of organic trace minerals are those offered by Alltech as Bioplex® (copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and iron) and Sel-Plex® (organic selenium). In contrast, inorganic minerals are complexed with a compound, such as a carbonate, chloride, sulfate or oxide.

While research over the years has shown varied results in terms of the differences between organic and inorganic minerals in horses’ diets, several compelling studies have shown that organic minerals are absorbed at higher levels and are more readily usable by the horse’s body than their inorganic counterparts. When organic minerals are absorbed at higher levels, that also means that fewer minerals are excreted, which can help protect the environment.

For example, glutathione peroxidase, a selenium-dependent antioxidant enzyme, showed increased activity after exercise in horses fed Sel-Plex® versus horses who received inorganic selenium (in the form of sodium selenite).

Other recent research has shown that supplementation with organic trace minerals can help improve joint cartilage indicators and antioxidant activity in growing horses.

Given that we want our horses to be around for many more years than the typical production animal, the fact that there is evidence indicating that organic trace mineral supplementation can help maintain horses’ health, development and performance is notable.

Minerals as an equine management tool

Thanks to Dr. Holder’s presentation, we know for sure that:

  • Horses have mineral requirements that are often unmet by forage alone. Trace minerals, despite only being required in small amounts, have great value in preventing health problems.
  • Feeding excess minerals to horses is not only financially wasteful but also has a negative impact on the environment.
  • Prioritizing high-quality mineral nutrition for our animals may not be the most common or well-known route for minimizing our environmental impact, but it could make a huge difference.
  • As a horse owner, you can read your horses’ feed and supplements labels to learn whether the trace minerals included are offered in an organic form, which can be identified by names that often include the words “proteinate,” “chelate,” “amino acid complex” or “methionine.”
  • Seek to feed the best-quality nutrition, not only for your horses’ health and performance but to help mitigate any environmental hazards as well.

To learn more about the benefits of equine trace mineral nutrition, watch Dr. Holder’s entire presentation at the 2021 Alltech ONE Ideas Conference.

If you are interested in providing your horse with a superior nutrition program while still protecting the environment, Alltech’s Bioplex® trace minerals are a great place to start. Email with any questions.  

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Organic trace minerals for horses promote sustainability
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Submitted by mmorita on Mon, 09/06/2021 - 02:56


★ 開催日時:2021年10月27日(水) 13:00~15:45ごろ(予定)


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★ 参加費用:無料

★ お問い合わせ:オルテック・ジャパン 森田(メール / お電話 092-718-2288(代表))

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★ 予定プログラム(予定であり、変更となる可能性があります):

13:00-13:10  開会のご挨拶」 オルテック・ジャパン合同会社 代表執行役社長 中山 圭

13:10-13:50 「和牛の改良の現状と展望」 公益社団法人全国和牛登録協会 勝田 智博

13:50-14:00 勝田様との質疑応答 ( アーカイブ配信は行いませんので、お見逃しのないよう! )

14:00-14:15 「キーナンミキサーフィーダーワゴンのご紹介」 オルテック・ジャパン 出田 昌也

14:15-14:25 休憩

14:25-15:05 「肉用牛の飼育管理のポイント」 株式会社A&M Production Medical Clinic 荒井 宏幸 先生

15:05-15:15 荒井先生との質疑応答 ( アーカイブ配信は行いませんので、お見逃しのないよう! )

15:15-15:45 「イーサック給与で黒毛和種生産の収益性を改善する」 オルテック・ジャパン 山本 愛恵

15:45        閉会


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