Alltech E-CO2
Increasing your profit and protecting the environment
At Alltech, we have pioneered the use of on-farm environmental tools and assessments to provide opportunities to benchmark and improve efficiency, leading towards increased profitability and sustainability. From individual farm enterprises to multinational organisations, Alltech’s accredited E-CO2 service provides a comprehensive range of advice, tools and services to help measure and improve environmental performance.
To date, we have carried out more than 20,000 assessments using our unique on-farm approach. Each assessment captures information across the entire farm business to provide a detailed benchmark report, together with practical advice to improve farm efficiency. Those improvements have a positive impact on farm economics while also reducing the environmental impact.
Lowering a farm’s
carbon footprint
goes hand-in-hand
with increasing farm efficiency and,
therefore, profitability.
Independently assessed and internationally verified
Alltech works with the Carbon Trust to accredit our range of bespoke assessment tools. This ensures products and services provided through Alltech E-CO2 are independently assessed and internationally verified.
What we offer
Possessing a wide range of expertise, Alltech E-CO2 has established successful solutions for both livestock and arable farms. We offer the following environmental assessments (EA) focused on carbon reduction, water utilisation and biodiversity:
Our Approach
Designed for producers, our practical four-step approach is tailored to each enterprise and provides opportunities to benchmark against other producers and improve farm efficiency.
Alltech E-CO2’s accredited environmental assessments capture a wealth of in-depth data on animal production, health, feed, fertiliser, water, energy and resource use. Clear and concise information is delivered via reports and online programmes for producers and industry, together with on-farm consultancy advice.
More than 10 years of carbon footprinting data!
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Contact a local Alltech representative today for more information on Alltech E-CO2.