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Alltech Benchmark

Alltech Benchmark


Alltech Benchmark is a support service, designed to gauge farm efficiency contributing towards more profitable and sustainable farming. Emissions are an indicator of waste - and reducing a farm’s footprint goes hand-in-hand with increasing farm efficiency.

Alltech Benchmark considers the entire system from input utilisation to processes on the farm to produce leaving the farm gate.

The three step process to Alltech Benchmark





Firstly, we ASSESS the current situation on farm using tools to measure the carbon footprint and the digestibility of the animals’ diet.


We then EVALUATE where the farm fits into the efficiency and emissions picture by comparing it to other farms.


Once opportunities for improvement have been identified, we work alongside the farmer to develop and IMPLEMENT a plan. Taking incremental steps to improve efficiency and lower the overall carbon footprint of the farm can lead to significant gains.


By helping farms become more efficient and environmentally sustainable, they can also become more financially stable.

Contact Alltech to discuss how, through our new service-offering, we can help track efficiency on your farm, to significantly lower the farm’s footprint, while also improving health, productivity and ultimately farm profitability.
