Alltech BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® minerals allow for greater bioavailability and better mineral absorption by your cows. The more minerals taken up and utilised, the less waste mineral excreted in urine.
These superior mineral forms also contribute to improved immunity and health status, providing the platform for a trouble-free calving and maximum milk production in the following lactation.
Why do cows require mineral supplementation post calving?
Incorrect mineral supplementation can have major consequences on animal health and productivity. Traditional methods of supplementation have used inorganic minerals. However, inorganic minerals are poorly absorbed by the animal. This has caused a shift to organic mineral supplementation in many markets. Alltech has proven that organic trace minerals in the form of Bioplex® and Sel-Plex are better absorbed by the animal resulting in less waste and a greater return on investment that inorganic minerals. Break with tradition and feed your animals the modern way.
Why are BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® minerals different?
The stability of organic trace minerals at low pH in the gastrointestinal tract varies significantly between mineral forms (Figure 1). BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® are proven to have greater stability at low pH, which is critical to enhanced mineral bioavailability. Minerals that go to work, not to waste.
BIOPLEX® trace minerals are classified as chelates of protein hydrolysates. BIOPLEX® has higher stability through better bonding strength between the mineral and amino acids. This allows increased uptake of minerals in the animal. In BIOPLEX®, you will find a highly controlled mixture of molecules (ligands), including single amino acids and small-chain peptides. Research has proven BIOPLEX® minerals to be much more stable compared to other amino acid chelate competitors. This all means that the minerals are more stable in the animal’s digestive tract, more bioavailable and better retained within the animal’s cell tissues.
Benefits of Bio-plex:
- Offers higher bioavailability than inorganic minerals.
- Reduces concerns about negative mineral interactions.
- Supports mineral retention and tissue reserves.
- Reinforces mineral status, which leads to optimal overall health, immune status and reproductive function in the animal.
- Is readily absorbed, stored and utilized by the animal.
- Is supported by more than 21 years of research
SEL-PLEX® A Superior Source of Organic Selenium
SEL-PLEX® is selenium supplied in the form of selenoamino acids. The absorption of these molecules occurs within the small intestine and is much more efficient than other forms of selenium, such as selenite. Evidence from over the last 20 years indicates that the form of dietary selenium is key to its efficiency. This has led to an industry-wide shift toward safer, organic forms of selenium and a move away from the traditional inorganic form of sodium selenite. Selenite’s high toxicity, pro-oxidant properties and bioavailability have caused the industry to question its use.
Sel-Plex® is Alltech’s proprietary organic form of selenium yeast. It is an excellent dietary source of selenium and is manufactured to mimic Mother Nature. The selenium from Sel-Plex is safer and better able to meet the higher requirements of livestock raised for rapid growth, reproductive performance and health.
Benefits of organic selenium in dairy cows:
- Supports metabolic processes
- Supports reproductive health and herd longevity
- Acts as an antioxidant
- Protects the integrity of tissues
- Protects muscles from degeneration
- Supports against infection
- Supports fertility/conception rates
Why include BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® in your post calving minerals?
Feeding trace minerals in their organic form BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® leads to these minerals being better absorbed.
The below is trial researched carried out in University College Dublin.
Age of heifer at first calving - Heifers born to BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® fed cows calved 26 days earlier than the control group.
Cows fed BIOPLEX® and SEL-PLEX® minerals produced 1.7kg more milk per day, or 520 kg more milk over a 305-day lactation (F. Pino, Penn State University)
TRT(Total Replacement Technology™) is the complete pack of essential trace minerals from ALLTECH (BIOPLEX® Zinc, BIOPLEX® Copper, BIOPLEX® Manganese and SEL-PLEX®, organic selenium). Developed for dairy production this pack optimises mineral levels in your dairy cow to support them in times of stress, prevent inadequacies and maximise health and performance.
The Alltech Mineral Management program has proven that Bioplex® trace minerals can be included at significantly lower levels than inorganic trace mineral sources while simultaneously promoting animal performance, optimizing mineral utilization and reducing environmental impact.