So what is a Farm Audit Anyway?

When you hear the word audit you automatically think of revenue or taxation auditors, but did you know that Alltech runs farm audits to help improve the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of your farm?
Alltech believes the key to unlocking greater profitability in a sustainable fashion is by increasing efficiency of production. This is the driving principle behind the Alltech E=P+S programme. Alltech can predict the probable outcome in economic value and also highlight the expected reduction in carbon emission from the added efficiencies projected. The programme helps to predict and monitor the benefits on-farm, as well as clearly demonstrating the advantages through Alltech’s unique “What if?” tool.
It’s simple, according to Kevin Dardis, global dairy marketing manager, “farmers look to the opportunities that abound in dairy and beef production, Alltech is uniquely positioned to help resolve inefficiencies and boost profitability in a more sustainable way.”
So how does it work? Alltech’s E=P+S programme is comprised of a number of components which when taken together provide farmers with a complete audit and recommendation package for any farm unit.
The first component is silage production and quality. This is combined with advice on feed formulation and mineral specifications. Then our technicians audit the management of the herd using the Alltech programme. And we carry out manure sieving to help identify the amount of undigested feed passing through the rumen in a wasteful manner.
“As farmers look to the opportunities that abound in dairy and beef production, Alltech is uniquely positioned to help resolve inefficiencies and boost profitability in a more sustainable way,” says Kevin.
Our technicians are fully trained in feed formulation using Plurimix, a dedicated formulations program. Plurimix models the existing diet and allows for a comparison of the potential benefits of alternative diets. All diets can be compared nutritionally, by cost and by carbon output of the herd’s diet. This information can then be transferred, along with the basic operating performance indicators of the farm, into the unique Alltech “What if?“ tool. Calculations indicate the degree of cost benefit from the resolved inefficiencies to the farmer with the added bonus of reduced herd carbon footprint, which is great news for the consumer who is more concerned than ever with how their food is produced.
All of these components are pulled together into a comprehensive recommendation for diet, mineral specification, alternative protein sources and if required, mycotoxin control. Following implementation, the results and performance are regularly monitored by technicians to ensure the predicted improvements are achieved or bettered. Sounds simple right? If you are interested in seeing if Alltech can help you today contact your local Alltech representative.